STAR WARS General Discussion | Warning: Possible SPOILERS!Movies 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Interesing. It seems that Thrawn will lose the favours of the Empire's hierarchy because they (namely Tarkin) got fed up with spending huge resources engaging in battles to restrain scattered insurgencies, so whatever cunning strategies and military prowess Tarkin has to offer aren't as valued anymore. Instead the Empire is increasingly hungry for the long-promised doomsday weapon, Krennick's baby.
...What, they didn't like the Book of Henry? I hear it was an unmitigated disaster of a movie. Haven't seen it personally yet since its release this side have been.... postponed indefinitely which can only bode well for its quality. /sarcasm.

Even though the Jurassic World killed it at the box office, it wasn't the bestest movie ever, not by a long shot. Probably, the producers lost all trust in the guy with the bombing of his latest film.
...What, they didn't like the Book of Henry? I hear it was an unmitigated disaster of a movie. Haven't seen it personally yet since its release this side have been.... postponed indefinitely which can only bode well for its quality. /sarcasm.

Even though the Jurassic World killed it at the box office, it wasn't the bestest movie ever, not by a long shot. Probably, the producers lost all trust in the guy with the bombing of his latest film.

Sounds like creative differences between him and Kathleen Kennedy too. Episode IX will be the last in the trilogy so will have to wrap it all up nicely. If Trevorrow's vision for how it should end clashes with how Lucasfilm/Disney envisioned it, i can see how it would cause issues.
I'm looking forward to seeing how he can close it out, I just hope he takes some of the fan's reaction to TFA being a copy of ANH as a way to be a little more original. I personally didn't mind it, I'm just tired of seeing them whine.
Abrams directing Episode 9 reduces my expectation of it by at least 50%, it'll be a film for JJ's ego not a film for Star Wars fans.
A new trailer is coming on Monday, just FYI for those that don't know. Will air during Monday Night Football, but will obviously be online around the same time.
22289900_1651520228226692_7003978854187492604_o.jpg Quick and dirty assumption that is probably way off:

I feel like Kylo might go to the light side. He's conflicted. Punching things out of anger because he doesn't know what to do, emotional when he had a chance to shoot Leia's ship down (and probably won't) and teaming up with Rey. Hmmm.

Edit: not punching walls, smashed his helmet. Even more interesting.
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Just seen the trailer....

WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!??? Too much epic to process. Quick and dirty assumption that is probably way off:

I feel like Kylo might go to the light side. He's conflicted. Punching things out of anger because he doesn't know what to do, emotional when he had a chance to shoot Leia's ship down (and probably won't) and teaming up with Rey. Hmmm.

Edit: not punching walls, smashed his helmet. Even more interesting.

I was thinking the opposite. Killing Leia and bringing Rey over to the dark side. All of which adds to his internal conflict and sets up Episode IX to have Luke seek Ben/Ren out to bring him and Rey back to the light and kill Snoke.

Episode 7 follows, maybe a bit too closely, how A New Hope unfolded. What i've seen and read about The Last Jedi leads me to think it won't be all that dissimilar to Empire Strikes Back - ie the Rebels get a kicking. If that's the case, Episode IX will round things off in a similar manner to Return of the Jedi. IMO.
I was thinking the opposite. Killing Leia and bringing Rey over to the dark side. All of which adds to his internal conflict and sets up Episode IX to have Luke seek Ben/Ren out to bring him and Rey back to the light and kill Snoke.

Episode 7 follows, maybe a bit too closely, how A New Hope unfolded. What i've seen and read about The Last Jedi leads me to think it won't be all that dissimilar to Empire Strikes Back - ie the Rebels get a kicking. If that's the case, Episode IX will round things off in a similar manner to Return of the Jedi. IMO.
He won't kill Leia, there's no way they would do that after he killed Han. Now, she will probably still die but not by him. Which, would be another reason for him to deflect after he realizes how much he still cares for her.
Ren ending Ep8 as a 'goodie' doesn't set much up for Ep9 though does it? - But i guess we'll see soon enough :)

I'm trying not to read too much into this trailer. The ones for Force Awakens purposely and thankfully didn't give away too much actual plot. I'd imagine there's plenty hinted at in this one that turns out to be different in the film. Quick and dirty assumption that is probably way off:

I feel like Kylo might go to the light side. He's conflicted. Punching things out of anger because he doesn't know what to do, emotional when he had a chance to shoot Leia's ship down (and probably won't) and teaming up with Rey. Hmmm.

