The New Black List ;_;

  • Thread starter PSTC555
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Ahh, good ol' chickhu decided to ruin your game as well? He did a good job destroying our game also (He used a tuned yellow 111r).

@Hereward: You are 100% correct. :lol: People want to win, no matter the cost... so they always use those damn lightweight lotuses. Either that or they have no imagination.

It's pretty worrying now that most online races are flooded with Lotus Elises which are now notorious for bad driving. I remember when I first played Suzuka online there were a mixture of Ferrari's F430 & F40's, Nissan GT-R's and Audi R8's, hardly any Lotus' back then. Now whenever I go to Suzuka online a week after, its almost a full grid of Lotus Elises now since so many people are exploiting the extraordinary performance out of it. Not everyone is a bad driver, some handle them beautifully like Swissturtle for one but alot of amatuers are getting their hands on it and don't tend to control it very well causing carnage where ever they go!
A couple more for the blacklist:

adajgktp, rammed from behind going into corners, on final corner went right through me and screwed himself up

I would also like to nominate adajgktp, I was taken out on three separate occasions by him. The worst being on the straight coming out of Spoon and running down to 130R, I had a better run out of Spoon than he did, pulled out of his slipstream to overtake and as soon as I had pulled along side he rammed his car right into the side of mine, sending me into the wall and right back to last place (having been in 3rd)
I feel sorry for the guys who legitimately won one race (the front pack was something like 21 seconds ahead of the second pack because it was so chaotic) but the host near the end at the chicane was punted off by a (pretty slow in my standards) Ferrari F430 driver therefore quitted the game and annulled the results. I find it pretty harsh that people who raced cleanly ahead were robbed by what seems to me an amatuerish mistake by one of the drivers. But he showed his true colours in the next race and quitted again as host what seems to be his own mistake.

I wish that some people consider that choosing the fastest car doesn't make you the fastest person on the grid outright. The Ferrari F430 driver (I have his name but I let him off due to 'inexperience') which constantly brake tested me at corners and accidently punted off the host is an example of this, he has a much faster car than I have (Evo X Tuned in White) but was barely able to corner it at speed to slow me down behind trying to avoid him. With the QTS, I always believe that "Power is nothing without control" and this is true for technical races like Suzuka. People should be more progressive and start cars which they can use properly before moving up a step. If they wish to use such powerful cars, at least give it a test run to make sure it runs fine before racing it proper on the track with others online. Knowing the track is also crucial, so you know when to brake and when to speed up. To be honest, I have little clue in the London track so thats why I don't race there, but if I wish to then I would have to learn it little by little using the Free Run or Arcade options available so I don't bother others online while learning.

Lastly when racing, alot of people have little patience to wait a little behind and take their chances without affecting others too much. A lot of bad drivers are pretty poor at this, they know they got a fast car (like Lotus Elises 111R's) so try to put their authority physically without thinking the consequences properly. In the end, most of their moves typically ends in disaster for both drivers. What normally cost a few seconds ended up like losing 9-10 seconds getting out of the gravel trap. I have to play the patience game alot because I can't just zoom out in straight lines so I have to be tactical, sometimes it can pay off when a person makes a mistake because of pressure seeing the front of a white Evo constantly in their rear mirrors! But when it doesn't work I don't punt them out for the heck of it because they were holding me up. I think the best way to learn to drive is to watch real races, I find that the Japanese Best Motoring videos are a great example of exciting clean races using real cars by professional drivers. Yes it may be in Japanese, but you don't need to know the language to appreciate the driving. Everyone giving room, patient when needed to pass one another and most importantly, they were having fun which seems to be missing nowadays in these online races because so many people just take it too seriously on winning.
i agree. it's all becoming very very ridiculous. but now i decided not to have a part of being an elise 111r tuned driver in the world of gt5:P, so i got rid of it, and decided to buy a tuned 350Z RS and a honda nsx type R. both are so much more predictable and more realistic compared to the hyper bubonic plague elise. i just wanna set up a car that could beat the rat and show everyone that there's more to life than that car. otherwise pd should of just made the elise 111R one make challenge game. cheer up people and stay cool.
i agree. it's all becoming very very ridiculous. but now i decided not to have a part of being an elise 111r tuned driver in the world of gt5:P, so i got rid of it, and decided to buy a tuned 350Z RS and a honda nsx type R. both are so much more predictable and more realistic compared to the hyper bubonic plague elise. i just wanna set up a car that could beat the rat and show everyone that there's more to life than that car. otherwise pd should of just made the elise 111R one make challenge game. cheer up people and stay cool.

