Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Did some more work on the stock, wiped it down with fine steel wool and oiled it one more time, now it is very smooth and has a honey or amber colored hue to it, Really like it now, I've always liked blondes. :lol:


More gun mods! Bought me a new rear grip and front grip for my AR. The angle of the rear grip is sooooo much better now than when the original grip was installed. Also, with the front grip I can fold the bipod rearward and I can still hold the gun comfortably. The front grip dramatically improves mobility of the rifle.


Fun thing, my AR has an ambidextrous safety, and the grip was designed for a left side safety only. I had to take the angle grinder and shorten it a bit. I rounded it off a little and re-blued it. It can still be operated now, but you need to apply more force as it is shorter. (That's what she said, LOL)

I hate shooting right hand. I'm a lefty by nature, but I know how to do most "important" things right handed, but I cannot get used to handling rifles or shotguns without feeling uncomfortable.

I wish there were more ambidextrous weapons out there. It's kind of why I'm nervous to go to the range along with being by myself. I definitely want to get some time in with MO's lax laws before going back to CA.
I am left handed. ARs are actually very lefty friendly IMO and I have an AR that isn't ambi. I learned on an M16A2 that was standard non ambi. It's not that big of a deal. Things like magazine changes are actually easier for a lefty on an AR IMO and I've never had to use the forward assist in my life. The bad part about left handed shooting is the ejected spent casings flying in front of your head. Sometimes there is still hot powder that gets in your eyes when a casing is flinged out. Also bullpup type designs aren't useable as a lefty. I did some joint training with British Royal Marines back in the early part of the millenium and asked one of them what happens if someone is left handed and can't shoot their SA80s. They told me that you would have to learn how to shoot right handed. No lefty love in the British services.
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The bad part about left handed shooting it the ejected spent casings flying in front of your head. Sometimes there is still hot powder that gets in your eyes when a casing if flined out.
This is my biggest issue.

And you're 100% spot on with the bullpup. I look at those damn things and think "Well, ****."

Obviously, if I had to use a standard issue weapon right handed, I'd have no other choice but to.
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Well, the worst thing would be being cross dominant, as in being left-eyed but right handed. Now left handed only does not sound so bad anymore, does it? :D

Though I'm right handed ironically my left arm is considerably stronger, I always notice that when I do weight lifting. Helps a lot with supporting heavy rifles though.
I am left handed. ARs are actually very lefty friendly IMO and I have an AR that isn't ambi. I learned on an M16A2 that was standard non ambi. It's not that big of a deal. Things like magazine changes are actually easier for a lefty on an AR IMO and I've never had to use the forward assist in my life. The bad part about left handed shooting is the ejected spent casings flying in front of your head. Sometimes there is still hot powder that gets in your eyes when a casing is flinged out. Also bullpup type designs aren't useable as a lefty. I did some joint training with British Royal Marines back in the early part of the millenium and asked one of them what happens if someone is left handed and can't shoot their SA80s. They told me that you would have to learn how to shoot right handed. No lefty love in the British services.

Nothing gets in your eyes with proper eye pro! You do get the lovely smell of ammonium right through your nose if you don't exhale after pulling the trigger.

I hate shooting right hand. I'm a lefty by nature, but I know how to do most "important" things right handed, but I cannot get used to handling rifles or shotguns without feeling uncomfortable.

I wish there were more ambidextrous weapons out there. It's kind of why I'm nervous to go to the range along with being by myself. I definitely want to get some time in with MO's lax laws before going back to CA.

I'm also a lefty and I agree that the AR and AK are easier for us to use. At the end of the day, the bullpup design is overrated and nothing is better than the standard AR platform.
Pistols are a pain but that's why they invented strikers. All you need is a good mag release
@David nice MCX, I think red dots on pistols is the way of the future. I'm also glad that more manufactures are releasing optics ready handguns.

@a6m5 let us know what CZ handgun your friend has with the red dot and what you think about it.

@Michael88 your AK furniture looks amazing.

@Blood Eagle in regards to bullpups if you ever get a chance you should try shooting an IWI Tavor X95. I bring up the X95 because the controls are ambidextrous and you can change which side the rounds eject from. I've heard that the factory trigger sucks but a friend of mine has a Geissele trigger in his which I really like even on its 4 lbs trigger pull setting. I shot a FN PS90 several years ago, buy I am patiently waiting for an opportunity to shoot the Desert Tech MDR and Kel-Tec RDB. The Standard Manufacturing DP-12 is awesome but that is a different story.

In regards to ambidextrous rifles another one that comes to mind is the Beretta ARX. I haven't had the opportunity to shoot one but I truly believe that it is one of the most ambidextrous semi-auto rifles on the market.

