[POLL] How Far do you want Car Maintenance to go?

  • Thread starter Earth

How far do you want Car ownership/maintenance to go in GT6?

  • Extreme: Details like Spark plugs, all fluids, individual engine components etc

    Votes: 123 34.3%
  • Advanced: Major components like Pad/rotor changes, wheel alignment, and clutch along with what wa

    Votes: 134 37.3%
  • What was in GT5

    Votes: 37 10.3%
  • Toned down GT5 options: just oil change and maybe chassis refresh

    Votes: 11 3.1%
  • Get rid of all maintenance

    Votes: 54 15.0%

  • Total voters
Still haven't seen a reasonable answer to this question.

Yauma9's response

"You know what would be good?
An option where when you need to do .. for example a chassis rebuild, someone (GTAuto guys) do it automatically for you .. and charges you to make it fair for people who wants to actually do the maintenance.

If you get tired of gong to GTAuto and doing your general maintenace you just go to settings and tick a box, and viceversa."

An option if you do or don't want GTAuto. Just a click if you do or don't. Just a fricken click!
I get annoyed by the "Engine Rebuild" and "Chassis Maintenance" sequences enough, and they're only 10 seconds long. I can't really see why anybody would want anything like this. On the other hand, I would like to have wearing clutches, brakes, and whatnot. I think it could add to the game.
I find what's in GT5, fine, but I would be a bit disappointed if there's going to be less than that.
I get annoyed by the "Engine Rebuild" and "Chassis Maintenance" sequences enough, and they're only 10 seconds long. I can't really see why anybody would want anything like this. On the other hand, I would like to have wearing clutches, brakes, and whatnot. I think it could add to the game.

Me too, especially the wearing the clutches and brakes, I want all out car maintenance like having to change the brakes out and realistic engine wear.
Maintenance (of anything) is generally a pain. Why you'd wan't to add this "joy" to video games, an escape from reality and the necessities of such chores, baffles me.
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So a straight up question, where does the enjoyment come from with the proposed advanced maintenance?

If someone finds joy in the proposed maintenance, it's probably for the same reason why they like the GT series. The simple pleasure spending ones time of acting out all facets of motoring and racing. Pure fantasy. Sounds like a good enough reason to me.
Woohoo! I'm finally in the 1%!

The options didn't clearly define what I wanted, I cbb with individual parts, ect, but I suppose I do want more, but less at the same time.

Like wheels, that adds nothing for me, most of them are the same one three times in black white and silver, and I don't like any of them, then you have to spend paint items on top? Completely useless to me.

RMs are... nah remove that, no use to me, I mean if there were more of them, or ones that I actually liked, I mean a GTI IV RM? what the heck? GTI V, sure, R VI, sure, but GTI IV? Possibly the worst of all GTIs (best case, 2nd worst). I don't think its worth the effort to put it in at all.

I sort of like oil change, chassis restoration, and engine restoration, but really only for the standard cars, so if they actually made all cars good next time, I'd be less inclined to use this (I suppose all cars could be premium, even if some are still "used" that'd be a nice touch).

If it's a whole re-worked system, and its really good, and potentially optional (if damage is turned off its not used, if on, it's completely relevant), that might be better, otherwise, I don't suppose I'd want it.

What I would want is the tuning shop integrated FULLY into the settings option, they did 90% of it, then left out weight reductions and engine tuning, which was just so bloody daft, just integrate it fully and cut out the tuning shop altogether.
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It's called gran turismo 5 THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR key words!!!!!! It's supposed to be REALISTIC.

It's also a game. For fun. I don't want games to include things just because they're realistic to the real world. I mean should old cars start rusting and then stopped from racing because they're unsafe? It's realistic but it's not fun.

If someone finds joy in the proposed maintenance, it's probably for the same reason why they like the GT series. The simple pleasure spending ones time of acting out all facets of motoring and racing. Pure fantasy. Sounds like a good enough reason to me.

Well maybe, nobody has said that though.
Heres my vision for maintenance in GT6

Get rid of oil change. The massive horsepower change from a simple oil change is confusing and a hassle.

Car wash stays, but it needs changes. First of all cars should get dirty much faster. A few hours of racing should show streaks of oil on the body as well as bug splats etc. To get rid of any hassle allow players to select an option that automatically takes away 50 credits at the end of each race for an automatic car wash. Similar to automatic crash damage fixes at the end of races in other games. Those who want to wash their cars manually at different points of time can do that too.

