The Latest TREND.

McLaren - see what I mean?

These are how trends fall into the mainstream. Really. Someone's going to be filing something away in the mail room behind closed doors one day and before you know it someone else would be saying, "Not here! It's NSFW!"

Textspeak so quickly gets into our language and used while actually speaking.

I can easily see 'OMG! Ralph! Not is front of the kids! It's NSFW! LOL!
NSFW/NWS isn't a trend, though. It's been around for probably a decade on the web easily to designate porn (or some cases, strong language/violence) & has managed to be one of those words that you either know what it is or you don't. Most people on the web (mainly guys) know exactly what it means.

For that reason, no one is going to be using it off the web because no one is going to have any idea what it means & everyone who does knows there is no reason to. It's up there with Sticky, Bump, Aup, Toa, etc.

If someone's out using it in public, then it's either someone who just found what it meant, or someone trying to be funny. Either way, an idiot.
"Enn ess eff double-u" has more syllables than "not safe for work." Why would you ever say it out loud?
I've heard people say Oh em gee - and even el oh el . . . I must agree, though, that eneseff might be a bigger mouthful than saying 'not safe for work'.

While it may have been around for some time - I have only just noticed it used more visibly than before - maybe because so many people surf the net at work now.
I've heard people say Oh em gee - and even el oh el . . . I must agree, though, that eneseff might be a bigger mouthful than saying 'not safe for work'.

While it may have been around for some time - I have only just noticed it used more visibly than before - maybe because so many people surf the net at work now.
Those make more "sense" because people do tend to blurt out "oh my god" quite often or of course, laugh.

Doesn't really change the fact though that it is ridiculous to ever actually say the abbreviation out loud rather than the words themselves, particularly lol. People who say "lol" (esp. if they do laugh before/after) deserve a pop to the head for being stupid.
Those make more "sense" because people do tend to blurt out "oh my god" quite often or of course, laugh.

Doesn't really change the fact though that it is ridiculous to ever actually say the abbreviation out loud rather than the words themselves, particularly lol. People who say "lol" (esp. if they do laugh before/after) deserve a pop to the head for being stupid.

I Sometimes say "lul" sarcastically but yeah it's quite annoying when people actually say it constantly, you question if they are actually laughing at anything.
Look into an Eric Partridge dictionary, and 'swag' words run a page long.

How long will the Doge meme last? Will it die before the end of the year, or evolve to further catch fire?

An interesting phenomenon - and obviously rippling through the networks like maggots spreading through a corpse. I find it's the ease of conception that is making it popular. So easy to grab a pic of Doge, and plaster some words here and there. Even the language doesn't matter anymore - a word is enough to conjure up a thousand pictures.

Is there humour in it? Well . . . a book is only as good as its reader. Some of the memes are downright hilarious, others leave people cold. What is annoying to most, I would think, is the flooding. Flooding comes from it's popularity - but that is precisely what will kill it in the end.

How will it evolve? Probably when the pictures go out of fashion and people use only textual doge.

So wow.
Such trend.
Orange is the 'new' black? :irked: Please. Enough with making everything go black. It's been almost two years now since everything started going 'black'. In fact, when it comes to your Visa card Black is better than Platinum.

I'll address that soon . . . but something else is trending . . something very hot, and you better get into the action if you want to hook yourself up with some cash. You got to be in San Francisco right now, though. Or take a flight there, if you are already rich and just want some fun. :dopey:

Just don't get yourself killed in the process. And, yes, pay it forward.

This week, he will expand his hunt-for-cash giveaway to Los Angeles and possibly other cities across the country, if he can secure helpers, he said. He's been giving away about a grand daily since Friday, he said.

For example, his Twitter page offered this clue Tuesday with a photograph of San Francisco's waterfront and the Golden Gate Bridge: "New drop: come for the cash, stay for the views."

Oh! BTW - if you are a member located in the area, and do find the cash, let us know, okay?

Newest one that has me irked: people using "Dat" and "Doe" to replace "That" and "Though". You might think you're being funny, but I don't see the funny.
You English speakers are taking more and more words from the Dutch language.
IIRC -The word 'geek' comes from the Dutch gek (fool). Call someone a geek and you are calling them a fool.

