The New Black List ;_;

  • Thread starter PSTC555
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I know Friday for many years and met him on a lot of i-links and lan's.

I know he has a high moral standard in all these live races so I phoned him about this list.

Seems he was attacked all night by pushers and bashers and on a certain moment he paid some revenge.

I'm confidend he will make it to the white list in a short notice.

Friday is a great mate and excellent racer.👍

If Sjaak says so, then that's good enough for me. 👍
Slightly off topic, but even one move block is bs in my books, if someone is gonna pass you you should let them past, the exception being if they drive like an a**, in which block away.

Actually, I'd rather have it so you can block indefinitely, except for lapping cars or cars going a much faster speed. Blocking isn't always advantageous, it does mean sometimes losing the racing line and it keeps your eyes on the mirrors as well as ahead.
Still, I'll abide by a 1 block only rule, in respect that it is a generally accepted rule.
I know Friday for many years and met him on a lot of i-links and lan's.

I know he has a high moral standard in all these live races so I phoned him about this list.

Seems he was attacked all night by pushers and bashers and on a certain moment he paid some revenge.

I'm confidend he will make it to the white list in a short notice.

Friday is a great mate and excellent racer.👍

I thought he might have just been having a bad night when he hit me a few times, because I have raced him again since then and he seems to be a stand up guy, very clean racer.
The reason i say no blocking is that is the only was decent racing can happen, as a rule i will give people space if i know they are on my inside or outside and adjust my cornering and braking to suit, this in no way takes anything away from my chances as i will then be in his slipstream and the roles will be reversed and i would hope for similar treatment in return. Besides excessive blocking can cause the guy behind to hit you mainly through your own selfish driving.

Just my opinion though.
Some guy guilty of going way out of their way to make sure you don't pass.

DHockellender (Not 100% sure about the spelling)
Personally i go for the 'no block' approach. I find that blocking', even the one move rule, mostly ends up in contact, (which is what we want to avoid), especially when you're racing with inexperienced drivers.
I'd also like to say that I love driving the 111R but i'm now put off using it in case I get tarred with the same brush as the idiots that use them.
I'd also like to say that I love driving the 111R but i'm now put off using it in case I get tarred with the same brush as the idiots that use them.

That's what I was worried about, it seems like the vast majority of the rammers and blockers are driving the 111R, but there are some seriously good drivers of this car out there. As long as you race cleanly and fairly, it shouldn't matter what car you drive
I have to agree with snowdog; most of the times, when slipstreaming, the chasing driver will only make its move very close to the car in front, and any attempt to block from that driver will most likely result, in the very least, on a bump at the rear.

On this subject, I've always been more adept to changing line to try to avoid the draft for as long as possible, but I don't like doing it when the driver on the back is already right up there and probably just started his manouver.
Ack, just done some hardcore work for my university dissertation. ;_; But anyway on the blocking rule, I think its fine to block on the basis that you do it in a timely manner. For example, imagine racing on the straight for a right hand corner , if you see a fast car coming gradually towards you and move to the right lane of the track you can pre-empt and go to the right to block his path. But if he switches back to the left you can't since you already taken the decision to go to the right, so its a no no for last minute decisions. Also you need to time the block that doesn't forcibly cause them to brake harshly or to rear end you. I personally don't risk it myself anyway since I don't drive a fast car so it doesn't make sense to cause aggro on the inevitable.
One more for the list -

PSN ID - astaroth57
Version - EU
Reason - Consistent ramming and side-swiping. Raced him twice on Fuji and every lap, without fail, he would use someone else as braking aid for the first corner.
I know Friday for many years and met him on a lot of i-links and lan's.

