Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

It is now time to switch things up a whole lot; we'll continue to recognize and welcome some new faces, but this month we're going to put a little spin on the whole concept. There are only a select number of individuals capable of upholding this new concept; those that don't cower in the face of fame, those that don't regress when presented with the opportunity to shout from a rooftop "I'm better than you... on the internet!", those who live, breathe, and exhale the very essence of what makes GTPlanet the place that it has become and will continue to be - these are the approved traits of the archetype known only as The GTPlanet Illuminati, er, I mean the GTPlanet Moderation Staff and incidentally, the GTPlanet Member of the Week.

Two birds with one stone? Say it isn't so!

No matter where we go, people will either ignore or want to confront us, which is where our personal bodyguards come in. No matter what we say, everyone will interrupt and/or attempt to correct us. No matter what we're wearing, it will be made fun of for the next 10 years.

So let us welcome the newest member to the League of Extraordinary GTPeople, and the first in the long line of staff interviews, TB!

1. First and foremost, this is a most special month for all of us involved in the workings of GTPlanet and I thought it was time for us to bare it all, allowing the community at large an opportunity to see us for who we all really are - which of course means you're officially GTPlanet's Member of the Week! Are you excited? Explosions!
Not even a little. :P

No, it's cool to be singled out like this and reamed with probing questions! LET'S GET IT ON!
2. What brought you to GTPlanet and was there ever a time before you took on the badge where you thought to yourself "I'd like to do that" only to then immediately regret said thought ever coming to mind?
I arrived at GTPlanet's doorstep looking for information about GT4. At that time, Jordan was hosting the videos on his own servers instead of YouTube (or equal) and required anyone that wanted to view said videos to be a member. I joined, watched a handful of videos and the next thing you know, [see question 26].
3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?
I can usually be found in The Rumble Strip and it's little sister The Infield, Computers & Technology, Photography & Image Editing and Movies & TV. Came for GT, stayed for everything else!
4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?
If memory serves, and I'm getting old so it probably doesn't, you can blame @Monkeywench for that. I was sick and she asked me if I wanted anything. Ramen. 'Cause that fixes anything. On her way through the checkout, she spotted an issue of Official Playstation Magazine. They always had a demo disc and this one just happened to contain GT2. Fuse. Lit.
5. How did you come up with the name "TB"?
I didn't. My parents gave it to me. Along with a handful of other letters for good measure.

*waits for countless guesses as to my name*
6. There's no controversy here so what's your flavor: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport, neither, both, or something else altogether?
I have nothing whatsoever against the XBox but I've never felt the need to buy one so it's pretty clear that it's Gran Turismo. Although I've never finished one and haven't played 6 in months...
7. What was your initial reaction when the badge was presented to you?
After the moment of SHEER PANIC from receiving a PM (as they were called way back in the olden days) from @Duke, then opening it, reading through the message and feeling relieved that I hadn't colossally screwed up, it took me all of 5 minutes to decide to do it. I'm not nearly as active with the Mod duties as I feel I should be, though. :guilty:
8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?
When @Jordan changes everything up with a new iteration of GTPlanet, everyone, myself included, complains because things changed. We don't like change. It worked. Leave it alone. But as has always been the case, once you've settled in, it feels right and you can't remember what the previous versions even looked like after a month.
9. Gran Turismo 6 is finally here, what are you thoughts so far?
As I stated, I haven't played 6 in months. That's not to say I don't like it, it has more to do with the PS3 that can run GT6 is connected to the TV that everyone else in the house uses and it's a pain to have to move it to the theater to play. So I've been playing my semi-new PC lately.
10. Talk a little about what you think you bring to GTPlanet and how you think you can continue to improve.
I don't know that I bring anything overly special or different to the table but I'd like to think that I help where I can, am amusing to some and not overly annoying to most.

