The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent

12 - Neon Genesis Evangelion
7 - End of Evangelion
7 - Evangelion: 1.0/1.01/1.11
7 - Evangelion: 2.0/2.22


3 - Bakemonogatari?
1 - Lunar Legend Tsukihime

I can't be of much help with the others there since I haven't seen them (yet).
Just finished my review of Initial D 1st Stage in the AAC, in case anyone wants to read it.

My back is still killing me, BTW. Apparently I didn't strain myself during business time but I've picked up some sort of infection in my lungs.
Okay, 1. You've gotta watch Clannad before After Story...or you could just watch the movie which just sums up both seasons.

And 2. If you don't like the English dub, the sub is better...the jokes are WAY funnier in the subbed version.

Like I'd watch anything dubbed. Only reason I have stuff with dubbing is for company, and that is only when it is the type that isn't use to subtitles at all.

Dubs make me cringe.
Just finished my review of Initial D 1st Stage in the AAC, in case anyone wants to read it.

Nice! I'll check it out soon.

My back is still killing me, BTW. Apparently I didn't strain myself during business time but I've picked up some sort of infection in my lungs.

That sucks. :(



5 - Outlaw Star [DI, JE, SE, TE, YA]
2 - Blue Submarine no.6 [SE, YA]
2 - Bokurano (also Mecha) [SE, YA]? Maybe psychological?
2 - Zipang (also Drama) [SE, YA] (One might argue that this is historical but it's an "alternate" history so I think Sci-fi fits bearst).
Finally got done with work (6 classes this semester). Gonna start Evangelion to see what the hype is about :dopey:. Remember seeing it along time ago when it aired in the U.S. Is there any manga I should look out for?


^Tatami Galaxy, folks.

Also, word has it that Daily Lives of Highschool Boys is a Slice-of-likfe Comedy, very similar to how Nichijou works, started airing yesterday... or the day before and I hear it's super funny. Wanna air that on Friday after Nisem?

edjt: 20 seconds in, Zaku look-alikes appear from nowhere :P
....yep it looks good enough to watch for stream, it's brain-dead enough hahaha.
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Also, word has it that Daily Lives of Highschool Boys is a Slice-of-likfe Comedy, very similar to how Nichijou works, started airing yesterday... or the day before and I hear it's super funny. Wanna air that on Friday after Nisem?

edjt: 20 seconds in, Zaku look-alikes appear from nowhere :P
....yep it looks good enough to watch for stream, it's brain-dead enough hahaha.

Seen a review for it on Random C. +1 on the stream. Also what episode did we leave off on with Nichijou? I had something urgent to do, so I think I missed a ep or part of a ep. Remember they were camping.
Finally got done with work (6 classes this semester). Gonna start Evangelion to see what the hype is about :dopey:. Remember seeing it along time ago when it aired in the U.S. Is there any manga I should look out for?

Good! There are three different manga out I believe. Not completely sure as I haven't read any of it.

Also, word has it that Daily Lives of Highschool Boys is a Slice-of-likfe Comedy, very similar to how Nichijou works, started airing yesterday... or the day before and I hear it's super funny. Wanna air that on Friday after Nisem?[/color]

I had no intention of watching that lol. The synopsis looked stupid to me.
4 - Serial Experimental Lain

this is why putting things in only one category is tough:
3 - Bakemonogatari - Drama? Supernatural? ... exactly. Or mystery? always a puzzle to be solved.

Mononoke - supernatural mystery

1 - Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales - supernatural

1 - Blood+ - supernatural (drama, thriller)

1 - Ergo Proxy - psychological

1 - Lunar Legend Tsukihime - supernatural

1 - Mushi-shi - supernatural mystery

honestly, supernatural is more of a theme, while mystery is a genre... which is why at places like ann you do a database search to find just the combination that floats your boat...
Take it easy there, smarty-pants, I merged Supernatural with Fantasy/Magic.... and I put Bakemonogatari under supernatural as there is barely any drama at all. Most mysteries require some level of supernatural phenomena, but not all shows that have supernatural elements contain mystery.... what shall I do? Put Mystery with Supernatural, Horror on it's own, and leave Fantasy with Magic?

I had no intention of watching that lol. The synopsis looked stupid to me.
Nichijou doesn't have a good synposis either, but so far the humour is lesser than Nichijou's...

edjt: nevermind, the humour is crud... at least we get dramatic voice acting in Nichijou and severely random and exaggerated stuff via lasers.

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
Lucky Star
Seitokai no Ichizon
Panty & Stocking

Or just go ahead and watch Bakuman.
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Just watched the first episode of High School of the Dead. Are you seriously telling me they screwed this up? Oh man... crap... this is too damn good to fail. How could they?

