Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Cables. I get annoyed and sometimes very frustrated when cable(s) get entangled.
It is confusing as well to get them unentangled.

I remember I already made a post about cables getting entangled and getting frustrated but I don't know which thread it was.
Cables. I get annoyed and sometimes very frustrated when cable(s) get entangled.
It is confusing as well to get them unentangled.

I remember I already made a post about cables getting entangled and getting frustrated but I don't know which thread it was.
Riding my bicycle through a forest and get a lot of these very little fruit flies on my face, arms, body and so on is very annoying.
People that tend to write their opinions like they're facts.
Writing your opinion as a fact is the best way to persuade. If there is one thing I remember from English Lecture in college it's this.

Stating your opinion as if it is just your opinion makes you look very weak in writing. Even in spoken word it makes you look weak.

Well-written persuasive essays don't use the phrases "I think..." and "I believe..." because they don't work to persuade people. Coffee shops don't tell people their coffee is the best on the street. No, it's the best coffee in town. The waitress isn't going to say "I think it's the best around here." She is going to say that it is the best coffee around, without a doubt. That's if she wants them to believe it. Heck, state your opinion enough as a fact and people start to believe it. That's when you're really doing it right. Also how Hitler became in control. Pretty powerful stuff, huh?

I appreciate people stating opinions as facts because if I'm dumb enough to believe it, it might well be true in my head.

Stating an opinion as a fact is the strongest form of persuasion. And that's a fact.

See what I mean?
Stating your opinion as if it is just your opinion makes you look very weak in writing. Even in spoken word it makes you look weak.

Well-written persuasive essays don't use the phrases "I think..." and "I believe..." because they don't work to persuade people. Coffee shops don't tell people their coffee is the best on the street. No, it's the best coffee in town. The waitress isn't going to say "I think it's the best around here." She is going to say that it is the best coffee around, without a doubt. That's if she wants them to believe it. Heck, state your opinion enough as a fact and people start to believe it. That's when you're really doing it right. Also how Hitler became in control. Pretty powerful stuff, huh?
Okay, I think I have a better understanding. That still doesn't stop me from being annoyed when someone states "this game is the worst" just to assert their argument as correct, but at least I have an idea on why they do that.

See what I mean?
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Okay, I think I have a better understanding. That still doesn't stop me from being annoyed when someone states "this game is the worst" just to assert their argument as correct, but at least I have an idea on why they do that. I

That can be annoying indeed. I didn't know that's what you were talking about. Those people are actually the least convincing. :P
I appreciate people stating opinions as facts because if I'm dumb enough to believe it, it might well be true in my head.

Stating an opinion as a fact is the strongest form of persuasion. And that's a fact.

You... Want to be mislead? :P

My trouble is that when people state their opinion as fact, I tend to think they're narrow minded. That's not directed at you, I should point out.
My friend was complaining how the movie Inception was "too complicated", that annoyed me very much.
The most annoying thing in my life; not being able to win over a girl.

Also very annoying, which is happening while typing this post; is having little fruit flies (again about fruit flies) flying in front of my face while I'm looking at this monitor. Also; when I'm eating they're flying and hovering above my food. They don't seem to understand that they are not welcome.
I'm confused how you can join a forum, post 55 messages on your first day and then never log back in again. :lol:

View attachment 775117
That's easy - visit the Auto News section and comment this in every thread:
Looks good
Looks good
Looks good
Looks good
Looks good

And you now have a good reputation on Internet because you're an optimist! :lol:

Another annoying is that some people blaming you because what actually they did.
People who don't understand that a shared office means there's more than ONE person who uses it... I share a rather small office with a service manager and everyone needs/wants to talk to him about anything from work related items to life. But everyone who visits him just plops down in my chair and talk with him for who knows how long. They know I'm not always at my desk because I'm usually running around the dealership doing other jobs, but when I NEED to use my computer at my desk, there's usually someone sitting at my desk taking up as much space as possible just to talk to my office-mate. (If that's what you call it)

Other times people just lean in the doorway and block me entirely from getting into my office. And yes, I do politely ask them to move so I can access my desk. The most annoying part is that there's a 3rd unused chair in our small office and space on the other side of the service manager's desk that the visitor could easily just sit there and talk to him, but it's "too far." :grumpy:
Over the past few years something that has really annoyed me is how some people blame millennials for the failures in our country such as the demise of Harley Davidson, lack of manual transmission cars in the US, etc. The Harley Davidson topic annoys the heck out of me because many people fail to realise that not everybody wants to spend $20K or more on a motorcycle even when they're in the market for a weekend cruiser.
Over the past few years something that has really annoyed me is how some people blame millennials for the failures in our country such as the demise of Harley Davidson, lack of manual transmission cars in the US, etc. The Harley Davidson topic annoys the heck out of me because many people fail to realise that not everybody wants to spend $20K or more on a motorcycle even when they're in the market for a weekend cruiser.

