Reefer Madness: A BELT Through the 90s, Sat 10:30pm UK

  • Thread starter reefer
twelve different nationalities so far​

I've decided to be all national (seems inappropriate at the moment) and I've chosen the Mini's British Racing Green as a colour for all the cars. It's got a bit more blue in than I like, but it's still very pretty...

@reefer Your Mount Panorama time is squiffy too. The TVRs are a hoot around it though, good choice.

I'm on your pace for about half of what I've done, two cars (RZ & Evo) yet to prep. Slow with the F40 and 156. I'm going to spank you at Tsukuba though. ;)
I've decided to be all national (seems inappropriate at the moment) and I've chosen the Mini's British Racing Green as a colour for all the cars. It's got a bit more blue in than I like, but it's still very pretty...
I'm running whichever colours take my fancy at the time.

@reefer Your Mount Panorama time is squiffy too. The TVRs are a hoot around it though, good choice.
Panorama time - add 60 sec, will edit. I tried it at much higher PPs and couldn't make it work the way I wanted hence the relatively low pp.

I'm on your pace for about half of what I've done, two cars (RZ & Evo) yet to prep. Slow with the F40 and 156. I'm going to spank you at Tsukuba though. ;)

Re Tsukuba: watch out guys..the spanker is back

Done much running at Tsukuba Joe?;)

Same as Bathurst, only an hour for setup. Flavious and I are running exactly the same times at both tracks.

The Spanker is doing a "Mcgregor" and trying to mess with reefer's head. What he doesn't realise is, there's nothing in there to mess with:P
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..there's no spiders in this video, I promise. Made a short video for the folks back home but I've taken out most of the personal stuff and added a little bit of driving around my local area etc. Merry Christmas men and women of speed and best wishes for '17! And if you feel like it, come and help me clear some snow....

and check the great championship Zo has setup:

I'd love to see some of you guys joining it!​
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RZ set up. I don't like Fuji. :P

Evo set up. I don't like Evos. :P


Also, I found a #43 livery Alfa! I'll take this one if I can't have green.

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Well lads (don't think we've got any lassies racing with us), it's almost time to turn back the clock and race some iconic 90s cars. All ready and tuned up? We kick off this weekend in the Lotus Carlton at Silverstone and, if I'm honest, my setup has got me worried; it's a bit of a handful especially at The Loop/Aintree Corner. I've set it up to be quick but it does take some coaxing to keep it on the hard stuff. Nevertheless, looking forward to getting the 90s Belt started and the race room will be open early as usual this weekend:cheers:

Lotus Carlton Quick Quiz

1. How many years was the Lotus Carlton in production for?
1. Two years.

2. How much did it cost?

3. How many were produced?
3. 320 Lotus Carltons were produced.

4. How many are left in the UK?
4. Less than 100 are left.

5. How many colours was it sold in?
5. It was only sold in one colour, a shade called Imperial Green, a very dark green that in anything but direct light appears black.

Then we move on to the Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91 at Matterhorn Dristelen. Again, being frank, I've no idea where the overtaking opportunities will come here (with reverse grid) but the car feels good to drive around this track. Just gotta make sure to brake early.

Delta anyone? 50 quid shy of 58,000 GBP for a DELTA on a '94 plate with 36,000 miles on the clock
(Youtube of Tiff)

Yep. That's what my lap of Silverstone looks like.

Edit: See? Track limits? No problem. (Sorry for potato quality.)

After some practice laps today, I'm less concerned with the Carlton, and more with the Lancia. I think I finally have a tune which deals with the track's lumps and bumps consistently (the one over the 120mph+ left was an utter bugger to my usual setup for a long time) and while I can now lap fairly quickly, I'm not sure about two things:

1. How to manage a 1m07 - good grief.
2. How having sixteen of these angry shoeboxes on this track at once can end in anything but carnage.
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I'm looking forward to seeing your Carlton's tyre wear at the end Venari (You like to keep your foot in, eh!).

Re a 1:07 in the DELTA: that's a best lap time. Usual laps would be in the 1:08s. Reverse grid at Matterhorn Dristelen will require a lot of patience and skilful driving. BTW, did you have a Mercury Cougar?
I'm looking forward to seeing your Carlton's tyre wear at the end Venari (You like to keep your foot in, eh!).

That was a demo run on Sports/Hards. :D Actually, I have a setup which is amazingly well behaved if you keep it tidy. i suspect you have something similar.

Re a 1:07 in the DELTA: that's a best lap time. Usual laps would be in the 1:08s. Reverse grid at Matterhorn Dristelen will require a lot of patience and skilful driving.

Much fun and frolics.

BTW, did you have a Mercury Cougar?