How can I improve? Everyone can improve on something. Except me. I'm prefect.
11. How do you prefer the weather: hot, cold, or mild?
70.4° all day would be absolutely fantastic. Except for when I go to the lake. Then we could crank it up a bit. :D
12. Have you ever been stalked or threatened with legal action because you're a moderator here?
Sadly, no. :(
13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Beverly Hills Cop, In Bruges, Fargo. Only the best cities get a movie named after them.
14. If given the opportunity, if even for a moment, what would you do with GTPlanet?
I would almost assuredly break it.
15. Do you have any hobbies we should be made aware of?
I begin projects that I typically don't fini

That's a hobby, right?
16. You own a Fiat! Exposition, now.
Hopefully this isn't a hobby. :lol:

The infamous 1973 Fiat 124 Spider was purchased with the intention of my wife and I having a "fun" car while serving double duty as a project vehicle to work on. Parts are cheap and the engine is about as simple as they come so hopefully I'll be able to do most, if not all, of the work it needs myself. I need to stop finding excuses to not work on it lately, though. :ouch:

EDIT: After typing that up, I am please to announce that I worked on tearing into the dash to trace wires for the blinkers and windshield wipers. All to no avail. Must hit the parts store for fuses!
17. What are the maximum number of points you've issued any one person for breaking the rules?
I'm pretty sure, because mentally I'm 12, it's 69, dude.
18. Some would say our position is a lucrative one, others would say it's an excuse for us to be internet "tough guys" - what would your response be to both of these assumptions?
There's nothing we can do to change people minds after they have that attitude so I'll simple say "OK".
19. How many goats have been sacrificed on a daily basis in the name of your moderatorship?
Goats? 0.47. I'm more of a pig man.
20. I'm noticing the Deadpool love, have you played the game?
The Deadpool game, no. He was, and after I started playing it again with the kids a while ago, my go-to character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.

Also, he needs his own movie. With the costume. And a mouth. Got that, Marvel?!?

Edit: I just realized that I'm wearing my new Deadpool t-shirt. :lol:
21. With the next generation of all things video gaming upon us, have you made any plans to pick up a PS4, Xbox One or Wii U?
New console isn't in the plans. After building my computer last year I'm getting more into PC gaming. All hail Lord Gaben!
22. If you were to indulge in the art of boutique car manufacturing what would your mission statement be?
I've never really seen the point of a car with eleventy billion and one horsepower but I don't want completely lethargic, either. I'd probably go for something small but still quick; something along the lines of Caterham or Ariel.
23. What's your ideal breakfast lineup?
Assorted breakfast meats covered with syrup with a side of pancakes. Preferably for supper because somehow breakfast for supper is better than breakfast for breakfast. :drool:

Damn you, now I'm hungry.
24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?
Anyone who thinks they aren't at least a little crazy is wearing plastic wrap underwear. I'd give myself a 4.07.
25. What would you look for in bringing a new face into our elusive fold of moderator insanery?
Someone that can analyze a situation, think things through and reason with people when there are disagreements.

Basically my polar opposite. :lol:

They must also have access to copious amounts of donuts.
26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?
This gem from The Simspon's Quotes thread on August 5, 2004:
Lisa: That's ridiculous. No body has a catchphrase.
(Homer knocks over a lamp)
Homer: D'oh!
Bart: Ay Currumba!
Marge: Hmmm!
Barney: Burp!
Nelson: Ha ha!
Maggie: (sucks on pasiphire)
Flanders: Hi-didilly-ho!
Mr. Burns: Excellent.
Lisa: (defeated) If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room. (walks out)
Homer: What kind of a catchphrase is that?
Almost 10 years to the day later and I'm still just as childish.
27. For those of us that have been lucky enough to marry our significant other, how is the power managed between multiple people?
She turns the lights on and I turn them off. :P

28. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?
I was on a flight from Orlando to Minneapolis and they had free W-Fi. Then I had to go to the bathroom... ;)
29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: years, months, weeks, days, hours?
I believe it was around a month. I can't quit this place!
30. Are you illegal in any number of states or entire countries?
I came close once in Jamaica but sadly no. I'm working on that, though!
31. What's one significant change you'd like to see made to racing games in the next five years or so?
I'd like to see a lot less complaining.

Why are there so many *insert Skyline here*? Why isn't *insert vehicle of choice here* in the game? Or why is it only Standard? Standards look like crap, ad nauseum. Gets old very quickly.
32. Now it's time for the "Moderator Special": the entire staff has been away on leave for several weeks on business and you're the only active staffer left standing, what do you do?
Besides complaining about being left behind, you mean?

