The " I want a livery editor" thread.

  • Thread starter stucar17
I don't see how people making childish liveries would be a big problem. Online is also full of people who's only in it for crashing and ruining the races for other people and the way to deal with it is the same as the way you would deal with childish liveries - a fat kick out of the lobby.

If I were in Kaz's shoes, I would do everything with liveries, short of allowing users to import their own content, just because I wouldn't want to see my life's work tarnished by a handful of idiots. I'd have a thousand stickers, unlimited paint options, fixed liveries etc., I just wouldn't allow people to wreck my masterpiece.
You people annoy me! You have such little faith in the human race that it's sickening. It's actually more feasible that if anyone designed a "Penis Car" or a car with crude vinyls/words that it'd be the same ones complaining about it, YOU!!! No one here is thinking or talking about making "penis" cars besides you. IT'S ANNOYING. It's like saying, don't give them markers, they might do graffiti. Don't give them the keys, they might crash. Don't try to try to jump, you might fall. Htf will you ever know if you don't give the damned thing a chance?!?!? You're so concerned with what people MIGHT do. Well, it's also quite likely that they won't. They might create masterpieces, they might create beautiful works of art, they might..., they might..., they might... UGH. Just stfu!

There will likely be a handful at most, and they will likely be banned. Or the people with them will likely be like minded people and they might just bring them out in private rooms were your delicate virgin eyes will never see them... There might just be easier and simpler ways to have your virgin mind raped by pornographic imagery all over the internet, which you might just likely have if you are indeed gaming online and it might just be nothing @#$%ing new to anyone. We might just see it, care less and gtf over it.


::End rant, Hulk Mode deactivated...::
On the level...

MCLA had 2 maybe 3 re-occuring lude vinyls and nobody really cared. There were limitless cool cars to choose from in "Rate My Ride" (The MCLA Auction House) and a ton more of complete originals.

TDU2 has a complete vinyl editor that doesn't place a limit on vinyls. It simply takes the vinyl you create, and makes it into a single vinyl package/file when done (pixelates if worked on in more than one session, but fully functional nonetheless).
I've seen someone do a middle finger drawing, on a Ferrari California that only showed when you popped the top (the dude was ramming him in a Bugatti) and someone had a ridiculous statement on their car saying F-U. There was an @$$wipe with a swastika* car and that's it. 3 cars in 2 years of playing this game. Of which I've seen countless amazing designs, from Ken Blocks Impreza, Monster Energy Drink, Red Bull, Silk Cut, the Gran Turismo carbon fiber Ford GT race car, Falken, etc. and the list goes on. I've made custom liveries for my team as well.

It's an awesome tool that if used correctly has limitless potential and should not be thrown out just because like with anything in the world, SOME people will may misuse it.

I apologize for the DP.
You people annoy me! You have such little faith in the human race that it's sickening. It's actually more feasible that if anyone designed a "Penis Car" or a car with crude vinyls/words that it'd be the same ones complaining about it, YOU!!! No one here is thinking or talking about making "penis" cars besides you. IT'S ANNOYING. It's like saying, don't give them markers, they might do graffiti. Don't give them the keys, they might crash. Don't try to try to jump, you might fall. Htf will you ever know if you don't give the damned thing a chance?!?!? You're so concerned with what people MIGHT do. Well, it's also quite likely that they won't. They might create masterpieces, they might create beautiful works of art, they might..., they might..., they might... UGH. Just stfu!

There will likely be a handful at most, and they will likely be banned. Or the people with them will likely be like minded people and they might just bring them out in private rooms were your delicate virgin eyes will never see them... There might just be easier and simpler ways to have your virgin mind raped by pornographic imagery all over the internet, which you might just likely have if you are indeed gaming online and it might just be nothing @#$%ing new to anyone. We might just see it, care less and gtf over it.


::End rant, Hulk Mode deactivated...::

Word.. 👍👍👍
I wonder how they'll handle pin-up girls. I mean people from other countries sometimes seem to have quite a strange/different opinion on what's nudity and what not... talking from experience.
You know, I was thinking the same, because online lounges would be full of inmature people with penises painted on their fully upgraded cars (a veyron, for example) and that might not only make Kaz lose his sleep.

