The New Black List ;_;

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bart-jan (NL)

Video evidence to follow...

-> Video start, on Lap 3, streamed into my rear... discarded as an "incident"
-> 1'10 did a "one move" into the lef, then came back to the racing line, ended up blocking the other guy, the ferrari. bart-jan decides to stop in the middle of the corner... ended up bumping him. But happens. Next he decides to try and block me as we go to corner 2. Ended up with the short end of the stick and the ferrari goes by, I avoid hitting it on the exit. However I was pissed off enough to make a mistake in the S. Again managed not to hit the Ferrari and the clio recovers
-> 2' I decide not to move in the next straight, in a effort to avoid further "incidents". My compensation was a perfect sideswiping... leaving me spinning out of control.

This behavior was repeated on further races against me and other cars.
I take the concept of "racing incidents" as wide as I can, and accept some amount of contact. I actually even enjoy winning in spite of it and with a delicately balanced and underpowered Lotus (example below).

(sorry for no audio and bad video)

But deliberately trying to put me off the race is not acceptable...
I just ran into the same idiot time after time on the Suzuka PP700 a British idiot with the username Hairy Curry 👎 Taking part in this race with a Copen is just silly and to drive the track backwards race after race is just retarded and this fool needs a special bus to pick him up in the mornings methinks ;)

On a different note the first race I had tonight at Suzuka I raced against Loost from GTIRN and he was a perfect Gent all the way through the race with no corner ramming and no cheap shots anywhere 👍 Thats what its all about :) just a shame his lotus had a bit more oomph than my Evo X or it would have been a different conclusion :sly:

Cheers Loost for a great race bud :cheers:

I was in a few races last night with this Hairy Curry guy too. And he was in his Copen, which as you say was a long way off the pace. I didnt see him coming the other way though, which is just plain stupid.
bart-jan (NL)

Video evidence to follow...

Video evidence nr2. Bumped me and a S2000 into last corner gaining 2 positions, then tried the sideswiping on me and the S2000 guy... we both defended and recovered, but still, there is no need and no excuse for that contact when he could go by clean after the drafting. It was just another attempt to take us out.

I just ran into the same idiot time after time on the Suzuka PP700 a British idiot with the username Hairy Curry 👎 Taking part in this race with a Copen is just silly and to drive the track backwards race after race is just retarded and this fool needs a special bus to pick him up in the mornings methinks ;)

LOL, I've had the misfortune to race against him in the past too :dopey:
I'd like GTP_Ron blacklisted (or at least greylisted).
Last night at Suzuka PP700 he rammed me twice at the start of a race.
Then he quit early from at least 4 or 5 consecutive races.
I almost felt like he was stalking me.
I'd like GTP_Ron blacklisted (or at least greylisted).
Last night at Suzuka PP700 he rammed me twice at the start of a race.
Then he quit early from at least 4 or 5 consecutive races.
I almost felt like he was stalking me.

Most. Transparent. Lie. Ever.
I'd like GTP_Ron blacklisted (or at least greylisted).
Last night at Suzuka PP700 he rammed me twice at the start of a race.
Then he quit early from at least 4 or 5 consecutive races.
I almost felt like he was stalking me.

Yep .. You're damn right I exited the races when I saw you on the grid 👎 I got totally fed up with your crappy driving and nasty tactics ... I ended up having to go race Fuji for a couple of races until I thought you would be safely tucked up in bed, I will do the same anytime I see your name on the line up as I know whats in store ... you are one crap player and not worthy of 10 secs of my race time let alone 6 minutes plus :dunce:
OOHH really little boy, in your little blue smurf-mobile Clio. Well you should be lighter than me, perhaps you should put some more downforce on that big wing of yours. You know those french cars gotta put stupid looking wings on their cars... Just look at Peugeot. I'll just remember to crash myself off the course when I see you coming. So smurf off!

Yes my le blue smurf
I can only put more downforce on the back , front is fixed with some low number..

