Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Thread starter RX-7_FD3S
Vulcan works better for me also, although frame rate is similar. Had the odd crash with dx12 but never with Vulcan.
Overall I am very happy with the way it runs.
I've just started playing this again tonight, now I learnt that the PS4 got a proper photo mode. Still makes my jaw drop at the scope and attention to detail, but also still overwhelms me with all that detail in one small area like Valentine alone.

This game is an impressive technical achievement, but no matter how hard I try I only have mild interest in progressing in this game. Still on Act 2 and I have had this game for a year now. The main issue is that gameplay is tedious, but it probably has to a lot to do with me just not enjoying the setting much. I don’t care for westerns one bit. If this was a sci fi game I suspect I could live with or even enjoy some thing like the fact that traversal is slow, having to feed and brush your horse for it to stay in top shape, etc. The game does have some good acting, great visuals, and good sound, just gameplay and setting is not my cup of tea.
Impressive game world, graphics and tech. But somehow I lost interest and started playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey instead. :)
Will pick it up again though.
It's an incredible game, that feels more nuanced than GTA. As GTA strived to be 'more' in every way, I think it lost some of the feels that earlier games had, and I miss that. Red Dead bought it back, and for sheer atmosphere I think it's one of the best.

I get criticisms about the pace of the game, and the time it can take to get around the map, but to me that adds to the immersion, and I'd rather savor the game than try and get through it as quickly as possible. There's always fast travel later on in the game, but to be honest, even at 100% story completion, there's still big chunks of map undiscovered and it's fun to just explore... although it's a bit disappointing that big chunks carried over from RDR effectively aren't used for anything.
I had big hopes of 100% completion. :lol:

For story mode that shouldn't be too hard. The chapters seem to get shorter as you go through the game. If you're planning to do all the side missions, strangers, ecounters, and all the hunting stuff and challenges as well... that could take quite a bit longer!

Legend has it you never really complete the game until you find Gavin...

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I've personally played through the main story three times as well as having different save files I return to just to continue playing a certain section of the story/game.

Personally love the game and can't wait to play it again on the PS5 and PC.
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I've personally played through the main story three times as well as having different save files I return to just to continue playing a certain section of the story/game.

Personally love the game and can't wait to play it again on the PS5 and PC.
That sounds exactly like me with RDR on PS3.
Just did play little more, at the part you go down from the snowy mountain part, really nice views on the horse carriage with the sun low, in far 3rd person cam.

With the music, it's really atmospheric, love it. I knew it be an immersive type of game, and was thinking to wait for a ps5 upgrade, but its still a really nice game on std ps4.

Im sure ill love getting lost in the sim free roam part of it, but the missions seem soooo hardcoded, like that 1st train robbery., it takes away all the fun of trying different things.
It literally tells you when to go on the train, and you can't even try go up in it before that, the control and access is blocked.

Hopefully the missions get a little more fun.
But the controls are nice now i find, better than in gta5 and much better than in rdr1. Just wish they let you have fun more, not follow each prompt.
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Just did play little more, at the part you go down from the snowy mountain part, really nice views on the horse carriage with the sun low, in far 3rd person cam.

With the music, it's really atmospheric, love it. I knew it be an immersive type of game, and was thinking to wait for a ps5 upgrade, but its still a really nice game on std ps4.

Im sure ill love getting lost in the sim free roam part of it, but the missions seem soooo hardcoded, like that 1st train robbery., it takes away all the fun of trying different things.
It literally tells you when to go on the train, and you can't even try go up in it before that, the control and access is blocked.

Hopefully the missions get a little more fun.
But the controls are nice now i find, better than in gta5 and much better than in rdr1. Just wish they let you have fun more, not follow each prompt.

Agreed the missions are narrated and shackled but free roam makes up for it.
I have 500 hours gameplay according to steam and I guarantee 450 of those are roaming around, hunting and talking to people.
(I previously played it on console).

Amazing to think that it was originally released almost exactly two years ago. :crazy:

I've done a couple of playthrough's and going back through this thread really makes me want to dust if off and do another one. It's not without it's faults but such an all around incredible experience.
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Im sure ill love getting lost in the sim free roam part of it, but the missions seem soooo hardcoded, like that 1st train robbery., it takes away all the fun of trying different things.
It literally tells you when to go on the train, and you can't even try go up in it before that, the control and access is blocked.

