TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
I don't think hampus_dh has actually driven a car with a manual gearbox. If he has I would like to know which car seems to pull the lever into gear once it's slightly moved from center. Darin and tom were only amazed mostly by its smoothness for gameplay not realism.

Listen up here.. I´m from Europe.. We actually learn to drive stick first unlike you guys over the sea which are 10 years after us Euros in everything car-related..
I have only owned and driven manual cars so stop the ********.
Again you seem to have reading problems.. I said that a gearbox is WAY easier to do realistic then a wheel simulating the front end of a car.
I'm not even going to bother to respond to you RC45.Your 100% right on everything and we all should just give you a standing ovation. Let's just be grateful you share your great wisdom, real track experience and time with us.

Btw the thread is about the shifter not you, oh and that's the shifter you stated was vapourware or wouldnt be made.

I will take that as your apology for having TRIED to make out I was a liar when in fact I was 100% correct on my assessment of the wheel. I never claimed or stated anything more.

You are the reason I deleted over 30 posts with photos, data and info that people would have found useful and interesting with regard to the TM wheel.

You are a pompous obnoxious braggard that seemed to draw the worst from anyone you interact with.

I stayed way from GTPlanet just to save from havingto read your drivel.
You are certainly delirious if anything... You are the one with readong problems "PAL"...
You are trying to tell me it´s harder to simulate a gearbox then a whole front end of a car.
The T500 feels absolutely nothing like driving a real car. Games still have a REALLY long way to go before it´s not considered a game anymore....
Who said anything about simulate? I simply stated "The FEEL of holding and using the wheel". No one claimed the T500 makes it "no longer a game". That is your claim.

You think that. But that´s in lala-land because what you do need is a VERY good physics model to ACCURATELY produce the correct forces..
There is no game or a wheel that can do that today so what you are saying is complete 100% ********.
English is probably not your native tounge. Again - the concept of SIMULATING an entire suspension has nothing to do with the SIMPLE tactile feel of holding and turning a wheel that is smooth with constant resistance.

So again - to simulate the FEEL of the resistance and bulk and forces experience though a wheel is simple to achieve.

Translating ingame feedback to the correct tactile mchanics in the wheel realtime while playing the game is another thing.

Put this in context with a shifter - the problem with making a shifter FEEL real is that you have to replicate the feel of the mechanical linkage to the transmission and you have to replicate the FEEL of the transmission cogs clicking into gear.

Do you understand what I am talking about here? You are stuck on SIMULATING the in game physics of the moment - I am talking about the TACTILE feel of the shifter in your hands as you make the shift.

The T500RS wheel FEELS realistic in its tactile behaviour - this is NOT related to the FEEDBACK from the simulation engine.

What i drive? BMW 330i STCC Edition M-sport, what do you drive?
660bhp C5R replica.

I´ve driven M5´s M3´s and some Porsches aswell.
Oh oh - its car's driven ePenis time is it? On track, Ruf RT12, Ruf Yellowbird, Caterham Superlight, C6Z, C5Z, P911T, Lotus Exige, Viper ACR, Panoz and a bunch of others. But that all has nothign to do with the comemnts abtu how good the TM shifter is going to be.

There is no doubt that if the TM shifter ever makes it to market (almost a year later now) it will be good - it may even be great, but I don't believe they would have solved the problem of getting it to have that tactile FEEL of popping a car into gear.

Will I buy it? - sure why not. Will it be perfect? No it won't. But it will be the best we can buy at the moment. :)

Anyway, I will leave now for a couple months. I'll be back when the TM shifter goes on sale - LOL.
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You still don´t get it do you? And you somehow manages to put words in my mouth.

I now know why the other guy reacted the way he did when you opened your mouth.

Also love the fact that you own a replica but to validate your point you had to mention the horsepower as if that has anything to do with the steering LOL.

FACT IS, no game nor wheel can accurately reproduce the forces of the front end from a car.

That´s in your head and not reality.
I will take that as your apology for having TRIED to make out I was a liar when in fact I was 100% correct on my assessment of the wheel. I never claimed or stated anything more.

