The Crew 2 Official Game Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter dice1998
So what is everyone's thoughts on about the first full month of play?

The Crew 2 has very lovely presentation - much better than the first game - But the experience after beating the bosses of each discipline is proving to be a mixed bag. As things stand now, there is virtually no structured end-game. Okay, so there are the Icon Rewards but the amount of times you have to replay events to attain those prizes just feels like unnecessary game lengthening to me.

On the other hand, when you see The Crew 2 as a sandbox game after completing the story, it starts to make more sense. Having a massive playground to explore and vehicles to collect makes TC2 one of my first go-to options to have a chilled out gaming session. With that said, I'd rather have a greater focus on progression rather than a non-linear play style.
So June The crew 2 only had 700K digital downloads across all platforms.
(Said to have really missed it's mark on release)
But a slight up on Digital from the previous The Crew.

So what is everyone's thoughts on about the first full month of play?

Good? Bad?
Love it?
Hate it?

My thoughts.
I think it has the potential but the way that "Exploits" and "Macros" are really putting everyone else out to have the more effect of the grindy grindy bit, it just is wrong.

The AI could really use some fixing in some events and with (Like everyone else has said) the lack of PVP makes it like it's not worth it until Christmas (Ish)

As for me TC2 took a back seat to NMS.

Overall, I think the game is mediocre. It doesn’t do anything exceptional besides having a huge map, and even that is underutilized. But I’ve played worst games (like the NFS games in recent years) and I still get enjoyment from it. I’m hoping the future updates will make The Crew 2 a significantly better game in the long run.
Compared to TC1, or especially TDU, as well as other open world arcade racing/driving games (eg. modern NFS), TC2 has got it where it counts. It's too bad that the game isn't more fleshed-out yet, but Ivory Tower clearly has more in store. With that in mind, I admit there's little motivation to replay everything on Hard difficulty or to go after all the skills or photo ops, because I'd rather save some for later when we get more content.

For Ivory Tower's sake I think they should have launched the game with more stuff to do, but I've already got my money's worth in playtime, so I can't complain. I'm quite happy with it and there's nothing better for cruising (or flying) around -- Fuel had its humongous map but poor handling, and the Horizon series has its laudable handling but poor maps. And no planes. :)
So what is everyone's thoughts on about the first full month of play?
It could be a good Forza Horizon competitor (even though I don't play 3 much since I 100%'ed everything).

The Hypercar races are a little annoying sometimes with the rubberbanding. I actually did Latrell's race on Normal in Vegas in my Level 300 Koenigsegg, and Alita stayed right with me the whole race.

Other than that, it's a huge sandbox world to explore and experiment :)
I'm having a lot of fun with this game now that I've got used to the handling, I especially like the drift events and I wish there were more of them. I've found myself liking the planes more than I expected to, so much that I've already bought the most expensive aerobatics plane to mess around with in free roam.

My main complaint at the minute is that the boat races feel very one-sided once you hit some waves; the AI seem to fly past you as if they're on smooth water, even if you trim it. One other thing that has been bugging me; is there a quick way of travelling to your home without having to bring up the map, zoom out and navigate over to it each time?
My main complaint at the minute is that the boat races feel very one-sided once you hit some waves; the AI seem to fly past you as if they're on smooth water, . One other thing that has been bugging me?

Do the uber dam race, once you jump from the dam, aim down, you'll see the speed of the boat soar (i've hit 360-370), but make sure you don't dive, so level out before you hit the water, you can gain +3 sec there, wich at first was enough to win on hard mode with an under par boat (i use the frausher btw, mainly because it dwarves all other boats)
Forgive me if I'm being dumb here. I'm a newbie to the series, bought the Deluxe Edition yesterday and I'm really enjoying it, mainly to relive my travels a year ago through Yosemite and Death Valley! However, I don't seem to have access to the vehicles I got via purchasing the Deluxe Edition (bought on the PS Store). Does anyone know how you activate these?
It's pretty satisfying replaying events you struggled at the first time when you have a much better vehicle, managed to better my time on one of the Air Race events by over 35 seconds! :D
Thoughts after a months of playing, it's a solid game in terms of the core gameplay, the physics are spot on for all vehicle types, and it's just a blast to play with a fun factor of 10/10. I could honestly stop right there because the core gameplay makes or breaks a game. There are a few minor bugs but nothing notable. Minor gripes would be the rubber-banding and not being able to set the waypoint to an event directly from the Activities tab. Instead I have to back out to the map, find the event and then set the waypoint from there. I like discovering the Live Loot rewards but they could've fleshed out the map with more activities on than just racing, in fairness they do have the photo-ops and the skills but there should be something else, like an exploration-based wreck finder that was in the crew and TDU. Delivery missions are yet another thought.

