Special Stage Route 11

  • Thread starter Panoz
I would prefer to have the GT1 version with a modified version of the Chicane of Death, just make it less lethal.
I think the only decent way to make it less lethal is to remove the lethal parts of the barriers and implement a penalty for cutting corners. I think there was a throttle-down penalty for running off the track at Eau Rouge (at least in some races), but that was effective mostly because Eau Rouge is followed by a medium-long straight, which would allow corner-cutters to be passed more easily (maybe).
I was thinking something similar to the Nouvelle Chicane at Monaco in GT6, just have a wall at the end to prevent any corner cutting.
Well in this case we ought to set up an online archaeological dig. Just examine each of the areas of the SSR's and if possible map something out. Not only that, I don't know of you've noticed on SSRX, there appears to be a city towards the mainland off to your left after you leave the stop/start line at the submarine base. So in truth all the SSR's aren't too far from each other
If you ever played GT3 and know the night ring in the Licenses,it can almoust be seen from SSR11 on the second U corner of the whole track. :D
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If you ever played GT3 and know the night ring in the Licenses,it can almoust be seen from SSR11 on the second U corner of the whole track. :D
^ Which part!?

SSR11 '00s


Actually guys, I think I will set up a lobby on the 27th at 8pm GMT.

I'll tell you all the room ID and we can start a race and research all these tracks together.
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View attachment 139418 I think it should be arround here but haven't glitched thru the track yet. Gonna try XD
^ Let me check that out after I watch Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore on Netflix. ;)

Actually guys, I think I will set up a lobby on the 27th at 8pm GMT.

I'll tell you all the room ID and we can start a race and research all these tracks together.
^ I'd like that! I can cram all my research and explain it in full detail! :)

-> I might as well jump-start my research again...


EDIT -> I just realized that, it cannot be! Silly me, but that area you were pointing at leads to the underpass! In SSR11 '90 that part is a solid road that leads towards the 'Death Chicane.'


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I am playing GT1 and GT3 now because of this track. I think i should upload a video of me driving around the track in gt1 and gt3. My favorite track between all Special Stage route tracks (well GT1 layout and GT3 beta layout is better than GT3 final layout) but i think pd should include the both.
I give up x( I never keep my promises for dates x( I'm sorry guys :(

Maybe one of you should host one...
Actually guys, I think I will set up a lobby on the 27th at 8pm GMT.

I'll tell you all the room ID and we can start a race and research all these tracks together.
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^ Let me check that out after I watch Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore on Netflix. ;)

^ I'd like that! I can cram all my research and explain it in full detail! :)

-> I might as well jump-start my research again...


EDIT -> I just realized that, it cannot be! Silly me, but that area you were pointing at leads to the underpass! In SSR11 '90 that part is a solid road that leads towards the 'Death Chicane.'


Maybe the night ring is slightly down-right than I pictured it but dont take my word for it :P I was playing with GT3 Licenses and saw that from the ring you can see a bunch of buildings with maybe 14 stores(I dont know how you say it in English because I dont live anywhere where English is main language). It looks like SSR5 but with that kind of like SSR11 light-night if anyone understand me XD
The GT1 version was absolutely killer and a hell of a lot of fun. That middle chicane was an amazing section and trying to drift around it faster than the last lap was ridiculous fun. Then there was the frantic chase to catch the grid if I messed up and hit the chicane resulting in tons of 360's. Such good times. The only way I could accept the castrated GT3 version in GT6 or 7 is if the original version is included. GT3 version is the kiddy version. Nice lights and cool Ferris wheel though.
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Does anyone else think the Madrid circuit has a similar feeling to SSR11? O.o
They both have lots of low speed corners and short straights.
^ Nope, nope, nope!!!

-> Unlike SSR11, Madrid has no flow whatsoever. Plus Madrid is not a fun course to drive around at. It's more fustration than fun. Madrid is like a combination of New York & Seoul circuits, but never compared to SSR11...
this track is a must return. they should also make 3 versions of it. the gt1 version, the gt3 version and a version combined with stage route 5 making a super circuit. I would really love PD if they made SSR11 return
I have absolutely no faith in PD in delivering the GT1 version (which should have been the only version) or combining it with Special Stage Route 5 for that matter. But if they did deliver all three versions...and did it well and the GT1 version does not deviate from what made it so special in the first place? Well...they would never be able to do wrong in my eyes...maybe. And of course combining it with Special Stage Route 5 would be incredible. I don't like Special Stage Route 7 or 10 for that matter.
One of my favorite tracks from the old games. It was cool that it came back in GT3, but I'd like to see it return again. There's just something awesome about this track. They should have both versions of the track. But I want the GT1 version more, because I wouldn't mind going through that chicane again, and the various tunnels that are absent from the GT3 version for some reason.
Cool video. I have never seen that car race modded as I somehow hardly touched Subaru (not sure why really). And again

I agree 100%. The coolest track PD ever came up with and beats the snot out of the GT3 version.

Yeah, definitely better than the GT3 version, the underpass was always my favourite part of the track, even though I almost never got the line for the chicane right. Extremely challenging unless you're in a car with superb handling.

Oh, and Subaru has always been a must for me in every GT game, mostly the older Imprezas.
^ Didn't you posted it already back on page 1? Anyway.......OMG!!! SSR11 GT1 on GT3!!!!! Why they removed it? At least they could have make it as different layouts....

Btw, i was gonna do a thread like the one on your signature with videos i've made...
^ Or we could collaborate, I'm thinking to restart my research anytime soon. You don't have to create a new thread. :)