I'm bit tired of seeing all the Nissans racing, so my blue rwd smurf is showing them anything is possible ;)
Yep .. You're damn right I exited the races when I saw you on the grid 👎 I got totally fed up with your crappy driving and nasty tactics ... I ended up having to go race Fuji for a couple of races until I thought you would be safely tucked up in bed, I will do the same anytime I see your name on the line up as I know whats in store ... you are one crap player and not worthy of 10 secs of my race time let alone 6 minutes plus :dunce:

The problems are:
1) He may not be a kid. He may just be a bit of a psycho.
2) He can easily create another PSN ID so you won't know its him.
3) He can follow you around if he knows when you're due to be online.

I've seen this sort of thing before on Forza 2 before I had my PS3. Fortunately you can block players on XBL. The sooner this sort of functionality is available for PS3 users the better.

Some people are just plain nasty and will do everything they can to wreck your game. Team killing on FPS games, glitch-exploiting, abusive language, racism, sexism. It's all there.
I'd like GTP_Ron blacklisted (or at least greylisted).
Last night at Suzuka PP700 he rammed me twice at the start of a race.
Then he quit early from at least 4 or 5 consecutive races.
I almost felt like he was stalking me.

For some reason - I highly doubt that..

Ain't it funny how so many "offenders" suddenly shows up after being nominated ?..
I'd like GTP_Ron blacklisted (or at least greylisted).
Last night at Suzuka PP700 he rammed me twice at the start of a race.
Then he quit early from at least 4 or 5 consecutive races.
I almost felt like he was stalking me.

Hahaha that's so laughable :lol:

I saw your antics last night, only place you belong is the fairground. It seemed that every race you was in you was just waiting on the start straight to plow into the oncoming traffic.
Ron got a clearer picture of it when you started the race ahead of him and immedientley turned on the start grid and took him out!

I'll definitely be avoiding races with you in them too :grumpy:
I was right behind you two and you guy's were having a fantastic Race! I was trying to keep my distance to an extent until I saw you go straight in to a barrier at the chicane, I made my move on TheMoose and accidently Tapped him causing him to spin. I will say tho, The whole Time I was behind you two I almost lost it a few times because I was more interested in your guy's race then my own!

-Sam (SHOspazz92) Red R35 GTR.

i raced you earlier this morning at highspeed ring. i dont remember if it was the gtr you were driving though, i think it might have been a white evo 9. i was driving a yellow amuse gt1. i was infront of you on the first corner, then i hit the barrier on the exit and spun out. it was you, me and some other guy i can't remember. i owe you a win! :D hope to race you again next time. didn't think you were from this forum.

psn: jgda9rs
The problems are:
1) He may not be a kid. He may just be a bit of a psycho.
2) He can easily create another PSN ID so you won't know its him.
3) He can follow you around if he knows when you're due to be online.

I've seen this sort of thing before on Forza 2 before I had my PS3. Fortunately you can block players on XBL. The sooner this sort of functionality is available for PS3 users the better.

Some people are just plain nasty and will do everything they can to wreck your game. Team killing on FPS games, glitch-exploiting, abusive language, racism, sexism. It's all there.

The intarweb is the repository for the best kinds of people isn't it? :sly: hehe, this is exactly why I have always tried to group up with decent people in games... Strength in unity.
The Purpose of this List:
To give people of the community warnings about drivers that could potentially disrupt the harmony of the race.

I admit not to have read all the posts in this huge thread. I wonder if the list which currently contains 18 blacks and 49 greys is useful.

In current popular races (Suzuka pro) the grid is shown for only a few seconds. Who can/will check the 12-16 grid-names against these 2 lists and then decide to e.g. exit the race. That is IF they can spot a name(s) on the grid that is/are on the list(s).

It's also near impossible to maintain and it will probably grow rather than diminish.

Don't get me wrong though, I too am quite unhappy with the behaviour of these gamers (=/= racers) and I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will sooner rather than later get bored with GT5P and go and buy themselves another PS3 game where they can repeat the same behaviour.

....I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will sooner rather than later get bored with GT5P and go and buy themselves another PS3 game where they can repeat the same behaviour.