After being talked down from a ledge, I'd likely head to The Infield and announce that I was flying solo. I'd then proceed to rant, daily, about not having a drink or a monkey. Basically, I'd ramble incessantly.
33. What was your favorite game show growing up?
Press your Luck. Those wammies were 🤬 hilarious when they took all their money! :lol:
34. How many electronic devices do you own, and is there anything out there that you've been eyeing for some time now but just haven't pulled the trigger on yet?
Some get used more than others but there are plenty of devices around the house - 3 smartphones, a tablet, 2 computers, 4 TVs, 1 projector, 3 receivers with 14 speakers. You get the point. Every once in a while I think a Roku would be nice for the living room TV so I can watch Netflix on it but there's nowhere to put it without wires hanging. I don't want to see wires hanging so I skip it.
35. If the 90's were good to you for any reason, reminisce a little - what's your favorite memory?
1991 - Started high school.
1993 - I have one thing that might have happened this year but I'm not positive. Besides, I need an entry here to complete the pattern.
1995 - Graduating from high school and starting my first job.
1997 - Started mixing for my friends' band, which was obscenely fun. Between songs you have 3 seconds to change all of the input levels for the guitars and microphones and then you have nothing to do for 4 minutes so you go dance with the crowd. Best of both worlds. :D
1999 - Got married. Pretty self explanatory, that. Even at 21 I didn't hesitate for a second to get married and now 15 years later it was the right call. :D

Apparently nothing of note happened during the even years...
36. Anything else you'd like to say?
How the 🤬 is possible that smoke detectors batteries ALWAYS die at night? Statistically, that shouldn't happen. I sleep between 6 and 8 hours each night. Therefore, I'm awake between 66-75% of the day and yet somehow those infernal lifesaving necessities manage to hit the 25-33% slot. I'm also dumbfounded that me stumbling around getting the ladder, yanking the battery and replacing it didn't wake my wife up because, naturally, the detector in question was in my bedroom.

Also, typing this up at 2:30am probably wasn't the best idea ever. :lol:
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I knew it! I freaking knew it! Your username comes from your initials. YES! I was right for once! :D

In all seriousness, great interview, @TB. :) That Simpsons part had me split my sides. :lol:
But you haven't been sacrificed. Yet. :P

Don't worry I've got the situation under control. Look Donuts!


There, that will distract him.
TB, the mod I idolise the most. He`s the best. (Oh, I will say that after each and every staff interview. Exept the "TB" part...)

10.) "How can I improve? Everyone can improve on something. Except me. I'm prefect."

15.) "I begin projects that I typically don't fini"

:lol: Hard laughing. Oh, god, how you`re playing with words... I like a lot.
Congratulations. Also if I remember the podcast correctly your name is Tracy something?

I knew it! I freaking knew it! Your username comes from your initials. YES! I was right for once! :D

Tracy Beaker?

I probably shouldn't be telling you this since I promised @TB I'd keep it quiet, but he's actually Tyra Banks. He uses someone else's pictures and a fictional backstory to throw everyone off the scent.

Just keep it to yourselves though, yeah?
I probably shouldn't be telling you this since I promised @TB I'd keep it quiet, but he's actually Tyra Banks. He uses someone else's pictures and a fictional backstory to throw everyone off the scent.

Just keep it to yourselves though, yeah?

Such a shame we can't see the Smize.
Congratulations. Also if I remember the podcast correctly your name is Tracy something?
You remember adequately.
That Simpsons part had me split my sides. :lol:
I occasionally go out of my way to interject The Simpsons, South Park, 80's movies, etc into conversation both here, at home, at work, waiting in line at the grocery store...
* YouTube didn't exist yet! :D
I thought so but wasn't positive and didn't run the dates to check.

Also, multi-quote freaking rocks. 👍
Anyway, Congratulations @TB. Very enjoyable read mate. :cheers:
Thank you, sir. :)
But you haven't been sacrificed. Yet. :P
Right back atcha. :cheers:
Don't worry I've got the situation under control. Look Donuts!


There, that will distract him.
*mumbles with mouth full* Distract me from what?[/mumble]
Grats @TB on being, you know, a person that does things and stuff.
I don't always do things AND stuff. Most days I have to choose.
TB, the mod I idolise the most. He`s the best.
(Oh, I will say that after each and every staff interview. Exept the "TB" part...)
Oh. :(
:lol: Hard laughing. Oh, god, how you`re playing with words... I like a lot.
Glad someone picked up on the intentional misspelling. Yes, intentional...

he's actually Tyra Banks.

*stomps off in a most diva like way*
Congratulations @TB :cheers: 👍
The recognition of new faces will continue, but this month we're going to put a little spin on the whole concept. There are only a select number of individuals capable of upholding this new concept; those that don't cower in the face of fame, those that don't regress when presented with the opportunity to shout from a rooftop "I'm better than you... on the internet!".