You are the reason I deleted over 30 posts with photos, data and info that people would have found useful and interesting with regard to the TM wheel.

You are a pompous obnoxious braggard that seemed to draw the worst from anyone you interact with.

I stayed way from GTPlanet just to save from havingto read your drivel.

An apology, firstly your attitude is usually the problem not always what you are stating. Once again here it is aparent. Nobody and certainly not me called you a liar. You tend to have a problem with anyone that questions your opinion. To be more precise it is how you sometimes overreact to small issues. Then theirs the stubbornness of you sticking to V1, making that an issue and to you everyone should do the same. Also on several occasions I have seen you refer/respond to people in a hostile or negative way. Ive no interest in continuing arguing and I wont drop to your level.

For the record I hit the Mode Button about 1 time, my fan is working fine and the threads on my pedals while not the best quality are grand. Then again I dont and never did expect perfection from the T500RS just because it was twice the price of a G27.

How about trying to keep the thread on topic and not be about you, or your STIG like experience's with hi performance cars ontrack or comparing an inexpensive toy shifter to that of real cars.
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It´s also funny how you ask me "what do you drive?"

I respond and add other cars i´ve driven. You then react like i burned down your house and say stuff like "Oh ok so this is a e-penis contest!?"
Then you add your own list of cars driven and tell me to stay on the subject.

I told you once and will tell you again. You are delirious.
1st geaaaaaarrrrrrrr..............2nd geeeaaaaarrrrrr.........3rd geeeeearrrrrr.

what the matter you afraid of a little speed..

Can we please bring this thread back on topic.
You still don´t get it do you? And you somehow manages to put words in my mouth.

I now know why the other guy reacted the way he did when you opened your mouth.

Also love the fact that you own a replica but to validate your point you had to mention the horsepower as if that has anything to do with the steering LOL.

FACT IS, no game nor wheel can accurately reproduce the forces of the front end from a car. That´s in your head and not reality.

I never ever said that any game nor wheel can reproduce any damn thing.


YOU obviously have NO IDEA what the english word TACTILE means.

The FEELING of holding and moving and object.

This has NOTHING to do with the PHYSICS and SIMULATION.

So - on topic with the SHIFTER we are speakign about the TACTILE FEEL OF MOVING THE SHIFTER BACK AND FORTH.

Just admit you misinterpreted the meanign of the words under discussion.

TACTILE FEEL of the shifter.

Not the PHYSICS OF FFB, but the TACTILE FEEL of the SHIFTER was beign discussed.

And - it is EASIER to make a STEERING WHEEL with the TACTILE FEEL of e REAL wheel than it is to create a SHIFTER with the TACTILE FEEL of a real shifter.

Again - the above statement has nothign to do with in-game physics, modelling, FFB algorithms or game engines in general.

So, back on topic -- some of us are of the opinion (and it is just our opinion) that the TM shifter will not have the TACTILE FEEL of a real manual transmission shifter.
On the other hand the T500 steering wheel DOES have the TACTILE FEEL of a real wheel.
I never ever said that any game nor wheel can reproduce any damn thing.


YOU obviously have NO IDEA what the english word TACTILE means.

The FEELING of holding and moving and object.

This has NOTHING to do with the PHYSICS and SIMULATION.

So - on topic with the SHIFTER we are speakign about the TACTILE FEEL OF MOVING THE SHIFTER BACK AND FORTH.

Just admit you misinterpreted the meanign of the words under discussion.

TACTILE FEEL of the shifter.

Not the PHYSICS OF FFB, but the TACTILE FEEL of the SHIFTER was beign discussed.

And - it is EASIER to make a STEERING WHEEL with the TACTILE FEEL of e REAL wheel than it is to create a SHIFTER with the TACTILE FEEL of a real shifter.

Again - the above statement has nothign to do with in-game physics, modelling, FFB algorithms or game engines in general.

