SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
I got on later than I planned last night but playing for a bit made me realize how much I missed it. Haven't been getting home until 2-3am or later during the week so I wont be on much until Fri & Sat.


Cro... D2K... word.

I still haven't added anyone because i don't get on my PlayStation, unless i want to watch a bluray, hence i removed the SFX from my signature. I don't consider myself part of the PS-side of SFX. I'm fairly certain the same goes for Juber, as he (to my knowledge) doesn't even own a PS3.
Yo I'm on vacation for a week starting today so I'll actually be on at a more reasonable time so hit me up whenever you see me.
I've been getting on but it's usually not until 2am or so.. see you on once in awhile but never know how long you're going to be on.
So this is where you boys have resided, I missed you on This is D1 Vege by the way.

I sold my xbox and am on gt5 now, old friends come at me :). (please?)
So this is where you boys have resided, I missed you on This is D1 Vege by the way.

I sold my xbox and am on gt5 now, old friends come at me :). (please?)

Yooooooooo Vege. Add both of my names: CurrentlyFapping & SFX_Pwner. Most everyone else is actually still on/back to Forza. BkS, myself and usually Cro are really the only ones still "active" on GT5.
I think thats the best PSN I have ever seen in my life hahaha. I basically gave up on getting live, kept Forza just incase i get an Xbox again though. I added you, hopefully my connection is good enough to actually drift with you.
So this is where you boys have resided, I missed you on This is D1 Vege by the way.

I sold my xbox and am on gt5 now, old friends come at me :). (please?)

We'd still be on if most of the team wasn't banned, lol.
Haha thats the mods alright. Heavy days guys.

Only thing i miss from Forza is the livery editor, having boring cars is killing me haha D:
I've no idea, but he tries to troll on from time to time with no success.
He did have a PS3, no idea if he still does. No GT5 either. He's Cha Boy Jesus on xbox now. @Fadam - Late night or early morning? haha
He did have a PS3, no idea if he still does. No GT5 either. He's Cha Boy Jesus on xbox now. @Fadam - Late night or early morning? haha

All nighter, haha. Trying to sort my crazy sleeping pattern/insomnia out. Sick of not falling to sleep until 5/6 am
All nighter, haha. Trying to sort my crazy sleeping pattern/insomnia out. Sick of not falling to sleep until 5/6 am

Take some vallium. That'll knock you.

Or just not drink anything after a certain time?

Hot milk usually works for me...
I should really go to the doctors about it, I'm not getting enough sleep at all and it's been like this for like the past month and half.

Even if I go to bed at say 1am when I'm actually tired, I'll just end up laying there, my mind going crazy till 4/5am
Probably best to get it checked out. Though they'll probably just say have a massage or something, knowing doctors.
Whats the max tires that are "acceptable" to use around here? Like on Forza it was Sports.

I have been using CM's, but a lot of teams say they only run CH, so wondering if CM or CS is frowned upon, or just personal preference in whats used haha?

Sorry for newb question haha.
CH or CM's James.

@2K - I've been on the otherside for a bit. GT5 got a bit boring.