The elephant in the room: bad frame rate

  • Thread starter Proud_God
The hardware hasn't changed so people that are shocked in GT5 performance vs GT6 are funny. These are probably the same people who demand everything and then complain when they get it and framerates aren't perfect. There is only so much you can do in terms of encoding, compressing, decryption, etc...The PS3 is old...Get over it. The average eye samples at well below 60Hz anyway. Professional movies are shot at 24fps (which is one of the only reasons 120Hz is better than 60Hz, because 24 divides into it evenly). Also, many of you probably need a better TV before you complain about some of the graphics flaws.
I've seen the DF video comparing the framerates, and can't recall if GT6 was in 1080p or not, but the lowest I remember seeing it drop to was 52 FPS. Sure, it sucks it's not a consistent 60, but I played hundreds of races in Forza Horizon, which capped at 30 FPS. I think I can manage.
If the FPS is anything like in the GT6 demo then it is definitely a problem. I saw very noticeable slowdown in the demo with big fps drops (felt like it went below 20) and it affects the gameplay, it can also give the feeling of having input lag. iRacing for me didn't seem smooth during gameplay unless it was well over 100fps. Its often more about consistancy and smoothness of the gameplay, when the console is struggling and the framerates drop you tend to notice it in the gameplay a lot.

It can't really be compared to a 24fps movie where it is consistant and includes a healthy dab of natural motion blur between the frames. Your screen may be able to only refresh 60 times per second but you can notice the gameplay effects of high/consistant framerates well beyond that.

It's hard to explain, but I've played games where 30fps looks smooth, where 45fps looks great just as i've played games that struggled to play well and didnt feel good at 60fps, iRacing and Simraceway in particular.
I've seen the DF video comparing the framerates, and can't recall if GT6 was in 1080p or not, but the lowest I remember seeing it drop to was 52 FPS. Sure, it sucks it's not a consistent 60, but I played hundreds of races in Forza Horizon, which capped at 30 FPS. I think I can manage.

They were comparing like conditions with like, and the available conditions in the demo were limited. The expectation is that night and/or weather will impact the frame rates in a similar way to GT5, pushing it well below what you see in that comparison.

The combination of night, rain and lots of cars on screen could push the frame rate in GT5 below 30.
If the FPS is anything like in the GT6 demo then it is definitely a problem. I saw very noticeable slowdown in the demo with big fps drops (felt like it went below 20) and it affects the gameplay, it can also give the feeling of having input lag. iRacing for me didn't seem smooth during gameplay unless it was well over 100fps. Its often more about consistancy and smoothness of the gameplay, when the console is struggling and the framerates drop you tend to notice it in the gameplay a lot.

It can't really be compared to a 24fps movie where it is consistant and includes a healthy dab of natural motion blur between the frames. Your screen may be able to only refresh 60 times per second but you can notice the gameplay effects of high/consistant framerates well beyond that.

It's hard to explain, but I've played games where 30fps looks smooth, where 45fps looks great just as i've played games that struggled to play well and didnt feel good at 60fps, iRacing and Simraceway in particular.
I understand that the eye can typically notice up to twice its sample rate but I think a lot of people just like to whine about frame rates because they have to find something. I've never had issues although I don't use cockpit views on premium cars because I think it's a terribly fake viewpoint only meant to impress people. Bouncing frame rates are certainly annoying and a consistent low frame rate would be better (your eyes adjust after only minutes to almost any frame rate anyway) but I've never really had an issue with frame rates on console games. It's a PC issue only in my experience but luckily PC games can be manipulated and adjusted enough to correct any issues.
As long as it's smooth, why moan about it?

If it was smooth, I don't think anyone would. The demo was herky jerky when it started dropping frames.

I haven't seen anyone have a good go at evaluating the frame rate with a retail version yet. They probably have and I missed it in the storm of information that's been around here.
Just so i can be on the same page as you guys, What we are talking about here are the screen lagging usually during hard cornering, especially when there are a lot of AI around ?!? right?

