The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Right person. It is indeed Tanya The Evil.

She's so evil that you're supposed to capitalize the word "The" in her name.

Wow, I got the name of a modern waifu right, that's commendation-worthy for a guy like me. :lol:

And indeed, her evil demands a capitalized-on-the-first-letter "The", I don't know what I was thinking, disrespecting her great sadism... Although the haircut in your avatar threw me off, hence the doubt. I'm used to short-hair mini-sadist powered by the finest Yu(u)ki;

I've read tidbits about the story, and it's certainly... Japanese. The sadism is top notch with this one, though...
Don't need a plot if you fill the runtime with candy product placement and three coconuts

roll safe dagashi.jpg
Doesn't exactly answer all the questions... Where does she come from? What's her waifu gimmick? Should I fear her snapping my neck off? These are all important things those who aren't in the know must know...

Satania is too innocent for this world. Too pure.

And now, for no particular reason, Magical Loli Hitler!
View attachment 626394

Yes. Military loli is better than I thought it'd be.

Also, anyone know how much better the manga to Kuzu no Honkai is versus the anime?
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which contains both animated and non animated stickers featuring a purple pigeon in various situations, the most notable of which is floppy trash dove or dancing trash dove. These stickers were created by Syd Weiler.


As most Facebook stickers are, these were made by an independent animator/artist and then released onto Facebook for use on both the Facebook and Messenger app for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. The creator Syd Weiler published them successfully either late 2016 or early 2017 (it’s hard to pinpoint).


Upon discovery, Trash Doves became widely popular among Facebook users, the floppy/dancing trash dove sky rocketing to fame among the rest as it started being spammed all over Facebook comment sections and statuses. The particular trash dove even made it into YouTube videos and has been adapted using various characters from anime and games such as Pharah and Reaper from Overwatch. Large amounts of OC artwork has also already been created using the style and animation of Floppy Trash Dove.
I pre-ordered Pokemon Sun & Moon on Amazon, and the pre-order price was what I paid.

...and then they shipped it through a company with a reputation for slowness and unreliability in the UK & Ireland. :grumpy:
That should be the case for any sort of preordered items. Also, $30 for anime. Great find.

I think I saw a similar price when Nichijou was on preorder, but did I see that? Nope, because I only found out it was being released here in NA days before that. Oh well, I should get on this when I can.
I pre-ordered Pokemon Sun & Moon on Amazon, and the pre-order price was what I paid.

...and then they shipped it through a company with a reputation for slowness and unreliability in the UK & Ireland. :grumpy:
Day 120:
Internet: Pokemon sun and moon speed run at AGDQ 20XX
DK: *still hasn't got copies*
Have you tried contacting that company?
Day 120:
Internet: Pokemon sun and moon speed run at AGDQ 20XX
DK: *still hasn't got copies*
Have you tried contacting that company?
No need, the games arrived about a week after the proper release date.
I just discovered Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3 recently. As a huge airsoft fan, this anime is just yes.