The Grand Tour game


Wymondham, Norfolk
When I asked for a surprise racing release at Gamescom I didn't have this in mind.

Will be episodic and episodes will release gradually alongside season 3 of the show. Being developed by Amazon game studios Seattle and will include 4 player split screen

Looks rubbish but could be fun I guess. Xbox one and PS4 listed at the end. No release date.
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Something like this would make more sense as a mobile game, though there is probably a mobile port in the works - And based on how it looks right now, they wouldn't even have to downgrade the graphics. :yuck:

To be fair, the fact they have the Algarve Circuit in the game is interesting. Could more licensed tracks be making an appearance?
From the write up I read, you'll have the chance to drive the cars and roads/tracks/challenges that they do every week. I'm looking forward to trying the ebola-drome as well as the track they use for the celebrity face offs. The Algarve track will be a fun one to try as well as I will be there in October.
Isn't Forza Horizon the perfect Grand Tour/Top Gear game?Each game is like a tv season with different places.


Remember all those rubbish games on ancient consoles that were made after movies/shows/whatnot? History is repeating itself.

As bad as those games were i miss those days,making games back then didn't take so long.
I’m out for some time and everyone gets delusions of grandeur!

Jokes aside, I’m shocked! Like wow I never expected that lol:lol:
That trailer kinda reminds me of the Forza Motorsport & Horizon trailers. Well, with the exception of the commentary.
Maybe this tour won't be so grand. Hopefully, it's at least as grand as Grand Dad.

I don't know where I'm going with this.

Yes like Fast and Furious, Driven, Cars and all that stuff on PS2 for exemple :crazy:
Not to mention that new Spider-Man game.
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Looks like Unity.

Don't knock Unity. When it's used imaginatively, used well, and you play to it's strengths then it can produce some awesome games.

It's just not well suited to the kind heavy physics based sim experience most people on this forum demand.

As for this Grand Tour game, well I like to think of myself as an optimist, but I have to admit that's being tested here.
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The trailer presumes we have never got to drive the cars we see on Grand Tour but I can't be the only one to load a racing game after watching.
I suspect they will probably still manage to sell some copies of this game but the sensible amongst us will most likely not
purchase or simply wait for the inevitable 75% off sale price.

Had a suspicion for a while there would be a cash in for Season 3 but no doubt it will allow the trio to make an episode where they
play the game and probably do it badly...