
  • Thread starter sn00pie


Staff Emeritus
I bought an XBox, now yell at me.

Halo rules though, no matter what John tells you!

(So does Project Gotham. JSRF and SegaGT2002 on the other hand...)
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
I bought an XBox, now yell at me.

Halo rules though, no matter what John tells you!

(So does Project Gotham. JSRF and SegaGT2002 on the other hand...)

Im gonna pick one up after i pick up a cube
Ya know, Rallisport is out on PC! I didn't know that until today :lol:
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Cool, i have a 1.8 ghz laptop, would that go okay?

That is more than enough speed, but how well games run is more tied into how good your graphics card is. My guess is that it will run fine as long as you have about 32MB of video ram.
I ended up getting WRC II: Extreme ***Off to make a thread in the WRC forum***
Originally posted by askia47
Get Shenmue 2 excellent game, very good graphics, great fighting! ;)

I already have Shenmue 1 on the Dreamcast, and unlike some I've enjoyed it a lot! Definitely a great game. :)
I'm wondering about Shenmue 2. I already have Shenmue 2 on the Dreamcast. Is there a solid answer as to what's new to make it worth buying again?
Dudley, The only thing i know of that is new is a camera feature that will allow you to take pictures anywhere in the game and save them to the xbox hdd. also english voice acting.

other than that its pretty much the same.