Those who live, breathe, and exhale the very essence of what makes GTPlanet the place that it has become and will continue to be - these are the approved traits of the archetype known only as The GTPlanet Illuminati, er, I mean the GTPlanet Moderation Staff and incidentally, the GTPlanet Member of the Week.

Two birds with one stone? Say it isn't so!

No matter where we go, people will either ignore or want to confront us, which is where our personal bodyguards come in. No matter what we say, everyone will interrupt and/or attempt to correct us. No matter what we're wearing, it will be made fun of for the next 10 years. So let us welcome the newest member to the League of Extraordinary GTPeople, and the second in the long line of staff interviews, SlipZtrEm!

1. First and foremost, this is a most special month for all of us involved in the workings of GTPlanet and I thought it was time for us to bare it all, allowing the community at large an opportunity to see us for who we all really are - which of course means you're officially GTPlanet's Member of the Week! Are you excited? Explosions!

I am now, thanks to the explosions! I feel like one of the last things the general populace of GTPlanet needs is me to bare it all, but if you insist...

In all seriousness, it's an honour to fill this out. I hope my answers are up to par.

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and was there ever a time before you took on the badge where you thought to yourself "I'd like to do that" only to then immediately regret said thought ever coming to mind?

What originally brought me to GTP isn't the most exciting of stories; I came because the old GTF had consistent down-times, and it got frustrating to the community there. Jordan's site, at the time, was much smaller, but incredibly reliable, so I joined up here in-case of extended downtimes. Since then, this has gradually become my internet home.

As for that regret bit; I got the badge a few weeks before GT5's release. That should about cover it :lol:

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

Nowadays, it's mostly the automotive forums and the Rumble Strip / Infield. I still spend a fair amount of time over in the GT6 section - the majority of it tying into that badge - but as I've grown less interested in the game and gaming in general, I find myself there less.

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

It was such a different approach to racing games back in '98. What do you mean I have to take a license test to get to race? What are these relatively everyday cars doing here? The modification levels were unseen too; I have fond memories of a friend coming over to Memory Card Battle me with his stock Viper GTS, and my fully-tuned Demio A-Spec wiping the floor with him. That "everything can be competitive" spirit was a big draw.

5. How did you come up with the name "SlipZtrEm"?

Eh, blame it on the pre-teen obsession to seem unique. When joining the GTF way back in the first week of 2000, I thought Slipstream289 was a good choice, as it was my top speed record in GT1 - aided, of course, by drafting. I dropped the numbers and added the odd spelling when I joined up to try to stand out more. A decade and a half later, I've toyed with the idea of changing it, but on the plus side, it's pretty much guaranteed available when I have to sign up for anything. So that's handy.

6. There's no controversy here so what's your flavor: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport, neither, both, or something else altogether?

Both. GT was where why interest was first sparked, but I took the plunge and bought a 360 almost three years ago in preparation for FM4. Really loved the game, and now I play both, as they both have their pros and cons.

7. What was your initial reaction when the badge was presented to you?

Shock. I had PM'd @Jordan about some things relating to the Photomode forums of GT4, with some suggestions from the community about how to approach the then-upcoming release of GT5, and he responded with an answer and the offer. It was... unexpected, to say the least.

8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?

In general, I love it. It's made the Photomode Competition polls a bit more work, but the updates to general site usefulness vastly outweigh that.

9. Gran Turismo 6 is finally here, what are you thoughts so far? it acceptable if I offer a shrug? The hype around Gran Turismo has always been akin to a roller coaster - highs and lows - and I feel that has translated to the newest iteration a bit too well. There are aspects of the game that are great, absolutely without equal... but then there are parts that make me grumble in frustration. I'll repeat what I've said a few times around the forums; even an average GT game is still a pretty good driving game.

10. Talk a little about what you think you bring to GTPlanet and how you think you can continue to improve.

If some members are to be believed; excessive pessimism :lol:. I like to think I'm a realist, and being a graphic designer, I have an attention to detail. I've been handling the Photomode competitions consistently since GT5's release (and on-and-off for a few years of GT4), so I have a fairly intimate knowledge of that portion of the game. During one of my more free-time-oriented periods of time, I also worked on the massive, 5000-ish entry database for GT5's paint chips. So, there's that.

It wouldn't hurt if I was less sarcastic.

11. A lot of fantastic-looking games are due out soon - as early as next month to be exact - what are you most looking forward to when it's all said and done at 11:59 on December 31st?

