ROC - FC Edition: FINAL ROUND Specifics (FINISHED)

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
Happy B-day Jason!

(I was going easy on you last night because it was your Special Day...) ;)


Are you sure that was it, i thought i was driving to fast for you.

Oh btw, sorry for pasing you for the win in the last few corners in thoes 2 races. hehehe

I bet you were saying - God damm it E
Now I almost feel sorry for beating the crap outta you guys at Spa last night.

PS - Not you Biggles, of course ... I mean Jason and the Swiss guy :lol:
LOL! Says the guy in the 'clean air'. ;) I think all three of us showed impressive consistency. And all three of us beat our previous best lap times with the 512M at Spa during that race by a considerable margin. My hope was to try and pressure you into a mistake but we were so evenly matched that I simply couldn't close the gap enough to make this happen.

And I know Jason got tangled through Au Rouge with another player or I may not have gotten past him either.
Stop picking on me Mario, i know it was my birthday so behave yourself. LOL

Great racing with mhm66 again tonight in the FXX at spa ( wet ), I pulled off an Amazing lap time 2:21:22 & mhm got down to 2:22:03
Peace Zedux
well if Pietro can lap a 2:20 I've lost this race already lol because a dead 2:20 for me is unachievable lol!!!
That was funny because I reced with Zedux and Jason today and Zedux did a 2:19.9x lap. Lap that he said was unachievable :).

I think that racing online is a bit strange. When I was racing offline with AI I never thought that we can go that fast (today I did 2:20.2x). I was thinking that maybe high 2:20s will be possible and now we are almost 1 second faster than that. I don't know how we doing that because in FC there is no handicap system. We can only relay on slipstream or hmm..... a lag? :)

Jason nice lap times ! You are really fast in wet 👍.
Zedux and Piotr: it seems I have to attend a friend's birthday dinner tomorrow (friday) so I won't be able to spectate your race. It's a pity, I would really like to do it, but I really can't skip this dinner because of my "gaming activities", no one would understand. :dopey:

So, I wish both of you a good close race for the entire 30 minutes of it, and be sure that the first thing I'll do when i get home, no matter how late, is to check my PSN Inbox and also this thread, just to know who is the FC ROC Champion! :)
I think that racing online is a bit strange. When I was racing offline with AI I never thought that we can go that fast (today I did 2:20.2x). I was thinking that maybe high 2:20s will be possible and now we are almost 1 second faster than that. I don't know how we doing that because in FC there is no handicap system. We can only relay on slipstream or hmm..... a lag?

The AI isn't generally that fast. When you are racing a fast online opponent it forces you to push harder, which results in faster lap times.
That was funny because I reced with Zedux and Jason today and Zedux did a 2:19.9x lap. Lap that he said was unachievable :).

that was a win or crash and die lap :) but I think it was 1:19:86 if I'm not wrong! Anyway that means nothing as you know consistency is the key.

Is anyone else having problems when racing close behind another FXX? I felt my car so much out of balance and I was loosing it very easily when racing inside 2 3 seconds from a car in front!
Yes the slip stream affects the car behind it's actually very cool 💡!!! I was racing Segel earlier and many times he got into 3 seconds range from me he lost the car completely lost it just like I did many times too if I didn't stop accelerating specially in fast corners! Ex. coming out of Stavelot, but almost every where it's very hard to stay inside the 3 seconds without loosing the car! maybe it's not everyone who feels that!

I tried some races yesterday and today with my new tv but I still didn't get used to it so I'll be racing with my "old" tv lol!!!
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hi guys
So i did my race with host_killer today.
The start of the race were pretty intens.He did a great start and took the lead,but made a little mistake after eau rouge and i past him on the straight.
The first two laps he was within 2 sec,but on the 3 lap he got a penalty,and after that he had to push every lap to gain the time.If you played this combo you know that it's almost imposseible.So my lead just got bigger as i didn't have to push in the tricky parts of the track.I won with a good amount of time.

Thanks to host_killer for the race.
Thanks to ENERGIYA for joining an spectate.hope it was great to watch.
Thanks to GTP_hun for a great event.
hi guys
So i did my race with host_killer today.
The start of the race were pretty intens.He did a great start and took the lead,but made a little mistake after eau rouge and i past him on the straight.
The first two laps he was within 2 sec,but on the 3 lap he got a penalty,and after that he had to push every lap to gain the time.If you played this combo you know that it's almost imposseible.So my lead just got bigger as i didn't have to push in the tricky parts of the track.I won with a good amount of time.

Thanks to host_killer for the race.
Thanks to ENERGIYA for joining an spectate.hope it was great to watch.
Thanks to GTP_hun for a great event.

