Project CARS 3: General Discussion Thread - Out August 28th, 2020 on XB1/PS4/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
The problem is there is no other game with the same feeling. Kaz cares about things no other people do. Still the game is rather bad experience for now. Check the user score on MC. :D
One thing I definitely would have liked to see in PC3 is more information about the various cars in-game; that was always cool in Gran Turismo to read all the little blurbs and facts about the history and pedigree of your favourite cars. PC3 has literally NO information at all about any cars in the game itself; you can find a little bit on their website, but that's hardly the same (and a lot of that is just pointless fluff that sounds like it was copied from some generic marketing brochure).
One thing I definitely would have liked to see in PC3 is more information about the various cars in-game; that was always cool in Gran Turismo to read all the little blurbs and facts about the history and pedigree of your favourite cars. PC3 has literally NO information at all about any cars in the game itself; you can find a little bit on their website, but that's hardly the same (and a lot of that is just pointless fluff that sounds like it was copied from some generic marketing brochure).
That would be great to have those blurbs on the vehicles. I always enjoyed it in GT
One thing I definitely would have liked to see in PC3 is more information about the various cars in-game; that was always cool in Gran Turismo to read all the little blurbs and facts about the history and pedigree of your favourite cars. PC3 has literally NO information at all about any cars in the game itself; you can find a little bit on their website, but that's hardly the same (and a lot of that is just pointless fluff that sounds like it was copied from some generic marketing brochure).
You are right. The problem is no game is complete. I love Forzavista in Forzas. It's so cool and you can check engine and various holes. GT has info and museum. You need to play them all. :D
PC1 and 2 are challenging on controller but it works especially on consoles. PC3 is purely made for controllers.
I tried it again because I like to try older game. And it's still complete trash on a gamepad. It's completely unplayable. PC1 has minimal input lag, PC2 is a bit more filtered but both are way better than PC3. PC3 could be fine on a wheel. I like the graphics, physics is OK too and content is massive.
You are right. The problem is no game is complete. I love Forzavista in Forzas. It's so cool and you can check engine and various holes. GT has info and museum. You need to play them all. :D
Forzavista with ray tracing is simply amazing.
I bought the ultimate edition on sale for the Xbox series X and have to say I like it but I really struggle with the handling on some cars and the general suspension reaction to bumps on the track. In some of the hypercars time attacks I come no where near the top time because on bumps of the track I lose completely control over the car and crash into the barrier, no idea how to avoid that except going over them ridiculously slow.
Since I just got the game I've only done one race, and that was with a controller. I liked it. I'm hoping I can play it with my G29 as my main control method. I use the wheel with stock settings on PC1.
PC3 is certainly more controller orientated than 1 or 2 however, except for when I've forgotten to switch it on, I always play with a wheel (G29 also). There's not as many settings as previous titles so there's nothing really much to adjust but I find it just fine anyway, quite lively in fact. I did tweak the settings a little, I find it needs just a bit more wheel weight than in PC2.

I haven't done a Rivals event recently but after a few goes I usually managed to get into the Platinum times on the wheel.
PC3 is certainly more controller orientated than 1 or 2 however, except for when I've forgotten to switch it on, I always play with a wheel (G29 also). There's not as many settings as previous titles so there's nothing really much to adjust but I find it just fine anyway, quite lively in fact. I did tweak the settings a little, I find it needs just a bit more wheel weight than in PC2.

I haven't done a Rivals event recently but after a few goes I usually managed to get into the Platinum times on the wheel.
I have so much trouble being aggressive in PC3 with a wheel.
I have so much trouble being aggressive in PC3 with a wheel.
The problem I find with PC3 is the brake balance. It seems to be set at 50 / 50 for every car. There's very few where that works well, it usually provokes rear wheel lock up in most situations. It needs careful brake application until you get used to it. Buying a setup option and adjusting the balance forward generaly fixes the problem - you might need to buy a brake upgrade to enable the option on road cars. With Rivals you can't tweak anything of course so the best option is to use ABS.

To drive more aggressively it might be better to lower the wheel weight so that your're not fighting it so much. Until your're used to it with the wheel when using a controller it's probably easier to catch rear end slides more easily.
I'm very late to the party. I generally respected the first Project CARS but I suffered some performance issues, and was especially unhappy that my game save got corrupted. I was pretty happy with CARS 2 and can't think of any major gripes. I avoided 3 because I wanted something more like 1 and 2. I gave in and bought 3 and don't hate it, but I felt it should have been named something else. I don't mind the product they've made but it doesn't fit the Project CARS title.

Anyway, the farther I progress into the game, the more I'm running into a major performance hiccup. I've had occasional bugs with headlights and sometimes AI drive in rain or snow as if it's bone dry, but I'm starting to get moments where the game stutters so bad it's like it's crashing but then it carries on. I'm not sure what's causing it, if anyone else encountered such a thing, or if there's a known fix. I'm on Xbox One S.
I'm waiting for a store, a physical store near me, to have a Series X on the shelf. I've only seen Series S. I'm not bending over for a scalper and I don't trust stuff to be shipped to me for assorted reasons. I think I've seen complaints about how it performs even on Series X. That's rather unfortunate.
It's true, it's not OK even on XSX. :D

For consoles, if you order it here, you will have it after some time. PS5 is from few weeks to few months and Xbox is usually in few days. Depends on a shop and their supply lines.
It's true, it's not OK even on XSX. :D

For consoles, if you order it here, you will have it after some time. PS5 is from few weeks to few months and Xbox is usually in few days. Depends on a shop and their supply lines.
It's funny because I can run PC2 at Max graphics, everything on @60fps on my PC yet the same cannot be said for PC3 which surely should be less demanding. I just don't think it's optimised very well.
I feel like the developers just threw their hands in the air and shouted "screw it" when they saw it sold like ten copies. (Okay, it's more than ten but as near as I can tell it's only sold a few tens of thousands across PlayStation and Xbox combined.) It feels like they simply gave up and didn't bother with bug fixes, performance improvements, or anything. I swear Project CARS 2 performed circles around 3 even with 2 having more physics, damage, and whatnot going on whereas 3 went with a more dumbed-down system.

A few nights ago I configured a race around the Nordschleife with a full cycle from day through night and back to day, with weather change, but I was disappointed by how night isn't all that dark. I toggled my headlights off and on, off and on, and determined that I didn't need them at all. I could race through Nordschleife through forests with no light sources and see just fine in the dead of night. I'd swear 1 and 2 had night that was actually dark.
I would play it more often but my wheel settings change every time I close out the game. So every time I come back to it, I have to redo my settings. That’s a waste of time.
Only issue I have is that I wasn’t really good at it with a wheel and my setting always reverted back to default when closing it out and coming back in.
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Played for about 30min with a T150 this afternoon. Took the Ferrari 512 out on Fuji. Oh boy did I struggle after being used to GRID LEGENDS 🤣 Got a bit of a decent lap together but riding the curbs is difficult, very difficult. Could be the car though.

Is the general consensus to create a custom setup or the default balanced one? Had loads of understeer with the latter.
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For most cars the default balanced one works well. For certain cars I think you have to a custom setup. I bought a Ferrari (cant remember which one but it was on sale that day) but after I got it I did a custom race on Watkins Glen with the default balanced setup and I was all over the place. By that it was oversteering coming out of curves and I think I should have been braking a little early as the stock brakes seemed to be trash. I did some upgrades but I didn't get the chance to test them out
Is it normal for this game that when im oversteering, the game itself applies some amount of counter steering without my input?
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