In this respect, as with GTA V, it felt like the story element of the game was simply a tutorial that eventually leads to RDR online.

.. I guess as with GTA V, the offline game will see no further expansion now.
Been back just now trying it a little, been a while, hadn't gone far into it up to now either.
Still striking how its technically well done and detailed, immersive with all you can do. I prefer it to gta5, much more mature, sedate, detailed as a sim.

Was wondering/wishing if you could use dead eye without the automatic shot markers as soon as your aim swiping across is on a target ?
I just want the slow motion part of it, maybe click to select where to shoot specifically.
Thats how it was if i remember in the 1st game.

I know you can select targets though.
Might not use dead eye if cant off the auto markers, you don't have control much of it that way, and seems cheap, as you only need swipe across an enemy for the game to mark on it.

And i want to choose where it shoots, not the 1st part that the reticle crosses over an enemy.

I cant imagine what they can do on a ps5 let's say, when you see a game like this on a std ps4 already.

Edit: could've been fun to have a horse kick attack hehe, when on or off the horse i guess, if ever a target is just behind it.

My god, i just hunted a deer in free roam and it screamed and was still moving trying to get up again. Shot it in the head to end it's suffering, was feeling guilty lol. Its well animated etc.
Goodness, next time I'll try end it in 1 shot hehe.
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Was wondering/wishing if you could use dead eye without the automatic shot markers as soon as your aim swiping across is on a target ?

You unlock that ability later, not sure why it doesn't work that way from the start though. It switches from being automatic to requiring you to press RB/R1 to tag a spot on an enemy.
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You unlock that ability later, not sure why it doesn't work that way from the start though. It switches from being automatic to requiring you to press RB/R1 to tag a spot on an enemy.

I see yeah, i was hoping for that to be the case, glad then.
Revisiting this one after years away from the game. It’s growing on me for sure. I quit somewhere around middle of Chapter 2 almost 3 years ago and now I was able to get through it and seems like things started to really click, at least for me. I’m used to the gameplay systems now, figure out that feeding your horse, sleeping, etc. isn’t as essential and the game won’t punish you too harshly if you’re not completely on top of it. I also dont mind traveling around the map as much now that I can (sometimes) fast travel when I want. I still really hate that you have to spam A button on the controller to force your horse to gallop, but otherwise I’m fine with the other quirks for the most part.

Having said that, I feel like this game really requires you to put in the time for it to connect with you. Years ago I was trying to do it with shorter 1-2 hour sessions and (on top of a lot of tutorials that would get in the way) I feel like that is not enough. At least not enough to get into it, understand the game, and appreciate it for what it’s worth. I‘ve been able to do 4+ hour sessions this time around and I’m starting to appreciate the writing, character, and even gameplay and the world much more. Compared to a game like GTA 5 where you (only?) had 3 main characters here you have the whole gang and it takes time to flesh them out. I actually feel like main story chapters could use some more time developing the story of each town a bit more, but I guess the side content takes care of that, which again leads me back to the point of putting in extra playtime to get what I feel is intended experience. If you only have 1 hour of game time, riding your horse into town for 5+ minutes is going to feel like a chore. If you have 3-4 hours, you can slow down and marvel at the beauty of the thunderstorm rolling in and maybe even stop by an abandoned cabin and hide yourself from the rain, so you are not completely soaked.

Still amazed how good this game looks. Right now playing it on a 7” handheld with basically medium graphics, 900p resolution, and it still looks like one of the best looking games out there. Quality of lighting model in this game is just out of this world. I like cyberpunk and it is a good looking game, but I think this game surpasses it and does still look almost as good on the older consoles as it does on PC.

I wanted this game to help tie me over until Starfield launches, but 50 hours in and still only at the end of Chapter 4, I feel like Starfield will have some big shoes to fill. I highly doubt the quality of writing and quests will be of the same caliber. I hope I’m wrong on that though, but even if not, the sci-fi setting and the many available gameplay systems will or should make it easier to overlook for me.