Also - the 'Find Hidden Money' game has now suddenly appeared in Toronto. Is this guy keeping tabs on this thread?
A few words for you younger folk out there - those that are still school-going, and may wonder when the next genius with a scatter-gun will come along.
Now, I'm no anorak super-sussed about the saddos that may lurk among you - but while they need help and encouragement in dealing with their want for attention, I believe that those of you that just want to go to school, learn your stuff, do your thing, and eventually contribute to the world might need some attention, too; how do we protect you?
Can we stop guns? Long story there . . .
How can we stop the bullets?
At this point, we haven't developed bullet-proof skin yet. We'll get there eventually, choice of skin colour and all - but till then - you may want to investigate this:

Obviously if you want to get trendy, you may want to make a poncho of it
Colouring Books for Adults.

The trend began in the 60's - a good decade really to begin any trend.
Comic books that presented black and white illustrations that could be coloured - but geared mostly to adults; line drawings of a mostly satirical nature to be filled in with colour - subliminal therapy as a release. These were not floppy-eared bunnies, or chickens to be turned bright yellow, but political or anti-establishment statements.

Technology - or rather the lack of what we have today - couldn't turn this trend into an archetypal part of contemporary lifestyle - like eating ice cream or using pencils or owning a cellphone. As trendy as these items were at one time they are now an everyday part of our lives - things quickly accepted that got better with time - while retaining the basic concept.

The coloring book trend hit the brick wall of illustrators who were few, far between, and expensive for adult colouring books. People that could draw bunnies and chickens and snowmen were dime-a-dozen - most people can draw reasonably well. Humans are drawn to Art naturally, entranced by depth and line, color and light, shade and chroma from the moment they could daub mud or blood, limestone or pitch on a surface.
But artists that can create superfine line-drawings appealing to the adult mind were not that easily found. The trend ground to a halt (and with it all the inplied ramifications of this loss to society.)

But just over a year ago the trend began to surface again. An adult seated poring over a colouring book. An unmistakable picture of peace.
To address the issue of the therapeutic value of this pastime is a whole other discussion itself - from the studies involving mass murderers and childhood play to the disciplines of zen mindfullness involved - but suffice to say (for the purposes of this post in this thread) it is now a trend at its peak spawning ever new surprises as it comes back full circle to the cartoon and comic book world again.

The computer spawned illustrators and illustrators spawned illustrations that are filling books and the books are now filling the shelves of every major retailer. A trend of the past reached the future - our present.
It is now officially a 'thing.'
Mandalas, zentangles, tropicals, secret gardens, streets of Tokyo, New York - if it exists it can be drawn, it can be coloured. Your way.
Even do Spawn your way.
Not so much an insignificant trend anymore - it is mainstream.

You must have your own book or at a the minimum of social consciousness have heard about it - the latter at least making you trendy enough to be 'in the know' - so that at least you could 'pooh -pooh' the phenomenon off as another grab by generation Peter Pan.

To actually have a couple of books and a set of fine colour pencils?
Well, then, you're are beyond trendy. Even beyond hip.
You're with it.
And probably a very peaceful person. ;)
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The one thing I can't understand about the adult coloring book trend is the people that are vehemently opposed to them.

Personally, they're not my thing, but any activity that doesn't involve a screen of some sort should be encouraged (with some obvious exceptions).
Colouring Books for Adults.

The trend began in the 60's - a good decade really to begin any trend.
Comic books that presented black and white illustrations that could be coloured - but geared mostly to adults; line drawings of a mostly satirical nature to be filled in with colour - subliminal therapy as a release. These were not floppy-eared bunnies, or chickens to be turned bright yellow, but political or anti-establishment statements.

Technology - or rather the lack of what we have today - couldn't turn this trend into an archetypal part of contemporary lifestyle - like eating ice cream or using pencils or owning a cellphone. As trendy as these items were at one time they are now an everyday part of our lives - things quickly accepted that got better with time - while retaining the basic concept.

The coloring book trend hit the brick wall of illustrators who were few, far between, and expensive for adult colouring books. People that could draw bunnies and chickens and snowmen were dime-a-dozen - most people can draw reasonably well. Humans are drawn to Art naturally, entranced by depth and line, color and light, shade and chroma from the moment they could daub mud or blood, limestone or pitch on a surface.
But artists that can create superfine line-drawings appealing to the adult mind were not that easily found. The trend ground to a halt (and with it all the inplied ramifications of this loss to society.)

But just over a year ago the trend began to surface again. An adult seated poring over a colouring book. An unmistakable picture of peace.
To address the issue of the therapeutic value of this pastime is a whole other discussion itself - from the studies involving mass murderers and childhood play to the disciplines of zen mindfullness involved - but suffice to say (for the purposes of this post in this thread) it is now a trend at its peak spawning ever new surprises as it comes back full circle to the cartoon and comic book world again.

