The Words of the Winds are Now all Clear

  • Thread starter amar212
Thanks Amar! Hopefully you know that a bunch of us still love you :D
Unfortunately, it's usually the haters that are most vocal...
But good job, kudos, thanks, and all that good stuff xD
Thank you Amar, i admit i lost my cool when everyone was arguing over the winds and i wrote something quite silly.

I hope you guys can see i am sorry and in the future i will be more lucid and actually think thoroughly about what i write in the future, if i didn't write this apology no one would have known anything but.......

But i say thanks to Amar and we should all salute him for an interesting and culminating way to feed us the info that is GT5!!!

Thank You Amar212
If Amar comes out and says we only have until December 21, 2012 to play GT5 because the end of the world is coming, I have no choice but to believe him.
If Amar comes out and says we only have until December 21, 2012 to play GT5 because the end of the world is coming, I have no choice but to believe him.

Technicaly speaking, all that 21/12/2012 thing is a missinterpretaton, original writings on Mayan calendar notes 24th December 2011 as day when "something will happen".

As Alan and Sally Landsburg noted in their 1975 book (that was 35 years ago :)) "The Outer Space Connection", we do not know what will exactly happen on that day.

But if nothing, we'll play GT5 for more than year long :D
Technicaly speaking, all that 21/12/2012 thing is a missinterpretaton, original writings on Mayan calendar notes 24th December 2011 as day when "something will happen".

As Alan and Sally Landsburg noted in their 1975 book (that was 35 years ago :)) "The Outer Space Connection", we do not know what will exactly happen on that day.

But if nothing, we'll play GT5 for more than year long :D

We will be going to bed so that santa claus can leave us something under the tree :dunce:
12/12/12 is merely the date that the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar will end, again. It's already ended 12 times.

Thanks Amar for telling us that GT5 info!
I see that this was posted in Apirl 2009, and that it was never edited...

Is this witchcraft of did he get most of this right by fluke?!

Really weird, very weird how much he got right. Almost all of it infact.
I believe he's a type of magazine editor who gets early access to games. I remember watching his review a couple weeks before the game released because he was able to get an early copy for reviews. It's incredibly awesome of him to share this info with us. 👍
It would be awesome if AMAR sometime in the future give us, the GT6 predictions...
but for now, let us enjoy this masterpiece.
It would be awesome if AMAR sometime in the future give us, the GT6 predictions...
but for now, let us enjoy this masterpiece.

Only a matter of time.

Many thanks to Amar! Spot on, good sir!