Super Car Challenge

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
The dash view looked pretty good. I usually don't like cockpit views. They just take up to much of your field of view. Driving a real car isn't like that. In GT I like the bumper view but it is too low in FC. The bonnet view is still a little low but is the best for me in FC. Tenacious: what do you not like about the dash view?

I agree exactly.

Tenacious: why not just describe where exactly the view point should be IYO?
Well, anyway, one thing is for certain. If there were any doubts that a Super Car Challenge thread belonged under the Ferrari Challenge section, now we know for sure. :lol:
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Tenacious: well, I finally understand (from the Eutechnyx web site) what you are complaining about. You actually prefer the roof cam because of the wider situational view it provides. Fair enough. I never used the roof cam with GT4 (& I suspect nor did most other people), so I'm not missing it in FC, GT5P, F1CE or any other game.

Yes, all the other views don't give you the peripheral vision you have IRL, but I think you will adjust to another view with practice. The ideal thing, as I said before, would be to have a triple screen set-up...
^ Err... yeah, I'm not sure I'm even going to be able to afford a G25 this year. :P

Look, I grew up with all these driver views I now disdain. My serious racing binge began on the SEGA Saturn with Daytona and Sega Rally. I went to NFS on the PC. I went to Gran Turismo 2 on my Bleemed Dreamcast - remember that? I won't even mention F355 Challenge because it was undrivable for me. Then GT3 on PS2, a brief unhappy fling with GTR and Live For Speed which didn't install right, then Forza and Forza 2. And all these games had the same driver views, a couple with cockpit cam, but most just nose and chase cam. This is years of accumulated experience with these driver views. But I don't like them anymore. Forza 2 worked okay, but it was the same deal. Roar down straights, but fish through turns. I was competitive online, but won almost no races because I couldn't see the track how I needed to to race how I needed to. And I stuck it out for most of a year.

Then GT5 Prologue came out and it gathered dust.

Gran Turismo is like that one special girl that makes all other women seem like losers. Liike Tiff Needell, you can shout to me, "Practice! Practice practice practice!" all you like. But it won't change anything. I'm all practiced out. It's a pretty simple request, to give me a view that enables me to feel a car properly. Just a few lines of code. If they can't be bothered, well, I don't really need to race their game online. In fact, I really don't need to plunk down $60 for a sequel which is a lot more like an expansion pack.

Well, I guess I need another headache, FC is growling at me. :P
I never used the roof cam with GT4 (& I suspect nor did most other people)

I used roof cam in GT4 because I like cockpit views (GT4 didnt have any) but I still liked seeing the bonnet/hood, I would have prefered a hood view and on some tall cars the roof cam was annoying high.

With GT5P they fixed all that (cockpit). :)

It's a pretty simple request, to give me a view that enables me to feel a car properly. Just a few lines of code. If they can't be bothered, well, I don't really need to race their game online.

Well I don't think anyone knows what view is perfect for you, everyone is different, GT5P is just fine for me, I don't have any problems hitting apex's or anything.

When full interiors are modeled they should just put a movable cam in as options so you can put your view point where you want.
Well I don't think anyone knows what view is perfect for you, everyone is different, GT5P is just fine for me, I don't have any problems hitting apex's or anything.

When full interiors are modeled they should just put a movable cam in as options so you can put your view point where you want.
Actually, that's just what I suggested over at the Eutechnyx board, that they drop their current fixed scheme and use one with four regions: front, cockpit, roof and chase. Then give the player some parameters to fiddle with to place the camera and define whether it's fixed to the car axis or floating, where it's aimed, etc.

And for the record, I love GT4 and Prologue's arrangement too, though I'd like the option of using the high roof view from replay mode if I want to. I was sick today and some of my wording - and racing - leaves something to be desired. :P

And after thinking about it for a while, maybe I'm overreacting to racing online in FC. My main gripe is actually with the bots. Much of the time, they drive just fine, but then something will go wonky and they'll freak out. Slam on the brakes, veer into and out of lanes almost frantically, speed along and then suddenly drive like an old woman... many, many weird antics that remind me of Forza 2.

And... frankly, it really shouldn't matter if I never win a race in FC online. Still, winning is nice. Not ramming people is nice, or glogging their lane. I sure wouldn't hop into a race at random on the net, but I guess if you guys don't mind me slamming you off the track on occasion, I could drag myself into a race sometime in the next few weeks...
He does mean accidentally. I know the feeling, I much prefer clean racing on and offline and it's what I try to do, but skill wise I'm still prone to cocking up every now and then. When I'm racing with people who realise that I'm not in the top 100 drivers in the world and can accept that accidents do happen I can have a great time regardless of where I finish but sometimes you make a mistake, clip someone and put the off the track and they react like you've crapped on their kids. I don't hit people all the time, I try to give people plenty of room but mistakes still happen from time to time. Yes it is annoying to get knocked off track by someone but at the end of the day I'm sure everyone has caused an accident in a game at some point and then there is always the fact that it is just a game.
He does mean accidentally. I know the feeling, I much prefer clean racing on and offline and it's what I try to do, but skill wise I'm still prone to cocking up every now and then. When I'm racing with people who realise that I'm not in the top 100 drivers in the world and can accept that accidents do happen I can have a great time regardless of where I finish but sometimes you make a mistake, clip someone and put the off the track and they react like you've crapped on their kids. I don't hit people all the time, I try to give people plenty of room but mistakes still happen from time to time. Yes it is annoying to get knocked off track by someone but at the end of the day I'm sure everyone has caused an accident in a game at some point and then there is always the fact that it is just a game.

