Reefer Madness: Stock US Classics Sat 10:30pm UK time Feb 11

  • Thread starter reefer

What track should be run the GT40 at?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re running teams of 2 in the US Stock series:

Tooma interested
Colin interested
Joe interested
Anyone else?
What about pairing the 1st place finisher of the current series with the last place finisher, 2nd place finisher with 2nd last etc? That should more or less even things out no?
What about pairing the 1st place finisher of the current series with the last place finisher, 2nd place finisher with 2nd last etc? That should more or less even things out no?

I thought about that Colin and doing so would probably be the fair way to go about it but maybe not necessarily the best as not all drivers turned up for every race skewing the results somewhat. So it left me thinking, if it were up to me, I'd do this:

Team 1. joe / tooma
Team 2. fad / Tom A
Team 3. quentin / Venari
Team 4. buybon / suts
Team 5. richy / Derek
Team 6. Al / john

But people might want to choose themselves? Or names in a hat? The above would depend on @Sutsagrd joining the fray. I think those teams would produce an interesting side championship. However, there doesn't seem to be the interest.

If no interest is shown from the other members then we don't need to think about it any further:tup:

Tooma interested
Colin interested
Joe interested
Anyone else?

And while I'm here, anyone up for a job?
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Re running teams of 2 in the US Stock series:

Tooma interested
Colin interested
Joe interested
Anyone else?

On my part I won't be a good team mate :bowdown:
I can't run all races
Actually for the first one I have a farewell party for my brother who's living France for long time.
Thanks Tom. We'll just run as is. It's simple that way. The votes are in and Spa is our track for the GT40:tup:
I thought I'd already signed up for this but obviously not!

Number 88 as usual please and I think I'll choose different colours for different cars if that's ok? My garage is looking too purple at the minute!

I know I'll miss 1 race as would be the gt40 and the cougar!
I'm up for teams. Don't mind who I'm up with either. :D As a reminder, my car colour is Trumpet Gold, which is from the Jay Leno Toronado...
reserved for signups

1) #95 fadmad from the land of butter, bacon and bikes
2) #22 Tom_A (mgo) hails from a city where there's only one stop sign
3) #11 quentin from the ice cream sundae state
4) #31 richy comes from a land where it's illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances
5) #99 and joe originates from the land of Jock Tamson’s bairns
6) #25 John from the land of beauty and Drama
7] #43 Venari from the land of gurning
8) #77 buybon bides in Bo'ness
9) #26 Derek comes from a land where carrying your wife is a sport
10) #57 Al from the land of the wonderful
11) #11 Tooma comes from bonnie bairns land
I hope Tooma really isn't using #11 since I am already using that number.
Reefer Madness is back with a Celebration of American Classics from 1948-'69. This time we'll be running cars in their stock form except for a tyre and oil change. You can also change the brake bias to suit and Improve/Restore Body Rigidity. So, not pure stock, but stock enough for some great door-to-door racing.
  • Tyre change to specified grade (see above) - OK
  • Mix of tyre grades - OK
  • Oil change - OK
  • Brake balance change - OK
  • Improve/Restore Body Rigidity
Except that, please touch nothing.

No weight changes, power, drivetrain, suspension or transmission changes are allowed. All races will be on Sports Soft tyres except for the Mario Andretti which will be on Sports Hard tyres and the GT40 which will be on SH front and SM rear. However, except for the GT40, you can run any tyre grade, even a mix of tyre grades, up to and including the specified ones if you wish.



At A Glance

Saturday evening 10:30pm UK time (starting Feb 11th)
2 x 20-min races
Race 1 Grid Order is Fastest First
Second race Reverse Grid
All stock except for tyre, oil and brake balance change
Post a message below to reserve your spot
All welcome

The race room will open at 9:30pm for practice. Qualifying will start at 10:30pm. Race 1 will start at approx 10:40pm until 11:00pm. Race 2 will start at approx 11:05pm until 11:25pm. All times are UK. Points will be awarded for both races.

Race Format: 2x20 Minute Endurance Races
Simply race in a hard but fair way like we know you can! Deliberately cutting corners or dive bombing ain't good. Just be cool and you'll be fine.


