Project CARS | What version do you plan to get?

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What version do you plan to get?

  • PC

    Votes: 142 27.9%
  • PS4

    Votes: 318 62.5%
  • Xbox One

    Votes: 40 7.9%
  • Wii U

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 2 0.4%

  • Total voters
Simply a question of what consoles you are having or going to buy! I say PS4

curious why SMS considers WiiU for publication? Are there any hardware config limitation?
There are detailed vehicles as well and large environments in my example, also 2 of those 66 are directors not players so 64 player to be honest
There are detailed vehicles as well and large environments in my example, also 2 of those 66 are directors not players so 64 player to be honest

Detailed vehicles (I doubt they're anything close to a pCARS model however) that don't move and don't require physics calculations. Trust me, getting 64 players running in a FPS map is a lot easier then getting 64 cars running around a circuit.
curious why SMS considers WiiU for publication? Are there any hardware config limitation?
The target is 30fps/720p, rather than 60fps/1080p as for the XBone and PS4, and it will probably utilize the tire model they were originally working with when the project began, rather than the next-gen tire model they're developing now. The graphics of the Wii U version won't have every last bell and whistle, but no other significant differences have been mentioned yet.
The prevailing assumption goes something like this:


I've always been a part of the teal section, and Gran Turismo/Forza are the only reason I ever moved into the gray middle section. I don't think I'm a unique case.
WMD did the same survey on their site and found that most would get the Wii U version.
I'm curious as to why, isn't it a weaker console, won't graphics be superior on PS4 or Xbox, let alone PC?

Only argument I could think of off the cuff was the controller is like a steering wheel so there's no need for peripherals. But Play Station also has this feature.
That wouldn't be a huge seller for me either way, I prefer the G27, I've tried the Simraceway wheel, which is handheld and no pedals, just felt strange.
It's simply that a huge number of Nintendo fans flooded the poll. The people buying it on other consoles just didn't all vote.
WMD did the same survey on their site and found that most would get the Wii U version.
I'm curious as to why, isn't it a weaker console, won't graphics be superior on PS4 or Xbox, let alone PC?

Only argument I could think of off the cuff was the controller is like a steering wheel so there's no need for peripherals. But Play Station also has this feature.
That wouldn't be a huge seller for me either way, I prefer the G27, I've tried the Simraceway wheel, which is handheld and no pedals, just felt strange.
If all you own is a Wii, you get the Wii version right?
If all you own is a Wii, you get the Wii version right?
There is some undeniable logic to that statement. What I'm going to contest is that people who like racing games own a Wii. Kind of like the Venn diagram @Wolfe posted, the current generation games that interest racers are on PS/XB/PC so I don't see why it would be a hit on Wii.
There is some undeniable logic to that statement. What I'm going to contest is that people who like racing games own a Wii. Kind of like the Venn diagram @Wolfe posted, the current generation games that interest racers are on PS/XB/PC so I don't see why it would be a hit on Wii.
I'm not familiar with the Wii game library. Is there anything close to a real racing Sim available? If not that could be a major factor. On PS and XB we're spoiled with choices over the years but if Wii users haven't had a real racing game, perhaps this is just a void being filled. I wish PCars all the success in the world on Wii, I hope they sell millions of copies:cheers:
I made the Venn diagram to illustrate the fallacy of the assumption. Maybe I underemphasized the sarcasm of the "NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY BE HERE" text. It's daft to deny the overlap between Nintendo fans and people who enjoy ("realistic") racing games, because those aren't conflicting interests.

Software offerings being what they are -- which invokes the well-worn narrative of Nintendo's strained relationship with 3rd-party developers -- it's true that in terms of racing games, a Playstation or Xbox were the consoles to have for the sixth and seventh generation. For Nintendo fans, that meant playing more than one console. However, this time, Project CARS should offer a compelling alternative to that pricey investment. The Wii U version will also sport a few extra benefits, including free online multiplayer and the potential GamePad features.

There's no telling how big the market for a PCARS U really is, because the very idea of it hasn't been taken seriously as far back as the GameCube days, with scarce options and lazy-ass ports in the years since. Anecdotally, within Nintendo communities, PCARS U has captured the attention of gamers who wouldn't normally try a racing sim, simply because it exists and because SMS seems committed to delivering a quality product.
PS4 hands down with it's next Gen Graphics & engine with my Sony big 55" flat screen TV & my G27 wheel with it & Bose Surround Sound........mannnnnnn I can't wait!!

Sony is a proven market they will have all the dlc contents etc. They are the gaming connoisseurs of console games, they like the the money so I'm definitely confident that they will have all the options the PC versions will.
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I can legitimately say I have absolutely no idea which version of PCARS I'm going to be buying. If I can't use a G27 on the PS4 release, then I'll go for PC. But if my PC isn't powerful enough to run the game, then I'm stuffed.

I pretty much won't make a decision until the game actually releases, I'll see reviews about differences about the game itself, and wheel compatibility and PC system requirements and then make a decision. Fortunately for me, I don't get excited enough about games that I have to have it on day one. I can wait.
PS4 hands down with it's next Gen Graphics & engine with my Sony big 55" flat screen TV & my G27 wheel with it & Bose Surround Sound........mannnnnnn I can't wait!!

Sony is a proven market they will have all the dlc contents etc. They are the gaming connoisseurs of console games, they like the the money so I'm definitely confident that they will have all the options the PC versions will.

You will see... the console may get all of the official DLC but the PC will end up getting a lot of community mods and liveries. But the console version should be nice.
Never played any games on PC (except minesweep :D)
Don't have PC capable oether.

So PS4 version it will be.
Hopefully it'll come close to the video's if seen so far.
You will see... the console may get all of the official DLC but the PC will end up getting a lot of community mods and liveries. But the console version should be nice.

That's what excites me most about the PC version. The community will be probably very active in terms of mods.
I was getting it for PS4 but now that I have AC and need to upgrade my PC, I also will get it for PC I think. On PC there are way more configuration options for the wheel and also on PC there are these great Android dashboard Apps wich decided me to come back to gaming on PC.

My question is, now that I have to build me a new PC, I wonder if a 400-500€ PC can handle Pcars with good graphics? I think I will get an R9 270x or an R280 graphics card, 8GB RAM and some cheaper CPU (I3 or AMD quad core probably). I hope with that specs I will be able to play Pcars on Full HD @high settings and a full grid?