I know what your saying, but if i accidentally knocked sameone off track, i slow down & let them re-pass me.
I played GT3 mostly from my personal helicopter, but after a while, I started to glue myself to the front bumper. A bit of a headache when I rear ended other cars but othewise everything was fine :dopey:

haha made my morning :sly: :dopey:

Im sure i have made my views on errrr views clear before, i love the cockpit view in FC i really get on well with it, and dont see what the problem is. It keeps you on your feet having to look further down the track. I dont like externals caus they dont follow the car properly, and i dont like hood caus of the reasons people have stated.

I suppose thinking about it now, ive never really felt the gfx or sounds needed fixing, maybe improving. BUT i love FC, so if SCC is the same but with MORE then it is surely a good thing. Fingers crossed their online system is more stable.
Don't even think about glogging MY lane. :irked:

"Hmm... that looks like Biggles..." *BAMM!!*

"Woops! Sorry, Biggs, don't know how you ended up in that tree..." :lol:

But seriously, when you're struggling to come to grips with a game, being invited online just causes a sinking feeling inside. Being sick yestrday - and man, was I sick! I actually collapsed after my last post for 90 minutes - all I could think of is "I'm gonna suck and always lose to these guys." But then, I was able to race in Forza 2 competently, and was able to tailgate people without any major incidents. For the most part. :P

Of course, FC is a different beast. Though it looks like Eutechnyx licensed the Forza 2 engine, they juiced it up considerably with PhysX physics code. And as I said before, these are pretty serious mid-engined monsters which require a steady hand just going pretty fast. People in real life do mess up with these cars, and I'm missing almost all that tactile feedback of being physically driving one. Plus there's this weird little dead zone in the wheel to keep in mind. And then being stuck with a driver view which is uncomfortable on top of that, it's intimidating to think of racing with people who have several months of FC racing under their belt and LOVE the driver views.

I do need to practice a lot more, and still have a lot of cars and tracks to unlock. But it's so aggravating to be using that racing line like training wheels or something, and when I think I'm taking a turn about the same way I have ten times before, I'll go sailing off the track and into the gravel. AARGH. I still can't take the first chicane on Monza properly. But then again, it's been a while since I got flagged for it.

Oh well, a few more rounds, open up all the tracks, most or all of the cars, maybe a week or so and we'll see. 👍

Oh, by the way, I took the GTR around Suzuka in Prologue with chase view, and it was the same weird feeling. "Oh poop... this is hard..."

Edit: one more thing, since this IS the SCC thread, I've noticed that the game kind of looks like an expansion pack for FC. It doesn't look like many new cars and very few tracks have been added. While Eutechnyx is trumpeting all the advances, they had better spend the time to make sure this is a big improvement over FC. Add some more cars and tracks, for instance. Apparently, even some DLC for FC was left out. I'd rethink releasing SCC without some pretty sizable additions.
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Tenacious: you will likely be much slower than experienced FC racers, BUT, the good thing about FC online is that there isn't the exaggerated collision physics that exist (for some incomprehensible reason) in GT5P, so if you have some contact with another driver it may push them off their line a little, but it will not usually result in them careening off the track & cursing you as it does in GT5P.

Feel free to join online races - the worse that can happen is that you will have an opportunity to see what the standard of other drivers actually is, & you will be able to run laps & practice your racing line the same way that you do offline. You'll find that there is a serious frame rate issue with FC online (which I know is going to really bother you!:grumpy:), but unless you are very close to another car, the frame rate is the same as it is offline.

And yes, it does look like SCC is going to be like an "expansion pack" for FC. A similar thing happened with Forza 2: they really offered LESS content rather than more, which is why (along with lack of wheel support) I made the decision to switch from M$ to the PS2/GT4/G25 & then PS3. However, I'm hoping that SCC fixes all the problems with FC as well as offering a few more cars & tracks. If it does that, it will be worth the "upgrade" for me.
Well... first, this game is beginning to grow on me a bit more, and I'm feeling happier with it, sort of how I felt when I first played it and was tooting around Fiorano with Tiff cajoling me. ;) I think I'm much more likely to pick up SCC now.

Second, I think I see a huge issue, in that the game is randomly changing my settings. With different assists suddenly off, on, maxed or whatever, it's no wonder I'm struggling so much with this stupid thing! Looks like I'll have to pause at the start of every single freaking race. But then offline, I'll be stuck with whatever the game throws at me. Not happy about this...
Second, I think I see a huge issue, in that the game is randomly changing my settings. With different assists suddenly off, on, maxed or whatever, it's no wonder I'm struggling so much with this stupid thing! Looks like I'll have to pause at the start of every single freaking race. But then offline, I'll be stuck with whatever the game throws at me. Not happy about this...

I thought the same thing when I started playing the game. The reason it does this, most likely, is because you are pressing buttons while driving that activate some of the assists. The one you will notice is the racing line, the others will activate without you realising it. Take a look at the set-up screen, & you will see what I mean.
Yep, same thing happened to me. X activates the racing line, square, triangle and O activate ABS, TCS and ASM (don't know which does what exactly).
I know what you guys are talking about, though I'm using the DF Pro wheel. On it, the assists are the D Pad, while X, Squ, O and Tri are gas, brake, hand brake and rear view. Now, I might be brushing the D Pad during loading screens, and if that's messing with assists, I'll have to be sure to keep hands off between sessions!

It's possible it's a bug with my PS3, because there are these weird, isolated bugs just a few people have with these next gen consoles. Fortunately it seems most of them are still on the 360.
I doubt very much it's a bug with the PS3. I had the same problem when I started playing FC (with a G25) & actually complained on the Eutechnyx web site that the game was randomly activating assists. Now that never happens, & I'm pretty sure the assists were activated by my pressing the wrong button & activating an assist without realising it...
. . . Now, I might be brushing the D Pad during loading screens, and if that's messing with assists, I'll have to be sure to keep hands off between sessions! . . .

I'm more inclined to think that you're brushing the D-pad during gameplay, but I could be wrong.
Thursday night I had a dream about GT5, and parts of it were so awesome, I didn't feel satisfied playing either GT4 or Prologue, nor Ferrari Challenge. Intending to buy HAWX and a flight controller, I ended up buying GTR Evo and R Factor instead for the PC. Jeepers, I forgot how much I hate Windoze and gaming. After a day of fussing with GTR, it FINALLY began working with the DF Pro, bit by bit naturally, so now all is well.

And I have to complain once more about FC, and SCC. GTR gives me a couple of driver views which actually work, and these cars are every bit as fast as the Ferraris in FC. Once again, I can set up for and tackle corners with authority. I haven't hit the walls in Monza once. Well, I did initially when I was struggling to get used to the game because force feedback refused to work for a few hours for some ignorant reason (Microsoft). But WTH? Why is it so hard for some of these devs to realize that some of us don't love or can use cockpit views? And why is it so hard for them to provide a REAL variety of driver views?

I'd much rather buy SCC than Forza 3, because I'm tired of supporting a reckless monopoly. But seriously, do I want to spend $60 on another game I'll be fighting every meter of the way?
Hun200kmh, like Amar's SuperCar Challenge thread, you may want to move this thread to the main PS3 forum instead of the Ferrari Challenge forum:

This concludes the first post inside this official thread, if any admin/mod would like to move it outside the Ferrari Challenge section in order to avoid further confusion it would be great.

You should be able to move it as you are the author. Just go to the top of this thread and to the right, click on "Thread Tools". Then at the bottom you should see an option to move the thread.

I'd recommend you move it to the main PS3 area, as I would not have even seen this thread if I had not recently just bought Ferrari Challenge.
Hi Digital-Nitrate :)

I appreciate and understand your suggestion, but let me tell you this:

When the game was announced I opened this thread here because I thought the interest for this game would be mainly from FC players.

A few days later a similar thread was opened by jonboy in the PS3 section ( ) and then I contacted one of the moderators asking for guidance about what to do and where to discuss SCC. I even suggested that this forum would be renamed to "FC and SCC forum", since SCC is mainly a FC sequel (improved game and a few non-Ferrari cars).

From the reply I got back then (sadly I erased all those PMs, because my inbox is too small), I understood that Jordan considers the option of creating a new subforum for SCC after the game is released.

If he finally decides to do it, that will be the natural destination of all three existing threads (this one, amar's and jonboy's thread) and of the many others I'm sure will be created immediately after SCC is being played by members of gtplanet.

As it stands now, however, I don't think moving a third SCC thread to the PS3 main forum will do any good. We can keep this one here, for the many FC players that "jump" directly into this forum (and do not visit the PS3 forum often) to be aware of the most recent news about SCC.

But, if any mod wants to merge my thread with jonboy's thread, or to move it to the PS3 forum without any merging, that's perfectly fine by me (in any case, I think amar's thread deserves to remain intact and un-merged with any of the other two).
It seems System3/eutechnyx are having some troubles to keep their beta testers compiliance with NDAs. I don't agree or support such behaviour, but I don't have any responsability for it either.

In the last days, some SCC BETA game-play has leaked into youtube, the videos don't stay up for long, but if you guys do, every now and then, a youtube search using keywords like "supercar" "challenge" "Beta" "PS3" "DBR9" "Spa" "Hockenheim" "Ferrari", "McLAren" ... you might get lucky.
Eutechnyx obviously don't take pride enough in their work and proper car fans. On the website it says:
Ferrari F430 Scuderia
It's a Ferrari 430 Scuderia and Ferrari F430. Obviously shows they aren't very pationate and don't have very good attention to detail.
So the rumors are floating that the new release date is sometime in mid August. To be honest, I don't think it's a bad thing in this case.