Alignment issues should depend more on crash damage then general driving. If you smack a wall hard enough maybe you knock the toe or camber around and the car pulls one way or the other. This is permanent. Like car wash, the driver can choose to have the damage fixed automatically at the end of the race for a certain amount of credits, or he can choose to have it done manually in GT Auto. There should be a limit to how well the pit crew can fix the damage to your car. After a major hit it should be impossible for them to get the alignment completely right. Maybe you have to turn the wheel to the left a little bit to drive straight until the car can be fixed properly after the race. Too much damage and you DNF

Engine Overhauls should affect your car's reliability, and not just horsepower. Go too long without overhauling the engine, especially if you have high performance turbos etc, expect to see blue and or white smoke coming out of your tail pipe. Also dont expect to be able to finish very long races. To reduce the hassle, you should be able to buy performance engine parts that increase the amount of mileage between rebuilds. A stock engine can probably only handle a few hundred miles of hard racing, but an engine with custom internal parts designed to deal with the vigors of racing can go a couple of thousand miles before any problem arises.

The same principle applies to brakes. Once you upgrade to racing brakes, you're good to go for a couple thousand miles.

If they implement the above, maintenance is still there for those who like it, but its only something you have to deal with after driving a car for 10 hours or so, instead of almost every race. Alot of other issues like car wash can be set to automatic, further reducing any hassle for those who do not like such features.
heres my vision for maintenance in gt6

get rid of oil change. The massive horsepower change from a simple oil change is confusing and a hassle.

Car wash stays, but it needs changes. First of all cars should get dirty much faster. A few hours of racing should show streaks of oil on the body as well as bug splats etc. To get rid of any hassle allow players to select an option that automatically takes away 50 credits at the end of each race for an automatic car wash. Similar to automatic crash damage fixes at the end of races in other games. Those who want to wash their cars manually at different points of time can do that too.

Alignment issues should depend more on crash damage then general driving. If you smack a wall hard enough maybe you knock the toe or camber around and the car pulls one way or the other. This is permanent. Like car wash, the driver can choose to have the damage fixed automatically at the end of the race for a certain amount of credits, or he can choose to have it done manually in gt auto. There should be a limit to how well the pit crew can fix the damage to your car. After a major hit it should be impossible for them to get the alignment completely right. Maybe you have to turn the wheel to the left a little bit to drive straight until the car can be fixed properly after the race. Too much damage and you dnf

engine overhauls should affect your car's reliability, and not just horsepower. Go too long without overhauling the engine, especially if you have high performance turbos etc, expect to see blue and or white smoke coming out of your tail pipe. Also dont expect to be able to finish very long races. To reduce the hassle, you should be able to buy performance engine parts that increase the amount of mileage between rebuilds. A stock engine can probably only handle a few hundred miles of hard racing, but an engine with custom internal parts designed to deal with the vigors of racing can go a couple of thousand miles before any problem arises.

The same principle applies to brakes. Once you upgrade to racing brakes, you're good to go for a couple thousand miles.

If they implement the above, maintenance is still there for those who like it, but its only something you have to deal with after driving a car for 10 hours or so, instead of almost every race. Alot of other issues like car wash can be set to automatic, further reducing any hassle for those who do not like such features.

Extreme sounds nice, because I've heard of other "simulation" :rolleyes: racing games like Real Racing 3 making you pay only a few hundred credits for damage, but it still makes sense to pay for it and have rewarding and challenging difficulties in the game of not trying intentionally or unintentionally to damage your car (unless you're in Arcade Mode :dopey:). Besides damage, maintenance can work if its extensive and it allows you to use up endless money you get later on in the game from high-league races. Also, like Earth said, don't make oil changes a petty excuse to get more HP. 👍
I like the idea of brake fade. As it is, we already fell less grip when using comfort hard or sport hard tyres and tyre wear only adds to it. Stock brake pads/rotors(unless it has Brembos or Carbon) should not last 5-10 laps of Grand Valley. Brake pad change goes hand in hand with tyre wear.
I like the idea of brake fade. As it is, we already fell less grip when using comfort hard or sport hard tyres and tyre wear only adds to it. Stock brake pads/rotors(unless it has Brembos or Carbon) should not last 5-10 laps of Grand Valley. Brake pad change goes hand in hand with tyre wear.
Yes, they even mention in GT 1-3 something in the description for the "Sports Brakes" modification about the fact that it's "recommended for endurance races due to reduced brake fade." So, if they knew such an occurrence existed, they could have programmed brake fade into early GT games, if they wanted to or were able to.
As detailed as they can be without interfering with more important additions.
However, there should be an automated maintenance schedule that you can setup for each car. You schedule an engine rebuild every X amount of hours for a car and when that time comes you're prompted with a reminder and pay from there. This will simplify managing a few hundred cars at a time.