Dropping Frame rates is the technical terms you guys use to refer to the jaggy on the screen ?

Because that's what i am seeing once in a while, but i am not sure whether you are also refering to the same thing or not.

Thanks for letting me into this room full of Elephants.
By a show of hands, how many people are having input lag issues with their TV or even know they are? My TV runs at 32.2 milliseconds of input lag. I've seen some direct feed video of GT6 on Youtube but noone is uploading 1080p 60fps to my knowledge(and YouTube compresses it so much its almost a waste)I will update this post when I receive my copy of GT6 in the mail(post for some my friends across the pond).
Just so i can be on the same page as you guys, What we are talking about here are the screen lagging usually during hard cornering, especially when there are a lot of AI around ?!? right?
Yes that's correct, more cars on your screen means lower FPS..
Just so i can be on the same page as you guys, What we are talking about here are the screen lagging usually during hard cornering, especially when there are a lot of AI around ?!? right?

Dropping Frame rates is the technical terms you guys use to refer to the jaggy on the screen ?

Because that's what i am seeing once in a while, but i am not sure whether you are also refering to the same thing or not.

Thanks for letting me into this room full of Elephants.

There's possibly a different thing going on with GT6.

GT5 had screen tearing when the frame rate dropped. You could see horizontal lines across the screen where it had started displaying a new frame halfway through a refresh.

The GT6 demo had what was essentially V-sync on. Which meant if it couldn't finish rendering a frame in time, instead of just pushing out what it had like GT5 it would skip the frame entirely. So you'd get jumps to what was basically 30fps from 60, for short periods of time. It gives a kind of stutter.

I'm not sure how GT6 final works. I haven't got a copy.
So for those of you that have been playing GT6 for awhile or have the PSN version, what are your thoughts on the framerate now? Better or worse than GT5?
So for those of you that have been playing GT6 for awhile or have the PSN version, what are your thoughts on the framerate now? Better or worse than GT5?
I can access my psn version till release date. Think thats 00:00 tonight. Soon as i'm in i'll post my impressions.
Running SSD too so should be the opimum setup.
There's possibly a different thing going on with GT6.

GT5 had screen tearing when the frame rate dropped. You could see horizontal lines across the screen where it had started displaying a new frame halfway through a refresh.

The GT6 demo had what was essentially V-sync on. Which meant if it couldn't finish rendering a frame in time, instead of just pushing out what it had like GT5 it would skip the frame entirely. So you'd get jumps to what was basically 30fps from 60, for short periods of time. It gives a kind of stutter.

I'm not sure how GT6 final works. I haven't got a copy.

Apparently it is using vsync.
By a show of hands, how many people are having input lag issues with their TV or even know they are? My TV runs at 32.2 milliseconds of input lag. I've seen some direct feed video of GT6 on Youtube but noone is uploading 1080p 60fps to my knowledge(and YouTube compresses it so much its almost a waste)I will update this post when I receive my copy of GT6 in the mail(post for some my friends across the pond).

Input lag is a different issue, with several components.

The most effective, easiest and cheapest way to have less input lag on consoles is to use wired controllers.
Input lag is a different issue, with several components.

The most effective, easiest and cheapest way to have less input lag on consoles is to use wired controllers.
I think if you are 'keen' enough to notice input lag you should be using a wheel anyway really.
I think if you are 'keen' enough to notice input lag you should be using a wheel anyway really.

It's actually far easier to notice input lag with a controller. Since it's relatively hard to make small motions with a controller, it's very obvious when your actions are being delayed. This can be masked a lot with a wheel.

I'm a wheel player, but when we had the Shift 2 input lag fiasco I used a controller when I was trying to test how bad it actually was.
From what I'm reading 'round the forum (not only this thread) the situation is even worse than what I was expecting.
Now that's something.

Yey, I have a video for you, Imagine PD headquarters singind this, oh and there's space too.