Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
Massive explosions on a Russian Airforce base on Crimea.

It is of course nothing but an accident.
Multiple explosions in Crimea, military aerodrome.

Massive explosions on a Russian Airforce base on Crimea.

It is of course nothing but an accident.
200+ km, out of reach for basic HIMARS
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Although I am happy to see the Russian military take a good hiding, this kind of thing does make me nervous... despite valiant efforts to defend their country, the Ukrainian military have not had that much in the way of notable successes - not anything that has really stuck anyway... but the bigger the Ukrainian 'success', the more likely Putin is to resort to even more disgusting behaviour.

However this is a timely reminder to Russia that Ukraine is not ready to roll over and die quite yet, and it is also a reminder to Russia that Ukraine is, you know, not Russia and that for as long as they refuse to accept this, they will remain legitimate targets for the Ukrainian military... and that legitimacy extends to anyone who decides to help a sovereign nation defend itself from a horrifically aggressive occupying regime.

Little Boy Reaction GIF by Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
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The bottom line is that the conflict in Ukraine is part of a long term campaign by the US against Russia. No, it's not going terribly well at the moment, but the US will never give up, no matter the cost. This one is backed by both sides of the aisle.
have not had that much in the way of notable successes
They kick RF ass constantly. February and March were devastating for RF army. Moscow was sinked. After HIMARS reach Ukraine Russian logistics in occupied territories were demolished.
long term campaign by the US against Russia

It is of course nothing but an accident.

Smoking kills
Thanks to the probity:rolleyes: and wisdom:crazy:of those in charge, the chance of a nuclear disaster affecting all of Europe is low.
If you aren't really sure about that and must know more, check out this 18 minute video:

I saw footage of Russians fleeing Crimea. People crying that they only just lived there for a couple of years and already they had to flee because of war coming closer.

Oh boohoo. You're a ****ing occupier and deserve everything that happens.
I'd ask how soon before Belarus declares war on Ukraine, but it is completely irrelevant as they are the western expansion pack of Russia.
they are the western expansion pack of Russia.
Exaggeration, its somewhat independent. In fact, Belarus already in war with Ukraine, if we count international law. If warplanes using airstrips in country, it automatically makes this country participant of conflict.

It's time for every single one of those high ranked RuSSians to get severe cases of untreatable asscancer.
The last thing the world needs now is a nuclear disaster. Prevailing winds will bring radioactivity primarily westward from Zaporizhzhia. There is no effort on either side to actively prevent this, and now it's down to luck.
This is an understatement.amongst many other things he said.

“We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it’s supposed to lead to”