I haven't really kept up to date on any of it, to be honest! If you asked me what got me most excited at E3 this year, I'd probably say LittleBigPlanet3. Sorry!

12. With the next generation of all things video gaming upon us, have you made any plans to pick up a PS4, Xbox One, or Wii U?

I own none so far, and I'm unsure which I'll pick up first; a One or PS4. The One would primarily be for Forzas, of both the Motorsports and Horizon varieties, and the PS4 would be the preferred choice for multi-platforms, LBP, and the inevitable GT7. I think I'll do as I did the last generation and wait for a substantial price-cut first, though!

13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.

It was a failed planned community. The plans called for a six-digit population; current counts hover just over a thousand. When I was eight or nine, the corner store closed, which meant the nearest store of any sort was a fifteen-minute bike ride to the next town over. It was sort of like Pleasantville, and I maintain it was an awesome place to raise a young family; everybody knew each other, everybody waved as you drove by, and kids would play out in the streets in the summer until 11PM without a worry. Many houses left their garages open during the night, and nothing was stolen. It was definitely a completely different scene compared to where I am now, in the biggest city in the country.

Oh, and @Noob616 grew up not too far away too!

14. If given the opportunity, if even for a moment, what would you do with GTPlanet?

You mean if I were given the reigns?

I'd hand them right back to Jordan. This site has become what it is not just because of the (awesome) community, but because his deft leadership has kept the sled on course despite the constantly-changing landscape that is the modern internet.

15. Do you have any hobbies we should be made aware of?

Nothing I imagine is too far out of the ordinary for GTP citizens; I read car magazines (Evo), I play video games, I have a handful of diecast car models. I read a fair amount of books too. I'm a freelance graphic designer, so I can't quite count that as a hobbie as I occasionally get paid for it, but I do spend a lot of time doing my own projects for fun. I've dabbled with photography, but it's taken a backseat in recent years.

16. You are producing a 12-episode drama series for the BBC. The show can be anything you want and you can cast any living actors you want. What would it be and who would you cast?

It's a period piece, set in the 70's, on Savile Row. Despite the high-end status, our main character (played by the ever-able Jared Harris) is balancing running a business with keeping his family together, as his dad (Michael Caine) is tied up in the ugliness that is British Leyland in the 70's.

17. What are the maximum number of points you've issued any one person for breaking the rules?

There's no easy way to check, but it was either 666 (self-explanatory) or 9001 - because OVER 9000!
18. Some would say our position is a lucrative one, others would say it's an excuse for us to be internet "tough guys" - what would your response be to both of these assumptions?

I'd ask why they're apparently mutually exclusive. :sly:

19. How many animals have been sacrificed on a daily basis in the name of your moderatorship?

No animals were harmed in the making of this Mod.

Though I really won't turn down any offers of burgers or bacon.

20. With all the bickering about Forza vs Gran Turismo, how about we get to the real question; which is better, F-Zero or WipEout?

WipEout, obviously.

21. Have you ever been stalked or threatened with legal action because you're a moderator here?

I had one particularly troubled individual send me a few threats on Flickr, as well as flooded my inbox on PSN with poorly-spelled insults about the sexual proclivities of my mother. He made sure to use a similar username as mine, with cleverly-replaced L's (with 1's) to really "ruin my rep".

I do wonder what he's up to these days...

22. If you were to indulge in the art of boutique car manufacturing what would your mission statement be?

"Because you're better than everybody else, and they oughtta know it".

23. What's your ideal breakfast lineup?

Oof, that's a toughie. I think I'm a scrambled eggs and bacon kind of man, though I'd prefer some cheese in those pre-chickens. Give me a nice pile of nicely cooked potato rosti too. Some grilled kale and some avocado to pretend to be healthy would round that out nicely.

24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?

2. I'm really quite sane; I'm just an arse most of the time.

25. What would you look for in bringing a new face into our elusive fold of moderator insanery?

I'd look for skin. Skin is pretty high up there on the important-for-a-face list.

26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?


Style-wise, it's not too different actually, despite the nearly ten years separating now from then. It was made over a year after joining too!

27. When was the last time you listened to a soundtrack and was unexpectedly surprised by it?

I don't listen to them often, but the soundtrack to Sucker Punch is massively better than the movie. Because the movie was utterly awful.

28. We've been planning this thing for months and coincidentally I was just asked about it on Monday - let's discuss the elusive unicorn that is REV Issue 2.

