The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent

I finally get to watch the last episode for Aldnoah Zero..
Clamp tends to stay with same art style. Cano should know more...

I wat?

Eh, I haven't watched anything from Clamp that's newer than Card Captor Sakura :lol: so I might not be that good of a source... disregard that the gurl in my avy is a Clamp creation and such, my Rayearth fanboyism is another thing altogether.

Heard I should give Lelouch a spin...
I wat?

Eh, I haven't watched anything from Clamp that's newer than Card Captor Sakura :lol: so I might not be that good of a source... disregard that the gurl in my avy is a Clamp creation and such, my Rayearth fanboyism is another thing altogether.

Heard I should give Lelouch a spin...
I should stop posting cosplay pictures for you now...
Because it is a spoiler...
I shouldn't have said anything. :lol: So much Touhou you have posted, not even into that stuff. More of a KanColle guy myself. No real problem with it though, a lot of good pictures. 👍
That can not be coming to PS3. Impossible.
Which one, the Touhouvania one or the last image there?
Last one.

It's Touhou Sky Arena (the picture is of an add-on that's coming with it, ala Hisoutensoku), a Touhou fangame. They did a deal or something to release it, technically as an indie game, on Japan's PS Store.

I had a feeling it was sort of a bad thing. :P

It isn't, if you aren't into Touhou.

I saved that anger by the way for Tumblr. Basically, in TL;DR form I said that they're bitter rivals now and therefore liking both is wrong. Or, maybe, most of the people that do are not the right sort...

Hey, I like KanColle as well. It can't be absolutely terrible.

But let's not let this boil over, please. I don't want to be angry now.
Tread carefully then.

Do as I did and approach it simply. Maybe even approach it with something else you like.

That's how I got into Touhou. I met it in a crossover with one of my favourite games ever and it's now become my favourite work of fiction.

Everything has a Touhou crossover these days.
To be fair I managed to successfully tread carefully (that sort of treading) in it for a very long time.

Then one day I realised I didn't need to do that anymore and my great respect turned into sheer, unadulterated love. Which is a common theme in Touhou fanworks. (you know what I mean)
Last one.

It's Touhou Sky Arena (the picture is of an add-on that's coming with it, ala Hisoutensoku), a Touhou fangame. They did a deal or something to release it, technically as an indie game, on Japan's PS Store.

The fighting game? Bugger, that would be cool. But only in the Japanese PSN store? Huh.
There aren't many rom coms that I like, but they do exist.
  • Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions
  • My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
  • Toradora
  • Chobits...? I read it but never watched the anime. Heard it was great.
And that's pretty much it I think.
No Lovely*Complex?