Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Did it with a shopping cart in the Costco lot last winter but thankfully never on a bike!
Oof. I had a nice bruise across my lower abdomen from me folding over a cart handle when one of the front wheels got stuck in a groove.
There are so many reasons I don’t use provided cycle lanes and prefer the road for the majority of my riding, here are just a few:

At city speeds I’m travelling as fast if not faster than traffic, why hinder myself and use a restrictive lane with other cyclists doing pedestrian speeds?

Pedestrians often give little thought to walking out across a cycle path, they (hopefully) think twice and look when they want to cross a road.

Debris, as mentioned.

Man hole covers and storm drains, as mentioned.

Segregated cycle lanes often have poor drainage when they aren’t dotted with grates that want to deprive you of your front teeth.

Cycle lane traffic is too slow to draft effectively. Trucks and motorcycles aren’t.

Certain bits of cycle lane here get clogged by joggers. A jogger with earphones in is much more dangerous to me than regular road traffic.

Poor design of cycle lane routing (I’m looking at you London Cycle Superhighway). Anyone would think the committee in charge had never ridden a bike before (Chris Boardman, wtf?).

...and the list goes on. I guess it varies from city to city and country to country but I’ve always found the safest places to cycle, for me personally, are places without cycle lanes. For all my love of Tokyo my biggest gripe was the shared pedestrian/ cycle lanes.
Bike lanes Belgium are not that bad.







A bit confusing sometimes but bad bike lanes, no way. :lol:




When a person does something bad and the people hate every similar person like him/her, despite they don't even know if the rest do bad things like that.
One thing I don't get is this, The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth and it is bright seriously bright so when a spaceship flies up in to space which is no where near 93 million miles from the earth, the spaceship is closer to the sun than the earth, so why is it dark in space? where did the sunshine go once the ship is in space? :confused:
One thing I don't get is this, The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth and it is bright seriously bright so when a spaceship flies up in to space which is no where near 93 million miles from the earth, the spaceship is closer to the sun than the earth, so why is it dark in space? where did the sunshine go once the ship is in space? :confused:
The sunlight is actually significantly harsher in space than it is on the Earth, it just looks darker because there's nothing to reflect the light back towards anyone observing it.

At least, that's my educated guess on it.
One thing I don't get is this, The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth and it is bright seriously bright so when a spaceship flies up in to space which is no where near 93 million miles from the earth, the spaceship is closer to the sun than the earth, so why is it dark in space? where did the sunshine go once the ship is in space? :confused:
Like Obelisk said, there's nothing in space for the light from the Sun to reflect off of. On Earth, there's trillions of water molecules that refract the sunlight like a prism and make the sky appear blue, so you can "see" the sunlight (really you just see the atmosphere). If there were no particles in the air on Earth for the light to bounce off of, you would see the blackness of space. This would also indicate a lack of an atmosphere.

These particles also absorb a portion of the energy the Sun outputs, which is generally heat. In space, there are no particles to absorb the energy, so it's literally freezing. Solar panels are more effective in space than on Earth as well.
What makes the sky blue then? The elemental makeup of the ozone layer that the sun is bouncing off of? Or the water molecules like you said, because clear water is blue?
Or the sun is only 30km in diameter, is very close to the earth's surface, space is only a firmament and the earth is flat.
Thanks for the explanation guys.

Another thing which confuses me is when people say they have seen a ghost. The people who have said it I don't call liars as they are convinced they know what they saw, I suggest they are mistaken.
I have never seen one, But I honestly believe it is the brain/mind playing tricks on us similar to when we experience deja vu.
Has any one with better knowledge than me (not to hard that lol) got a thesis on what these apparitions are and why people see them?
I cannot stand when some people write paragraphs without punctuation. No periods, no commas, nothing.

Why on Earth would you ever do such a thing? It makes the writer look completely moronic!
Agreed. I can remember reading a post once on Facebook about a paragraph long and it had no punctuation in it, making it pretty hard to read. Which is a shame because it was otherwise a good post with a lot of good points in it, but the lack of punctuation just doesn't do it any favors.

On a related note, I also find it annoying when people don't use paragraphs when typing something extremely long that could be easily divided up. I will admit, some of my posts could be a bit better, but at least I try. This on the other hand is easily the most insanely obnoxious example I have ever seen and while I think he did put some spacing between parts of his post, it's absolutely needs a lot more! :boggled: Cheers to anybody who can actually read that without stopping. :P
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What annoys me, is when people use the slangword "G" when they are talking. It sounds phonetically exactly like my actual name.
Agreed. I can remember reading a post once on Facebook about a paragraph long and it had no punctuation in it, making it pretty hard to read. Which is a shame because it was otherwise a good post with a lot of good points in it, but the lack of punctuation just doesn't do it any favors.

On a related note, I also find it annoying when people don't use paragraphs when typing something extremely long that could be easily divided up. I will admit, some of my posts could be a bit better, but at least I try. This on the hand is easily the most insanely obnoxious example I have ever seen and while I think he did put some spacing between parts of his post, it's absolutely needs a lot more! :boggled: Cheers to anybody who can actually read that without stopping. :P
When I'm posting on here using my phone I can't help but break it up into more paragraphs. It's because of the narrower screen making it look like my posts run deeper than they do, and it makes me paranoid and think I'm rambling.

