The daily race event change. Good or bad?

  • Thread starter bmxmitch

The Daily Rave Event should be...

  • 3 Races every week

    Votes: 18 20.0%
  • 3 races daily

    Votes: 10 11.1%
  • 2-3 races daily + 2-3 races weekly

    Votes: 44 48.9%
  • other..

    Votes: 18 20.0%

  • Total voters
....And most of you are still acting as if the Championships do not exist. That is where your efforts should be directed.

Championship races will be once a week (on Saturday). Also PD's championship is gone from sport mode for some reason.
When the daily events were announced, I liked the idea of daily rotations. But some people have brought up a good point - I like to spend a couple hours with a car/track combo before actually entering the race.
Provided they have the servers to cope with the daily, weekly or even monthly changes, eventually there will probably be a trend towards the lower spec classes being changed daily whilst the higher spec ones being changed least frequently.

But come on, changing very demanding events daily or even bi-weekly with setups as well is just ridiculous. I hope PD's servers aren't just equipped to deal with one type of change schedule, because at the moment, it's those who get bored very quickly (and aren't trying hard enough!) are being heard, which probably flies in the face of PD who must have first thought that the majority of users in the beginning were serious sim racers like in iracing (there are, but not that many). There could easily be between 5-10 hours worth of practice, Q and many races on a demanding event spread out over a week or two. And I'm talking on behalf of all those I've raced online with in the last two weeks.
When the daily events were announced, I liked the idea of daily rotations. But some people have brought up a good point - I like to spend a couple hours with a car/track combo before actually entering the race.

I also like to do a few laps before jumping in but with the time schedule it's best to sign up for the race quickly, you need to wait for the race to start probably anyway which you can fill with improving your qualifying time. I started my Gr.4 races that way yesterday, first set a qualifying time quickly, then join the race, In between races I swapped out some cars and tested them out with qualifying while waiting for the race to start.
it's those who get bored very quickly (and aren't trying hard enough!) are being heard, which probably flies in the face of PD who must have first thought that the majority of users in the beginning were serious sim racers like in iracing (there are, but not that many). .

Yes, the players who are used to jumping into a Overwatch or CoD server and rotating maps quickly with short attention spans(and that is ok in some games) are being catered to. The ones who can't be bothered to tune a car or spend an hour or so learning the nuances of a track. The rest of us are being told to "be happy with the The Championships" which have not even occurred yet and are once a week on the weekends.

I hope this all gets sorted out, but the reality may be that the casual "jump in a race" gamer may be the majority.
Then I am suddenly in the "needs more events" camp.
My guess though would be that they are attempting to keep the player base concentrated to a few events to get the kinks out of balancing, etc.

Since the community seems to be very split regarding weekly vs. daily, perhaps they ought to just take the middle ground; Switch every 3-4 days.
Yes, the players who are used to jumping into a Overwatch or CoD server and rotating maps quickly with short attention spans(and that is ok in some games) are being catered to. The ones who can't be bothered to tune a car or spend an hour or so learning the nuances of a track. The rest of us are being told to "be happy with the The Championships" which have not even occurred yet and are once a week on the weekends.

I hope this all gets sorted out, but the reality may be that the casual "jump in a race" gamer may be the majority.

It's those that will be away in couple of months (even if the game is perfect) who are being given priority, whilst the usual ones who play it for the long haul, are coming second. I just hope some of the new names I, and many others have come across in the last few weeks don't get fedup and go on to something else. It's those that put in a serious effort are the fabric of any good series. Imagine F1 with none of the top 6 for instance....
This probably wouldn’t be an issue if PD didn’t call them Daily Races, thus giving the impression that they change every 24 hours.
It's those that will be away in couple of months (even if the game is perfect) who are being given priority, whilst the usual ones who play it for the long haul, are coming second. I just hope some of the new names I, and many others have come across in the last few weeks don't get fedup and go on to something else. It's those that put in a serious effort are the fabric of any good series. Imagine F1 with none of the top 6 for instance....

Being in for the long haul does not mean you have to favour a schedule of tracks switching once a week. Right now I am *very* happy we will not be stuck with the current gr3/4 tracks for the rest of the week.... ;)

(And yes, I am quite dedicated. Been with iRacing for years and now hope GTS will be great for me and my son to share (iRacing is a bit too serious for him...yet)):
Since everyone will have limited time to practise and fixed setup...then I think it's ok. The N series track is fun
Alsace in lads!

I prefer everyday changes than weekly.

Ideally for me would be constant changes every 2-3 days, but with 5 options of races. 3 normal, 1 long and 1 endurance race.
So, people complained because the races were updated weekly, and now complain because they are being updated dailiy? ohhh Internet lol
People have differing opinions. Are you just now realizing this? I doubt the same people that were complaining about the races being weekly are the same individuals complaining about the daily races.
The fact that you have to explain such a basic and fundamental concept to him should let you know his level of intellect.

People have differing opinions. Are you just now realizing this? I doubt the same people that were complaining about the races being weekly are the same individuals complaining about the daily races.
If you want to work on set up then do it in the single time trial,
They need to optimise the times!
The new grp3 is a 20min smash fest which you then have to wait 40 minutes to repeat. The times are not so, as in the beta, where you could jump from one race to the next which was great. They've taken good ingredients and turned out chips and beans