Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
@IanBell You said you managed to acquire an existing laser scan of Interlagos. Do studios such as yours buy these scans from companies or do you co-operate with other studios for the purposes of efficiency? How long would it typically take to scan and model a race track and is this time significantly shorter with drone scanning? (assuming it is a typical GP track)

A mixture of all really. We have some very good partners who collate laser scans for sale, which we buy in and we also occasionally get laser scans from the licensor (the 4 Jonathan Palmer tracks in the UK for example).. By far the biggest gather area though is us going out and doing it ourselves, with or without partners.
Getting online driver swaps will be an incredible addition. I live for endurance racing so to be able to compete 'properly' in some is a dream. That is a big box ticked as is the TS020 GT-one 1998.

@IanBell You said you managed to acquire an existing laser scan of Interlagos. Do studios such as yours buy these scans from companies or do you co-operate with other studios for the purposes of efficiency? How long would it typically take to scan and model a race track and is this time significantly shorter with drone scanning? (assuming it is a typical GP track)
Some circuits have commissioned laser scans that are sold on to developers. Nurburgring licence terms stipulate that you must use their laser scan data if you are featuring a scanned build.
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-Manual pitstops are real
-rolling starts are fun. As the leader you can dictate the tempo everyone has to follow before the lights turn green. Otherwise you have to follow and hold your position.
-formation laps may be coming
-penalty system is very intelligent and fair

These 4 things combined sound great. :) Really hope formation laps will make it in.

It's also immersive features like this that will take away my (silly) mindset I've grown from playing other racing games for the last 5 years (mostly GT5/6 and FM5/6). I'm so used to doing a single race with 3-5 laps for a medal/progress/car unlock in such games and move on to the next one. A gaming evening of a few hours won't be anymore about getting some career chapter to 100% unlock and driving a dozen different cars in a few hours while getting there.

Instead I will pick a car and location to my liking, tune the car for it during the practice session and then do the qualifying and main race. That is so much closer to the real thing than what the aforementioned games deliver. What also helps with this is better controls, better car sound, this track-thing 3.0. If the racing itself becomes a lot more in-depth, then you want to stay with a single location and single car much longer too, because there is a lot of stuff happening anyway, especially with the dynamic weather and how the surface of tracks changes and affects the tire model. Take Forza Horizon for as an example of the opposite way, it's a great game on which I have spent a lot of gaming hours already but the gameplay there is so minimalistic, easy, arcade-ish and lacks so much depth that I would never be able to drive the same car there even for 1 hour.
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A mixture of all really. We have some very good partners who collate laser scans for sale, which we buy in and we also occasionally get laser scans from the licensor (the 4 Jonathan Palmer tracks in the UK for example).. By far the biggest gather area though is us going out and doing it ourselves, with or without partners.

I assume the Hawaii Kona track will be done by yourself and that's a very long long difficult track to laser scan so takes up many weeks.

Will the settings and tuning menus give some explanation about what each feature does? In PC1 there are a lot of settings on the left side of the screen but the big area in the middle and right are empty, it would have been so much better if there was a description here of what each setting does.

Something I found also amazing in Dirt Rally were the introductional tutorials which were integrated in the game, for example these videos:

Will we get some similar videos for PC2? I assume with all the stuff happening with live track 3.0 it would be great that there were some videos explaining for example if you drive off the track in the dirt and back on the track that this dirt will stay on the track on that place, also how the weather system affects the track and tires and such.

Project CARS 2 seems to have a lot of great stuff coming thanks to this live track 3.0 but I think it is also paramount to inform the average racing driver (who is not reading up on all the news on websites) that all these features exist.

If I can give a little bit of criticism towards PC1 in this aspect, it's a great game with a ton of features but it can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning, especially for players coming from such games as GT and Forza. Some video tutorials like Dirt Rally and descriptions of what all the features do can go a long way in helping to make these players feel comfortable with the game from day 1 on.
@IanBell Thanks for your answer. What has been the most difficult track to license or scan? (and is already confirmed) And what track do you most want in Project Cars, but have you been unable to license? (because of exclusivities or disproportional costs)
Very positive impressions (and a couple of whinges) from a user on the Sector 3 forums:

This is a very positive report & gives me more confidence about the handling & FFB, these 2 things are by far & away the most important things for me so I've really been rooting around to try & find some good info on it. So far there has been very little info around the handling & FFB apart from people you know are going to be biased.
The other issues he brings up about Ai don't concern me too much. Cars sticking, i dunno i guess they will sort it but tbh i thought if 2 cars hit they could be stuck together irl if one is pushing? Ai reckless & stupid is something im sure they will work on but tbh i didn't think it was so bad in the first apart from open wheel.
His whinge about it not being specialist race cars only, specifically GT, is just a bit silly in my book. I think sometimes people think that a game should be designed around there own specific needs & requirements. I think with 170 cars + DLC it wouldn't surprise me if there are more GT cars in pcars2 than R3e & for better value. Some people like to drive road cars & have fun in them & not have so much down force. I also think it's easier to obtain licence if they include road cars as lets face it these companies want to promote their brand.
It's being worked on so I 'hope' we can get it in for ship. If not it will come in a free update.
In other words, it's definitely going to happen? Oh man, this is way too exciting.