Not sure how apparent it is, but I'm sure one could tell the difference of whether I'm on my PC or my phone.
When I'm posting on here using my phone I can't help but break it up into more paragraphs. It's because of the narrower screen making it look like my posts run deeper than they do, and it makes me paranoid and think I'm rambling.

Not sure how apparent it is, but I'm sure one could tell the difference of whether I'm on my PC or my phone.
While that didn't cross my mind when I made that post, I do know the feeling. Your posts are pretty easy to read, at least to me. I can't say the same for the post I linked earlier. :lol:
The terms "black" and "white" in the context of race.

I can't vouch for everyone, but when it comes to the colour of someone's skin, I don't see the visual spectrum for want of a better phrase. I don't let it define my thoughts or expectations of those around me. Yet because it is such a deep-rooted stigma even in today's world, I find it annoying whenever the aforementioned terms are used in a descriptive manner.
The terms "black" and "white" in the context of race.

I can't vouch for everyone, but when it comes to the colour of someone's skin, I don't see the visual spectrum for want of a better phrase. I don't let it define my thoughts or expectations of those around me. Yet because it is such a deep-rooted stigma even in today's world, I find it annoying whenever the aforementioned terms are used in a descriptive manner.
I'll admit I suffer from doses of prejudicial thoughts, but they're brought on by how people dress or the way they act rather than their pigmentation. Also the way they drive.
The terms "black" and "white" in the context of race.

I can't vouch for everyone, but when it comes to the colour of someone's skin, I don't see the visual spectrum for want of a better phrase. I don't let it define my thoughts or expectations of those around me. Yet because it is such a deep-rooted stigma even in today's world, I find it annoying whenever the aforementioned terms are used in a descriptive manner.
Descriptors aren't inherently pejorative.
It's the fact they are used at all is what gets me, especially when they can be so derogatory.
They can be derogatory, but only if you choose for them to be. In the United States it is an accepted way to refer to African Americans as black. Black is an adjective whereas African American is a noun. It's much easier for authorities to describe somebody by their color rather than their actual race. Sometimes there are lighter-skinned african Americans who are on the run and the police release a statement saying that. Other times there are black African Americans who may be armed and considered dangerous. Certainly it would be an issue if the one of the two were referred to as an african american man and nobody had an acurracte description of what to look for.
I know plenty of people who never use the terms to spite others. It's the fact they are used at all is what gets me, especially when they can be so derogatory.
If you find yourself in a position where describing an individual is necessary, such as if you're witness to a crime of which the perpetrator has escaped, how would you convey whether the perpetrator is black or white? Isn't that information likely to be useful to those responsible for ensuring criminal offenders are held accountable for their actions?

I can appreciate objecting to discrimination based on physical charactistics--particularly those that one has absolutely no control over--but to deny differences between people strikes me as rather absurd.
If you find yourself in a position where describing an individual is necessary, such as if you're witness to a crime of which the perpetrator has escaped, how would you convey whether the perpetrator is black or white? Isn't that information likely to be useful to those responsible for ensuring criminal offenders are held accountable for their actions?

I can appreciate objecting to discrimination based on physical charactistics--particularly those that one has absolutely no control over--but to deny differences between people strikes me as rather absurd.

Please don't think of me as being totalitarian.

I'm not discrediting the use of either black or white to describe someone, nor am I of the mindset that there should be no difference whatsoever between anyone.

I'm just not comfortable using them in conversation. To me it feels discriminating even if it's not meant to be.

That's probably not the best way for me to convey it, but I can't think of any other way to do so.
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Please don't think of me as being totalitarian.

I'm not discrediting the use of either black or white to describe someone, nor am I of the mindset that there should be no difference whatsoever between anyone.

I'm just not comfortable using them in conversation. To me it feels discriminating even if it's not meant to be.

That's probably not the best way for me to convey it, but I can't think of any other way to do so.
We live in a world where words are continuously warping to convey new meanings and intentions. My sister was recently made a fool because she didn't understand when her hip young coworker complemented her "cake." Apparently cake now means ass, and by "ass" I mean a person's posterior; not the animal.

Who knows? Maybe tomorrow the term "pizza" will be a derogatory way of describing someone who picks their nose, and "sandwich" can be a new way to cheer on skydivers. None of this crap makes sense.
Don't we all

We've got one guy known as The Pontiff because he's as close to God as you could get.*

*Well in his opinion anyway.
I used to call somebody Figjam.
🤬 I'm great, just ask me.

Edit: Just catching up with all the posts from last month about having two phones. Round our way that meant you were a drug dealer, to the point where a spare phone is always known as "my drug dealer phone".
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People who think making others "jump" is hilarious. One of the salesmen at my work thinks he's funny jumping in front of me and screaming in my face almost everyday when I'm just walking around trying to do my job. Or yelling at me when I'm working at a height on a ladder thinking it'd be funny to scare me while I was working. Real professional....
People who think making others "jump" is hilarious. One of the salesmen at my work thinks he's funny jumping in front of me and screaming in my face almost everyday when I'm just walking around trying to do my job. Or yelling at me when I'm working at a height on a ladder thinking it'd be funny to scare me while I was working. Real professional....
How you resist popping him is beyond me. Frankly, I think you'd even be justified in doing so; say it was an involuntary reaction to a perceived threat.