Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I still want a second AR lower(I have two uppers), also a red dot for Micro Roni stock. As firearms go, I've been wanting another handgun, or Ruger AR Pistol, but that's been on & off, and I don't see it happening this year.

I did get a text from a friend who offered me Magpul D60 for $75. He never used the darn thing. I offered it to couple of guys from work(we are still working, too :crazy:), but I ended up buying it for that. It was too good of a deal to pass up. I may never use it either, but I did load it last night. :P Last five rounds were 🤬 to load!

I would like to pick up a D60, but the price is a bit steep. Sounds like you got a great deal though!
@a6m5 you got a sweet deal on that D60. Have you considered building your own AR pistol?
I have thought about it. Something about how you can't match pistol upper to regular lower due to regulation? Flipping figures. :crazy:
I would like to pick up a D60, but the price is a bit steep. Sounds like you got a great deal though!
I almost got one at $99 before, from a local gun store. It was still high. It's just two mags worth. :crazy:
I have thought about it. Something about how you can't match pistol upper to regular lower due to regulation? Flipping figures. :crazy:

I almost got one at $99 before, from a local gun store. It was still high. It's just two mags worth. :crazy:

This is exactly how I felt when these mags were first released.
This is exactly how I felt when these mags were first released.
They say these are reliable. I guess if you are feeding full-auto maybe it makes more sense. It has gimmicky fun feel for my AR-15, but that's about it. :D
They say these are reliable. I guess if you are feeding full-auto maybe it makes more sense. It has gimmicky fun feel for my AR-15, but that's about it. :D

They're also great for multi-gun competition with high round counts. Just top off the mag before each stage and you never have to worry about reloading while you're shooting.
Well, now I do know what to do with my cash, I'll stock up on ammo. There is a huge run on ammo around here because people expect drastic surges in ammo prices in combination with bad availability.
Well, now I do know what to do with my cash, I'll stock up on ammo. There is a huge run on ammo around here because people expect drastic surges in ammo prices in combination with bad availability.
People expect it. I did too, but I’m hopeful ammo manufacturers will be half way prepared this time. Probably wishful thinking. :P
I need to buy more ammo. I have a decent amount since I have not been shooting in some time, but it does not feel like I have enough. Even though I have a good amount, I also wish I would have bought some more PMAGs.
When you guys talk about not having enough ammo, you mean ammo for hunting right? Realistically how much do you need for home defense? Ideally you only need the amount for one magazine, maybe a box if you have 2-3 extra mags (in worst case scenario)?
Not at all. I have at least 2,000 rounds of .22LR. When I make a range trip, I will generally shoot between 300 and 600 rounds of .22LR. Add in another couple hundred of 9mm and I go through it pretty quickly. I do not do as much 5.56 shooting, but when I do, I generally shoot a couple hundred rounds of it also.

It is also nice to have ammo on hand to load up magazines prior to going to the range. It is a better use of time to load up magazine while sitting around the house.

EDIT: I did a very quick look through what I have and I have a little more than I thought.

EDIT2: Hunting and home defense rounds are different. I do not really have anything, bar maybe M193 5.56, that I would consider home defense/hunting rounds; I guess some of the .22LR stuff would be good for small game. Everything I have is for shooting at paper or steel targets. Home defense and hunting rounds can be pricey compared to bulk ammo for shooting at paper or steel targets.
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Don't you think shooting at fake targets isn't a good use of ammunition right now and should let the people that are using it for more practical things like hunting and home defense have more of it?

If you're hunting I get it, you need it to last a long time since we don't know when we're going back to normal. But shooting targets is hardly an essential use of bullets if you wanna put it that way.

Again, I know nothing of the gun world so I don't know what I'm talking about. I figure any type of ammo is good enough for home defense considering you're most often firing at a non-armored target and human flesh is weak. I know different animals require different types of ammo.

I'm assuming .22LR and .22 in general are the cheapest types of ammo?
but it does not feel like I have enough.
Has anyone ever, in the history of mankind, ever felt like he had enough ammo? :Pl

When you guys talk about not having enough ammo, you mean ammo for hunting right? Realistically how much do you need for home defense? Ideally you only need the amount for one magazine, maybe a box if you have 2-3 extra mags (in worst case scenario)?

No, not hunting. You only need three dozen rounds for hunting, that's what my buddies spend for an entire year of hunting. Usually the game is dead with one shot and that's it. Add 5 rounds or so to confirm zero before the hunting season starts.