That concern is not only Way too broad of an assumption, its also the oldest concern I've heard. The Nascar 09 community didn't have this problem at all. If they did, I sure didn't see it so its managed to police itself well and going off the sim racing community which is littered with well done liveries that aren't lude, I simply find the fear of "penises painted on cars" very unreasonable.

There wouldnt be much ceativity left, when there would be an import feature for files from pc. And many childs would import their porn.jpeg-file, stick it on their fully tuned veyron and show it around in public lobbies. Where is the creativity, when someone imports a picture from google-search to their car, instead of working on their own for some hours and learn something by it?

Again, the porn car fear is way overboard. You really need to look at forums like no-grip, F1-Classic and various NR2003 forums (like EFR for example). Those are great examples of how the sim racing community is very good at self-policing itself when it comes to liveries and paint schemes.

And the designing of liveries in photoshop on the pc is also nothing that would be acceptable for the masses. It is also not possible to change colours and placement of decals on the car while creating. You would have to import the livery all the time. That doesnt make any sense and is no useful solution for a console game.

Didn't stop people when paint booth was on NASCAR 09.
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Hmmm let me think. Do I want the opportunity to paint this, with the minor risk of being exposed to offensive designs?

Um, yeah! Self-moderating communities plus the report function should be a sufficient deterrent. Not many people like to be labelled a noob let alone a racist or pervert. Online interactivity is the future of gaming, PD had better embrace it with all of its potential hiccups or get left behind.

Um, yeah! Self-moderating communities plus the report function should be a sufficient deterrent. Not many people like to be labelled a noob let alone a racist or pervert. Online interactivity is the future of gaming, PD had better embrace it with all of its potential hiccups or get left behind.

That's awesome. The video that is, I didn't feel the need to repost it.
Hmmm let me think. Do I want the opportunity to paint this, with the minor risk of being exposed to offensive designs?

[Bruce Lee paintjob video]

That is some serious skills!

And even humorous liveries can be great if they're done with finesse, like the Top Gear endurance BMW, which just happens to spell "arse biscuits" when you open the door:

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Kaido: Touge no Densetsu aka Kaido Racer 2 had a simple yet effective system on the PS2 - at the very least GT5 should be able to replicate that....

See 2:05. In the game when you get sponsors you can stick their logos on your car, plus design your own patterns from presets etc

Someone's cars

edit - this shows the system at work, and number plate editing!
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That is some serious skills!

And even humorous liveries can be great if they're done with finesse, like the Top Gear endurance BMW, which just happens to spell "arse biscuits" when you open the door:

... Snip

You forgot also when they did the ice racing at Val Thorens.

The Bruce Lee movie is unbelievable. Thanks for posting.

There is no way that i would be able to do anything like that for a livery, big props to guys who can.

In my league races, we run a mix of road cars and race cars in different series, purely to mix it up and try to keep things fresh for our community. Some have expressed concern that a grid of penises wouldn't be a good look, and they are right, but they wouldn't be involved in my community anyway, so why should we, or others with an active and serious race series be limited by a few guys whose life in this game is generally limited anyway ?

After the release of GT5, it is clear that for the race leagues, the game has stood the test of time when you consider the appeal of some of the other titles, and the number of drivers still lining up on our grids. We are actually growing, which is pretty good for an aging title.

Surely Kaz and the PD team have to realize that for the serious leagues and racers still on track, a livery editor will give that extra layer of realism that he has often claimed to be trying to achieve.

Cmon Kaz, there is a clear opinion that your supporters want this, make it happen.
Anyone knows what exactly Kaz said on the gt6's presentation bout this? Did he said we could customize our cars freely? Or did he said something "encrypted" as he use to misteriously says..?
Hmmm let me think. Do I want the opportunity to paint this, with the minor risk of being exposed to offensive designs?

Um, yeah! Self-moderating communities plus the report function should be a sufficient deterrent. Not many people like to be labelled a noob let alone a racist or pervert. Online interactivity is the future of gaming, PD had better embrace it with all of its potential hiccups or get left behind.

Normally I snip out videos like that so as not to create unnecessarily long posts, but it was so epic, everyone should see it. If that car ever makes it to GT6 I would gladly pay for it as DLC, no joke. Just sayin'...