I do. It is currently being stripped for painting.

Here it is before eight years of standing outside turned him a bit grotty.

I do. It is currently being stripped for painting.

..and you called him freddy. I once had a scorpion that answered to freddy. Used to bring him out at 4am to play with. Hide 'n' seek was his favourite game. Lost him a few times - was never easy to find with 20 pairs of beer goggles on! Those were the days. Think I'd much prefer your freddy though. Pity you missed our Cougar race in the muscle car 'ship.

What colour are you going for? Also, is that the one with the XR-7 package? Looks like your headlights are concealed behind the grille which means the grille must be retractable? And how are freddy's road manners?
What colour are you going for? Also, is that the one with the XR-7 package? Looks like your headlights are concealed behind the grille which means the grille must be retractable? And how are freddy's road manners?

A similar blue. No, it's not an XR-7, that was a wood interior trim with overhead console and some other bits. Mine's a base '68 302.

Yes, the headlamp covers raise up on vacuum. Well, they should. :D Mine open but don't close, I need to refurb the vacuum servos.

Road manners good due to Caltracs, cut Torino front springs, a big front ARB and 'the Shelby mod' on the front arms. Big Escort mk2.

Great racing tonight, guys. Hard races for me, but I liked the start at Dristelen! If I had been a bit more careful at t1 I would have earned the podium properly!
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Just watched both races - what a laugh.

Man of the Meet: Richy. You're making a habit of this richy-boy! At Silverstone you must have been putting in some decent lap times cos I ran in the 14s every lap.

My Carlton felt good - just had to keep the heid and bring her home.

Also, congrats for the win at Matterhorn. The start was always gonna be a lottery and I think we'll call the madness in the first big sweeper a racing incident.

I set my 1st gear long as I knew all cars would bunch up on T1 and doing so gave me the option of 1st at the last corner if I screwed up (which I did a couple of times). During said racing incident I couldn't see through the smoke and smacked into Colin's already-sideways DELTA falling 20+ seconds behind the leader. Like the Carlton at Silverstone, the DELTA seems to like Dristelen and my setup gave me confidence to battle through the field and enjoy a good ol' scrap with messrs Venari and Johnny-boy. At one point I thought I "moved" John sideways onto the grass but wasn't really sure. So, just in case, I decided to return the place before crossing the finish line, but on viewing the replay I see John came off the gas too which wasn't lost on the Mr V who snuck between us for 2nd! Anyway, it's all for fun and that's what's important. Great racing lads. Positions will stand as we finished.

but I liked the start at Dristelen!
You fair bolted out those blocks!

It looked like there were some great battles in both races! Tom vs. Venari, John vs. Colin, Venari vs. John... I, for one, left feeling good with how the our 90s series started.

Shame about your shoulder Al. I have the same problem and can share your pain mate! Hopefully Fad, Leo and Boris will be back next week ;)

And great to see quentin and Derek!

Next week F40!

Results up tomorrow. Well done chaps.

Brrraapp's cold here..
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Hi friends

Yesteday was frustrating for me. I´m very happy with my new wheel, but It kills me. I thought that will be better than the pad controller but the pain is bigger. I.m very sad today because I feel I never could drive without pain. I can´t sleep all night. I could play with the pad again, but I don´t know what I´ll do. I like driving with the wheel, but the force feedback is brutal for my shoulder althought it is in minimun level. One more time I threw my money by the window.

I hope I´ll drive with you in this champ, but I don´t know how.

Good day friends.
Hi fun racers :cheers:

This week races was good fun for me as always.

On Silverstone I had to work my ass of after @Venari toke over me in the beginning. I manage to get closer but damm the guy resisted well. So I had to wait and wait and wait …....... Then last lap when I saw one mistake that opened the door I jump in. But believe me the job was not done I had in the mirror @CrazyJohn and @Venari 2 crazy wolfs ready to eat me alive. :crazy: :scared::scared:

For the second race unfortunately the start was bit messy. Right after the finish I felt bad for @buybon355. My job on Dristelen was to manage staying on track nothing else. My set and driving here couldn't let me ask for more.

Thanks again for great races 👍
Yes well done all was great racing with you :cheers:

I just could not seem to find the times set by joe , getting track time in helps tho

Got a good start and just trying not to slide out was key ,got joe in my sights and just tried to keep up .
I was suprised that i was able to keep up :crazy:

Got a good start but didn't know were to go as the pack bunched up for turn one , knowing that if you crash you lose speed up the hill i got my head down and managed to get up to 2nd , had a good battle with al for a few laps :)

I find i don't have the motivation in practice but i get going when the lights go out :lol:

Thanks for all the work you put in joe to make this happen :cheers: