Survival Thread

  • Thread starter a6m5
You guys on Netflix, let me share you couple of my favorite survival series:

Depends on the bag and temperature rating but some of them weigh a pound and can compress to 6x10".

That's pretty amazing. đź‘Ť

I was looking at snugpaks? Some of their bags can be super expensive, but I found some that were really affordable as well. Of course, with the compactness & the lower temp rating, pricing goes up with them as well. :crazy: It's something I'm gonna have to look into when I start putting together a bug-out-bag, but I'm happy with my standard 0°F bag for now. :D
Have you guys seen this show?

It is so awesome. :lol: My buddy told me about this show just today. While I'm not a survivalist, I like reading & watching this stuff. This is really as good as it gets. These families, depending on your view, they are amazing, absolutely nuts, or both!

I'm gonna have to go with nuts on most of that. I especially don't understand people who buy gold or silver for the purpose of using it as currency - presumably after the economy collapses. You want a currency for after a completely collapsed economy? How about bullets. That's a currency that doubles as protection. Want to stockpile something you can trade with? Diesel fuel would be a good place to look.

I own a lot of gold and silver... way more than the people in these videos probably, but not for the purpose of trading in a collapsed economy. It's an inflation hedge to be transferred back into dollars when I want to spend it. It's intended for use in an intact economy that is compromised by inflation.

Part of me says these people should just stockpile weapons and worry about the rest as needed.
I'm gonna have to go with nuts on most of that. I especially don't understand people who buy gold or silver for the purpose of using it as currency - presumably after the economy collapses. You want a currency for after a completely collapsed economy? How about bullets. That's a currency that doubles as protection. Want to stockpile something you can trade with? Diesel fuel would be a good place to look.

I own a lot of gold and silver... way more than the people in these videos probably, but not for the purpose of trading in a collapsed economy. It's an inflation hedge to be transferred back into dollars when I want to spend it. It's intended for use in an intact economy that is compromised by inflation.

Part of me says these people should just stockpile weapons and worry about the rest as needed.
Nice to ran into you, Danno! It's been too long. :D:tup:

While I think precious metal does make sense to a degree, I did wonder how much of commodity they actually made in SHTF type situation. You can't eat them, or do anything with them, except trade them. As you brought up, ammo, fuel, maybe food, I also think those things make more sense in the scenario these people are preparing for. One survivalist book I read while back said to invest in magazine/clips. :lol:

Sounds like you've invested in gold & silver very wisely. While I don't follow latest price or trends, I'd imagine the prices are all-time high in this struggling global economy? All the time, I hear these vultures on the radio telling people to cash in whatever investments they've made, and buy gold now. Well, I guess they make the world go round! :indiff:

P.S. I guess you could say that I invest in ammunition(very, very little ;) ). Prices are always steadily climbing, but never goes down. If anything, you never know when they might become scarce, potentially causing the prices to skyrocket. For those reasons, if I see good deals in .22LR, 9mm, or 12-Gauge, I buy & stock them in the ammo can with silica gel packets in them. Keep them safe & dry, I don't think they expire in your lifetime!
Sounds like you've invested in gold & silver very wisely. While I don't follow latest price or trends, I'd imagine the prices are all-time high in this struggling global economy? All the time, I hear these vultures on the radio telling people to cash in whatever investments they've made, and buy gold now. Well, I guess they make the world go round! :indiff:

They're selling at very high prices today, which might make today a really bad time to buy. But it's hard to see prices coming down (a ton) anytime soon either. I think a fair number of people and institutions are waiting to buy a lot more until a major correction.

I've done pretty well with metals. Doubled my money in only a couple of years. But mostly I'm in it for the long haul, because I think there's a long period of inflation going forward. I'm in it to avoid drip drip 6% or 8% inflation.

Actually it was a great video from Omnis that got me going down that road. Peter Schiff had a long discussion about currency debasement.
They're selling at very high prices today, which might make today a really bad time to buy. But it's hard to see prices coming down (a ton) anytime soon either. I think a fair number of people and institutions are waiting to buy a lot more until a major correction.

I've done pretty well with metals. Doubled my money in only a couple of years. But mostly I'm in it for the long haul, because I think there's a long period of inflation going forward. I'm in it to avoid drip drip 6% or 8% inflation.

Actually it was a great video from Omnis that got me going down that road. Peter Schiff had a long discussion about currency debasement.