Anyone knows what exactly Kaz said on the gt6's presentation bout this? Did he said we could customize our cars freely? Or did he said something "encrypted" as he use to misteriously says..?

If you mean cryptic, yes he was his usual cryptic self. What he said was vague and could be taken several ways but what he did not say is probably more relevant. He did not say there would be a full on livery editor, which probably means there isn't one.
Below is what Jordan had reported about the May 15th reveal. It makes me wonder if the latter half, marked in bolded red, is alluding to the former sentence. Or is the latter sentence suggesting something more; you know, like a livery editor.

"Several thousand aerodynamic parts and custom wheels will be available for almost all cars, and players can personalize their own custom cars in game to the greatest ever level possible."

From: this
Below is what Jordan had reported about the May 15th reveal. It makes me wonder if the latter half, marked in bolded red, is alluding to the former sentence. Or is the latter sentence suggesting something more; you know, like a livery editor.

"Several thousand aerodynamic parts and custom wheels will be available for almost all cars, and players can personalize their own custom cars in game to the greatest ever level possible."

From: this

Basically it sounds to me like you can customize and design your cars to anyway you want it to look and be? Such as like in Forza. ;)
Below is what Jordan had reported about the May 15th reveal. It makes me wonder if the latter half, marked in bolded red, is alluding to the former sentence. Or is the latter sentence suggesting something more; you know, like a livery editor.

"Several thousand aerodynamic parts and custom wheels will be available for almost all cars, and players can personalize their own custom cars in game to the greatest ever level possible."

From: this

To be the "greatest level ever possible" only means it exceeds the previous best of the GT series. Still doesn't include or exclude a full on livery editor. At this point, anything is possible.
"Several thousand aerodynamic parts and custom wheels will be available for almost all cars, and players can personalize their own custom cars in game to the greatest ever level possible."

From: this

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out or not, but even Kaz saying "several thousand aero parts" doesn't really mean much. With 1200 cars in the game, it doesn't take that many "aero parts per car" to reach several thousand...even if you assume 500 are racecars that can't be modified.

Unless I'm mistaken and he means several thousand per car :lol: I can dream right?
Below is what Jordan had reported about the May 15th reveal. It makes me wonder if the latter half, marked in bolded red, is alluding to the former sentence. Or is the latter sentence suggesting something more; you know, like a livery editor.

"Several thousand aerodynamic parts and custom wheels will be available for almost all cars, and players can personalize their own custom cars in game to the greatest ever level possible."

From: this

Reading the read part.. it seems to be a full livery editor, but.. Reading it in other way or perspective, it seems to be that you are able to CREATE your own car.. you know what I mean? XD
Most of the people here that dont want a livery editor are the reason why this franchise is still behind, tuning wise.
Most of the people here that dont want a livery editor are the reason why this franchise is still behind, tuning wise.
Nope, I don't think they are the reason. It's just PD hating to give the user some freedom. They have to sell their Stealth Cars on the 250 bucks signature editon.
Nope, I don't think they are the reason. It's just PD hating to give the user some freedom. They have to sell their Stealth Cars on the 250 bucks signature editon.

If everyone wants it in the game im sure they have no choice but to implement it. Just like the so called damage that everyone asked for and in the end they received it. People have no idea how much interesting the game can be with a livery editor.

Now THIS is stunning.

Hope GT6 will get livery editor so we could make something with this detail.

EDIT: Watch more of his videos. His work is fabulous.
Yep, that's the stuff I want in a GT6 Livery Editor. With that kind of power, any race car imaginable could be created.

Just imagine the GT6 online racing leagues you could make. A kingpin or ruling body gets one organized, defines requirements, rules and restrictions, permissible cars - with the option of individual case making, and tracks to be used. A racing "season" is defined, a racing calendar and schedules are drafted, and then they distribute "league" number plaques to the participants, with guidelines on liveries, sponsors and all that.

I'll buy that for a dollar! :D
For meritorious it may be the hard work of these artists this system is very far from ideal.

I want a system where I can import vector graphics from Illustrator or CorelDraw or Inkscape (if you want a free solution) with a threshold of layers and size in bytes.

Being hours to create a simple text effects seems absurd and a waste of time when there are solutions much more powerful, quicker and easier to use.