The Biden Impeachment Thread

The Trump impeachments seemingly did nothing to harm the Trump administration, why do the Republicans think impeaching Biden will make any real difference?

Impeachment still means something to some voters. If they can devalue impeachment such that it is meaningless and just part of the political nonsense that goes on, they can remove the weakness within their own party for embracing and supporting a prominent impeached member.

Basically one of their members got an F on their report card and the rest of them are saying "that class sucks anyway".

The problem with all of that is that impeachment is an important process in the US government structure. They are literally throwing an important piece of the US government under the bus for the sake of Donald Trump, not that it's the first time. I just like to note when it happens.
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The Trump impeachments seemingly did nothing to harm the Trump administration, why do the Republicans think impeaching Biden will make any real difference?
They want to devalue the importance of it. Same way they downplay the insurrection. They want it to mean nothing to the public so it opens the door for them to commit similar acts.
They want to devalue the importance of it. Same way they downplay the insurrection. They want it to mean nothing to the public so it opens the door for them to commit similar acts.
Yeah, i get that. What i don't get is the short sightedness of doing so. If impeachment gets downgraded to a shrug, they lose a weapon against the Democrats.

Unless of course, they know the Democrats to be largely honest and themselves to be corrupt.
When Democrats impeach Republicans, it's a witch hunt.
(Republicans are beyond suspicion)

When Republicans impeach Democrats, it's a crusade for governmental accountability and justice.
(Only Democrats are immoral and corrupt)
Yeah, i get that. What i don't get is the short sightedness of doing so. If impeachment gets downgraded to a shrug, they lose a weapon against the Democrats.

Unless of course, they know the Democrats to be largely honest and themselves to be corrupt.
Short sightedness is a side effect of being Republican. They wanted state’s rights, they’re surprised states vote against their agenda. They push anti-abortion so hard, they’re surprised women are walking away. They took forever electing a Speaker & didn’t realize how absolutely cartoonish they looked to the country & allies. They supported a lying con man in Santos & now he’s threatening to spill the tea on them.

Thinking ahead means nothing for the current GOP. They’re just concerned with how quickly they can get their goals achieved.




I'm sure this news is already making its way through Congress. I wonder what kind of news stories we're going to see related to this and if anybody has anything to say about it. The original source has been charged but I'm not sure they'll charge anybody who ran with it if they weren't the original source.
If you've got brown cocaine, you're either gonna regret being ripped off or die very soon.
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"inept cops: Must be high grade stuff... probably Colombian."

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"We'll let you decide whether these oversized brown lines on a carpentry table are cocaine or sawdust".

Looks like sawdust to everybody except those who see cocaine more often than they see sawdust.
Can you imagine the street value of this home improvement store?
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I've been convinced that the Hunter Biden laptop thing was a Russian operation for a while...this makes it look all the more suspicious.
I've been convinced that the Hunter Biden laptop thing was a Russian operation for a while...this makes it look all the more suspicious.
I mean I absolutely believe this guy is blind.


Who would dress like that if they saw how they looked?
They want to devalue the importance of it. Same way they downplay the insurrection. They want it to mean nothing to the public so it opens the door for them to commit similar acts.
This is the same as the "-gate" suffix. In the mid 1970s, in the wake of the Watergate scandal, conservative columnist and former Richard Nixon speechwriter William Saffire started using the "-gate" suffix on all sorts of news stories, both to make these nothingburgers seem more important than they actually were, and to diminish the severity of the Watergate scandal. And it worked. Now we attach "-gate" to everything, even when there's no scandal, and people have forgotten just how severe the Watergate scandal actually was.
It was severe then (as it should have been). These days we're so far beyond it that it looks almost tame.
This was my thought too. Covering up an orchestrated break-in is barely going to make it into the news in 2024 before it gets shoved off by the next insane thing that happens. It's certainly not disqualifying behaviour, and there's no way it forces impeachment, conviction or resignation.

Nixon was a girl scout compared to Trump and his cronies. It just goes to show how much acceptable political behaviour has changed, and how much the idea of political accountability is no longer taken seriously. Politics has become such a team sport that it's now impossible for anyone to have non-partisan opinions on what might be best for the country.

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