Interesting. Doubled in 2 years huh? Not too shabby. :lol: Especially considering how stock market's been doing that period, and will probably continue to be for awhile. :crazy:
They're selling at very high prices today, which might make today a really bad time to buy. But it's hard to see prices coming down (a ton) anytime soon either. I think a fair number of people and institutions are waiting to buy a lot more until a major correction.

I've done pretty well with metals. Doubled my money in only a couple of years. But mostly I'm in it for the long haul, because I think there's a long period of inflation going forward. I'm in it to avoid drip drip 6% or 8% inflation.

Actually it was a great video from Omnis that got me going down that road. Peter Schiff had a long discussion about currency debasement.

Hey, man, 10% please. :lol:

Wish I wasn't broke so that I could have made a fortune off of the "crisis". But at least I got my mom into gold before it went to $1600/oz. Nobody else listened to me when I yelled at them to buy at $600.

If I wasn't such a hardliner about student loans and financial aid, and had I been blessed with perfect hindsight like I am today, I would've borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from the Dept. of Education and made something out of it. :lol:
I'm gonna have to go with nuts on most of that.
That episode a6 posted actually wasn't bad compared to one I saw this morning. This one 'prepper' was from New York and was preparing for the Yellowstone Caldera to erupt and blow an ash cloud over NY. The analysis bit at the end said that the chances of that happening were something like 0.00004%. I like to see the self-sustainable preparation like people that grow their own food, raise livestock, run vehicles on biodisel and have solar panels. Things like that are great ways to save money in the present and would also be useful in the future in a possible survival situation. Storing a ton of MREs for a scenario which will never happen just seems stupid to me.

I especially don't understand people who buy gold or silver for the purpose of using it as currency - presumably after the economy collapses.
Agreed. I don't think anyone is going to care much about silver or gold. Aside from looting and stealing I'd expect more bartering than trading in precious metals. Food for fuel, vegetable seeds for supplies etc.

Part of me says these people should just stockpile weapons and worry about the rest as needed.
Another guy in the same episode had about 60-70 weapons. :drool:
Great job Omnis! :lol:

slims: The guy in NY is probably preparing for "The Day After Tomorrow" movie, or the Zombie Apocalypse, but he's too embarrassed to tell the world. :lol:

P.S. I finally found the spam in foil packs. Walmart!
That episode a6 posted actually wasn't bad compared to one I saw this morning. This one 'prepper' was from New York and was preparing for the Yellowstone Caldera to erupt and blow an ash cloud over NY. The analysis bit at the end said that the chances of that happening were something like 0.00004%.

What? How can anyone prepare for a super-volcano eruption? The volcanic winter, the atmosphere getting polluted with argon and nitrogen and the volcanic ashes would render our planet inhabitable in a matter of months for hundreds of years. Happened already two times in earths history ''just'' a few hundred million years ago, wiped out 90% of earths life, super volcanos erupted and remained active for several hundred years.

Thats just plain stupid. :ouch:
I was thinking over the basic things needed in a survival scenario, I don't mean equipment, I mean physical attributes.

My survival plan, although based on a zombie infestation, is applicable to many situations such as earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters that China is known for.

What I consider;

Am I fit? -
Can I climb, run, jump, walk for long periods, fight if necessary. Check.

Do I have the mentality? -
To deal with loss, to adapt, to use my smarts in a less than perfect situation, to maintain a level head, to keep up my moral. Not too sure.

Am I prepared? -
Are my thoughts collected about my survival plan, do I know what to do in the first instance, do I have a back up plan, will I remain composed and deal with the situation with a clear mind. I think so.

There are probably some other things that I'm forgetting from these lists but these are my general considerations for the non-material side of survival.
I came across the Doomsday Preppers episode slims was referring to. People in this episode are even goofier than usual. :odd: I wonder if much of the preppers in this country are nuts, or the National Geographic is just trying to make good TV. Don't get me wrong. Some of the people looks normal, but like half of them seem little off...... :dopey:

Am I fit? -
Can I climb, run, jump, walk for long periods, fight if necessary. Check.
Being in good physical shape, how could anyone argue with that?

