RACE Crayola Fantasy Series- Talladega Posted

  • Thread starter Jahgee
Submitted. Could have saved time and just said I am not an oval fan!

Well, that's why there are road courses on NASCAR's schedule, don't you know. America is not all about the ovals, it's just that they are the backbone of NASCAR history, whether we like them or not.

And well, I don't like racing in ovals myself, but I love watching good racing that happens in an oval. Key differences. And that was some very good racing. Although I have to say, picking races from different older eras makes modern NASCAR kinda look bad, I must say. :lol: Dat speedway racing was a thing to behold, so close and exciting.

And after reading the title for the Nickname's reference video, I could help but to go;


Are you trying to brainwash me, Jah? I don't take too kindly to unwanted brainwashing, you know. But thanks for the good racing videos. 👍
@Niku Driver HC, it is just my own opinion there that I am not a fan of oval racing. I have watched some races on them and enjoyed some of those as well, but given my own free choice, I would see a majority of the races on road courses. Given it's popularity stateside, I'm fairly sure that I am in the minority on this opinion though!
Damn it, someone didn't listen to Selena, she didn't say "Write something close to your name"
If we somehow get to 42 competitors, there may be races that have DNQs (3 of the road courses I'm looking at have maximums of 40 or so), unless anyone is against this, in which case I won't use them
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