Some of you may have known about this gun but I just found out about it.

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Thank you! I was looking into state concealed carry reciprocity today, and was surprised to find out that you can’t carry in Washington with Oregonian permit. :crazy: People mention Utah permit all the time, so I looked that up, and I believe it was good for the entire Northwest.

Indeed, and you can't carry in Oregon with a Washington CPL; there's no reciprocity. Became something that I actually had to think about. I went camping one weekend with some friends in the Cascades in southern Washington and we planned to head into Portland Sunday morning for brunch before heading home. Because of that, I ended up leaving my guns at home.

The Utah license isn't good for Oregon, so it's still not very helpful for me, and my Washington one already covers Idaho, Montana, etc.
Indeed, and you can't carry in Oregon with a Washington CPL; there's no reciprocity. Became something that I actually had to think about. I went camping one weekend with some friends in the Cascades in southern Washington and we planned to head into Portland Sunday morning for brunch before heading home. Because of that, I ended up leaving my guns at home.

The Utah license isn't good for Oregon, so it's still not very helpful for me, and my Washington one already covers Idaho, Montana, etc.
Bummer. I totally read that wrong. :crazy:
Shot my AK47 for the first time ever, holy crap. What an experience! Deafeningly loud from the muzzle brake, next to zero recoil, brass gets flung through the air, and you eagerly anticipate the next shot. :D

And the AK sounds so cool, while my AR sounds like ''BANG-sproing'' the AK sounds like ''BOOOOM-KaChunk''. It just chucks away in a most lovingly manner.

I did not break any accuracy records though, at 110yds I could only manage around 5'' groups, but this is definitely due to the coarse sights and the short sight radius. The rifle itself is undoubtedly capable of much more. Still, the accuracy I achieved today is more than enough for practical use.

The one hit at 12 o-clock was high because the trigger of the rifle is so light I shot before I was ready.:embarrassed:


And I shot my AR too!

Shot some Remington premier Match 52 grain BTHP, at 110yds I shot really good groups.
I shot my best group before the scope was properly sighted in. The red square is exactly 1 x 1 inch. The next group was shot with a properly adjusted scope and it printed right in the middle of the square, but it was not as tight.


I also tried some heavy 69 grain PPU ammo, but it didn't really like those. Well, worth a try I guess.

I hadn't shot in over three months. It was 80, 90% humidity, but enough was enough. I took my Glock 19 + Micro Roni stock with me. I wasn't going to get my AR or Kimber wet(been wanting to test out new Kimber 10rd mag).

Just one box(50 rounds). It was mix of rain & snow, but it went okay.




Got the MBUSs sighted in, but I seem to have misplaced the adjustment wrench for the Crimson Trace laser(top rail, front). :dunce:
I really need to get out and shoot some. It has been way too long.

On a different note, I filed my taxes today. I am not getting a big refund, but maybe I should use it on a G45, G34X, or G48.
@Michael88 nice groups with the 52-grain ammo. As for your AKs are fun to shoot especially with muzzle breaks.

@a6m5 that extendo (extended magazine) :dopey:. Are you going to put a red dot on yours like @Michael88 did with his?

@Brett Glock G45 MOS 👍

Yesterday I competed in another multi-gun match. Instead of 2-gun I competed in 3-gun with my XDM-9, AR15 and Mossberg 930 JM Pro. I didn't do too well but I also didn't do too bad. The shotgun portion of the stages were fun and I'm glad that I practiced dual loading shotgun shells. I would like to learn how to quad load but for the time being I'm ok with dual loading. As always I need more practice and genuinely want to get better at this sport and shooting in general. I have no intentions of competing professionally and would like to be competitive in the local club matches. Overall I had a good time and I'm looking forward to the next match.

I currently compete in the Tactical division but I have considered competing in Stealth division in the near future. I like being able to compete with the gun(s) I carry concealed. In Stealth I'll be able to have a red dot sight on my handgun as well as my shotgun. I'll also be able to add a red dot sight to my AR15 for <10 yard targets and use my low power variable for longer distance shots. One of the downside of Stealth is the handgun with all of its accessories installed and mag inserted has to fit in a box with internal dimensions of 8.938” x 6.938” x 1.938”. Shotgun magazine tube can't be any longer than 23.5". Plus the max magazine capacity for rifles in this division is 30-rounds. Long story short Stealth division is essentially one division below Open division where pretty much any and everything goes.