Friday is a great mate and excellent racer.👍

dito, he really is the last person i´d expect to see on this list...

he could have had a problem seeing though all that smoke löl
I wanna nominate this guy

A - braked suddenly on the start of the Fuji long straight I end up ramming him which made him spin out haha knob 👍:dunce:
Just Been Racin' at the high speed ring in my F430 and got rammed twice while overtaking tldc in a GTR. Also saw him rough up StabbyMcstoo in the S's after the bridge with the help of someone in a red GTR
Yeah blocking on a long straight against someone who has slipstreamed you is a bad idea, the best place for blocking is in the tighter corners at the lower speeds. For example, you know if you go into a corner on the racing line, the guy behind you is likely to go for the wider or tighter line, so, watching your mirrors and his and your speed, you block his overtake through that corner by giving up the racing line.
The guy behind can always counter the block by switching back to the racing line or opposite side and trying to take though there.

This is how the majority of race battles start, and its why I say that you should be able to block as much as you want, as long as you're not doing anything stupid like blocking someone who's speed is far exceeding yours or blocking someone too late and causing a crash.
I judge if I can block them safely before doing so and whether it would be advantageous to block them the first corner or let them past and slipstream them or keep the racing line and overtake them in the second corner.

However, I still see the one-block-only rule as a good rule as it still allows me to have a bit of fun challenging the driver behind while (hopefully) preventing some people making as many dangerous blocks.
hey stabby,
I've followed your R8 and Elise, (yellow if memory serves), and have no problems with your driving whatsoever. The point I was making was that you were taken wide through no fault of your own.
I know Friday for many years and met him on a lot of i-links and lan's.

I know he has a high moral standard in all these live races so I phoned him about this list.

Seems he was attacked all night by pushers and bashers and on a certain moment he paid some revenge.

I'm confidend he will make it to the white list in a short notice.

Friday is a great mate and excellent racer.👍

Hmmm, we have a debate about Friday_GTRP. I haven't nominated him personally, I just add whats been told by one of the members. But if others disagree and have believe that he is a genuine driver who made an honest mistake, then please let me know. I just need 3 votes to get him cleared just to clarify things. Cheers.
PSN ID: Meren he knocked me off and then 2 others not long after i wish people would learn to drive!!!

I've raced with other GTRP drivers and they are fair racers, if hes any thing like them hes fine! i may of even raced with him my self im not sure
It was me that put up Friday_GTRPs name, he may have been taking out revenge for something that wasn't me, I don't know.
It was me that put up Friday_GTRPs name, he may have been taking out revenge for something that wasn't me, I don't know.

True, I mean if you at the end of something that was unprovoked then its unfair that you were at the end of it. Hopefully some form of apologies from Friday_GTRP to you would be ideal to totally cool off this situation.

Thats why no matter how frustrated we are with some dodgy driver we should keep our heads cool and try to finish the race without seeking revenge otherwise this would happen and it may give out the wrong message to others.
I truely think after reading all the post that this is a miss understanding conserning GTRP_Friday, ive had the same done to me for a full day u get knocked off and it does get to you after a while, because some people simply cant drive or there to young to understand who knows, but ive took out revenge on some people but i always make sure that its the person that did it if i dont know i dont do its simple, but ive stoped because it send out the wrong message on daytona speed way i dont mind its like if some does it to me i i get them back they get me back simple but its an ovel who cares not like its suzuka (as long as its not the top 4 spots)
An apology in advance if i knock anyone about in my R8 on the ring, the reason i say this is its a bit of a train, and it really has 1 line through corners when taken at speed. So very often elises move down the inside of the 1st corner quite late in my opinion and as i have said i have 1 line at full throttle, where as the elise has a vast choice of lines at speed, the same goes on other corners but to a lesser degree. So don't go accusing me too much when im in the R8. I'm not saying i don't give people space it's just people tryin crazy overtakes on me all the time.

Just a heads up.