So, back on topic -- some of us are of the opinion (and it is just our opinion) that the TM shifter will not have the TACTILE FEEL of a real manual transmission shifter.
On the other hand the T500 steering wheel DOES have the TACTILE FEEL of a real wheel.

Now you changed your opinion.. Now you are saying they are basically the same because you MOVE AND FEEL a shifter and a wheel.

Honestly, i´m trying to figure you out but for every post you make you step it up a notch in terms of being delirious.

Just look at your posts and reflect some while this post gets back to what it was all about, The Thrustmaster TH8 Shifter.

I´m pretty sure you will come with another classic post after this one though.
"And - it is EASIER to make a STEERING WHEEL with the TACTILE FEEL of e REAL wheel than it is to create a SHIFTER with the TACTILE FEEL of a real shifter."

********, not true, delirious, you name it.

"On the other hand the T500 steering wheel DOES have the TACTILE FEEL of a real wheel."

....And here you just wrapped this thing up in a big bag of contradiction..
An apology, firstly your attitude is usually the problem not always what you are stating. Once again here it is aparent. Nobody and certainly not me called you a liar. You tend to have a problem with anyone that questions your opinion. To be more precise it is how you sometimes overreact to small issues. Then theirs the stubbornness of you sticking to V1, making that an issue and to you everyone should do the same. Also on several occasions I have seen you refer/respond to people in a hostile or negative way. Ive no interest in continuing arguing and I wont drop to your level.

For the record I hit the Mode Button about 1 time, my fan is working fine and the threads on my pedals while not the best quality are grand. Then again I dont and never did expect perfection from the T500RS just because it was twice the price of a G27.

How about trying to keep the thread on topic and not be about you, or your STIG like experience's with hi performance cars ontrack or comparing an inexpensive toy shifter to that of real cars.

Blow it out your arse you pompous windbag.

I put up with your attacks and insults and rubbish way back in January.

No more. YOU are the one that came unglued at my original tongue-in-cheek review of the T500RS.

Since then you have refused to accept that YOU over reacted to my OBVIOUSLY parodied review and anything I have posted since is now subject to your critique as if you are the bloody forum conscience and police.

You are back on ignore, where you belong.
Like I tried to say before a certain person tries to derail this thread and keeps going on about "REAL SHIFTER FEEL". What is important is how this product compares to other similar products. Will it for instance be better than a G25/G27 experience, how much will it be better than the Fanatec shifters already released. How does it compare with other PC capable shifters? That is how this product should be compared/viewed and eventually reviewed against.

For many on these "Console Active Forums" THAT is what they are interested in. How this improves on those products not get hung up on if the shifter feels 100% authentic to that of a real car.

Games are not reality and while many of us want more realisim and improved interaction this product likely will be the best shifter available particulary for PS3 console owners. What is questionable is how good the resistance and travel can be adjusted and if the response in the hand is satisfying to use.

It should be both an improvement on current shifters and "Mobsim" seem to be involved with the "Beta Testing." They produce pretty serious racing cockpits and are motorsport enthusiasts so thats a positive too.
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"And - it is EASIER to make a STEERING WHEEL with the TACTILE FEEL of e REAL wheel than it is to create a SHIFTER with the TACTILE FEEL of a real shifter."

********, not true, delirious, you name it.

"On the other hand the T500 steering wheel DOES have the TACTILE FEEL of a real wheel."

....And here you just wrapped this thing up in a big bag of contradiction..

Contradiction means that one statement is OPPOSITE to the other.

What you just quoted are 2 statements that are the SAME.

Simple question: Do YOU understand what the word TACTILE means?
If you do not understand the english language it is pointless tryign to discuss a topic with you.

You are arguing against a point I have not made.
I may as well be typing in Arfikaans and presenting the page to a Chinese infant.

You are NOT comprehending what my point is.

My point is simple.

The FEEL of holding and turning a game controller wheel that FEELS like holding and turning a REAL wheel is easier to reproduce than the FEEL of holding and using a game shifter that FEELS like holding and using a real SHIFTER to engage a gear.

It just is. Please try understand what is being said. It is HARDER to make a game shifter FEEL like you are shifting a real transmission than it is to make a wheel that FEELS like you are using a real wheel.

