The Lucid Dream // Dreaming Thread

  • Thread starter Sttrobe
I still remember dreams I had as a little kid about 20 years ago.

Same here. For some reason, there are a select few dreams I had years ago that I still distinctly remember for no reason whatsoever.

Also, on the subject lucid dreaming, I only tend to have about one or two a year. This is probably due to what Tankass said about trying to hard, coupled with the fact that nothing terribly unusual ever happens in my dreams (At least not often). Therefore, I never notice that something is out of the ordinary, and therefore never realize I'm dreaming. And, being somewhat of a rationalist, whenever something out of the ordinary does happen, I try and formulate a reason for why it's occurring while I'm dreaming. It's somewhat depressing as I feel as if I'm always awake in a sense.
Pretty interesting stuff. I've attempted to lucid dream twice, and failed each time. What am I doing wrong? I go to bed and lay completely still, the only part of my body that moves are my eyes that blink. I have a pretty good imagination, but I begin to feel different and tired at the same time. What was actually an hour passed by what felt like 15 minutes. But I had no lucid dream. Being as calm as possible, and still failed.
I have never actually experienced a lucid dream in my life, but though I love dreams, I have wanted to since last year. I thank you all for the links and I should try this stuff. I was considering going slow this time. Start with the basics, then rise to the others. Considering I do remember my dreams quite well (but the next day I forget), I should really be recording them each day. It should help raise my senses, and my mind will hopefully know what is correct, and what is wrong. In all conclusion, though, I will be trying the steps according to these sites. Thank you guys for the information.

Well me being a brony, I was dreaming about...
<- Her :sly:
(I'm guessing majority of you aren't interested in MLP so I won't go on much about it unless you want me to)

Anyway, the dream in general was almost like real life, but a bit more blurry. It was difficult to get into but I don't know how I did it. I think I just imagined myself lifting out of my own body (Out of Body Experience) and then stare at my racing rig (that's right in my bedroom) until it is sharp and in focus...
LMAO, I wish I had a racing rig :(

Hopefully you will get one soon. And you don't have to have a racing rig to have a lucid dream. Just stare at an object within your bedroom that you are very familiar with and hopefully it should come into focus. And here's a detailed report of my dream for the hell of it:

'After I entered my lucid dream, it was still dark. I clicked my fingers and it was daytime in a instant. As I said before, everything was still blurry and I stared at my racing rig that I know very well and after a few seconds everything came into focus. At this point, I was sitting on my bed next to my sleeping self and I was wondering "What should I dream about?". Ponies :) . A few hours before entering the lucid dream, I found out that to have a smooth transition between scenes you can either turn around, click your fingers or go through a magic portal.

Having played Portal 2 the day before, clicked my fingers and was now holding a portal gun :) . I shot one against the wall, went through it, and I was now in Equestria (if you are a brony you will know where this is) with a BMW E46 and a Toyota Supra, my two favourite cars. And that's when I met that 'somepony' that I have as my avatar :drool: .
That sounds pretty amazing especialy since it was your first time, I remember my first time (after ages of trying) I was at the kitchen at work ( at a pub) and after a bunch of stuff happened I looked down an realised I was naked, lol. I then thought, hang on, do I always come to work naked? No! I'm dreaming! I went to the chef, and just to make sure I shouted BLAAH in his face to see what he did (don't know why I did THAT though) and ran outside, and immediatly flew into the air outside, and it felt really real. It was night time so all I could see were the city lights below me and some sort of stadium in the distance, but seeing as the pub is in the countryside this meant I involutarily travelled to London or something, as I wanted to go back down to the ground I knew the falling feeling would wake me up, and it did :(. But since then I've had a few more all of which had varying success and lucidity, but all were great. I haven't really tried recently I kinda want to start again.
Flying naked, it's awesome when you know your dreaming, you don't feel as paranoid as you would in reality lmao.
Hopefully I will have a similar dream to what I had last night. It was really pleasant and it felt real :eek: ! But I don't want to fly naked because I would be very embarrassed, even in a dream.
Haha, the thought of flying naked is quite funny.

I've had a lot of those. They're pretty common. Once, I had a dream where I was naked at school, and I thought it was real. Thank god it wasn't.

It's kind of hard for me to take full control of myself when in a dream. At least stuff happens. I'll keep trying. Maybe I'll realize I really can do anything.
I really hope I can take control of my dream tonight. How do I fly? Or make a car appear infront of me?

Just imagine it... or if it helps, click your fingers within the dream, that's how I make things I want appear right in front of me.
I had one again during a day-time nap while I experienced a sleep-paralyzis, basically, what I want to experience and feel, becomes almost real. So last time I decided to make a sexy time hahaha but my body fully awakened while I was walking in a room with a nice lady. But it's ok, at least I've driven a Ferrari in that state, and that's better anyway. :lol:
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I had a dream that I went to the town pool close by, and brought all my F1 diecast cars. All of a sudden, they turned into cinnamon rolls. Then, this old lady gets into the pool. While I'm not looking, she tries to drag me under, but my dad hits her over the head with a noodle (no, not that kind! :lol:) and she releases me.