Agreed, winning a race in a underpowered car means alot more than winning it in an Elise nowadays. A true underdog battle and everyone tends to root for the underdog. Good luck with the 350z's and the NSX and show them what you made of! :sly:
Agreed, winning a race in a underpowered car means alot more than winning it in an Elise nowadays. A true underdog battle and everyone tends to root for the underdog. Good luck with the 350z's and the NSX and show them what you made of! :sly:

Thats the kind of thinking I have on the whole thing. I really enjoy racing in a lesser car beating cars that should easily put a 5 second gap on me.
I think I'm going to have to take a look at my tuning techniques and improve the XK around Suzuka, I think I might be able to pull a podium finish if I get it right. I'm having problems getting rid of the bad oversteer and awful acceleration though. Anyway, thats for a thread in the tuning section, just getting carried away.
i'd like to nominate someone for the list
I.D. Lorn
Offence Deliberate ramming to gain an advantage (in fact he punted me off twice in the same race)
I'd also like to raise the point that it may be unfair to blacklist someone on one other person's word. Maybe To be Blacklisted someone should be nominated by a Predetermined number of drivers.
GT Version - EU
Classification - Took me out and closes game when he is host and losing
What I find unbelievable is when I get a slower run off a corner,see a driver closing on me then I Move over for them and they STILL ram me.....charming.:grumpy:
What I find unbelievable is when I get a slower run off a corner,see a driver closing on me then I Move over for them and they STILL ram me.....charming.:grumpy:

I don't get this behaviour as well. You try to be polite yet they ram you and thought "Whats the hell was that for!!?". You can tell instantly which are the good drivers since they always try to avoid collisions and those which are looking for trouble. :grumpy:
I refuse to post here. I will post for the white list but after all this is a game. :)

I encourage people to post in the white list too. I prefer if there was a much greater number in the White List than the Black List and at the moment it looks promising. I just hope it doesn't come to a point where the Black List in numbers will overtake the White List, then we know we're all doomed.
Many players will be new to GT and they will have learned their racing skills against shody IA or games that promote dirty tricks...You know the ones highly modified cars in illegal street races. If these tactics are employed on you. Take a deep breath and get over it...otherwise return the favour to the driver the next lap. I dont condone these actions but there are only us at GTP complaining...In the words of a 5 year old he started it. Well go out there and finish it and stop whining!
Many players will be new to GT and they will have learned their racing skills against shody IA or games that promote dirty tricks...You know the ones highly modified cars in illegal street races. If these tactics are employed on you. Take a deep breath and get over it...otherwise return the favour to the driver the next lap. I dont condone these actions but there are only us at GTP complaining...In the words of a 5 year old he started it. Well go out there and finish it and stop whining!

True but for one I don't play on the concept of 'revenge'. So no I don't in mind as you put it "return the favour" as it means I stoop down to their level, and yes I do get over it and finish the race even if I'd been a victim of dirty play. I don't imagine PD's vision was to create an online war zone using cars. I understand some may be new to GT, so if they want to wade through walls and ram cars its up to them but it doesn't give them the right to ruin other peoples enjoyment of GT who wants to play it properly. Plus they shouldn't go anywhere near the Expert events if they think they can use such dirty tricks, they should stick with the Beginners events where the majority of the inexperienced players play.

Lastly, about "going out there, finishing and stop whining", sometimes its not even possible to do that since some people only think for themselves and quit the game as host.
Is revenge bad? I do suffer from a bit of that, if I've attempted a clean pass on someone that's shoved me off the track or into a wall and I've caught up with them again what are the chances of getting past them cleanly considering what they did the first time? Well timed braking and a little shove can feel pretty good but only if it was definitely deliberate the first time on their part, lag can sometimes play a part in someone hitting the back of you going into a corner so it's not always their fault but you can tell if they do the same thing to someone else just in front of you.
Sooner or later the novelty will wear of GTA 4 is about to be released. Then there will be only the (dare i say it?) Hardcore left in the game. All the New game fever will be gone and just us old petrol sniffers will be left. I still dont agree with a black list though. Its un-sporting!