Again - the above statement has NOTHING to do with the in-game physics feeback - it has to do with TACTILE FEEL of the controller.

Let me try another angle for you.

Have you ever piloted a real mulit engine plane?
Have you ever used one of the PC flight sim game controller multi-engine throttles?

If you have you will note that retail throttle sticks do NOT have the TACTILE FEEL of the REAL throttles in a REALplane.

But if you ever sit in a COMMERCIAL flight simulator, you will note the THROTTLES have the TACTILE feel of a real airplane - because they are real ;)

Do you understand the difference between the TACTILE feel of a controller and the FFB produced by the game engine that is then fed back to the controller???

I hope you do understand the difference.

Now -again, back on topic:

What some of us are saying is we HOPE but are not COUNTING on TM having replicated the TACTILE FEEL of a real car shifter.

The shifter will no doubt be great, but probably wont FEEL like a real shifter.
Keep it up and this will be locked as well, just when we finally got permission for a stand-alone thead.
He still doesn´t get it, and is showing signs of severe brain damage.

It´s not true whatever you say, it´s in your head called lala-land.
...And back to reality..

"This new gear box works with all wheels on the market for PC. However, on PS3, it only works with Thrustmaster’s T500 RS wheel."

Should clear up some questions.
You are back on ignore, where you belong.

You always want the last word so doubt like last time you will stick to it.
You enjoy your "Hissy Fits" and "Ranting" too much.

Moving On:


Mounting & positioning options
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...And back to reality..

"This new gear box works with all wheels on the market for PC. However, on PS3, it only works with Thrustmaster’s T500 RS wheel."

Should clear up some questions.

Well booo.
Only good thing about that bad news is i dont have to stay in this train wreck of a thread. Bit i will for two reason. Everybody loves a great accident and i am a gear junky ;)

Maybe the guy who made the sst interface will do one of these aswell.
...And back to reality..

"This new gear box works with all wheels on the market for PC. However, on PS3, it only works with Thrustmaster’s T500 RS wheel."

Should clear up some questions.

Wow. :(

There go my hopes and dreams... Great information, really bad news. Could you cite the source?
Maybe the guy who made the sst interface will do one of these aswell.

That would be good if he did.

Lets not forget Fanatec will very likely wait till this product is released, check it out before finalising their own shifter. Well that is just personal opinion what may happen as I dont see the Fanatec shifter being available anytime soon with so many other products currently being worked on.

**I dont think it has been confirmed yet either way if as a single USB device it will operate with other wheels on PS3 yet or not. It seems to put compatibility down to games supporting T500RS though. However that could still mean other wheels could be used with Dirt 3 / Nascar & GT5.

For their sales it would be better if it worked standalone with other wheels and maybe that is a reason not to have it link to the wheel like other brands do?
Yeah, on the product page linked in the OP it says "including the t500rs".
I To would like to see the full article/ video for that quote.. Not that i doubt you. Just need confirmation so i can truly FEEL dissapointed.
I agree on Fanatec and was going to wait for its release before making a purchase. I am a fanatec user but would go with the best option compatible with my gear as long as reasonably priced against each other.
From a sales perspective, yeah it would be smart to not make it exclusive to the t500. The shifter quality alone wouldnt drive sales of the wheel, so making it exclusive would just be arrogant. ( like there cust. Service d'oh)
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From their homepage,


London, August 18, 2011 — To meet the expectations of numerous motor racing fans, Thrustmaster is launching the TH8 RS – a high-end, separate and versatile gearbox. The device’s two configurations – H-pattern and sequential – enable drivers to select their favorite driving style.

Realism and versatility:

Some virtual drivers cannot imagine shifting speeds otherwise than with a specific gearbox. With the TH8 RS, which boasts unrivalled technical innovations supported by pending patent applications, Thrustmaster now offers a device that is realistic enough to satisfy even the most demanding drivers.