By the way, I hope it's okay to repost unanswered questions? I think they're quite interesting, but then, I might be biased. :D
  • Since all cars can be driven on all tracks and under all conditions, will the tire choice be the same? (esp. regarding off-road compounds for all cars)
  • Somewhere, it has been said that all the "classes" from pCARS will be transferred to pCARS2, but no more will be added (meaning that e.g. the M3 GT will stay in the GT3 class, despite not being a GT3 car). Is this true, or will there be more divisions to accommodate the increased amount of cars and to balance the field?
  • I know you won't share details for now, but since this is not too specific in my opinion: Does having more cars mean having more one-make-championships, or will some cars receive a rival, or maybe even multiple ones?
  • Since September is the anticipated release month, don't you think the time window between "the proper" reveal and planned release is a tad short, given how long the initial pCARS was shown to the public via screenshots and videos up until its release?

Less of a question for PCars 2 more for your teams aspirations.

The sound of PCars2 seems groundbreaking in what is available on a console right now, but as a team where do you want to end up, what goals do you want to achieve in the future that right now is not possible from either hard ware limitations or time constraints?

(Your approach to talking to fans is something your team should be very proud of, and has been mentioned I hope no burnout is suffered and that you being able to continue to do so, its an invaluable marketing tool, and as is obvious questions that you cant or wont answer have been met with an acceptance that makes me proud to belong to the GTPlanet community.)
A mixture of all really. We have some very good partners who collate laser scans for sale, which we buy in and we also occasionally get laser scans from the licensor (the 4 Jonathan Palmer tracks in the UK for example).. By far the biggest gather area though is us going out and doing it ourselves, with or without partners.
I'm curious how you guys will work out weather & season changes in Interlagos, São Paulo's weather can be very unpredictable at times, one leaves to work in the morning with sunny clear skies then has trouble getting back home in the afternoon because of torrential rain and flooded streets.
Last sector of Interlagos should be very interesting in the wet with LiveTrack 3.0.

During the video they make a mention about the official IndyCar series, which we heard bits when they announced the Indianapolis 500 license for the first game.

I would love some 90's and early 2000's Champcars / Indycars.... They were simply the best! Any possibility of this? Dlc even?

Based on the content in the first game and what has been teased/leaked (Long Beach, Indy, Texas) for this new game, it seems you have a good relationship with IndyCar. As an American and fan of that series, I hope IndyCar seizes every opportunity they have with you all as I think gaming and fandom go hand in hand.

Can you comment on that relationship with IndyCar and what it might mean for us as far as additional content into the game goes?

Ditto! Champcars and Indycars!

In answer to that, it does say that IndyCar is in game on the Info page. Hopefully a modern car with oval config and the ChampCar DP01. :)

That would be terrific! Nothing beats the roar of a 900 HP Champcar!


1. not a lot of indycar info revealed yet, leads me to believe there might be a bigger announcement involving the series?

2. Pocono raceway is such a unique oval, would be a great addition to the game.

You are right about Pocono Raceway. The IndyCar drivers all say it drives like a road course because of the 3 different corners.
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Hi again i've not received a reply :lol:

1. No
2. What kind of sponsorship we're talking here ?
3. Can't disclose
4. Can't disclose
5. No
6. Can't disclose

So there won't be Monza, Spa, Sakitto and Sonoma? These are important tracks that must to be in a racing game


Super pushy for a reply to questions, and then, when the answer "can't disclose" is given, takes it as a no and complains about it.

Entitled, much?
The FFB is transformed in pCARS2 and we have a one click three option 'feel' system (as of now, this may change) to allow you to get the feel you want instantly. The FFB should not need to be tailored per car. It should reflect the nuanced differences of each car.

could we get this in PCARS 1, please? You know, so we could actulaly enjoy the game we've already purchased? (not holding breath)
It's being worked on so I 'hope' we can get it in for ship. If not it will come in a free update.

This is the one and only thing making myself and several members of my league have an iRacing subscription right now. If this is implemented, and then some properly managed events are hosted, we will be able to give up our iRacing subscriptions. Especially considering iRacing does NOT implement Dynamic Time of Day, or Dynamic weather.

Please make this happen @IanBell and team.
I swear I need another 4 weeks in Hawaii to nail that scan....
LOL, please, at least send us a video of your holidays ther.. hmmm, I mean your very important business trip over there !
*can't kick me, already far far away*

On topic : I looove everything shown and said so far, I'm hooked on PC2 already !
Thanks GTP & SMS, this partnership's the best possible idea :gtpflag: