S10 S7 and other S-Class Tunes *Mines PRO tune added*

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
Thankyou for setup got all golds and whet to save them and the save whent to bronze i don't know if it makes any diff.in my racing it good that i know how i done so thankyou again gran all the way.
Use the Mines.
The Mines will win S10 (in std physics) without breaking a sweat (the car that is... You might sweat a little.)

Besides that...

Drive smooth.

I set-up the Mine's and can't believe the difference that made. You the Man.

The wheel...well that is still a work-in-progress, At Suzuka I still can't navigate the S-turns well (I'm seeing improvement but not much). Oh, well I guess I have to practice more (oh, darn poor me :dopey:)
I set-up the Mine's and can't believe the difference that made. You the Man.

The wheel...well that is still a work-in-progress, At Suzuka I still can't navigate the S-turns well (I'm seeing improvement but not much). Oh, well I guess I have to practice more (oh, darn poor me :dopey:)

Once you get used to the wheel you'll find it's a more precise instrument than the pad.
Had some friends over and wanted to give them something fun so I pulled out your vette auto tune for them to run with. I gave the vette auto tune a run again myself. First place by end of second lap. Best lap: 1:56.586 :sly:
I completed all of the other S challenges on pro, but got really fustrated by 7 and 10 and found your tuning guides very helpful. I am, by no means an expert on the subject of tuning, but it seems that your recomended brake balance setting of the S2000 is counter-intuitive, culminating in terrifying oversteer. I may be alone in this, but the effect was always that i would spin out of control in the enty to turn 13, where there isn't a straight braking zone. I used a brake balance of 5-8 and found it much more successful. Otherwise, fantastic tuning guide.
Pro Physics tune for the Tuned Vette. This car is an absolute blast to drive. I've used it on a couple of other tracks as well and didn't change anything. Well Done:cheers:
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Ummm... I think I have the opposite effect to you guys. I found S-10 a doddle and got gold relatively easily with a proper car (I think it was the Amuse.), but I am struggling with S-7. I'm on pro physics and have been throughout the game yet S-7 seems really hard for me in any car I choose. I make a few places at the beginning but than stay in a 10 sec+ margin from first place for 4 laps or so. Anybody got a good set-up for S-7 in pro physics?
Ummm... I think I have the opposite effect to you guys. I found S-10 a doddle and got gold relatively easily with a proper car (I think it was the Amuse.), but I am struggling with S-7. I'm on pro physics and have been throughout the game yet S-7 seems really hard for me in any car I choose. I make a few places at the beginning but than stay in a 10 sec+ margin from first place for 4 laps or so. Anybody got a good set-up for S-7 in pro physics?

I have tried S7 in pro a couple of times before I did my Vette tune. I think I finished 12th both times. Very similar to what you describe. I may give it another go with my Tuned Vette.
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Just ran S7 pro with my Tuned Vette. Took me 3 tries to get gold. 1st time 3rd. 2nd time 4th (bad run). 3rd run I took the lead at the end of lap 3 and cruised to the win. The Amuse was dogging me the last 2 laps but I beat him by 2 seconds.

I'm also pretty rusty from not playing for 3 weeks so I really felt sloppy. I was overdriving almost every corner.
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Nice setup man i just ajusted the final gear to 3.894 and it seem to improve acceleration. i got 2nd on S-6 could get gold if i could quit hitting cars.
On S6 USING YOUR -18 85% S3 -8 -8 4 3 5 2 +.06 +.5 5 2 tc off abs 1
2346 1723 1349 1068 846 781 3260 best is 2nd but 1.5 behind

On A8 USING YOUR +0 100% S3 0 0 3 4 3 4 +.10 +.5 1.8 1.3 5 3 50
tc off abs1 3906 2007 1568 1283 1074 904 4295 best is 3rd and 5.4 behind.
have there been any changes to these tunes,or have you done others i've missed.
Also S8 cannot find a tune of yours for this GT06 track.These are my last three and really p*****g me off that I cant get them.HELP HELP HELP.

Used your tunes for lots of other tests and got on lovely with them .So is there any more or do I settle for being crap on these 3.Hope you can help and many thanks for your other tunes that have been so usefull
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Thanks for the Vette tune buddy! After 2 tries I took 1st in lap 2 during S7 ony to lose it to a GT LM and Amuse S2000 in the last 3 turns.

Went back and tried it again and smoked them all! Made my day.


No if only I could get used to the darn Amuse in S10 I'd be done.
On S6 USING YOUR -18 85% S3 -8 -8 4 3 5 2 +.06 +.5 5 2 tc off abs 1
2346 1723 1349 1068 846 781 3260 best is 2nd but 1.5 behind

On A8 USING YOUR +0 100% S3 0 0 3 4 3 4 +.10 +.5 1.8 1.3 5 3 50
tc off abs1 3906 2007 1568 1283 1074 904 4295 best is 3rd and 5.4 behind.
have there been any changes to these tunes,or have you done others i've missed.
Also S8 cannot find a tune of yours for this GT06 track.These are my last three and really p*****g me off that I cant get them.HELP HELP HELP.