The computer spawned illustrators and illustrators spawned illustrations that are filling books and the books are now filling the shelves of every major retailer. A trend of the past reached the future - our present.
It is now officially a 'thing.'
Mandalas, zentangles, tropicals, secret gardens, streets of Tokyo, New York - if it exists it can be drawn, it can be coloured. Your way.
Even do Spawn your way.
Not so much an insignificant trend anymore - it is mainstream.

You must have your own book or at a the minimum of social consciousness have heard about it - the latter at least making you trendy enough to be 'in the know' - so that at least you could 'pooh -pooh' the phenomenon off as another grab by generation Peter Pan.

To actually have a couple of books and a set of fine colour pencils?
Well, then, you're are beyond trendy. Even beyond hip.
You're with it.
And probably a very peaceful person. ;)

It's a big thing in Montreal currently, my sister, and mom got one for christmas. :), and my mom got one for my gf.
I had no idea colouring books for adults existed but I like the idea of it. I always really looked forward to doing colouring with my students in class because I could do some too as an example and I found it was a pretty good way to relax at work. And it kept the kids quiet.
Newest one that has me irked: people using "Dat" and "Doe" to replace "That" and "Though". You might think you're being funny, but I don't see the funny.
I actually can't make a "Th" sound in real life, I never taught myself to do it nor did anyone teach me, I think it is the same with others. So I don't think it has humour involved.

At my school, the latest trend is guys dressing in too-too's in swimming carnivals. Though I don't see the funny side of it since the majority do it so they aren't being absurd and are just following the crowd.
I actually can't make a "Th" sound in real life, I never taught myself to do it nor did anyone teach me, I think it is the same with others.

Some people just pick it up at a young age. In languages without this sound it can be tricky to get the hang of.

Try this for mouth/ tongue positioning:


For an 'unsounded' th sound you'll need to make this shape before saying the word, for example, try putting your tongue between your teeth as shown above, then say "at". You should actually be saying "that". The 'a' sound of at will require you to draw your tongue inwards and exhale which helps to make the 'th' even though it's 'unsounded'.

For a 'sounded' th sound you'll need to do the same action with you mouth but it's like pushing out a light hum at the same time to create a sound. Same as above but with some extra exhalation to give the th a slight sound.

I hope that makes sense to you. It's much easier to describe in person rather than having to type it out when doing 6 other jobs at once.

Keep practicing and you'll get it.
I had no idea colouring books for adults existed but I like the idea of it. I always really looked forward to doing colouring with my students in class because I could do some too as an example and I found it was a pretty good way to relax at work. And it kept the kids quiet.

The phenomenon became more than a trend. Brazil ran out of pencils. Witch hunters pulled out their copies of Malleaus Maleficarum and looked for the word 'mandala'. Bible-thumpers also pulled out the scritures to be coloured. Ikea has its own version. Publishers who missed the bandwagon have a few more empty offices.
This has been the biggest publishing phenomenon in decades.
And now there are books from secret gardens (this is all Johanna Basford's fault of course,) to books where you can colour up a :censored:storm of swear words.
Choose your weapons of peace wisely if near schoolchildren. :D

There are layers and layers of irony involved here. :lol:
The new political cartoonists (homage to the original coloring-book lampoonists) are now onscreen.

Damn Daniel

This has taken off like many tentacled web slime. Short (so easily passed on and experienced) pithy, and to the point, with the suitable sweetness of alliteration as well as the quickly socially-approved way to say 'damn' over and over, and the added elitism of actually knowing what Vans were being spoken about (and thereby the trendiness involved,) it has all the makings of a web meme.
But for how long?
Till the next one comes along, surely. :)
Fidget Spinners.

Officially - since it is now mentioned here at GTPlanet - the Latest Trend.

Right now as hot as all the other trends that have been mentioned in here (and which have now gone their way - proving they were only trends after all and not at all like ice cream or pencils) this particular trend is taking over the schoolyard, office desk, and paediatrician's waiting room.
Does it help with ADHD?
Is Hettinger involved? Or is McCoskery responsible for this skullduggery?

GTPlaneteers! Confess! Are you fidgeting right now?
Which one do you have?

Are you fidgeting with the iPhone Fidget Spinner Duo? Or spinning Batman? Zelda? LEDs? Rainbow, PlayStation, Glow-in-the-Dark?

Word of advice - don't try to take the Satan Spinner through Airport Security. You'll have a devil of a time persuading them you ain't a Ninja.