I intent to buy a boatload of ammunition and components since I expect severe shortages and after that a dramatic surge in ammunition costs for quite a long time, if not a total economic depression. Back when Obama was elected all that happened, and this was NOTHING compared to whats happening now. I want to be able to do a little bit of sensible target shooting to stay in shape after the crisis without going bankrupt in the process. Shooting is a skill that needs constant practice.

Also, I have no idea what is going to happen, this is the first time all of us have seen a major pandemic, all bets are off. Maybe there will come a scenario where I need a lot of ammunition? (Defense against marauding gangs etc.?) I sure as hell hope not and I'm pretty sure this won't be the case, but I also did not expect such an outbreak either. Lots of weird stuff happening which I did not anticipate.
No, not hunting. You only need three dozen rounds for hunting, that's what my buddies spend for an entire year of hunting. Usually the game is dead with one shot and that's it. Add 5 rounds or so to confirm zero before the hunting season starts.
Wow, that's really interesting to me.

I want to be able to do a little bit of sensible target shooting to stay in shape after the crisis without going bankrupt in the process. Shooting is a skill that needs constant practice.
I get that. 600 rounds in a single sessions seems like a lot to me though.

Maybe there will come a scenario where I need a lot of ammunition?
Realistically, what would you need a large amount of ammunition for? Give me a practical situation. I'm not trying to argue against it, just curious what you realistically see as a reason for such a large amount of ammo.
I get that. 600 rounds in a single sessions seems like a lot to me though.

That's way beyond what sensible practice really is, I usually spend like 50 - 80 rounds max / week target shooting. Its also beyond what I can afford.

I do not blast away and dump mag after mag, I take my rifle or handgun, carefully aim in practical stances, shoot a few rounds, then I reset, go into stance again, shoot another 5 shots or so. That way I learn to quickly go from walking, standing etc. to shooting stance and acquiring a target quickly and hit it at varying distances. Practical quality training.
A good shooting practice session is not defined by the round count alone. Same with weight lifting, a good session is not solely defined by the quantity of repetitions or total weight moved, form and sensible exercises is most important.

Realistically, what would you need a large amount of ammunition for? Give me a practical situation. I'm not trying to argue against it, just curious what you realistically see as a reason for such a large amount of ammo.

I don't know, first I think I would have to know what a ''lot'' is. Tens of thousands of rounds? Eh, without having a full auto MG42 I don't see a practical application for so much ammo unless it comes to the point I have to barter with it. Which is not necessarily an absolutely impossible scenario. But that's very unlikely.

3000-5000 rounds or so? Years of unrest and civil-war like situations caused by poverty, breakdown of law and unchecked immigration? If the pandemic was just the trigger of a series of bad things that comes like an avalanche in waves, if bad is followed by worse? That involves hunting, some target practice, bartering, defense shootings and giving guns and ammunition to neighbors, friends and family - for years to come without any kind of resupply? Yes, that requires a couple thousands of rounds.

I don't expect any of that to happen by a long shot (pun intended), but I have a good fire extinguisher despite being pretty sure that I'll never have to use it. and heck, ammo does not go bad and can be sold again for very little if any loss.
Realistically, what would you need a large amount of ammunition for? Give me a practical situation. I'm not trying to argue against it, just curious what you realistically see as a reason for such a large amount of ammo.

Civil unrest, stocking up when prices are fair because price gouging is a real thing in the event of crisis, foreign invaders, rogue government etc
Has anyone ever, in the history of mankind, ever felt like he had enough ammo? :P

I am sure there are some out there that think they have enough, but I would guess they are minority. Or maybe we are the minority.

No, not hunting. You only need three dozen rounds for hunting, that's what my buddies spend for an entire year of hunting. Usually the game is dead with one shot and that's it. Add 5 rounds or so to confirm zero before the hunting season starts.

I intent to buy a boatload of ammunition and components since I expect severe shortages and after that a dramatic surge in ammunition costs for quite a long time, if not a total economic depression. Back when Obama was elected all that happened, and this was NOTHING compared to whats happening now. I want to be able to do a little bit of sensible target shooting to stay in shape after the crisis without going bankrupt in the process. Shooting is a skill that needs constant practice.

Also, I have no idea what is going to happen, this is the first time all of us have seen a major pandemic, all bets are off. Maybe there will come a scenario where I need a lot of ammunition? (Defense against marauding gangs etc.?) I sure as hell hope not and I'm pretty sure this won't be the case, but I also did not expect such an outbreak either. Lots of weird stuff happening which I did not anticipate.

Good answer.

Don't you think shooting at fake targets isn't a good use of ammunition right now and should let the people that are using it for more practical things like hunting and home defense have more of it?