I'd also like to see component failure when not properly maintained; and an optional maintenance fee after every race(IE top off fluids, replace tires, pads, rotors and inspect suspension). If you opt not to pay this fee then you risk your car failing during it's next event. Let's say you go 25 events without topping off the coolant..engine overheats and HG fails! Just like real life :lol:
i want the extreme, it will make a much better playing experience and a more in depth career. (but i would want to be able to be able to service the cars in an online lobby so you dont have to quit the lobby like you do now)
i want the extreme, it will make a much better playing experience and a more in depth career. (but i would want to be able to be able to service the cars in an online lobby so you dont have to quit the lobby like you do now)

"Sorry, you are not able to play at this time because the car is on the work shop"

"Sorry, cannot buy selected car because you didn't considered taxes and garage space"
I think Advanced is enough, but it is still too much. Replace brakes because of wear or the engine for the same reason. Do some major, but basic repairs like aligments or damage repairs. More than that is a waste of time. I want to race not to waste precious time because a spark plug had gone mad.
Would you accept coming back from work and not being able to play with any car you want, just to have a more "realistic" experience? Same goes to the whole concept of Arcade mode having only 3% of GT Auto available.

"Sorry, your license is suspended"
"Oops, you crashed that car hard. The car is lost and you'll never be able to race/play the game again".

In the end all that "realistic maintenance and issues" gets in the way of playing the actual game. That's why the most hardcore publicly available sims don't go that route, and it'd be stupid if private sims did it since they are a tool.
Would you accept coming back from work and not being able to play with any car you want, just to have a more "realistic" experience?

I already can't play with any car I wanted, if I'm in A-Spec mode. I can't start at any level I want in Halo or GTAV either, or most other progress-based games without using cheat codes. So yes, the day I brought it home I was not able to play with any car I wanted and I was OK with that. I do somewhat agree that it's a failing on PD's part to not have that possible in Arcade mode though. F1 2010 let you try the other cars in Time Trial and I just glanced at a few reviews from other PS3 racing games and that appears to be the norm.

"Oops, you crashed that car hard. The car is lost and you'll never be able to race/play the game again"
I get you're making a joke, but even then, you have other cars.
So you would be quite happy if it was possible to pay 20 million credits for a car, drive it once and have a horrific crash and write it off, and it's gone. That's it.

Where is the FUN in that? That is why you play games, is it not? I like a realistic racing game as much as the next guy but there are some realistic areas you just have to relax for fun and playability. The above scenario may be 100% realistic to the real world but it doesn't need to be that way in a video game created for fun.

That article estimates an F1 car as costing $7 million dollars, but even if you double it, that's under 20 million.

Your point is based off the gameplay from GT5, which I'm down as saying I didn't like. But yes, if you shoe horned the lose-your-car thing into GT5, it wouldn't be fun in this example because it doesn't work with the design. You don't earn enough money. The 20 million thing is a good example. By the time you can afford a 20 million dollar car, in theory you should be a multi-multi millionaire or at the very least have a bank account not *capped* at 20 million. It's ridiculous. Fernando Alonso makes more than that in a year.

So in the GT5 world, sure that would be an obnoxious "realistic" thing to have. But I can imagine in GT6 that I finally got the money to get a really expensive LeMans Prototype. A big race comes up, I decide it's worth using, but I have a huge crash and it's wrecked for awhile. I don't think that's un-fun, to use a technical term.

Buy another one or fix it, and practice more so I'll win next time without crashing.

That article estimates an F1 car as costing $7 million dollars, but even if you double it, that's under 20 million.

Your point is based off the gameplay from GT5, which I'm down as saying I didn't like. But yes, if you shoe horned the lose-your-car thing into GT5, it wouldn't be fun in this example because it doesn't work with the design. You don't earn enough money. The 20 million thing is a good example. By the time you can afford a 20 million dollar car, in theory you should be a multi-multi millionaire or at the very least have a bank account not *capped* at 20 million. It's ridiculous. Fernando Alonso makes more than that in a year.

So in the GT5 world, sure that would be an obnoxious "realistic" thing to have. But I can imagine in GT6 that I finally got the money to get a really expensive LeMans Prototype. A big race comes up, I decide it's worth using, but I have a huge crash and it's wrecked for awhile. I don't think that's un-fun, to use a technical term.

Buy another one or fix it, and practice more so I'll win next time without crashing.

If this were to happen, then my only concern is making sure that this sort of thing is OPTIONAL. If what you said hear floats your boat, fine. But there's no reason to force it on everyone else.