I wanna nominate this guy

A - braked suddenly on the start of the Fuji long straight I end up ramming him which made him spin out haha knob 👍:dunce:

For me, this is an example of the sort of thing the Black list should avoid - this is a single incident without any verification and yet dlhubb was added to the blacklist. Apart from anything else, this post is offensive (a personal attack)... We only have SVT Cobra GT's word for it, and in my book, that's not good enough to warrant blacklisting. I don't think it's a good idea to allow single incidents/reports to carry so much weight. By all means report drivers who are consistently screwing things up for genuine racers, but let's not get carried away.
For me, this is an example of the sort of thing the Black list should avoid - this is a single incident without any verification and yet dlhubb was added to the blacklist. Apart from anything else, this post is offensive (a personal attack)... We only have SVT Cobra GT's word for it, and in my book, that's not good enough to warrant blacklisting. I don't think it's a good idea to allow single incidents/reports to carry so much weight. By all means report drivers who are consistently screwing things up for genuine racers, but let's not get carried away.

OK, I remove dlhubb for the time being to get a clarification for the situation. If dlhubb was by his own and just slammed the brakes to cause carnage then it is clear that it was his intent to destroy the race of others because there is no justification to do such action on that particular part of the track. If he was racing with others to cause him to slam the brakes as a result then it would be wrong to add him to the list, and on my behalf I should've got some sort of clarification before I get too hasty on the list.

I'm starting to acknowledge now that maintaining such list compared to the White List is alot more difficult and as you said Touring Mars, some could take advantage for personal attacking which is not in mind of what this list is all about. I did write a set number of rules before nomination to try prevent this to give some sort of understanding. I wish PD give some sort of replay feature to give highlights of the race involved, which gives much better evidence and a clear understanding of the situation.

I personally try to limit the activity of this list myself, it will still be running for a short time since the US version is not out and there could be some drivers out there that deserve some mention due to their unsporting behaviour. But hopefully the list will later phase out with just the White List running and I encourage people to observate not just the bad drivers but also the good ones as well.

EDIT - It turns out I didn't add dlhubb to the list initially but I will try to get some clarification on this.
Thanks 👍 It certainly is harder to maintain a black list, because it has to be fair. A white list, on the other hand, is inherently easier to maintain because it goes on positive recommendations. Although I am not insinuating that the reporter is not telling the truth, I am questioning the validity of barring someone on the strength of one incident alone. Perhaps names should only be added to the list if they have been reported by more than one person... or perhaps have a Grey List as well - a weekly updated provisional black list with names of suspected offenders, and if the name doesn't come up again after a week or so, the name is removed?

I think the list would be far more credible if it were restricted to known trouble-makers rather than pulling up individuals for a single indiscretion, esp. when we don't know the circumstances fully. I removed the guy's name from the list, by the way...
A system like that sounds good.
After having sayd that, I'd like to put a name on the grey-list:
US_MARINE_X - after coming out of the last corner on Fuji in his draft, trying to overtake hime, he just waits until you're next to him than suddenly moving sideways just to smash you in the grass or wall. This happend 3 times in a row.

He claims that I should learn to corner faster, which I allready do since I came out that corner faster and being knocked off the track I was on his tail again the next round, and he claims I'm suffering from leg, which is strange too because I'm hosting almost every game I enter, so both claims don't stand by my book, he's just simply someone who cannot stand the fact that some people are faster then he is.

So he's on my personal blacklist which will be implemented as soon as private races will be implemented.
Is lag really that bad? I'll be on the black list probably :( Simply because my connection is slow and it will lag. Can you actually talk to the other racers? Do you need special equipment?
I think the list would be far more credible if it were restricted to known trouble-makers rather than pulling up individuals for a single indiscretion, esp. when we don't know the circumstances fully.

This is a point that i've made myself previously. I think it's sad that we need a black list at all, things would be much better if we could enjoy the races without
having to be the "GT Police". I've also stopped using my 111R 'cos of the bad rep
the drivers get and now use my F430 which puts me at the back of the field most of the time. I've also noted that the elise's hunt in packs now, (What is the collective name for tuned elise's?..."a mugging of elise's perhaps?).
Collective Noun for Elise's: Swarm, named for their liking to be like killer bees leaving nothing in their wake.
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