SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
Did you send it?

Not yet buddy, in the middle of installing Peppermint Two (Linux OS) atm, so gimme a couple of hours because I need sleep too, I'm shattered. I will reply though! Promise! :D

@Pwner - No problem, I've had it up for months anyway. =]
Wheel isn't working 100%, but still alot better then a controller. I can actually drift properly now. Just have to get used to the faster corners.

What I have now is basicly like the MS Wheel with much stronger FFB.
I'm up against monsterGAUZ for D1 D: I'm most indefinitely out first round. He's far too good.
Thanks Adam.
Inspiration came from this.

I need help. Diff settings: do you guys use 60/60/60, or tune for each car individually? Still struggling with the tuning on GT.
5/50/30 on my 200sx.

I don't really get what the first number does tho.

Your initial torque is basically how much power it takes before your limited slip locks. The lower the number (5) the sooner your rear wheels lock together.
I was in a Japanese lobby really late last night on SSR5, It was the 90 degree right hander under the overpass and the u turn around the fountain. All of us were driving typical Japanese street cars as well. We have to replicate this!
Hmmm... okay, plugged in my old router that we go to replace the rubbish talktalk ones said it failed to setup but its connected to the interwebz? Good to see you amazing world of everything.