If you're hunting I get it, you need it to last a long time since we don't know when we're going back to normal. But shooting targets is hardly an essential use of bullets if you wanna put it that way.

Again, I know nothing of the gun world so I don't know what I'm talking about. I figure any type of ammo is good enough for home defense considering you're most often firing at a non-armored target and human flesh is weak. I know different animals require different types of ammo.

I'm assuming .22LR and .22 in general are the cheapest types of ammo?

No. Shooting at fake targets is always a good use of ammunition. Shooting is a skill. Not practicing is a good way to lose that skill. Hunting and home defense need that skill maintained also.

In a pinch, any ammo is better than no ammo for home defense/hunting. However, actual designed home defense/hunting rounds are better for their specific application. Both are designed to expand, potentially fragment/tumble, dump all of their energy into the target, and not over penetrate through the target. Generally, rounds people use for target shooting are ball ammo that tends to put a little hole into and out of person and not necessarily dump all of their energy into the target.

.22LR is generally the cheapest type of ammo. It is usually anywhere from $0.05 to $0.10 per round for practice stuff. Some of the more specializing Olympic style shooting stuff can get more expensive.

Wow, that's really interesting to me.

I get that. 600 rounds in a single sessions seems like a lot to me though.

Realistically, what would you need a large amount of ammunition for? Give me a practical situation. I'm not trying to argue against it, just curious what you realistically see as a reason for such a large amount of ammo.

If there is time and a want to practice, then 600 rounds is nothing, especially when it is .22LR. It is easy to shoot .22LR for a couple hours and not even notice that 600 rounds are gone. Most of that time is going to be spent reloading magazines because .22LR is easy to rapidly fire.

Go to the range a couple days/weekends in a row with lower round counts and it disappears quickly. With shelves being empty, it can be tough to find stuff locally.

Some compete in various formats. I believe @Xavier2342 has talked about 3 Gun or IPSC. Improving one's ability to compete requires practice, even if that improving is just against your own performances. Being timed makes things happen that do not normally happen and practice helps one deal with that better. For an extreme example, top competitors will blow through ten of thousands of rounds per year.

How much one needs is all dependent on what they want to get out of shooting. It is also why I have not bought any ammo in some time. I have not been to the range in a longer time frame than I would care to attempt to.

That's way beyond what sensible practice really is, I usually spend like 50 - 80 rounds max / week target shooting. Its also beyond what I can afford.

I do not blast away and dump mag after mag, I take my rifle or handgun, carefully aim in practical stances, shoot a few rounds, then I reset, go into stance again, shoot another 5 shots or so. That way I learn to quickly go from walking, standing etc. to shooting stance and acquiring a target quickly and hit it at varying distances. Practical quality training.
A good shooting practice session is not defined by the round count alone. Same with weight lifting, a good session is not solely defined by the quantity of repetitions or total weight moved, form and sensible exercises is most important.

600 rounds of .22LR is nothing for one session with a Ruger 10/22. Though, that is at the extreme end of what I have done in one session. At the range I am a member of, they have a couple different sets of steel targets at 25 yards on the pistol range and we can shoot them with a .22LR rifle. It is an absolute blast ringing that steel with my 10/22 and relatively cheap to do so with the rifle.

I don't know, first I think I would have to know what a ''lot'' is. Tens of thousands of rounds? Eh, without having a full auto MG42 I don't see a practical application for so much ammo unless it comes to the point I have to barter with it. Which is not necessarily an absolutely impossible scenario. But that's very unlikely.

3000-5000 rounds or so? Years of unrest and civil-war like situations caused by poverty, breakdown of law and unchecked immigration? If the pandemic was just the trigger of a series of bad things that comes like an avalanche in waves, if bad is followed by worse? That involves hunting, some target practice, bartering, defense shootings and giving guns and ammunition to neighbors, friends and family - for years to come without any kind of resupply? Yes, that requires a couple thousands of rounds.

I don't expect any of that to happen by a long shot (pun intended), but I have a good fire extinguisher despite being pretty sure that I'll never have to use it. and heck, ammo does not go bad and can be sold again for very little if any loss.

Your 3,000 - 5,000 rounds number is probably a little under where I am. However, the majority of it is .22LR. I bought a bunch of it because it was seemingly impossible to find for a period of time.
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And just for the record, stocking up ammo is in my case just 1500 rounds of .223 and 1500 of 7.62x39, some essential powder and of course primers.
Why so little? That is all that I can afford, simple as that. Ammo is great but I cannot eat it. :scared:
And just for the record, stocking up ammo is in my case just 1500 rounds of .223 and 1500 of 7.62x39, some essential powder and of course primers.
Why so little? That is all that I can afford, simple as that. Ammo is great but I cannot eat it. :scared:

I really only bought so much .22LR because it was exceedingly tough to find for a while. Once it came back in stock, I would buy a box or two anytime I was out and near a store that sold ammo. At $5-10 per box, it was pretty easy to justify. I eventually decided I needed to stop doing that because I was accumulating a good amount.