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
Lucky Star
Seitokai no Ichizon
Panty & Stocking

Or just go ahead and watch Bakuman.

Seitokai no Ichizon Sounds interesting. PSG I've watched already.
I would just watch Bakuman instead of a time-waster like Ichizon.... unless you really just want to endulge on the generic moe-crud.
Well a time waster is exactly what I'm looking for, I'm just having a hard time finding an entertaining one.

Bakuman doesn't look like a time waster and I have plenty of serious shows to watch already. I'll queue it though.
Then go with Ichizon.... go for Samurai Girls for the boobs. ;)

Bakemonogatari? It gives off a serious vibe, but there's no story to it whatsoever.

A-Channel is a huge time-waster, but I'd rather go with Ichizon for Ken's dramatic humour.
I'm planning on starting another anime soon, but not tonight - Inglourious Basterds is on, and to hell with back pain.




Remilia Refreshment.

Anyway, I sort of like how I have so many open slots for shows at the moment... All the current latest episodes aren't up yet, yet I ain't watching Monster. I apparently don't have a large queue, and I don't feel pressed to finish 'em either...Hopefully Spring 2012 won't have too many interesting shows.
Finally got done with work (6 classes this semester). Gonna start Evangelion to see what the hype is about :dopey:. Remember seeing it along time ago when it aired in the U.S. Is there any manga I should look out for?
There is manga, but I don't really know how it is (I have yet to watch or read anything NGE.). Currently VIZ Media is publishing it, and they've been promoting the digital format for it on the VIZ Manga app quite a lot recently.
Why anime doesn't really sell at FYE. Honestly, they're probably making even the licensors who are shipping them the stuff scratch their heads. FUNimation encourages people even to go looking around on Amazon and Rightstuf for the cheapest prices. FYE, the best place to buy anime (Stupidly) for FULL MSRP. Best Buy, the place to buy anime for somewhat close to MSRP, Amazon and Rightstuf, the best places for cheap anime.
Anyway, I sort of like how I have so many open slots for shows at the moment... All the current latest episodes aren't up yet, yet I ain't watching Monster. I apparently don't have a large queue, and I don't feel pressed to finish 'em either...Hopefully Spring 2012 won't have too many interesting shows.
The chart is already out, so see for yourself (An early look that is.). (Linked image due to the size.)
Bakemonogatari? It gives off a serious vibe, but there's no story to it whatsoever.

No grand scheme plot, but it's not exactly a silly time waster. Good enough to watch as a serious show, with some comedy.

Drav, Hanasaku Iroha is a drama/comedy that's a bit more of a lighthearted watch. Really really good as well.

Just watched the first episode of High School of the Dead. Are you seriously telling me they screwed this up? Oh man... crap... this is too damn good to fail. How could they?
Yes, they screwed it right the 🤬 up. I guess you can see for yourself..
It may increase as more things are announced, that chart came out last month mind you.

Finally FUNimation, you finally nearly 3 weeks (2 weeks late) after the Japanese airing have put up episode 12 of Haganai. Now I can finish the damn show finally.
Just watched the first episode of High School of the Dead. Are you seriously telling me they screwed this up? Oh man... crap... this is too damn good to fail. How could they?

You'll see.

Seitokai no Ichizon Sounds interesting.

It isn't. It's not worth your time. Super super mediocre. Mafuyu was awesome. That's about it. You may enjoy it though because moe.

Spring line-up:

Fate/Zero Season 2
Accel World (will try)
Uchuu Kyoudai
Train Hero (gonna watch the first episode to see how ridiculous it is)
Shining Hearts (🤬 yeah)
Tasogare OtomexAmnesia (don't want to, but I'll try it)

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (oh yeah!)
Gotchicmade - Hana no Utame (picture looks cool)
Strike Witches: The movie (guess I need to hurry and watch Strike Witches)

So yeah even with some of the things I will try, it doesn't seem as though anything good is coming.
I was under the impression that those were the Summer 2012 charts.... :grumpy:

:lol: I was too until I started seeing shows that already came out that I recognized. Confused the hell out of me. Also completely missed that they made a Blade anime. Hahahaha!!
Yes, they screwed it right the 🤬 up. I guess you can see for yourself..

You'll see.

Well after that first episode I have to see it for myself.

Just finished episode two. So far it feels a lot like The Walking Dead, which I really liked, but with some anime stupidity thrown into. This episode was a bit of a letdown, I suppose I can already see what the problem is. Despite a damn serious first episode, it's looking like it will degenerate into just another brain-dead zombie story.
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