One of the benefits of shooting in the Tactical division is there are no limits on shotgun magazine tube length. Handgun magazine length can't be any longer that 5.561" or 141.25mm. Plus you can use a Magpul 40-round or D60 drum in this division. Before I switch divisions I want to become more proficient with the firearms I currently compete with and start placing higher amongst ranks in my division. Decisions, decisions...
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Yesterday I competed in another multi-gun match. Instead of 2-gun I competed in 3-gun with my XDM-9, AR15 and Mossberg 930 JM Pro. I didn't do too well but I also didn't do too bad. The shotgun portion of the stahes were fun and I'm glad that I practiced dual loading shotgun shells. I would like to learn how to quad load but for the time being I'm ok with dual loading. As always I need more practice and genuinely want to get better at this sport and shooting in general. I have no intentions of competing professionally and would like to be competitive in the local club matches. Overall I had a good time and I'm looking forward to the next match.

I currently compete in the Tactical division but I have considered competing in Stealth division in the near future. I like being able to compete with the gun(s) I carry concealed. In Stealth I'll be able to have a red dot sight on my handgun as well as my shotgun. I'll also be able to add a red dot sight to my AR15 for <10 yard targets and use my low power variable for longer distance shots. One of the downside of Stealth is the handgun with all of its accessories installed and mag inserted has to fit in a box with internal dimensions of 8.938” x 6.938” x 1.938”. Shotgun magazine tube can't be any longer than 23.5". Plus the max magazine capacity for rifles in this division is 30-rounds. Long story short Stealth division is essentially one division below Open division where pretty much any and everything goes.

One of the benefits of shooting in the Tactical division is there are no limits on shotgun magazine tube length. Handgun magazine length can't be any longer that 5.561" or 141.25mm. Plus you can use a Magpul 40-round or D60 drum in this division. Before I switch divisions I want to become more proficient with the firearms I currently compete with and start placing higher amongst ranks in my division. Decisions, decisions...
That is awesome. Not only does it sound like fun, it's something most gun owners could takeaway valuable lessons from.
@a6m5 that extendo (extended magazine) :dopey:. Are you going to put a red dot on yours like @Michael88 did with his?
I've always had one 33rd mag with my Glocks, but after getting the Micro Roni, I bought a 3-pack. :dopey:

I used to have that EOTech red dot on the Micro Roni, but I had to rob it for my Daniel Defense upper? I will be putting another red dot on it in the near future. There's no comparison to red dot on something like this.
I used to have that EOTech red dot on the Micro Roni, but I had to rob it for my Daniel Defense upper? I will be putting another red dot on it in the near future. There's no comparison to red dot on something like this.

I can recommend the Holosun dots, I have one on my Roni and that thing is really damn good, and it only sets you back 200 bucks or so - including the mount!
I've only used two red dots ever, they are both mine. EOTech 512 & Burris FastFire 3(mini). Really like both. Would be interested to get the scope style red dot like Holosun, Aimpoint, etc. Late last year, one that went on sale like crazy were the Sig's red dot. If I recall, they were going for just about $100~$120 on sale(locally & online). They seemed to have decent reviews & I do wonder if I should have jumped on that. I balked, because I was short on cash & had no plans for Micro Roni at the time.
@a6m5 have you considered a low power variable scope like the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8x for your Daniel Defense upper? They can be found at PSA with offset Vortex scope mount for $299. I recently switched to this scope from a fixed 3x Nikon P223 scope on my AR15.
@a6m5 have you considered a low power variable scope like the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8x for your Daniel Defense upper? They can be found at PSA with offset Vortex scope mount for $299. I recently switched to this scope from a fixed 3x Nikon P223 scope on my AR15.
I've been thinking about permanent solution for the DD upper, on & off. Your Vortex sounds ideal, but is the 1x comparable to red dot, or is there a way to mount mini-red dot on it?

I really like my Burris AR-536 in concept, but lack of eye relief of that scope is brutal. I could only make it work if I place it at the very back end of the picatinny rail:


**Rear MBUS was removed to move the scope back.
Just went to Brownells and ordered me a 15% stronger Wolff spring for my AK as it tends to ding up my brass a little bit. Imagine that, Brownells is international and there is even a Brownells distributor here in Austria. Such a great company. :dopey:
I also ordered an AK recoil buffer and a Williams peep sight for my new project.

Downside: 14-20 days delivery time, well, it has to travel over the big pond. :crazy:
I just realized, holy cow, that's a 16.5 inch barrel and the gas system is a carbine length - Why doesn't it have a mid length or intermediate? The AR's in my local gun shop only have carbine systems with barrel length 12'' and 14.5''.
That’s a good question. No idea if it’s something to do with cost? Reliability? Etc.?