The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Just finished Kamisama no Memo-chō, and man, am I glad I didn't listen to @Roger the Horse. :P Extremely underrated anime, everyone needs to go watch it.

Not too sure if I should. I haven't heard particularly good things about it, and it doesn't help it's based off of a light novel.
I'll take a look at that. J.C. Staff doesn't consistently create bad work.
Staff>>>>Studio (Typically the studio is irrelevant to the quality outside of the animation quality unless you're named like Ghibli or KyoAni, the few that can make what they actually want to make)
Not too sure if I should. I haven't heard particularly good things about it, and it doesn't help it's based off of a light novel.

^ "My Senpai Can't Be This Sugoi."

I see what you mean now. That description makes it sound so incredibly cliche it's not even funny. :lol:

I re-read that line again. I realize that while it's an overused line, most stories will involve the protagonist or someone significant having a life-changing experience. So I shouldn't knock a synopsis for that, even though there are other ways to wrap up a synopsis and still leave the reader wanting more.
All I can say, is don't judge the anime by it's synopsis. :P If you watch it, you'll understand why I'm like a broken record recommending it.
You sound just like me several years ago when I was new to all this.

I just wonder when you will venture to the dark side of this genre of cartoon.

Oh it's bound to happen. Yes siree. :rolleyes:
You sound just like me several years ago when I was new to all this.

I just wonder when you will venture to the dark side of this genre of cartoon.

Oh it's bound to happen. Yes siree. :rolleyes:

Dark side? *shudders*

Half the reason I'm so persistent to you guys is that it's such an underrated gem. It never really took off in Japan due to NEETs being generally looked down upon, which is a real shame because the actual content is really high.
When you say darkside, do you mean H?

Anyways, I watched like the first 8 episodes of Shirobako. I like it, its pretty well written and animated, and its (seemingly) pretty realistic.
Poor kid, hasn't even seen any of the actually good stuff.

At least the stuff I have been watching can't by all accounts be considered trash, really. :P I'm slowly working through my list though.

After finishing Kamisama no Memo-chō in the early hours of today, I then decided I'd try A Certain Magical Index. Not sure if I'd say I'm thoroughly enjoying it thus far, but it's pretty good. Just not exceptional.
When you say darkside, do you mean H?

Anyways, I watched like the first 8 episodes of Shirobako. I like it, its pretty well written and animated, and its (seemingly) pretty realistic.
I'm a bit behind (About 3 weeks), but it is actually pretty realistic about the anime industry. I'm now considering this be required watching for any anime fan before they start spouting ignorant stuff like they know how everything works. It's amazing how say MAL reacted to the show. "Wait, they don't have the whole show done before episode 1 airs? WHAT?!"
Staff>>>>Studio (Typically the studio is irrelevant to the quality outside of the animation quality unless you're named like Ghibli or KyoAni, the few that can make what they actually want to make)
That does seem true. We shall have to see ;)
Half the reason I'm so persistent to you guys is that it's such an underrated gem. It never really took off in Japan due to NEETs being generally looked down upon, which is a real shame because the actual content is really high.
but mom
Welcome to the N.H.K. was a rather polarizing anime; hit-or-miss in other words.
Mekakucity Actors had a ton of potential along with SHAFT doing the animation but it was short and rushed.
No Game No Life was pretty good among teenagers but didn't appeal to a more mature audience (or so I think). I enjoyed it though.
Anyone tried any Anime games that are on Steam? Seems like more and more anime stuff gets on there now.
They all seem to suck to me, except Project Nimbus. Does that even count?

It has literally one drawing in the Early Access trailer. It gets a big "Anime" tag. Do any of you guy own this game?
It never really took off in Japan due to NEETs being generally looked down upon, which is a real shame because the actual content is really high.

Watamote was one strong fad. Fad I say because no one ever talks about it anymore.

At least the stuff I have been watching can't by all accounts be considered trash, really. :P

Hoh, but you'd be surprised when a year later you come around to reviewing your past watches compared to what you're currently watching (at the time).

Anyone tried any Anime games that are on Steam? Seems like more and more anime stuff gets on there now.

Nope. Didn't even know about anime games until I heard Grisaia getting greenlit for it. Here's hoping the pledge for digital copies means I get steam copies. I guess I'll go tweet Sekai Project about it.

