The Crew 2 Official Game Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter dice1998
After a bit of hiatus I decided to jump back in a play, only to be duped by the curse-inducing throttle issue. Even after fiddling with the settings, the problem remained. I want my money back.
Don't know what to say about that. I never had that problem on PC. Must be something with your PS4.

Anyway, I'm probably going to skip these next two Summits since I already have the cars. I could do them to get more Bucks, but I'm sitting at 6 mil ATM...
Honestly I don't know. Like I said before, only this game has that issue. I've played countless other racing games including the original Crew and never had this problem. It's infuriating that how well I do is dictated by how the game "behaves" on that day.
Try contacting The Crew Support. They might have a look at it. I guess I could see if it does the same with my PS4. I played the first game on it with no problem.
New update info coming as early as November 16th.
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The following may be what cars we are getting in the Chase update. This was found on Reddit, and it looks convincing, but there was no link provided to a source. Take it with a grain of salt.
Can confirm that will be the case.

To give such proof, here's a photo featuring one of those cars.
I'm curious to see how much damage will be enabled on the demo derby-spec Charger, but that's pretty big news!

Man's brave I would say to the OP of that Reddit post.

But going back, I'm very glad I stocked up enough bucks for those rides. I'm really looking forward to that 911 Strassenversion.

Oh and seeing the Divo Emerald Storm Edition is like a second chance for me at getting a Divo Magma Edition since I failed at getting one.

That Masked Leader car being in Hypercar class? Interesting.

And it looks like that's the roof vanity item that my guys telling me about.

Very excited now for the update.
New cars will be available with Bucks and CC, interceptor units will be in battlepass(80k CC) and as rewards for summit.
Do you know if the police lights you can add to cars actually flash? I'm hoping you can toggle them with the horn button like you could with the cop cars in Calling All Units.
Do you know if the police lights you can add to cars actually flash? I'm hoping you can toggle them with the horn button like you could with the cop cars in Calling All Units.
Idk,I wasn't at tts, only browse through 2ch and vk
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My optimism: gone

They only gone and just unveiled a friggin battle pass system :/

And from the leaks last month, with none of the benefits.

- Daily Contracts might apparently be nixed from the game
- Some vehicles will be locked to the paid tier of the pass (something they have been saying since launch they wouldnt do.. which was already broken earlier this year)
- The Battlepass only pays for half of itself instead of fully.

Yeah i think im done with this game..
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