Richard Burns Rally - RSRBR 2016

  • Thread starter richiem2282
Just finished first on the first Rally stage (Amateur Difficult)
Tried to stay smooth and stay on track and it payed off at the last stage.
The G27 feels great even on PS2 but need to drive automatic can't change gears on the paddles or can I change it somehow? It's listed as Driving force Pro ....
Looking foward to the Finnish stages now :D But will take few days till I get there and finish the next rally stages...
If you pass the two Rally Schools then it unlocks two to three stages per country for trying those stages out in Single Rally Mode - that's how I got to try the Finnish stages out. The Japanese ones are good too - the rest I've not tried yet.

Have fun.
Has anyone experienced the problem of file associations (particularly *.txt) not working after playing RBR? There is an unapproved fix for this using regedit.exe, but it will restore the association and hold it only until you play RBR again.

I found a couple of notes on the web about Trojan attacks on the RBR demo and the 1.02 patch ( "The file associations of Richard Burns Rally demo have become invalid due to Trojan attacks."

This isn't a deal breaker for me and the game, but it would be nice to know if there's a way to avoid having the damaged file association problem arising in the first place.
I'm getting RBR in a few weeks. Should I play it "as is" with the official patches first, or should I download and set up all the RSRBR stuff? I don't have a gaming PC, so will the RSRBR mods be too much for my machine? (It plays the RBR demo (accept for the screen width) and a very modded GPL (Grand Prix Legends) fine.
I am using Windows 8 and RBR is working fine for me :) But.... I am unable to install patches or RSRBR as it says that 'I have not installed Richard Burns Rally' but I clearly have... If it is somthing to do with where I have installed it, is it possible to change RSRBR or the patches so they install in a different place? Or where can I move RBR?
I've been searching but have not found an answer hoping someone here has had the same problem and found a solution.

I have RSRBR2013 and a SLI-M from Leobodnar running SLI Max Manager III, my problem in RSRBR is that the SLI-M will work fine if i load up the base game (If I just start Richard Burns Rally from the desktop with the default cars and tracks) but if i load the "RSCentre" select "Alone" and set myself up a stage and car pack my SLI-M will not work at all?
I've been searching but have not found an answer hoping someone here has had the same problem and found a solution.

I have RSRBR2013 and a SLI-M from Leobodnar running SLI Max Manager III, my problem in RSRBR is that the SLI-M will work fine if i load up the base game (If I just start Richard Burns Rally from the desktop with the default cars and tracks) but if i load the "RSCentre" select "Alone" and set myself up a stage and car pack my SLI-M will not work at all?

I have a similar issue, my SLI-PRO will work until I crash then it will display the letter "E". It also does this whenever it likes, has a mind of its own in RSRBR & RBR
I have a similar issue, my SLI-PRO will work until I crash then it will display the letter "E". It also does this whenever it likes, has a mind of its own in RSRBR & RBR

CLIFFO, I got mine working correctly, try this method and see if it works for you.

Load : "RSCentre" then load "Alone" setup your Mod, stage and car pack then run the game using "RSRBR" or "Go", once the game is up and running and you are in the car exit from the game.

Leaving "RSCentre" running then launch the game from the standard "Richard Burns Rally" icon from the desktop (as if you were launching the default version of the game, it will then use the settings you setup before and the SLI-PRO should then work without errors, At least the SLI-M worked for me and i did a solid 2 hours of play without issue.
Can anyone remember where to put the GT5 gauges .dds file in the rbr directory?

Just done a fresh install of rbr and rsrbr and had memory blank...
Gonna give this another try tonight. Last time I could get Vanilla to work but not with any mods.

Now I kinda know to mod stuff like Minecraft and iRacing (Just head position and gyro head cam for iRacing)
Sorry for bumping the thread, but I've just had to re-install RBR, having enjoyed the basic game for quite a long time. Now I would like to get the RSRBR mod, just to try it. So what I would just want to know is:

Do I need any programmes to install the mod?
Do I have to install all releases or does the latest contain everything?
If the latter is not the case, would someone be able to provide me with working links?
Follow these directions. You need RBR, but you have to make sure you install it in its own folder, I call it Richard Burns Rally, on my hard drive. Don't install it in the default Windows location. This thread has all of the information you need to know. It's complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it makes sense. The hassle is well worth it, RBR remains the best rally sim ever made. Period...
I finally stopped being lazy and did a clean install of RSRBR 13 last night. By the time it was all said and done took about 2 1/2 hours total. Completely uninstalled RBR and the 12' mod and re installed everything. Took little more than an hour to download all the mods with the updates, car, track and pace note packs. That was a bulk of the time. Everything went through smoothly but I did have to change around some wheel and in game setting on the 13' mod to get it back how I had the 12' mod.

The physics do feel a little different. Had to change around some wheel settings to get the handling like I wanted. The force feedback does feel a bit stronger. I normally run it full in game back backed it off 2 bars. I honestly didn't get much time to actually play cause it took so long to install and get everything set back up. I'm liking it so far but since I haven't had much time with it yet it mostly feels like 12' but with different layout and some minor handling tweaks. There are some new tracks and cars of course Ive still yet to try out. Going to try and go through tonight and get some more time on it.
I bought the game but never installed. It's it worthy the work? How does it compare ti dirt 3?