Edit: not punching walls, smashed his helmet. Even more interesting.
Those are two disparate shots at the end of Kylo and Rey. There's embers falling around Kylo and we see Luke's hand rising through the ashes of the burning building before that. He's not offering his hand to Rey.

It's intentionally super misleading.
Star Wars Explained have a good breakdown video of the trailer... makes a few valid points, and also believes this trailer contains misdirection...


... on a more general note, is there much appreciation for the canonical Star Wars extended universe around these parts?
"... canonical Star Wars extended universe ... " :odd: what do you mean by that. Clone Wars, Rebels, Disney sanctioned novels and comics?
Well, I have all 6 TCW seasons (plus some lost episodes, half finished) and loved that series very much. Rebels is a bit "hit and miss", I suppose the lure of having Vader and Tarkin (plus some TCW survivors, such as Ashoka, Maul, Hondo) made it difficult for Rebels to be its own thing.

Have no novels, have a few comics (some of the Vader centered ones and some of the Luke centered ones). All placed right after the end of episode IV. It is intersting, loved the scene when Vader comes to know the surname of the young X-wing pilot that destroyed the Death Star. However, some scenes were depicted in a much too violent way, I don't think consistent with the movies. I am thinking of a particular Mos Eisley scene with Bobba Fett, but there are a few more, many of them related to the droids that travel along with Dr. Aphra. Do like the lovely doctor though, and her interaction with Vader is interesting, because Vader is Vader and that's something they do get 100% right.

Aaand, that's all I can say about the "... canonical Star Wars extended universe ... " ;)
I've watched Clone Wars a couple times all the way through (in the right order ;)) and have a couple novels but I just don't have the time to read everything that comes out. I have picked up on a few of the comics recently and am keeping up with Rebels.
I read the first Timothy Zahn SW novels in the early 90's - now known as the Thrawn Trilogy. They were really the first new licensed Star Wars material after the OT. Don't know if they're classed as canonical or not. I know Thrawn the character probably is now due to his appearance in Rebels, but the books go into stuff that probably clash with both the prequel and sequel films.
I'm on my 6th book and have read about 50-60 of the comics, I've watched the Clone Wars in numerical order then chronological order, I've followed Rebels, though I don't think it lives up to the quality of the Clone Wars.

It is interesting, loved the scene when Vader comes to know the surname of the young X-wing pilot that destroyed the Death Star. However, some scenes were depicted in a much too violent way, I don't think consistent with the movies. I am thinking of a particular Mos Eisley scene with Bobba Fett, but there are a few more, many of them related to the droids that travel along with Dr. Aphra. Do like the lovely doctor though, and her interaction with Vader is interesting, because Vader is Vader and that's something they do get 100% right.

The bits of that Arc that deal with characters we know are great (Vader, Luke, Boba etc.) - I have to admit though, I'm not yet an Aphra fan, and I find the psychotic droids (I forget their names) quite annoying. I've not yet read any of the Doctor Aphra comics, so I only know her through her appearances in the Vader comics.

I read the first Timothy Zahn SW novels in the early 90's - now known as the Thrawn Trilogy. They were really the first new licensed Star Wars material after the OT. Don't know if they're classed as canonical or not. I know Thrawn the character probably is now due to his appearance in Rebels, but the books go into stuff that probably clash with both the prequel and sequel films.

The old Thrawn trilogy stories are no longer canon, though elements of the character and his background have carried over. I've not yet read Zahn's new-canon Thrawn novel.

Anyhow, the reason why I mentioned it is because I was going to have a small complaint about the sequel trilogy so far...

Obviously TLJ is going to cover a lot of Jedi/Force related stuff, but on the First Order side of things, I'd quite like to see more references back to the fall of the empire and the rise of the first order. There's a lot that happened during that time and TFA didn't really address that, simply requiring you to mentally substitute Snoke for the Emperor and the First Order for the Empire. Now their primary weapon is destroyed and we get to see more of their hardware and infrastructure I think it leaves the door open to introduce some of the back story - even if it's just fan service references. The same too with Leia, she went through a lot between RotJ and TFA, I think it would be nice if a few of those events got a mention. The Star Wars story is becoming quite an extensive one, and I think the films are the weak point in tying things together.

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