PS3 General Discussion

Whew, that was a little startling at first. Not tha_con's remarks, he always sounds like that. ;)

As an admitted PS3 fanboy, I don't accept every tidbit that comes along on the net, but I am praying for smooth sailing from Cell and SPE chip yields to Blu-Ray disc stamping. And... ya know, everything can't be perfect. I just hope it's perfect enough.

Oh, and NiGHTS on the Wii would be fine with me. I still love my GameCube, and it pushes some fabulous graphics around. Wii will be waa better. ;)
I wonder if the PS3 is in silhouette because Sony have yet to finalise the design? I can't imagine it'd be radically different from what we've seen but still. Perhaps the silhouette is just for "dramatic effect"?
Probably just for dramatic effect, and that we haven't seen the final design yet. They've said ever since day one that the shells at E3 '05 were just mockups. It's likely that there will be a few small changes here and there, that we'll probably see come Monday.
COD3 Trailer is just a CG trailer, I expect it will be just like COD2, it won't look or play much different from it's originals and PC counterparts.
Guys since I told you HL2 is coming out on PS3, well in the lastest PSM mag they have been telling us public. That F.E.A.R and Crysis is also coming out on the PS3, so if your PC will not handle either F.E.A.R or Crysis.

Then well just buy both for the PS3.
or you could....get a new pc....

then enjoy much better games for a much longer period of time....alot sooner

ya see.....While you wait..another year to play F.E.A.R....

i'm bored with it....and let it collect dust on my cabinet shelf
PC's = RTS, FPS, MMO, *maybe* Racing

Console = RTS, FPS, MMO, RPG, Action, Racing, Fighting, Survival Horror, Stealth Espionage, and many more.

Consoles give you variety, and a larger selection of AAA titles of different genre's, where as PC's are severely limited in their selection, especially when it comes to grade a games.
But to see Crysis in full detail, and at its best on a PC your need a DX10 card and a dual core CPU. The current trailer of Crysis was done on a DX9 card, with a single core 64bit CPU.

But most people who do not have a single core 64bit CPU, and a good DX9 card will most likely buy a PS3. Same happened when COD2 came out on the 360 buds.
Sony have annouced that they are going to show something at E3 that will make us view the PS3 in another light (according to THIS Podcast anyways).

Im not sure what it could be but I bet its groovy.
source: (yes, i´m old school:sly: )

E3 06: Virtua Fighter 5 to beat on PS3 exclusively

Sega announces its arcade fighter is coming to Sony's next-gen console--and only Sony's next-gen console.

Last August, Sega announced it was preparing a sequel to Virtua Fighter 4, appropriately titled Virtua Fighter 5. The game was being developed for Sega's new Lindbergh arcade board, which is based on a 3GHz Intel Pentium 4 CPU. The fact the board was based on PC architecture led some to speculate the game would be coming to the Xbox 360, as the porting process would be less complex than that to other consoles.

Today, Sega announced that Virtua Fighter 5 is indeed coming to a next-generation console ... but not the Xbox 360. The game will be exclusive to the PlayStation 3 when it is released in North America in Spring 2007. Like the 360, though, the game will feature high-definition graphics, and will support 720p resolution.

Virtua Fighter 5 will sport more than 15 characters, including many from previous installments. It will also include two new characters, Eileen and El Blaze. Of Chinese descent, Eileen "uses a Monkey Kung-Fu fighting style that she learned from her grandfather, a former Kung-Fu master," according to Sega. As one might gather from the name, El Blaze is a master of lucha libre, the flamboyant style of Mexican wrestling.

Besides introducing two new characters, Sega also released some gameplay details about Virtua Fighter 5. The publisher carefully avoided any mention of an online mode, but did say players could win in-game money for their victories which they could use at an in-game shop. Sega also said that players could pick form several customizable costumes and "attachable items" that "can be placed onto each fighter’s various body parts."

GameSpot will have more details on Virtua Fighter 5 as they become available.


now, that´s interesting. gametrailers already had videos of this game with the label of 360 on it... that´s also big for sony in japan, since VF is king there... also interesting that this was posted after midnight, so it is some kind of agreement with sega... it is suposed to make headlines in E3...
fasj6418, gametrailers sometimes does that, they need to sort there listings out, because they put them in the wrong places based on rumours, but I herd this news and its great.

According to the podcast from 1up (tho one i posted HERE) they think that the big announcment could be that World Of Warcraft could be a PS3 exclusive!! but they only speculate this.
DAMN! I can't believe I didn't see that big green link under you sig, lol:crazy:

If you need help seeing them, do this. Press and hold down the CTRL key, and scroll the mouse wheel downward.
Solid Lifters

If you need help seeing them, do this. Press and hold down the CTRL key, and scroll the mouse wheel downward.

My mouse doesn't have a wheel:crazy:

just kidding.:sly:

only five more hours untill Sony press, dang, I am really excited,it's gonna be one hell of a show. (hopefully:cheers: )
What is it we're hoping from the Sony Press Conference? Final PS3 spec? Price? List of games ready at Launch? A specific launch date? More info on their online plans? New game announcments? I wonder if we'll get all that (and some) or if we'll be a tad disappointed?
Well, not long now. Anybody watching Nintendo talking 'Wii' tomorrow and the Microsoft Press do?
Well... I'm seeing a cinema of interviews of people from around the world talking about their love of gaming. Each one starts with a satellite view, when suddenly a crosshair locator blinks over a part of the world, zooms in at warp speed to the location of the people being interviewed. Woah...

Maybe Kazunori really WILL show us some Jeet Kun Do! :D
OK, cool. They're now showing Gran Turismo HD. Awesome stuff!

They are showing a PS3 Gran Turismo in 1080p HD at 60 frames per second!!! There are almost NO loading times. Remember if you wanted to go into your garage you would have to wait for it to load and what-not... they have eliminated all that. The track itself only takes about 2 seconds to load. Its simply amazing.
I am in love with Heavenly Sword, its just a graphic monster with the best in game animations I've ever seen. Oh yeah I'd sell my first born if Eight Days was at least 10% real time VS CGI. If Eight Days was real, OMG....

I'd also pay $50 for Granturismo HD as a launch title. Not oly was it 1080p and 60fps but there were lots on cars on track. The Tank cars at The GC was kinda funny.
Huh... I did predict a GT4.5, and I stuck to it. Tentatively, but I stuck it out to the end. In fact, I predicted at that Kaz would showcase a Gran Turismo R-Spec which consisted of a lot of GT4 elements upgraded with the GT5 physics and graphics engine. And there it was, with more cars and fully animated spectators.

Woohoo. :D
I don't know; I might not buy a GT4.5(HD) at the PS3 launch. It's the same damn game as GT4, but with better grapics. That's it. I don't care for GT4 that much to buy it again. Plus, the 1080i mode in GT4 is pretty damn good, anyway. I just don't know about this one... It did look cool, BTW.

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