I downloaded the files before I received the game in the mail, so install didn't take long. Probably worth it, as the game is a bit dated graphically (even with RSRBR).

I've not played Dirt 3,but I did play 1 and 2. RBR is much, much harder. The physics are more realistic, and the stages are quite long. Damage is pretty strict (but can be turned off). The graphics do the job, but you won't play this because it's pretty. You will play it because it is challenging, rewarding, and lots of fun.

One nice thing about RSRBR is that you get 2wd, S2000, and other less brutal formulas to use for practice. That will help a lot. Also, there is a little mod (not part of RSRBR) that changes the codrivers calls to numeric (2,3,4, etc.) instead of the default literal calls (k, fast, easy). Having played other games using the numeric system, I became a good deal faster after finding that as I wasn't always having to "translate" the calls.
I bought the game but never installed. It's it worthy the work? How does it compare ti dirt 3?

Even the base RBR makes just about every other game look like it was designed by a kid that was tired of crashing and thus invented a special code to prevent it. It is THAT realistic.

RSRBR 2013 just has everything: an army of Lancer and Impreza rally cars, a fair bunch of S2000, some RWD drive cars, yes, even the mad Group B in all their glory; you haven't played the game before you've tried 'dat Porsche in snow!

As you may have figured, I'm addicted to it, in a way you can only feel to a handful of mods, and have been playing it as good as non-stop for nearly 2 weeks. I'm not lying if I say the money I spent on DiRT back in the day would've been better spent here if necessary, exclamation!

And yes, as noted above this post, if you want top-line graphics over gameplay, gtfo. I mean, how many really cares if that tree is 2D or 3D made of a bazillion polygons when you're coming up to a fast righthander at 140+km/h on gravel?
Question guys,from where can I get this game digitally? ,also with the 2013 mod and all how much will it be in size?
I can't vouch for this, but try here:

I bought a disk via Amazon.

My folder is 21.9GB (RBR + RS2013 mod)

Once you buy the disk, you won't need it to run the game, so long as you install the patches that the developers originally released. One of the patches removed the disk check requirement. I nonetheless keep my game disk when I need to re-install the game when the next year's RSRBR is released.
I can't vouch for this, but try here:

I bought a disk via Amazon.

My folder is 21.9GB (RBR + RS2013 mod)

Once you buy the disk, you won't need it to run the game, so long as you install the patches that the developers originally released. One of the patches removed the disk check requirement. I nonetheless keep my game disk when I need to re-install the game when the next year's RSRBR is released.

Thanks for the help guys :cheers:
Sorry for bumping, but I figured rather this than starting a new thread (for now, at least)

I was just wondering if anybody would be interested in participating in some time trial events?

Edit: Part 1 of a project I'm doing, I'm hoping FIA and co. will forgive me for using their 2005 WRC intro :)

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Got my laptop back and got everything reinstalled, so should be back on RSRBR. Anyone remember what file to edit for the graphic settings?
New to RBR. Great game but now I want RSRBR 2013. I am having download speed issues when downloading from the main source and I don't want to download from the other file sharing websites. Just don't trust them. Anyone else having 6.0kbps download speeds?
Its been awhile since I downloaded the 13' mod pack but it did take a while. Around a couple of hours by the time I got everything. Seems like I downloaded some from the main source and some of it through the sharing sites.
It seems like it will take anywhere between 12-24 hours just to download the 437mb game file. This excludes any car or track addons. Might have to just set it off before I go to bed and see how it's getting on after work.
Even the base RBR makes just about every other game look like it was designed by a kid that was tired of crashing and thus invented a special code to prevent it. It is THAT realistic...

I see what you are saying, but I don't think it's that simple really. Now I only have the original game, which I still play once in every while, so I cannot comment on the improvements made via the various mod versions, as I don't have a gaming PC. However, I rarely see someone talking about this game with such passion anymore - most posts here, lets face it are 'how do I do/install this or that?' or 'how can I get this to work with that?' type comments, and then it falls silent for an age until the next similar post.

Whilst a good few folks appreciate a die-hard sim rally game, very few it would seem actually play it that much. The more accessible and recent rally games get more attention now, despite the concessions made for the casual gamers out there - which is I suppose the choice that the various devs have had to make at some point.

I'm sure they wanted to make it as realistic as possible, within the coding parameters on the PS3 or 360 apparently - yet they also see how many people actually stay onboard with RBR. So I don't think it's like they are kids who are tired of crashing. Also creating a game back then was a different thing to the larger demands and diminished returns of nowadays.

Even with that said, maybe with the next-gen there will be the capability to choose how hardcore you'd like your game to be. Even so, that would depend on how long such a mode would take to develop alongside the mode that would actually sell the game and pay their wages so that they can all live and code another day.

I'm not criticising the game, or your passion - like I said, both are good - it's just something that I noticed after following this thread for a year or two; something that needed saying.

...And yes, as noted above this post, if you want top-line graphics over gameplay, gtfo. I mean, how many really cares if that tree is 2D or 3D made of a bazillion polygons when you're coming up to a fast righthander at 140+km/h on gravel?
Very true, which is why I don't mind the graphics of the current WRC series by Milestone as much.
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