Odd/Funny AI Names

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
Saw a J.May in the X1 standard championship. Finished last but the flag was wrong. (America instead of UK).
Also saw D.Boss but also finished last in the X1 junior championship.
Lol, I remember I was doing the expert seasonal events the other day and some crazy AI driver punted me into the wall.

The driver? R. Asakura. Probably planned it. :lol:

Hmm, also spotted a K. Bryant from the USA and J. Hernandez from Mexico in the same race. Awesome luck.
In one of the seasonals, I got to race against an RS4 '01, driven by a Polish driver KWIATKOWSKI.
This happens to be the 2014 cycling road race world champion.... :P
I was probably the next one to encounter M. Rossi, a character from Forza in the Red Bull X2014 Standard Championship.
Very stereotypical. Look at the last name.
This thread is weird. Everyone's AI drivers have the same names - they aren't random. Racing car drivers - except pre-2013 NASCAR stock cars - even have the same surnames as drivers who actually drove the cars in real races, though the initials are different.
I saw R. Dumas once, but he was in an R8 rather than an R18.

Also saw R. Reagan, correctly as an American, driving an Audi TT.
Ran against an A.Graham from Canada again (Drake, the rapper) while doing a quick race at my friend's place. 0 to a 100 real quick
Did the latest seasonal at Suzuka the other day. When I finished, I noticed I had raced against Casanova. Chuckled a bit.
back in gt5 i had half my b-spec lineup consisting of nba players and the other half somewhat random...the ones i remember are, D. Wade, C. Anthony, M. Jordan, M. Kobayashi, and N. Taniguchi.