Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Down to the last two kittens. Arlo and Rayla.
Arlo (on top) has been homed to my brother in law. He should be going to his (and their) new home soon. The other two foster we had, Chloe and Cosmo went to their new homes a couple weeks ago.
Rayla, the lovely lady in the bottom of the picture there, is staying with us.
That pic is meme-able!!! What a sassy-looking face!
Definitely has that "oh! My God! Look. At. This. Dresses" popular girl vibe to it :lol: And if things went downhill "ugh! I broke a nail!" :lol:
Meet Kat!
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Its a synodontis nigrita. Aka lace catfish. Ill be honest, it was bought for two reason. I got it from Meijer, not the place I would normally get fish, but I knew it would be hardy enough. The first reason is I needed a fish I wouldn't feel bad if Iost if I did something really wrong in building the tank. The tiles and the stones were big unknowns and losing a 6 dollar fish would hurt, but not as much as 100 dollars worth of rainbow fish. Further. This guy is a lot more hardy, and would better survive adverse conditions that would likely quickly kill something like the rainbow or the pair of Herotilapia I plan on getting. If things got bad, I could quickly get the cat out and into my 20g tank and fix my big tank. Good news, it's been in there since Sunday and is a happy fish.
The second reason is because I wanted an excuse to get another big tank. This fish will likely need to be moved by next summer as he will out grow and likely start fighting the 2 pair of cichlids I want to get. Since lace cats can get up to 8 inches... I think that calls for a 200 gallon tall tank... and if we gotta get that tank than we might as well get some sevrum and discus.

Anywho, Kat is going to be a fine finned friend. While a bit on the shy side right now its definitely on the energetic side and when it thinks no one is looking likes to scoot around the tank.

Btw: yep, it is upside down. These smaller synodontis cats have a tendency to hangout upside down even when swimming around the tank.
This must be a thing now. 1st of the month, everyone active in this thread should post updates of their kits, good boys, fishes or other biological non-human companions.
I’m totally onboard with this. I mean most of us are already doing this already - at least I know I am.
A fall-ish day after the rains of Hurricane Sally finally receded. I opened up my trailer (still not back in the house after Michael, nearly two years ago...) with a nice breeze airing it out.

Chipsie enjoying the view...

while Mocha enjoys the sofa.
People do love cats, don't they?!

1000% yes for me.
I didn’t have my first cat until I was 25.
I was a couple years out of the ARMY and I was struggling. I rescued Domino out of a sweltering hot car. She wouldn’t have lasted another hour or so.
I was absolutely fascinated by her as she grew strong and healthy. I opted to get out of my funk and learn everything I possibly can about cats.
That was 25 years ago. I’ve been a veterinarian technician for almost 20 years working in a cat only hospital.
All because of Domino. Love and miss you girl.
People do love cats, don't they?!
I love animals in general, but don't think I'll be getting a dog anytime soon. While I have had cats all my life since childhood, my mom was a certified dog breeder and it became extremely annoying at one point in my life. I love my friends dogs though, mainly because I don't have to take care of them. :lol: