Online Drag Racing Leaderboards

  • Thread starter Harry6784
All I have to say is the board seems to be no longer updated. So if you want to even figure out who has what / who challenge who for what / or who won what, you have to read through pages of BS and arguing...

As usual nothings changed...
I think we all need to change tbh. There is alot of BS in the drag community. We need to change our ways.
I think we all need to change tbh. There is alot of BS in the drag community. We need to change our ways.

You were a part of probably the most messed up thing that has gone on in the community to date. Don't think you should be telling the rest of us that we need to change.

The majority of us are actually pretty calm and collected until someone sets us off.
the way I look at it is the whole gt6 drag racing boards are done it was cool for awhile now its just old cuz no one updates it shells could of but got banned for reason idk about and don't want to know to me the drag boards for the America side is dead to mee
the way I look at it is the whole gt6 drag racing boards are done it was cool for awhile now its just old cuz no one updates it shells could of but got banned for reason idk about and don't want to know to me the drag boards for the America side is dead to mee

You JUST challenged for a spot yesterday. If they're dead to you, stop claiming/challenging spots. From now on, I'll challenge you immediately for any spot you claim.
All I have to say is the board seems to be no longer updated. So if you want to even figure out who has what / who challenge who for what / or who won what, you have to read through pages of BS and arguing...

As usual nothings changed...

Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Even before it was a lot of work to keep things updated. But recently people have been using this thread to rant about random stuff and post their status updates. You know how hard it is to go through 3 pages of nonsense looking for times? Not to mention guys who are painfully unspecific about the results and challenges. I tried again and again to bring it back on topic but you guys are proof why the mods hate the drag racing section.

If someone wants to take over the boards then let me know. Otherwise I'm thinking just to tell a mod to lock it.
Drag Racing and grudges go hand in hand...its part of the culture. Some are cool about it while others take it personal. Remember big brother is watching, so keep it sane.
Hey did you notice who liked your post?! Even from the grave shells still checks gtp! :lol:
I like getting kicked for just joining a room they see my name be like o **** boot ,kick,brucelee, what els have I heard tv tuner monitor user who still jump lol but every body know that I can't tune and my tree is terrible so why do I attract that type of attition I'm the slowest mf on gt6
I like getting kicked for just joining a room they see my name be like o **** boot ,kick,brucelee, what els have I heard tv tuner monitor user who still jump lol but every body know that I can't tune and my tree is terrible so why do I attract that type of attition I'm the slowest mf on gt6
What!?!?!? :banghead::confused:
I like getting kicked for just joining a room they see my name be like o **** boot ,kick,brucelee, what els have I heard tv tuner monitor user who still jump lol but every body know that I can't tune and my tree is terrible so why do I attract that type of attition I'm the slowest mf on gt6

Yea I don't know why you would. Maybe you're just joining the wrong lobbies. Idk.
Maybe the slow people are scared of you lol