I do agree about the game quiters however...that though seems to take place mainly in the beginer rooms.. I raced about 20 races this afternoon and finished 6. There seems to be a new trend which is not quit if your not winning but quit if you dont get a good start position. 4 of these races were over before i hit the pedal. Luckily though it doesnt seem a problem in expert rooms...So i guess it depends what you wanna drive at the time.
i was in a online race the other day and started at the back of the pack and won the race. I went into another race straight away and noticed alot of guys in there were also in the race i'd just won, anyway started at the back again and during the race i was passing cars cleanly and i went to pass one guy ( same guy from the race before which he came 2nd) and as i was passing him he rammed me off-course, i managed to to save the car from completely sliding out, and i caught up to him again i was tempted to barge him and see how he like's it but that would put me down to his level, so i just passed him cleanly and took the win. I regret not taken note of his psn, i hate bad loser's.

Winning the race is the best revenge, don't stope down to their level to take revenge no matter how tempting it is.
Add IMOLA7 to the list of Tuned 111 thugs!
Had 6 races with him at Suzuka pro & not once did he pass me without punting me off the track!
I'm getting GT5:P tomorrow if they're not sold out, can someone briefly explain the 'one move' block system so I know I'm not cheating or anything. My goal is to be on the whitelist.
The one move block system means that if a competitor behind you attempts to overtake you, wether it be via a faster exit speed out of a corner or simply superior machinery, then you're welcome to "cut him off" in blunt words.... but only once. Different people have different interpretations of how it's done but basically in my books it means not blocking a car traveling at a million k's faster out of a corner and of course not making contact with the competitor.
Thanks, so only one move for a bit of defence, then let them go. I can't wait!
okay now i have a funny fella for the list, i really think one should not blame the newbies to GT however this guy disconnect every race he hosts: satoshi250
what s funny is that i wanted to write him , and the PSN name changed to MAD MAX, wonder how that goes ???
anyway add satoshi250 for constantly disconnecting, horrible!
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but I've tried searching, how do you know who the host is? as I can't see any indication in the player list before the race. Is it the player in No. 1 position in the list?
Two nominations from me. Gangi123567 unable to negotiate the easiest turns at highspeedring in his Integra and relied upon others as moving barriers to help get round turns without the brake pedal. I thought it was just bad driving but it degenerated into actively bumping and slaming other cars for race position.

Worst I have come across yet and hardly surprising given the name DDDamage is an out and out wrecker, always challenging for the win but in the most controvertial ways possible shunting all opponents infront, blocking all opponents behind, slamming opponents overtaking sideways, wallriding etc. Signature move at the highspeedring involves punting overtaking cars into the pits which is most annoying.
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but I've tried searching, how do you know who the host is? as I can't see any indication in the player list before the race. Is it the player in No. 1 position in the list?

Yeah its usually the person first on the starting grid screen before you race.
Hi people, i have had a few races today with fridaygtrp and he was clean as clean, let me go by once i had slipped him, perfect manners, we were side by side through a couple of turns and never touched. i checked the white list and didnt see him, but find him in here? :crazy:
Hi people, i have had a few races today with fridaygtrp and he was clean as clean, let me go by once i had slipped him, perfect manners, we were side by side through a couple of turns and never touched. i checked the white list and didnt see him, but find him in here? :crazy:

I know Friday for many years and met him on a lot of i-links and lan's.

I know he has a high moral standard in all these live races so I phoned him about this list.

Seems he was attacked all night by pushers and bashers and on a certain moment he paid some revenge.

I'm confidend he will make it to the white list in a short notice.

Friday is a great mate and excellent racer.👍
Slightly off topic, but even one move block is bs in my books, if someone is gonna pass you you should let them past, the exception being if they drive like an a**, in which block away.
Slightly off topic, but even one move block is bs in my books, if someone is gonna pass you you should let them past, the exception being if they drive like an a**, in which block away.

So, which one is it?
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