Recently, I started packing my own lunch, also walking about a mile before I eat that. This is because of a little film called "Zombieland"? In it, they stress the importance of "cardio"(it's actually rule #1). No, not at all because I'm starting to get a gut. :lol:

I'm thinking about starting running & basketball again. I see my older friends play basketball, never understood it, as they are just getting their 🤬 beat by guys in their 20's. I quit when this started happening to me. Now I think I understand. :lol:
Do I have the mentality? -
To deal with loss, to adapt, to use my smarts in a less than perfect situation, to maintain a level head, to keep up my moral. Not too sure.
I've heard before(maybe on Survivorman?) that the most important survival tool is your brain. So true. Mental toughness, while I believe I have a sound mind, who knows what state they might be in after extended exposure to severe stress with your very survival on the line? I think I can flip the switch, put my game face on. It remains to be seen!
Am I prepared? -
Are my thoughts collected about my survival plan, do I know what to do in the first instance, do I have a back up plan, will I remain composed and deal with the situation with a clear mind. I think so.
On the material side, I like to think that I am prepared. I've been stocking food, water, tools, not like these preppers on the show or the survivalists out there, but to a reasonable degree. However, when it comes to game plans, I can't say that I don't have anything solid. I know that there should be escape plan, communication plan, etc., etc., but I really don't. Good point you've brought up. đź‘Ť
There are probably some other things that I'm forgetting from these lists but these are my general considerations for the non-material side of survival.
Yeah, I think they could prove to be as critical as any food or equipment in a real life survival situation, like in case of a natural disaster. đź‘Ť
I've never been one for prepping food as the city I live in is relatively small in area (despite being the most populated city on Earth!) and there are poorer people with small holdings and vegetable plots al over the place.

Weaponry is something I keep at home for protection against burglars, not that my place is vulnerable being on the 21st floor of a gated community with 24hour security, but one never knows. No guns because of the law here, but lots of blunts and blades. When I move to Thailand in a few years I'll purchase my first gun. Like saying goes; An Englishman's home is his castle.

Once a week (OK, this sounds crazy) rather than use the lifts to and from my place I walk the stairs so I can gauge my ability to get in or out in an emergency. Even though I cycle 30+km every day, taking on 21 flights of stairs is the most energy draining thing I do in my week!
I was watching those "5 Things You'd Bring to Zombie Apocalypse" videos on youtube? What do you guys think of doing a just "What Would You Bring to an Apocalypse"? Any ideas? Personally, I hate how you can only list five things in those zombie videos. It should be like 10 items. I need feedback!
I've never been one for prepping food as the city I live in is relatively small in area (despite being the most populated city on Earth!) and there are poorer people with small holdings and vegetable plots al over the place.
What does this mean? You are gonna be stealing cucumbers from your (poorer)neighbors!? I mean, cucumbers are delicious, but come on!
Weaponry is something I keep at home for protection against burglars, not that my place is vulnerable being on the 21st floor of a gated community with 24hour security, but one never knows. No guns because of the law here, but lots of blunts and blades. When I move to Thailand in a few years I'll purchase my first gun. Like saying goes; An Englishman's home is his castle.
Yeah, I hear you there(I thought you were Chinese though lol). When I was a kid, I used to keep bb-guns(seems silly now) & baseball bat as weapons. When I was a young man, I don't think I had any weapons. I felt so strong, competent, didn't feel the need. Today, it's all about the guns & knives man, guns & knives. :lol: I hope you enjoy firearm ownership in Thailand. They are just so bad ass, and so much fun! đź‘Ť
Once a week (OK, this sounds crazy) rather than use the lifts to and from my place I walk the stairs so I can gauge my ability to get in or out in an emergency. Even though I cycle 30+km every day, taking on 21 flights of stairs is the most energy draining thing I do in my week!
I was gonna say, yes, it does sound crazy that you don't do it every day! But that was before I read how you cycle 30+ kilometers every day!
5 things I'd need for the Apocalypse?

1. Good shoes/ boots.

2. A sharp tool; parang/ machete/ axe.

3. Water purifier kit, preferably a solar sill.

4. A waterproof tarp for shelter.

5. A long length of 500lb climbing rope.

What does this mean? You are gonna be stealing cucumbers from your (poorer)neighbors!? I mean, cucumbers are delicious, but come on!

I was thinking more along the lines of raiding their chicken coups and fish stock ponds.

(I thought you were Chinese though lol)

A lot of people think that. I'm about as far removed from being Chinese and a man can get, but I do live in China.
5 things I'd need for the Apocalypse?

1. Good shoes/ boots.

2. A sharp tool; parang/ machete/ axe.

3. Water purifier kit, preferably a solar sill.

4. A waterproof tarp for shelter.

5. A long length of 500lb climbing rope.

And like I said, five items are not enough. You don't even have a pocket knife! Personally, I think there should be like ten items allowed, and maybe only include the things that you already own? Let me know what you think. I hate that 5 thing for zombie apocalypse, because so many people cheat to squeeze more items in(1 bag with a samurai sword, Uzi & sandwich in it, etc.), and they all have either assault rifle or a shotgun. :crazy:

P.S. Shoes is a good one though. đź‘Ť Maybe include survival clothing & accessories too?

