The Biden Impeachment Thread

United States
Elizabeth, New Jersey, USA
On January 13, 2021, impeachment charges for president-elect Joe Biden were brought up by freshman rep. Marjorie Greene. She will file Articles of Impeachment against him over the charge of abuse of power on Jan. 21, so right after he is inaugurated.


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I honestly think that QAnon nutjobs like her think that if they impeach Biden, Trump will be the president again. More seriously though, how can she claim “abuse of power” when he’s not even in power yet?
So Biden is going to abuse power in the matter of 18-ish hours? That seems optimistic.

As far as I know, you can't impeach someone for offenses before they were an officer of the state. I mean I guess they could try to impeach him for what happened when he was a VP, but that seem useless.

Seriously this all seems like a ploy to detail conversations about a stimulus and getting COVID under control. So in other words, what an absolute d-bag. It's also doomed to fail since no Democrat would endorse it and I have to imagine some Republicans leaders won't either.
This freshman is just trying to make a name for herself.

Way to even attempt to work together, Marj.


It probably won't be a good name either. She's making a mockery out of the Constitution and she should be censured because of it.

I hope she steps on a Lego.

As for QAnon, I admittedly didn't know too much about it other than it was some off the wall conspiracy theory. After reading about it, I can't believe it's even a thing. This is coming from someone who loves conspiracy theories too, but this isn't X-Files government covering up aliens or anything like that, it just sounds like someone 4Chan came up with...which I assume it was.
Nope. Not thinking about that waste of a human. 25th Amendment should be modified to also remove brain-dead people from office.
I dont even know what to say.... i am trying to explain and understand logically their thought process.... but i just cannot...

...that's because their brains are not even functioning logically or in rational way... That's the only explanation...

These people are afflicted by some sort of brain disease... It must be some sort of new medical phenomenon...

It's sort of similar to people you see in the street walking and talking non sense to themselves...
Well damn I guess I have to use real butter from now on. Boycott margarine!
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Well damn I guess I have to use real butter from now on. Boycott margarine!

In fairness that's always been excellent advice. However poor I've been, however bad things have got, I have never fed my family margarine. Not once.

On January 13, 2021, impeachment charges for president-elect Joe Biden were brought up by freshman rep. Marjorie Greene. She will file Articles of Impeachment against him over the charge of abuse of power on Jan. 21, so right after he is inaugurated.

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I mean, #BidenCrimeFamily? Surely this is the time for Republicans to try and move away from the idea of a single self-interested family taking control of the White House?
This thread is the definition of a nothingburger.

It's exactly what the Republicans accused the Democrats of in 2016.
They already impeached Dick once, but I think Thomas Jefferson and Harry S. Truman wouldn't take kindly to that..I mean if they were alive and all, unless of course, they are.

Impeach them all! Everybody should be impeached based on this clearly unintelligent politician's view. Hopefully she is censored too.
Impeach them all!

Perhaps the elected US federal government has become a dysfunctional anachronism? Maybe the states and corporations together with the career civil servants could get the job done without the pols?
Who was is that whined throughout the first go-round that the Democrats had supposedly been set on impeaching Trump since day one? Why aren't they in here right now denouncing the Republicans for actually doing the same?