Aw crap, I was hoping that would be quietly forgotten! :lol:

REV is in a weird spot. At this point, I'd love to have it become a multi-game, current-gen magazine, and there's a whole heap of games coming this year that would really help that, but I'd feel bad leaving GT6 in the dust, even if it doesn't have a whole lot of up-to-date content to showcase. I'd also really like to weave it into the GTP community more, so I've got some ideas bouncing around...

Let's discuss this away from prying eyes!

29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: years, months, weeks, days, hours?

You could count the year-and-week between my join date and my first post. That's probably the answer, though I disappeared for a while there in 2006 or 2007. But not for as long as that.

30. Are you illegal in any number of states or entire countries?

Not to my knowledge.

31. What's one significant change you'd like to see made to racing games in the next five years or so?

Racing? A dedication to the practice, where the series involved in the game are recreated. If GT wants to have a SuperGT series, by golly, make a full-sim option available that saddles winners with victory ballast. Realistically, I expect smartphones and our always-online civilization to provide a lot of wild new approaches over the years; if PD manages this mysterious GPS-to-Course-Maker functionality the way some of us hope, it really will be the next big thing in the genre.

For driving games in general? Make cars as we see them in dealerships, or on manufacturer's configurators; let me head into the BMW section in GT and pick the 3-series, but then get to pick from all the options typically available in real life. If GT wants to be a car encyclopedia - and those dozens of imaginary duplicate MX-5's certainly hint at it - offering an entire range would be a very cool feature over, say, just an M3, or just a 335i.

32. Now it's time for the "Moderator Special": the entire staff has been away on leave for several weeks on business and you're the only active staffer left standing, what do you do?

I'd either post a news article of "Kaz announces partnership with T10, Forza Turismo scheduled for holiday release!" before changing my password, logging out, and never looking back, or I'd round up a few of the regulars and ask them - very nicely - to offer a hand for the short-term, with promise of riches. Or at the very least, some cookies.

Maybe I'd do the former if the latter didn't pan out. Where are the rest of the staff anyways?! We all know Famine never sleeps!

33. What was your favorite game show growing up?

Supermarket Sweep. Easy answer.

34. How many electronic devices do you own, and is there anything out there that you've been eyeing for some time now but just havent' pulled the trigger on yet?

Oh dear. I've got my iPhone, my PC, my TV, and five systems. I've had my eye on a few things, but primarily is an Apple computer of some sort for work purposes. Not sure if it'll be a desktop or a laptop, but that's probably the big ticket item.

35. If the 90's were good to you for any reason, reminisce a little - what's your favorite memory?

Biking for two hours with a friend to a town we barely knew, in the hopes of going to the house of our mutual crush before she moved far away. We were both nine, we didn't tell our families, and we were woefully unprepared, with no money and a single water bottle. En route, we were chased by two dogs, swerving across a country highway to avoid them, and my friend, in a fit of desperation, ate a gummy candy off the side of the road. We arrived in town exhausted, only to realize we had no idea where this house even was. We asked a kind man at a french fry stand where it was, but he was from out of town. An argument ensued, followed by an abandoned plan to steal two apples from the nearby grocery store (I panicked), and we started the trek home in silence. Until we got to our public school, where we stopped to get out of the sun for a bit, and even at that age, we laughed at the ridiculousness of the whole plan. We biked the remainder of the way back home, hopped up on one of those big green electrical transformers by the baseball diamond, the kind that you see in the country, and etched our undying love for this girl onto the top of it with a stone.

Last month, I visited the hometown with my girlfriend, and I climbed onto that thing. The scratchings are pretty rusty, but sure enough, I saw it still. It reminds me of childhood in a way nothing else can.

36. Anything else you'd like to say?

These pretzels are making me thirsty.
SlipZtrEm, the mod I idolise the most. He`s the best. (Oh, I will say that after each and every staff interview. Exept the "SlipZtrEm" part...)

32.) "I'd either post a news article of "Kaz announces partnership with T10, Forza Turismo scheduled for holiday release!" before changing my password, logging out, and never looking back... [...]" :lol: :lol: :lol:

36.) Hands over a beer. Suits well to the pretzels. :cheers:
While it was *my* idea it came about from everyone wanting me and a few other mods interviewed since this all began, so you're all just as responsible as I am.

Which brings me to a bit of news and, no, it isn't bad news so you can rest easy - starting next week on August 11th the interviews will be posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until month's end, with the final week quite possibly hosting a new interview every day.

So for those of you who haven't submitted any questions you'd like to ask any of us then feel free to submit them now!