At first glance, the TH8 RS looks realistic enough to be fitted to a real car. It features a 13 cm (5.12 in.) tall stick with a removable knob; the stick is compatible with real-life universal gear shift knobs. The TH8 RS includes two interchangeable shift plates, each suited to a specific configuration – “H-pattern” (7 gears plus 1 reverse gear) and “Sequential” (pull the lever towards the “+” mark to gear up, and push it towards the “–” mark to gear down).

Total adjustability:

To allow users to freely adjust the TH8 RS to their convenience, the position and the rotation angles of the shift plate and clamping system can be adjusted by 360 degrees. The removable clamping system, optimized for any type of support, is also open to customization: it is suited to both table tops and shelves (1 to 55 mm thick) and cockpits alike (built-in “screw threads” are located under the TH8 RS). Gear strokes can also be adjusted (via a downloadable PC application and the device’s internal memory), as well as the gear shift’s resistance.

Cutting-edge materials and technologies:

The internal mechanism, the lever, the outer housing and the clamping system are 100% metal. This robust design significantly contributes to the extremely realistic in-game sensations delivered by the TH8 RS.

Thrustmaster has also taken care to grace the TH8 RS with unrivalled precision, by including H.E.A.R.T (Hall Effect AccuRate Technology™) technology featuring magnetic sensor, without any potentiometer or tact switch – and therefore, without contacts –, for an unlimited product lifespan. In addition, the firmware can be upgraded to offer all foreseeable evolutions, assuring users that the TH8 RS is here to make a lasting impression.

The TH8 RS with USB connectivity is compatible with the T500 RS racing wheel on PlayStation®3 (a list of compatible games is available on the Thrustmaster support website) and with all currently available racing wheels for PC!

- The TH8 RS will be available in October at the suggested retail price of 149.99 €.

Check out all of our products at

Can´t find anything on the technical site though. Must be in the advanced FAQ section or something.

Btw, how do you ignore someone? That´s a great option.
My understanding was that Thrustmaster does not have the "license" to test the compatibility with other wheels on the PS3. However they are not going to do anything on their end to block the product from working with other wheels.

I believe I read this quote from "Thrustmaster" itself on their facebook page but now I can't find it? Either I dreamed they said it or they removed the quote. It wouldn't be the 1st time they decided to remove a comment that revealed too much information :ill:

Sorry forgot that ;)

It´s racesimcentral but it seems it´s Thrustmasters info just written as a news.

I'm pretty sure that journalist is mistaken. He just made an incorrect assumption. I am personally putting my faith in TM's website over racesimcentral in this regard.
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Confused .......... aaaarrrrgggghhhh.

Heres to hopeing for full compatibility.

Cheers.go Pats!
This shifter looks slick. It really has a finished look to it. I'm looking forward to seeing the internals of this thing. For PC gamers it looks like a pretty solid choice, and if I only raced on the PC I'd probably just buy the TH8RS and be done with it. For the PS3 I'm sure it will get the most use in GT5, and possibly in some new racing games going forward. I don't expect older PS3 games to work.

We still haven't seen the Fanatec shifter yet either, but I hope it's at least comparable, with the upside of possibly the widest compatibility (when connected via a Fanatec wheel).
Some people need to calm down.



Are people gonna mod their shifters with a different knob?

I think I'm gonna get the same one I got for my car (an Impreza):


I was surpised how much the closest scoobie in game (05 RA) felt like my car (an 04 wrx with all the pro drive upgrades) 'cept it was missing the shifter. I'm hoping it will feel very like my snickety snick prodrive shifter in the car.

Obviously it has no ffb, but I reckon with it's resistance set to max it could be good I reckon. The firmware is interesting, I wonder if it could prevent engaging of gears, or if that is a purely mechanical thing? If it wasn't and as GT already prevents shifts from working without the clutch being depressed, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine sending that signal to the shifter.

I imagine I'm dreaming though and it will be purely mechanical thing. :(
I just hope it tethers to the T500 usb cord. Don't want to have to buy a port extension thingy. Stupid 2 port slim's. Other than that, I think it will be an awesome addition to the money pit.

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