Congrats 666 I want to see the trophy!!!! Where is it?!!?!!? Congrats to Host_Killer as well for making it to the last 4!
Congratulations hm66! Tough luck host killer, it's not easy to close in on a fast driver at Spa. Both you guys are in the FC ROC Hall of Fame! :)

As I said, I won't be able to play tonight, I hope Zedux and Piotr have a fine race for the championship title.

One word of advice, that mhm66's writeup reminded me: Eau Rouge /Raidillon is very tricky when you aproach them from a standing start. I hope you guys (Zedux and Piotr) practised that, because going up full throttle and still changing gears is very different from going up if you are coming from the hairpin (as you will do in every lap of the race ... except the first).

Good luck to both, as soon as I get home late in the night I will check what hapened and who is the champion! 👍
Mario will be making a announcment who became a first Ferrari Challenge RoC Champion. I sent him all the details that he need.

Now I go to sleep because now it's quite late in Poland (1:43 AM).
And the

Ferrari Challenge


of the

Race of Champions




!!!!!!! ZEDUX !!!!!!!

Congratulations Felipe, and also conratulations Piotr, you are both first class drivers (I wish I could drive like you guys do) but only one can be champion, and this time, Felipe won and deserved that title.

Thanks also for the write up I got from you guys in PSN, I won't write anything else today (tired and with lots of beers to be processed :D), tomorrow morning I'll be away but in the afternoon I'll try to write here a full review of this event.

To end (for now), I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all the guys that supported this event from its beggining, especially to all that took part in it! so ... THANK YOU ALL! 👍
Overall my race with Zedux was interesting. I made a great start and took a lead but not for long because Zedux used slipstream to pass me after the Eau Rogue in first lap. After that we were running similar in terms of lap times. Then I think in 3rd lap strange things happened. I've seen a lot of smoke coming from Zedux's car. It was hard to see something in that moment but I don't made any mistake. In last corner of I think 3rd lap Zedux made a small mistake (he loose about 1 second) and I was really close. I decided to push harder and I made a mistake at Eau Rogue. I ran too wide and get a penalty. The game gives about 10 seconds penalty when you cut too much Eau Rogue. So after that I knew it that it's game over. I was 11-12 seconds behind Zedux after that penalty. Rest of the race was quite boring. We both were running on similar pace (2'21s -2'22s) but I simply couldn't catch Zedux. I even loose a 3 seconds in this 20 minutes so the final gap was 15 seconds. So it's a shame that I made that stupid mistake (I never get there penalty in practice races). Anyway congrats to Zedux for a almost faultless race and of course for FC RoC championship !
That's the one problem with Spa: you make a mistake at Eau Rouge against a competitive opponent & the race is basically over. Too bad as it would have been interesting if it had come down to the last couple of laps. Sounds like Zedux used the old Brazilian Smoke Bomb tactic: it's been banned in Europe, but apparently not in South America... ;)

Anyway congrats to both of you - you're all winners! :)

My preparations for the race started Thursday I knew Friday race would be the harder I had mainly because Pietr is an awesome skilled racer and I was struggling behind other cars when racing the FXX. Up to Thursday my best lap was 1:19.86 so I knew I had the pace but was lapping pretty inconsistent lap times which meant I needed to improve that. Thursday evening I tried my “broken” controller and was amazed that I did a 1:19:51 so I noticed that my “unbroken” controller had some buttons broken too so I fixed what I could in the “broken” controller but for the PS button I was using the “unbroken” controller to press it.

That gave me lots of confidence for the race. So by 22:00 gmt I started the engine of my PS3 and got into Ferrari Challenge few minutes later Pietr was online but unfortunately by 22:20 gmt I had a stomach pain which sent me rushing to the bathroom. I believe it was the Chinese food I eat anyway amazingly by 23:28 I was back to my PS3 and read a couple of messages Pietr had already left. We took over 15 minutes between practicing the start and deciding that at 50 secs we would start the race.

The Start – It was a bit disrupting to see 2 countdowns at the same time, one was the 47, 48, 49 secs and the other was 4, 3, 2 before getting disqualified! 50 secs and on 1 sec from been disqualified the race started. I got a bit of wheel spin Pietr got besides me and into Eau Rouge and eased the throttle a bit and he was first I behind second. My race strategy was simple get out in first and stay in first as I didn’t want to race from behind especially because I was not comfortable following other car with the FXX. Coming out of Eau Rouge I was carrying more speed than Pietr I really was putting it all at Eau Rouge to have an overtaking opportunity at Kemmel and before Les Combes. I was not sure which line Pietr was going to take and I was approaching him very fast, he defended the inside line and so I took left but my car was so much out of balance I almost touched him luckily there was no incedent and I braked spot on approaching Les Combes and was in the lead. My first goal was with lucky achieved!

PART 2 to follow later!