Photomode Tournament - ROUND 1

  • Thread starter NTX
Im getting disk read error with my GT4 disk, much the same as many other members have encountered. Hopefully ill be able to find a replacement disk before the deadline... If not, it will be a shameful way to leave the comp. :lol:
Gah, I'm running outta time. I gotta get this done tomorrow after school, cuz I'm going outta town until tuesday. I better start taking pix. Ugh! Busy life sucks. lol
Yeah, I better get my shot done. I already have my shots taken, two half edited and considering a third. Just have to decided which one to use. :dunce:
I have a question, sorry if the answer to it is already posted somewhere, but I didn't see it.

Are the duels throughout the tournament going to be drawn on every round or will there be a sort of table (like on the last one) where we can see who we might face, if we make it past the present round?

either way, I'm starting to work on my image today, yesterday was spent almost entirely in deciding which shot to bet on.

Damn, I hate 'open' themes... they're so... open. :rolleyes:
The duels will always by random choice (not the final round of course).
Notice that in previous tournament that was hosted by Jacoja, he did the same thing, random duels and he also had a tournament table where we could see the macthes. I will also put those tournament tables in the next polls.👍

EDIT: Is this the table U are talking about Beerz (this one is from the last tourney)👍

I actually really liked that shot. It was very simple, but it worked.

Thanks!:) But Im sooo behind on my 2.0 skills...Ive always struggled to keep up. I just like to keep it simple...I dont want to spend days on a shot.
Next time Ill stick with PMC rules.👍
i have a few shots up and ready, but i'm afraid i might have to withdraw if i progress to the second round, since i'll be leaving on the 27th of this month for my vacation. unless, that is, i get access to photoshop while i'm away. my uncle does have a ps2, but i'm not sure if he has the game, perhaps i could bring mine, but i dont know if i'll have the time. anyways. i shall be sending in my entry during the weekend.
Here is the people who haven´t submited:


Danger Orange



So guys keep sending your entries.
BTW if all entries are send before the deadline, I will do the polls earlier.
Yup, that's the table I was talking about, bro. 👍

Hmmm, so, my opponent has already submitted.... hmmm....
No, this is not going anywhere, I was ust thinking and typing at the same time. :dunce:
Hey, if anybody can't submit their entry in or is not going to have the chance to submit, let me know and I will take your spot! But that's only if it would be cool with everyone else.
Hey, if anybody can't submit their entry in or is not going to have the chance to submit, let me know and I will take your spot! But that's only if it would be cool with everyone else.

Now THAT is a good idea :sly:👍
Hey, if anybody can't submit their entry in or is not going to have the chance to submit, let me know and I will take your spot! But that's only if it would be cool with everyone else.

I don't think that's such a good idea, 440...

It has nothing to do with you, since I'd think the same if it was any other member making the same request.

Although I'd really like to have 440 in the tournament (hey, we want the best possible shots, and he's at least one of the best), I just don't think it would be fair to have him in directly on the tournament over the other members that have submitted their qualifying entry and were left out on the poll.
Unless those people said they didn't mind, and the rest agreed ( I do), then 440 would be more than welcome to step right in.

But this is just my opinion.
Hoping I can finish my image later today. Still haven't decided which one to enter though. :dunce:

I agree with your post Beerzy, will have to wait and see what others have to say.
I personally would love to have 440 in as well. He is a maker of fine images. Wouldn't want to be the one up against him though. :scared: :D
lol beerz, he'd get trough the qualitications anyway.. I wouldn't mind.
Well I don´t mind that 440 enter if any of u guys can´t submit a entry, but on the other hand, it would be more fair to enter one the guys that didn´t pass the qualifying round.
Note that this will only happen if I receive a PM from the guy that agrees with that, if by the deadline one or more people haven´t submited, the poll will be up with the entries that I already have.
Let us do this way: If anyone sees that for any reason cannot submit the entry(on 2.0 and PMC) he can choose who he wants to take his place. But warn me before the deadline of course. If not, like I said before, the poll will be up with the entries that I already have. Of course if it is a guy from 2.0, he must choose the non-qualifiers of 2.0 (or 440 Charger). If it is a guy from PMC, he can choose a non-qualifier from PMC (or 440 Charger if he wants).
Note that this can only happen on this round. On round 2, no one can be replaced.
Hope U guys understand. I think its the most fair thing to do:tup:
lol beerz, he'd get trough the qualitications anyway.. I wouldn't mind.

I know he would, Ray.
Hell, he'd probably get the most votes out of any of the other shot, his work is always top and he always brings something new that we haven't seen yet.

My point was that it would not be fair for people that have submitted an entry for the qualifying round and wanted to be in, to be excluded over someone (no matter how good) that 'out of nowhere' wanted in.

I hope I'm not misinterpreted (sp?) here, if it would be ok to those people, I say 440 is in, but it's not up to me.

The way I see it, the only fair way 440 would be in now, would be that someone that's in the tournament says "I won't submit mine", and then there would be a thread for the people that didn't qualify, in which they had 24h to state if they wanted to replace that person.
If they didn't, 440 was in. As simple as that. :)
Nuno, how about the person that takes his/hers place in is the one who was closest to the 16th place?

If for example the 16th entry had 12 votes, and the image with 11 votes or anything which is lower than the 16th place image, yet higher than any other image which therefor would come on a 17th place, would go through. I think that's the most fair way to do it 👍
Its also a good idea letting the 17th place enter in replace, if it was that U were saying Bram.
But until now no one have quited, so anything stays "normally"
I also agree with the 17th place thing, but it's all depending on wether anyone saying in advance that he won't be submitting...
I didn't really catch the beginning of this discussion but if you asked me I would also think that the one to enter if someones out should be the 17th. It's like the lucky louser thing in tennis (which only counts in the first round). To me that's the fairest. 👍
Sorry I haven't talked here for a while been very, very, very, very, very busy. But I think my shot is alright but.. Good God if I get through to the 2nd round I will be happy.
I predict this to be tight, speedster. Can't wait to see what you came up with. 👍

So far I'm not that happy with how my shot's coming, since I was already half-way through with it when I discovered a 'problem' that's proving to be really hard to fix.

I hope to have it ready by tomorrow, though. I hope... :rolleyes: