Supercar Handicap Championship, It's over folks. Massive thankyou to all who took part.

  • Thread starter Zolon32
See you next Tuesday (most probably I'll be free for some racing!).

See you then John, it'll be something rather more casual than the past eight weeks.

Thank you for this awesome series @Zolon32 it was a pleasure to be apart of it, too bad my left foot is such a.... anyway.

Thanks very much Sparkz, I hope we've got a lot more close racing to come.
Me one week, you one week, @Famine etc, i think that'll be awesome.

This little group we've got going really is a collaborative effort, so if you'd like to set something up for 10th April we'll join in 👍

Alpine, De Tomaso, Toyota S2000, xj13...lets do some old timers? My 2 pennies worth for ideas in the future.

Yep, old time motors for us old time racers, always goes well. I'll sort that for 17th April.

Who's won the trophy?

Well, modesty doesn't permit me...

Did you invest? If not maybe you're trapping a nerve or blocking your blood supply which would result in the foot problem.

He's got a point SParkz. I use an old car seat on a wooden 4X2 frame. Not the sort of thing that the wife would have in the living room, but ideal for my cave:), and miles cheaper than the commercially available things.

Well chaps, it's over. Thanks very much to everyone who took part, and I'm sorry that I went and won it. Really bad form. But, as you can see form the mileage on my McLaren, I did put in some effort. I just couldn't stop myself, I loved all the practice. And I earned enough dosh to splash out on an XJ13.

Well done to Famine for sneaking into second overall, and thanks to him for keeping my scoring on track. Thanks too to Andreas and SParkz for pushing as hard as they did, and I hope that your foot problem eases Sparks. I spent a while with my TV suspended above my bed, so that I could race lying flat on my back a couple of years ago. Back problems are a real nuisance.

So, now for the final scores:

Zo. 142.

Famine. 133.

Andreas. 132.

Sparkz. 130.

Nuts. 119.

Venari. 115.

Goofy. 115.

Harsk. 93.

John. 92.

Suts. 87. (would have been more, but he hardly ever turned up ;))

Jocke. 86.

BB. 81. (Too busy hob-nobbing with real racing drivers.)

Koutch. 73. (Shows promise, I'm sure he'll be back.)

Cheers, Zo.
I spent a while with my TV suspended above my bed, so that I could race lying flat on my back a couple of years ago.
There's dedication!
I hope it was securely suspended. It would have caused more problems if that had fallen on you. :scared:

Congratulations are in order then.
Well done Zo, to the podium guys and indeed to all participants.

Suts. 87. (would have been more, but he hardly ever turned up ;))

I’m really sorry Zo and all. I should have warned you all when I couldn’t make it or was going to be late but unfortunately life sometimes becomes unpredictable. Also my old timers memory means I forgot some important family things as well, which resulted in the recent missed/late attendance.

It was great fun when I was there. And we’ve got a brilliant group so far. I can only race with you guys due to the handicapping which makes me look better than I really am. Great fun still. :lol:

I missed the first two races of this series and still managed to finish fourth and wasn't too far off either... damn you left foot!

@IfAndOr How long ago did i say this? :lol: Good thing i work full time now so hopefully i have it soon but i'm currently saving up for a car so time will tell.
Thank you Zo for a great event, congrats to your win :bowdown:
And to all drivers, we are a very nice group of friendly drivers 👍 :cheers:

I’m really sorry Zo and all

Just pulling your leg Suts. (answers on a postcard as to how that saying ever flew)

Well done Zo! I'm with joy hand over the championship to you :)

Thank you Zo for a great event, congrats to your win :bowdown:
And to all drivers, we are a very nice group of friendly drivers 👍 :cheers:
Well done Zo, to the podium guys and indeed to all participants.

Cheers, chaps. And don't worry Jammy, there's another one in the pipeline for later in the year (completely different). I enjoy the casual stuff, but racing in a championship has an element to it that I really like.

Cheers, Zo.