I was thinking more along the lines of raiding their chicken coups and fish stock ponds.
In the mind of the Americans, shooting people like yourself are the main staple of "survival". Just stock up on some tuna cans, please! :lol:
A lot of people think that. I'm about as far removed from being Chinese and a man can get, but I do live in China.
Interesting. Well, due to my nationality, I am better equipped to survive in Sahara desert than in China during a disaster. :dopey:
I've got packs and packs of M&Ms that I store in my cupboards. I use them for a quick burst of energy when I'm out cycling but they also double as a good survival snack; packed with sugar, calories and dopamine in the chocolate for a natural stress reliever.

The tap water here is undrinkable so there are plenty of distilled water bottles around the place. Good for emergencies.

The way I see it, my pack holds around 40 litres capacity. 5 items would get lost in it and I've probably got more than 5 survival items in my daily work bag (I cycle) which has a multi tool, spare torch and batteries, light change of clothes, snacks, spare change, cable/ electrical ties, several lighters, local maps and my brass knuckles which I use as a key chain. All of this only weighs a few pounds and I've always got these things with me.

5 Items? Way to few if you ask me........................................but I'm paranoid.
Do you get Ray Mears' show over there? He's a survival expert (a proper one, not like Bear Grylls) and does BBC programs about the different nomadic tribes around the world, how special forces survived during missions in WW2, how tourists survived disaster situations and general, all round wilderness survival stuff. I highly recommend his work if you haven't seen it. The best series is Ray Mears Extreme Survival.
Do you get Ray Mears' show over there? He's a survival expert (a proper one, not like Bear Grylls) and does BBC programs about the different nomadic tribes around the world, how special forces survived during missions in WW2, how tourists survived disaster situations and general, all round wilderness survival stuff. I highly recommend his work if you haven't seen it. The best series is Ray Mears Extreme Survival.
I'll look. While I'm a city dweller, I do love watching wilderness survival shows on TV. :P Bear Grylls is bit over the top for me(my old thread featuring Survivorman vs Bear).

I don't see Ray Mears on Netflix, but some hits on search on youtube. đź‘Ť

And like I said, five items are not enough. You don't even have a pocket knife! Personally, I think there should be like ten items allowed, and maybe only include the things that you already own? Let me know what you think. I hate that 5 thing for zombie apocalypse, because so many people cheat to squeeze more items in(1 bag with a samurai sword, Uzi & sandwich in it, etc.), and they all have either assault rifle or a shotgun. :crazy:

P.S. Shoes is a good one though. đź‘Ť Maybe include survival clothing & accessories too?

In the mind of the Americans, shooting people like yourself are the main staple of "survival". Just stock up on some tuna cans, please! :lol:

Interesting. Well, due to my nationality, I am better equipped to survive in Sahara desert than in China during a disaster. :dopey:

Well I'm a American, so the ten items that I will need:

1. A .45 ACP Handgun with optional silencer.

2. Beretta 9mm custom clip, laser and silencer.

3 Desert Eagle .50 AE

4. Either a SPAS-12 custom or a Remington 870 Combat shotgun with buckshot shells, slugs and explosive rounds.

5. Chainsaw

6. Dual Katana Blades.

7. HK PSG1 Sniper Rifle or a M16 Assualt Rifle with Gernade Launcher.

8. Several bags of beef jerky.

9. Surivial gear ranging from clothes, shoes, hats and tactical combat vests.

10. GPS Navagation and communication systems.
More items than one could possible need, well more then ten anyway.

That's a lot more than 10 items, and since when has survival been about going to war, zombies aside and all?

How do you plan to carry all of those weapons? Would one of your items be happen to be a golf buggy?

"Surivial gear ranging from clothes, shoes, hats and tactical combat vests" - that's not a single item.

I admire your knowledge of firearms but they wont keep you dry and warm during a storm.
That's a lot more than 10 items, and since when has survival been about going to war, zombies aside and all?

How do you plan to carry all of those weapons? Would one of your items be happen to be a golf buggy?

"Surivial gear ranging from clothes, shoes, hats and tactical combat vests" - that's not a single item.

I admire your knowledge of firearms but they wont keep you dry and warm during a storm.