Used your tunes for lots of other tests and got on lovely with them .So is there any more or do I settle for being crap on these 3.Hope you can help and many thanks for your other tunes that have been so usefull

Well on S6 I messed around looking for a good tune for a long time. This was the best I came up with. F40 on S tires at Suzuka is a bad combination, at least for me. I finally got so fed up that I quit. I posted what I came up with.

On A8 you just have to be very aggressive, bump a few cars out of the way in the infield if you have to. Take the bus stop as close to flat out as possible. Use all the curbing. This one and S6 are the worst. I hate stupid "pass everybody in 1 lap" mission races.

On S8 I didn't post a tune cause it's a TT and tuning isn't allowed. The GT06 is all about technique. If you're running std physics be sure to turn tcs off. Right after you turn in you have to get back on the throttle to keep the rear in line. If you lift off the throttle in the turn you'll spin for sure. And if the tcs kicks in it will make the car spin too. So turn it off.
Just thought that I would drop in and give my most heartfelt congrats on this thread...

Was struggling on both S7 and S10 and then this morning I used the Mines for S7 with your S10 tune - worked a charm - I got first (first try) on the 5th lap into the haripin after the back straight... the car is a dream to drive - It topped out on this tune (unsurprisingly) on the main straight - but otherwise was beautiful...

Then ran S10 - and failed to get above 12 on my first run - but that run was riddled with mistakes... more telling is that my best lap was a 2:04 some 9 seconds off of your 1:55... I'm not a fan of suzuka - partially I think because the racing line brake/accelerate is always wrong for me - if I stick to it I fall off the track too much!

I will do S10 though - now that I am confident the car can deliver.

Had another bash this morning - and cleared S10 - in third at the moment... if I can irradicate the mistakes then I can make up the 10 seconds I was down on the leader...

Best laps were only 2:02's though - long way to go til I can get under a 2 minute lap... one of my main problems is the R46 (or whatever it's called) as I either over do the breaking - or run wide and lose a fair bit of time... also - I'm still picking up the occasional penalty for "shortcuts"!!

Try looking farther ahead. There is a natural tendency to focus right in front of your car, or on the car in front of you. Don't look at the car in front of you or at the track in front of you. Look as far ahead as you can. Once you're in the corner it's too late to correct your line without it becoming a "mistake". If you look ahead you can make tiny corrections to hit the correct line.
Try looking farther ahead. There is a natural tendency to focus right in front of your car, or on the car in front of you. Don't look at the car in front of you or at the track in front of you. Look as far ahead as you can. Once you're in the corner it's too late to correct your line without it becoming a "mistake". If you look ahead you can make tiny corrections to hit the correct line.

Yeah - I think my main issue - is that I'm not a big fan of Suzuka and therefore I don't feel confident in racing there - thus too many mistakes are made on other tracks I'm much happier.

Also - I've not driven the Mine's car very much - so I wasn't too used to it... I aim to try to gold as much as possible in GT5:P so lots of practice on Suzuka and Fuji F will help me learn those tracks better!

Gold at S-7 Fuji F in the Z06/Tuned using this setup. Took lead on lap 3, finished out the race with three sloppy mid-1'38s. This is just some tune I had on the car, but even still might be useful for someone.

R1 (lock)


3.23 * was hitting limiter on straight, 3.1 might be better.
What position should i be in after the 1st kinda lap to stand chance of winning

Assuming you're talking about S10...

I'd say you want to be 10th by the end of lap 1. I know when I was trying (and TRYING) to take gold in pro I could pick off the first 5 cars pretty easy on lap 1. So that's a good goal. You should be able to get gold. If you can get to 9th or 8th you're definately going fast enough to get gold.

If you're under 2'10 on lap 1 that's good. Shoot for 2'00 for the last 4 laps and you've got it.

And you should be 6th or better by the end of lap 2. You may only get a couple of cars a lap for those last 3 laps.

Once you get to where you can win S10 every time (standard physics) then you can try to get the lead on lap 2 and finish in under 10'00 total race time.
alrite, im not racing in standard physics at all, sticking to just professional.

playing a bit of GT4 inbetween so have to make slight adjustments each time but thanks
Everything I said applies to pro physics except for the last line. Nobody's taking the lead on lap 2 with pro phyics in S10.
I meant, as in race advice, i'm using the tune :D its pretty nice its just im struggling where to aim on the first corner as im getting held up by the Tuscan and the other F40 through the Esses and i cant really outbreak them