I am sitting on the shore of a very calm looking lake. I have a feeling that the lake is what Road America is. I am dreaming I've never been to Road America, which I have. The lake is Road America. Weird, I know. Then, I see a dark shadowy figure roaming across the lake.

This was a year ago but it was very vivid, so I don't know what happened next. However, I ended up somehow playing hopscotch with a witch named Janet Fang, who was trying to kill me. All of her minions surrounding me. One of them was an Italian guy. I found out that the only secret to deterring her and her minions was pomegranate juice. So I got a big keg of it from the forest by the lake and doused everyone in it. Then Janet decided I was okay after all and it ended there.

The most random dream of all time, don't you think?
Well I didn't exactly had a lucid dream yesterday, but I did have some control over it... I can't recall what happened in it either.

I had one again during a day-time nap while I experienced a sleep-paralyzis, basically, what I want to experience and feel, becomes almost real. So last time I decided to make a sexy time hahaha but my body fully awakened while I was walking in a room with a nice lady. But it's ok, at least I've driven a Ferrari in that state, and that's better anyway. :lol:
Sexy girls > Ferrari
I had a dream that I went to the town pool close by, and brought all my F1 diecast cars. All of a sudden, they turned into cinnamon rolls. Then, this old lady gets into the pool. While I'm not looking, she tries to drag me under, but my dad hits her over the head with a noodle (no, not that kind! :lol:) and she releases me.


I am sitting on the shore of a very calm looking lake. I have a feeling that the lake is what Road America is. I am dreaming I've never been to Road America, which I have. The lake is Road America. Weird, I know. Then, I see a dark shadowy figure roaming across the lake.

This was a year ago but it was very vivid, so I don't know what happened next. However, I ended up somehow playing hopscotch with a witch named Janet Fang, who was trying to kill me. All of her minions surrounding me. One of them was an Italian guy. I found out that the only secret to deterring her and her minions was pomegranate juice. So I got a big keg of it from the forest by the lake and doused everyone in it. Then Janet decided I was okay after all and it ended there.

The most random dream of all time, don't you think?
Very random, and very nice.
Okay, I'm gonna try my umpteenth time to control my dream soon. I go.
Good luck!
I actually forgot about this dream but as we all like cars I think I'll share it.

It was a few nights ago, very short as it was one of those nights where you have loads of little dreams.

I was in my school, and I looked out a window into one of the football playgrounds, and there were lots of nice cars, ferrari's, ford gt's, lamboghinis etc, so naturally I ran down there, and got in the first car I saw, it was a BMW and I think it was a Z4. My friends were there and they said I couldn't start it, and I was like "Oh yeah?" and just simply pressed the accelerator and it started. I was revving it and it sounded really good, I put it in reverse and I started, well, reversing. But then to my horror, I hit the ford GT and scratched all the way down the side of it.
My friends were mocking me, then this guy in a hoody with loads of gold chains (couldn't see his face) strolled up, and I knew somehow he owned all the cars. I was bricking it then it ended.

Not too interesting, but I thought I'd share. :)
I actually forgot about this dream but as we all like cars I think I'll share it.

It was a few nights ago, very short as it was one of those nights where you have loads of little dreams.

I was in my school, and I looked out a window into one of the football playgrounds, and there were lots of nice cars, ferrari's, ford gt's, lamboghinis etc, so naturally I ran down there, and got in the first car I saw, it was a BMW and I think it was a Z4. My friends were there and they said I couldn't start it, and I was like "Oh yeah?" and just simply pressed the accelerator and it started. I was revving it and it sounded really good, I put it in reverse and I started, well, reversing. But then to my horror, I hit the ford GT and scratched all the way down the side of it.
My friends were mocking me, then this guy in a hoody with loads of gold chains (couldn't see his face) strolled up, and I knew somehow he owned all the cars. I was bricking it then it ended.

Not too interesting, but I thought I'd share. :)

You know you have ALREADY played GT5 too much when... :P
I've always wanted to intentionally start a lucid dream ever since I've found out about it, but never could do so...or at least not in the first few nights.

I know I've had a couple, I just don't remember them.

What are some tactics that have worked well for you guys? Is going to bed listening to music ok? (I usually listen to rock, IDK if listening to thunder would help much). I'm heading to bed in a few mintues and give MSTER's tactic a try...hopefully I end up in a garage of purdy Ferrari's :drool:.

Here goes nothing...

Edit: Sort of woke up after an hour of trying. I could tell my body was sort of asleep. For some reason, my arms just started lifting up...and then I woke up :/. Really odd feelings though that I can't put in words.

Oh well, try again I suppose...
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I found reality checks work for me, in the day, look at your hand every other hour or something, just make sure it looks normal, because it will become habit enough that you do it in your dream and it has like 100 fingers or something, thats when you realise you are dreaming, I induced one like that before, I was in a lesson, I looked at my hand and it had extra fingers, so I knew I was dreaming.

Another reality check is to just look at writing because it can often be jumbled up in dreams, or try and push your finger through your hand.

These take a while to kick in but I think every technique does unless your gifted. :P

Good luck.