I had also not been shooting enough to justify stocking up more on other calibers. If I went more often, then I would have been stocking up more. Work has worn me out so much that when the weekend comes around, I have just enough energy to take care of things around the house.
Excuse me in advance, I’m late to the party & I’ll echo some of the sentiments already mentioned in here. Also, I just want to share my take on it & I don’t want DesertPenguin to think we are trying to pile it on him.
I need to buy more ammo. I have a decent amount since I have not been shooting in some time, but it does not feel like I have enough. Even though I have a good amount, I also wish I would have bought some more PMAGs.
I was going to send you links I saw on They were ammo at Academy & I remember you mentioning them before. Unfortunately, one that was a decent deal on 9mm sold out. :crazy:
When you guys talk about not having enough ammo, you mean ammo for hunting right? Realistically how much do you need for home defense? Ideally you only need the amount for one magazine, maybe a box if you have 2-3 extra mags (in worst case scenario)?
Almost everybody I know buy & stock ammo for recreation(includes target practice). To me, it’s like shooting basketball.

Again, for me, basketball logic applies to self/home defense also. If you aren’t shooting around & practicing jumpers & layups, how good are you going to be come game time? Just my take.
Don't you think shooting at fake targets isn't a good use of ammunition right now and should let the people that are using it for more practical things like hunting and home defense have more of it?
I’d disagree with that, because ammo are available, if you want to pay the markup(ie secondary market/scalpers). If you want one box for something of more importance like hunting or home defense, you can pay ten more dollars for that one box. Not a deal breaker in those situations.

As guys said before, we see ammo shortage from time to time. People who shoot a lot, we are stocking up every time we see good prices on them, because we don’t want to pay escalated markups when we see shortage.

Just my take!
@DesertPenguin the answer to how much ammo is enough varies from person to person. I could go into further detail about this but I honestly do not want to write an essay right now. Here is a conservative breakdown of my ammo usage
  • Competition (3-Gun or USPSA/IPSC): 250-rounds/Month
  • Long Range Precision: 20-rounds/Month
  • Non-competitive (Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns): 200-rounds/Month
    • Add an additional 300-rounds per year when family and friends from out of town come to visit and want to go shooting.
  • Conceal Carry/Self Defense: 300-rounds/Year
    • I shoot the older conceal carry ammo and load my self defense firearms with new ammo every few months. Bear in mind, I also have a wife at home and keep a separate firearm loaded for her to use in case of an emergency.
Please understand that I'm not some sort of special agent or tier 1 operator, nor am I trying to be one. I'm just a normal guy who likes to shoot. On average I shoot at least twice a month and occasionally shoot three times a month.

I genuinely don't know when I will be going shooting again this year due to the difficulty of finding reasonably priced ammo. The difference between now and late 2012-2013 is that back then is that gun owners were the ones panic buying everything. This time around is a different ball game due to the influx of paranoid new and prior gun owners panic buying everything.
I forgot to share this with you guys. Great deal on mini red dot: Burris FastFire3 with AR-F3 Mount for $145(free ship).

I see bunch of them(without the mount) on eBay auctions, too. Burris seems to be dumping them onto the market. Maybe it's because of the FastFire4 I just saw on their website(must be new), or maybe it's financial. Who knows. I have FF3 on top of my scope & it's been a good mini red dot for me so far.
Instead of the Bushnell I have on my Mark IV, I should probably get one of those for it.
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There are too many that I want. In no particular order:
  1. Brownells WWSD 2020
  2. Brownells BRN-180
  3. Brownells BRN-601
  4. Brownells BRN-605
  5. CMMG Banshee in 9mm
  6. POF Revolution DI
  7. Glock 45
  8. Glock 43x
  9. Glock 48
  10. CZ P-01
  11. CZ Shadow 2
  12. Beretta 92 of some sort: a 92X, 92X Performance, M9A3, or 92G Elite LTT
  13. 1911 of some sort
  14. AK of some sort
  15. Steyr AUG
I want a bunch of stuff, but do not have enough money for all of it. If I had to guess, my next purchase will likely be a Glock 45 and 43x.

I can mark one off this list.