That being said, Ivory Tower's MO seems to be adding a plethora of content over a long period to keep people playing for as long as possible, so I would not be overly surprised if they held content back to be released later (for free) to keep people playing.

To close this, I want to say something that I experienced over the weekend that highlights the very first sentence of this post. My 11 year old son had a birthday party with 5 friends on Saturday, after they went to a jump center (think trampolines but far more extravagant than that), they came back to our house and had pizza, birthday cake. I just happened to fire up The Crew 2 and one of the kids sat by me watching, so I handed him the controller and asked if he would like to play. Next thing I knew I had a line of 5 kids waiting for a turn. None of them wanted to put it down when their turn had ended, all of them exclaimed how much fun they were having. They all picked it up very easily (I switched the gearbox back to Automatic for ease of use) and pretty soon they were all switching between boats, planes and cars easily and having so much fun. The laughter, the smiles said it all. The Crew 2 is a very fun game at it's core.


It's always interesting to watch other people play your game because they often give you an idea that you haven't thought of, in the case of Saturday, it was Sky-Boat Diving. One of the boys flew a plane to a high altitude, switched to a boat and dove out of the sky towards the water, amazingly he landed the boat on the water without getting the crash screen, the boat bounced pretty high after hitting the water, it was hilarious. All the kids laughed and wanted to try lol. I think I'm going to try it tonight for myself just for giggles.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Well, not really. I'm sure it's just Ferrari being nosey if we can make ACR Vipers and Weissach 918s. Thanks for pitching in anyways.
You can also make the One:1 from the Agera.
You can also make the One:1 from the Agera.

You can? I am suprised. In The Crew 1 it wasn't possible because of lack of One: 1 spoiler :D

Too bad we can't make Aventador SV from normal Aventador :( Especially strange that you can make Murcielago Super Veloce from Murcielago LP640...
You can? I am suprised. In The Crew 1 it wasn't possible because of lack of One: 1 spoiler :D

Too bad we can't make Aventador SV from normal Aventador :( Especially strange that you can make Murcielago Super Veloce from Murcielago LP640...
It's not 100% perfect, the front bumper and hood are slightly different.
Few hours back, non-season pass users can finally access the X-BOW R and the FXX K, with prices of 250k and 900k approximately.

I bought the KTM and it's simply put the easiest handling car without tuning. That said, I feel it can reach a good 1:14 in The Accident, although.. without the use of seatbelts, how is Glenn (accident victim's name) managing to lie on passenger seat steady is beyond me.

I've made money for the FXX K, but I've no plans to buy it yet.
Few hours back, non-season pass users can finally access the X-BOW R and the FXX K, with prices of 250k and 900k approximately.

I bought the KTM and it's simply put the easiest handling car without tuning. That said, I feel it can reach a good 1:14 in The Accident, although.. without the use of seatbelts, how is Glenn (accident victim's name) managing to lie on passenger seat steady is beyond me.

I've made money for the FXX K, but I've no plans to buy it yet.
The FXX K handles pretty good for a Touring Car.
The grip the FXX K gives, is still dwarfed by the speed of the Maserati Corse, which in lap times means that the MC12 is faster, for me at least (maybe because i have been driving this MC12 from stock lvl).
But seeing how much money you can make in this game, you can still buy it haha.
Yup. you can open doors and windows, get on bikes, in cars and even rev the engine...

But has anyone succeeded in filling it up with the cars you want?
Every time i load my game, it resets and i get a bunch of cars i don't drive.
What am i doing wrong?
But has anyone succeeded in filling it up with the cars you want?
Every time i load my game, it resets and i get a bunch of cars i don't drive.
What am i doing wrong?

It's a known issue.
Having played this for a couple days, I have to say that things have gotten a lot less annoying once I figured out that upgrade parts aren't locked to a specific vehicle like they were in the first game. I was wondering why I would ever want to save inferior parts that I had, but then I noticed they can be equipped to other vehicles in the same discipline and that's at least taken the grind out of getting a new ride up to a usable state.

That said, I've also been doing FailRace's "don't touch the paved roads" point to point challenge and it's pretty damn fun. Also a good excuse to go exploring in places I would otherwise have no reason to go to.
Finished almost all the Street Races on hard with the exception of the Papa John's one. That's a bit harder since everyone is on the same setup. Might grind more Icon points to put in the Nitrous perks.