Well GTA IV comes out next week i think...I am sure that will clear out most of the offenders...:sly:
Well GTA IV comes out next week i think...I am sure that will clear out most of the offenders...:sly:

Fingers crossed for that ! :-)

Does GTA IV contain and online mode ? - If not, I think we're still fubar :|
16 player online in liberty city, should be complete mayhem :D but in a game where it's pretty much expected and hopefully you can decide who you play against/with is that gonna be as much fun for these idiots?
I wonder if the list which currently contains 18 blacks and 49 greys is useful.

Who can/will check the 12-16 grid-names against these 2 lists and then decide to e.g. exit the race. That is IF they can spot a name(s) on the grid that is/are on the list(s).


That is almost exactly what i want to post too. Ive been testing the online today- 666p NSX at 700pp suzuka- and 9 out of 10 fellow players did feel the need to hit me as often as poss whilst overtaking, also 9 out of 10 times the host had something better to do than actually racing and just quit!
Don't get me wrong but how should you blacklist all those (nice guys)? honestly that blacklist ought to contain some1000 of names already alone the 1st lap disconnectors are countless! I respect your effort and purpose of the list, it just points to nowhere or at worst into wrong direction, sure many of that kids and kids are they will be happy to see their names blacklisted!
Guys don't just use the list to run away. That only works against you.

Try instead and work your way around those will learn new tactics and maneuvers to avoid their intended carnage. More than likely you will only be successful part of the time but its the best you can do so do it. Do not make those look race matching phases go to waste...

That waste is your time and mine. I may seem names I do not like...but guess what? I will see names I like as well and look forward to racing with them. By consistently exiting the races like what some people do you are only robbing the decent racers of a good match.
kjz250 (US)

This guy needs to go straight to the black list

First race at daytona road he bumps me into the grass going into a corner. No biggie, he just ran out of talent. I catch up with him and try to pass him on the banking on the last lap only for him to swerve into me giving me a ramming penalty, but I still managed to beat him.

The next race he bumps me off into the grass AT THE VERY SAME SPOT. I catch him on the second lap and when I try to pass high on the banking he swerves his car into me so hard I get a penalty and he gets one as well, but I think he got the 4 second penalty I only got 1 second.
kjz250 (US)

This guy needs to go straight to the black list

First race at daytona road he bumps me into the grass going into a corner. No biggie, he just ran out of talent. I catch up with him and try to pass him on the banking on the last lap only for him to swerve into me giving me a ramming penalty, but I still managed to beat him.

The next race he bumps me off into the grass AT THE VERY SAME SPOT. I catch him on the second lap and when I try to pass high on the banking he swerves his car into me so hard I get a penalty and he gets one as well, but I think he got the 4 second penalty I only got 1 second.

Ditto, I was in the same races, and he pulled the same crap with me, trying to PIT me at the chicane and on the turn onto the back straight.
S4iff (US)

Took me out two times in a row. I tried passing him and spun me out. The second time he forst me of the track. Drives the Ferrari F430 '06.

Kawa-101 (CA)

Blocks when i try to pass him, when i get up next to him he take me out to keep the position. Drives Dodge Viper/ Tuned.
Sorry CivicEj1 (NL)... my bad. Couldn't make it up to you among all that mess.

and Woomyst (FR), but you I gave you the win. And 2nd race was awesome!
OFFLINE (--) is back...

HS Ring 700pp S200o tuned. He has no country (?), and it's reason A.

After a couple of overtakes on his outside (hu-mi-li-a-ting), taking advantage of his over defensive line and lack of corner speed, he decided to wall ride to recover and overtake, when I came back ahead, he then pushed me into the grass in the S...

and also cominatcha (GB) reason A

One time he tried so hard to ram me in the straight he turn into a ghost and crashed into the wall...
Edit: As fewer player where racing last night, he stopped trying to push me off, instead he only pushed me forward at the end of the straight (I could still hold the Elise @280k plus in corner 1, so...), and continued to wall ride corner 2 in an incredibly efficiently way, and also last corner (HS Ring).

In fact his wall riding of corner 2 should be recorded in the "hand book for the dirty driver". He can come from 2 car lengths behind, "ghost" is way trough me, hit the wall sideways or with the rear, and most times, even with a 4 sec pen. he could still reach the S in front of me. And that is a lot, especially because I was in the Elise going round corner 2 @180k
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