Found anything cool though?
Yep, you later on look back at your earlier anime viewing days and wonder what happened. When I first got into this stuff, I found Rosario + Vampire of all things amazing (The manga still is, the anime, no, just no). I was also blown away years ago by: Aria the Scarlet Ammo, Freezing (I still find S1 good after a rewatch before S2 started, but nowhere near as good as when I watched it as it aired), Guilty Crown (At first)

And here I am 6 years later finding less than half of what I've seen good. Most of this stuff is not so good, though there's still plenty of good/great things out there. And heck, I can strangely sometimes enjoy things like Absolute Duo or Agent AIKa.

The more you watch the more critical you become and tired of certain tropes anime keeps throwing at you (And has been using more and more over the years). There is a good thing that comes about from this, you can appreciate certain things more though.
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@AOS- Remember when I was asking for a "dark" show to watch? I think what I was looking for was something under the "psychological" genre. Seeing as some of the shows I've most enjoyed happened to be labeled such.
Watamote was one strong fad. Fad I say because no one ever talks about it anymore.

Hoh, but you'd be surprised when a year later you come around to reviewing your past watches compared to what you're currently watching (at the time).

Nope. Didn't even know about anime games until I heard Grisaia getting greenlit for it. Here's hoping the pledge for digital copies means I get steam copies. I guess I'll go tweet Sekai Project about it.

Found anything cool though?

Not really. I'm sure there are but I can't play them all. Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds looks pretty good though.
The odd thing is that Hyperdimension Neptunia is 3rd in the Top Sellers list right now, and that game came out today. I don't recall an Anime-tagged game ever ending up in the top 10 in Steam.
I'm getting hype! Couldn't believe it was arcade only, so now I can play it. Thanks for sharing! I wonder why PS3 and not PS4 though.
Yep, you later on look back at your earlier anime viewing days and wonder what happened. When I first got into this stuff, I found Rosario + Vampire of all things amazing (The manga still is, the anime, no, just no). I was also blown away years ago by: Aria the Scarlet Ammo, Freezing, Guilty Crown.
I remember when you were nuts about Hidan no Aria :lol:

I also remember when I was goo-gagging over Rosario+Vampire too. Hot vampire girlfriend kicking ass? I was all over that. My standards were so low back then. I'm still okay with Shakugan no Shana though, but I definitely don't think as highly of it now that I've seen other action shows.

The more you watch the more critical you become and tired of certain tropes anime keeps throwing at you.

Why are we even watching anime still? :lol:

@AOS- Remember when I was asking for a "dark" show to watch?
I don't remember. Gomen.
Dinohill Down
I think what I was looking for was something under the "psychological" genre. Seeing as some of the shows I've most enjoyed happened to be labeled such.
I'm curious now. Got a MAL account by any chance?


It's now the top 2nd if I'm browsing Steam correctly. Yes I had to verify this myself. I really could not believe it. :lol:
I remember when you were nuts about Hidan no Aria :lol:

I also remember when I was goo-gagging over Rosario+Vampire too. Hot vampire girlfriend kicking ass? I was all over that. My standards were so low back then. I'm still okay with Shakugan no Shana though, but I definitely don't think as highly of it now that I've seen other action shows.

Why are we even watching anime still? :lol:
I still think highly of S1, not as much with S2, S3 still horrible, though I haven't rewatched the series (Nor seen the movie, specials or OVA's). Waiting to get my hands on all the Geneon singles of S1, the rest of S2 (Shame there's no saving that season's video quality) and S3. The BD's are just garbage, and FUNi made the DVD's from the BD's. You can see detail loss even in these comparisons I did recently, heck the FUNi release has more banding than the Geneon one.


As for why we're still watching anime, it's because we touch ourselves at night and want to see cartoon boobs.
After finishing Kamisama no Memo-chō in the early hours of today, I then decided I'd try A Certain Magical Index. Not sure if I'd say I'm thoroughly enjoying it thus far, but it's pretty good. Just not exceptional.
The latter title got me thinking of a hypothetical question...

If Misaka were to use her railgun powers to flip a coin, how high would it go and far away from her would it land? I'm thinking 5 miles up and a mile-and-a-half away.
That reminds me, there are some more things I need to change on my MAL (And the other sites I use). Various series I don't find as good anymore, and maybe some that are better than I initially thought. The list is so huge now though... orz
Seeing that the Hyperdimension Neptunia game is on sale and selling rather well on Steam made me realize just how many scrubs there are on the whole network.

New challenge: everybody try to marathon all of the animation's episodes without dying from embarassment when somebody walks in the door. Or you can switch your browser tab to porn because that would be a lot easier to explain.