Yeah, I have to re-think that list, but for the handguns and smaller knives will be in holisters and sheaths on my belts or vests. Bigger weapons in duffle bags as just in case incidents, while the shotgun will be on my back.

And if there's a zombie outbreak, there's gonna be hundreds and thousands of cars that are not gonna be in use by zombies, but only from other suriviors, the police, the miltary etc.. So I'll load up a strong reliable vehicle as transport.

If I can't reach a car, as long I'm in good shape and I can endure the weight, it will be a trek for some miles, just take breaks after a certain set of miles.
Not to be condescending, or anything, but do you have the fitness to carry such weight over miles, and could you do it being chased?

The point is that we're talking about survival, and although zombie infestations come up in the topic, we're mainly talking about reality where mass weapons wouldn't be needed and a box of matches would probably be more use than a M16.

Weapons are useful, as they may come in necessary, but they'd be the least of my concerns unless I was in bear/ tiger territory.

I don't think cars would be very useful for long after a zombie outbreak as fuel supplies would be squandered or cut and engines are noisy and attract attention. I'd much rather carry a small pack with essentials and be able to run 5km at a good pace if I was in trouble.

Also, for many parts of the world, including mine, guns are inaccessible and would therefore not make up part of the kit of half of the world, who would rely on blunts and blades.

Anyway, the zombie thing is just theoretical and before we derail the thread too much I've already posted a Zombie Survival guide in this section many moons ago.
Well I'm a American, so the ten items that I will need:

1. A .45 ACP Handgun with optional silencer. 2.5lb not including silencer

2. Beretta 9mm custom clip, laser and silencer. 2lb not including laser and silencer

3 Desert Eagle .50 AE 4.2lb

4. Either a SPAS-12 custom or a Remington 870 Combat shotgun with buckshot shells, slugs and explosive rounds. 8lb

5. Chainsaw 10lb

6. Dual Katana Blades. 5lb

7. HK PSG1 Sniper Rifle 15lb or a M16 Assualt Rifle with Gernade Launcher. 12lb

8. Several bags of beef jerky.

9. Surivial gear ranging from clothes, shoes, hats and tactical combat vests.

10. GPS Navagation and communication systems.
So you're looking to carry over 40lb of weapons and all the associated ammo that they need? All while sustaining yourself on nothing but beef jerky (I don't even see a water bottle on this list.) :odd: Seriously dude you need to drop the Syphon Filter/Metal Gear mentality.
3 Knives. A machette, a Falkinen F1 and a swiss army knife or leather man, First aid kit with at the very least bandages and anti septic cream. Fishing Kit, very least lines and hooks. Hooks and lines can be used for other traps. Para cord. For everything that you might need string for before you have to make it from grass etc. A wet stone to sharpen knives on. Lighter and flint and steel or the modern version before you have to make a bow and drill. A hammer good for breaking stuff or hitting stuff with eg stuff in your traps.
Yeah, Vspec, that was the worst survival gear list ever. :lol: You can't waste three slots on handguns alone! :dopey: And you would not believe how much ammo would weigh for all the guns you listed.

I think I understand why people, when it comes to top-whatever survival gears, they do zombie apocalypse. Otherwise, it could be natural disaster, economy collapse, terrorist attack, etc., etc., just too many scenarios.

So let's go with the Zombie Apocalypse. Which ten items would you take with you to survive the zombie apocalypse?


  • Must be items that you own, or have direct access to.
  • Explain how those items will help you survive.
  • Keep mobility in mind.
  • No vehicles.

Does this sound good? Please let me first, as I do like some feedback before we get started. Once we establish the rules, I'll change the thread title to entice more participants!
Why bother renaming? Just let people respond to your post. Zombie apocalypse is so overdone that it's boring, limiting the thread to just that will kill it off.
I think it sounds great, a6m5. Let me have a rummage through my spare room and see what I'd be taking in my survival pack. I'll base mine on an earthquake as that is the most likely event to cause me need for it, here in China. I'll edit this post when I'm done.
Why bother renaming? Just let people respond to your post. Zombie apocalypse is so overdone that it's boring, limiting the thread to just that will kill it off.

Not the whole thread, or thread title. Something along the lines of Survival Discussion Thread "Share Your Zombie Apocalypse List".

This is supposed to be an limited time only promotion.
I think it sounds great, a6m5. Let me have a rummage through my spare room and see what I'd be taking in my survival pack. I'll base mine on an earthquake as that is the most likely event to cause me need for it, here in China. I'll edit this post when I'm done.
So no zombie? We can do natural disaster, if you want. I actually prefer it.