Points will be awarded as such:

1st : 25 points
2nd : 20 points
3rd : 18 points
4th : 15 points
5th : 12 points
6th : 10 points
7th : 9 points
8th : 8 points
9th : 7 points
10th : 6 point
11th : 5 points
12th : 4 points
13th : 3 points
14th : 2 points
15th : 1 points

How To Participate

Providing we have space, anyone can take part in A Celebration of American Classics from 1948-'69. Just let me know of your interest by posting a reply in the thread below then join the Club and you'll be good to go. Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. The races will be held in the GT6 Classic Car Club lobby. Community Club (ID: 1042717). My PSN username is joe__kerr

Race Room Event Settings

PP limited to the stock PP plus oil change
Tuning not allowed
Sports Soft or less
Race 1 Grid Order is fastest first
Second race Reverse Grid
Tyre Wear/Fuel usage is normal
No bhp or weight restrictions
ABS is available
Driving line is available
All other Driving Aids are prohibited
Require Tyre Type Change is off (this means you can stick with one grade of tyre)
No mandatory pitstop
Start type is Grid Start with False Start Check
Penalty is off (may be on for some tracks)
Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge is real
Visible Damage is off
Mechanical Damage is off
Slipstream Strength is real
Nitrous is prohibited
Boost is off
Wings are not allowed
Voice Chat will be enabled

Same as always - this event is all about having fun. Bring a good attitude along and you'll be fine.

Any questions, get in touch!


Are we allowed to change the oil in the GT40?
I hope Tooma really isn't using #11 since I am already using that number.
Just an oversight quentin, something we didn't spot.

Are we allowed to change the oil in the GT40?
I'm guessing you're asking because the GT40 pp is out if we add in the oil change? If so, good catch. (I'll check when I get home.)

EDIT: Just checked, 529pp with oil change for the GT40, so good catch quentin. Calendar changed above to reflect the pp with oil.

A note to all: do oil change in all cars!

I'm up for teams. Don't mind who I'm up with either. :D

I'm not sure if I put this to bed or not but adding fad and Venari to the original list of Tooma, Colin and I means we're up to 5 members that support running teams. Another two "yes" votes would see a majority in favour of it, however, all it would take would be one strong "no thanks" and we shouldn't run it. After all, nobody signed up for this series expecting to be part of a team. (And anyway, it's only a fun suggestion and shouldn't be taken too seriously.)

Is there anyone who really doesn't want to do it?
And do we have another two "yes" votes?

Let me know:tup:
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I'm sitting on the fence... I have no problem with teams but I feel really bad that I'll let my team mate down either on track or by my absence!! :crazy:
I am on the same boat as Suts, i will definitely miss some races, so i don't wan't to prejudice anyone. But i don't mind teams and i can run with anyone who will miss some races and don't mind being on the top.
I know some haven't replied here, and that's okay. If you don't want to run teams, you don't need to. Just express your wish to me not to do so for whatever reason. This is what I have:

Team 1. joe / tooma
Team 2. fad / Tom A
Team 3. quentin / Venari
Team 4. buybon / suts / Team Ecurie Ecosse (I want one of these transporters)
Team 5. richy / Derek
Team 6. Al / john
Team 7 Leo / tooma
Team 8 IfAndOr / Independent / Team Hit-Or-Miss

Don't worry about turning up for each race Tom_A, Suts and Leo. Your team mate isn't gonna mind as it's only for a bit of fun on the side. If it appears to be working okay then we can even run it over a 10-week series (into the '00-'09 cars) with the best 9 results counting for points.

Tooma, because of uneven numbers, you're in 2 teams! No doubt I'll be on ps3 in an hour or two and we can discuss a team name. Anything goes. Same for team colour; you can run the same colour in your cars or have both cars different.

Please pm your team mate do discuss your team name (or do it here on this thread) and let me know what you decide ASAP.

We kick off the Stock Classic series tonight, so remember to do an oil change especially in your second car as leaving the room after R1 upsets the starting order.

(open invitation to Paul for all races)
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Being as it's a stock series I can jump in much more easily than previously, so if/when I can make it I don't mind running as an independent or being a (very) part time team member.

Team "Hit-or-Miss" since that sums up both my attendance and driving style. :)