Harley Davidson failed to diversify their range. Selling one expensive, niche product isn’t a good business strategy.

Edit: saying that, HD’s probably make a tidy profit over here in SE Asia, they’re really popular in China especially... and I’ve just noticed I’m wearing a HD shirt lol.
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If you find yourself in a position where describing an individual is necessary, such as if you're witness to a crime of which the perpetrator has escaped, how would you convey whether the perpetrator is black or white? Isn't that information likely to be useful to those responsible for ensuring criminal offenders are held accountable for their actions?

You don't use the term Black. It's called "Dark White"

You take the shade White

Darken it. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Funniest thing ever
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"Dark White"
I'm saying this is wrong in anyway, but I must admit that I've never heard that in my life. And I work for News Station.

It intrigues me as to why I haven't heard this though. Makes me feel like I live in a racist area, although I don't. Or at least I don't think I do. I know I'm not racist.

EDIT: Having replied without watching the video, and only now watching the video, I'd say I know why I haven't heard that used now.
You could say I dislike and get annoyed by YouTube discussions of "why does _____ exist in (year)?" or "why listen to ______ in (year)?" For example: "why do flip phones exist in 2018?" I still use a flip phone! I want to move on from it and get a decent smartphone (maybe a Galaxy J3 or one of those BLU or Alcatel phones), but don't talk about me like I'm supposed to have a Galaxy S9 or an iPhone X instead of a flip phone. Like, just because it's (for example) 2018 that we shouldn't be listening to songs from the 2000s or 1990s? Like I'm required to listen to Drake or Cardi B instead of Wu-Tang Clan or Ja Rule just to keep up with the times? I follow fashion blogs, and some fashion bloggers don't wear the latest and greatest fashions; some shop for vintage clothes at thrift shops. Or in the gaming front- what if I still play on my PlayStation 3 when there's the PlayStation 4 and the XBOX One? I just get annoyed by those arguments about as much when people say "like if you're listening to this in (year)" on YouTube when listening to an old song. Just enjoy whatever you want to enjoy regardless of what year it is as opposed to what everybody else is liking. Who honestly cares if you're liking or using something that is outdated and obsolete? All that matters is that you like something and you're happy with it.
People who don't understand that a shared office means there's more than ONE person who uses it... I share a rather small office with a service manager and everyone needs/wants to talk to him about anything from work related items to life. But everyone who visits him just plops down in my chair and talk with him for who knows how long. They know I'm not always at my desk because I'm usually running around the dealership doing other jobs, but when I NEED to use my computer at my desk, there's usually someone sitting at my desk taking up as much space as possible just to talk to my office-mate. (If that's what you call it)

Other times people just lean in the doorway and block me entirely from getting into my office. And yes, I do politely ask them to move so I can access my desk. The most annoying part is that there's a 3rd unused chair in our small office and space on the other side of the service manager's desk that the visitor could easily just sit there and talk to him, but it's "too far." :grumpy:

Easy solution. Sit on their lap. I promise no one will sit in your desk again.

People blocking doorways is one of my pet peeves. Especially nowadays with people standing their on their phone ignoring people or having conversations in the doorway rather than on the side.

Easy solution. Sit on their lap. I promise no one will sit in your desk again.

Not sure about HR's opinion on that. :lol: I mostly play the sympathy card and stand or kneel at my computer to do my work, then the person realizes it and says they're sorry for taking my chair. Though...they do end up doing it again.
I mostly play the sympathy card and stand or kneel at my computer to do my work, then the person realizes it and says they're sorry for taking my chair. Though...they do end up doing it again.

“Sorry, I need my chair, I have work to do.” has always worked for me in that situation.
People that tend to write their opinions like they're facts.
Okay, I think I have a better understanding. That still doesn't stop me from being annoyed when someone states "this game is the worst" just to assert their argument as correct, but at least I have an idea on why they do that.
Though I can see where kolio is going with what he said, I can agree with what you're saying. It can be pretty annoying at times.

I used to run a Youtube channel that consisted mostly of sound effect videos from Call of Duty zombies and long story short, I had two people in a Discord chat once telling me it was a waste of time and/or "unuseful" as if it was a fact. They just couldn't seem to accept that I didn't agree with them and proceeded to belittle and insult me over it, even though I was nice to them. :grumpy: Now I don't have a problem with them not caring about what I did on my Youtube channel, what I do have a problem with is they treat it as if it's an indisputable fact, but at the end of the day, it's just their opinions and nothing more.
My trouble is that when people state their opinion as fact, I tend to think they're narrow minded.
I can totally understand that, the situation I mentioned above is in my opinion a perfect example of this.
there's usually someone sitting at my desk taking up as much space as possible just to talk to my office-mate. (If that's what you call it)
Oh I know the feeling! I had a classmate, who wasn't very mature for his age, that used to sit beside me in middle school and he also took up a lot of space and showed little consideration for the fact I was sitting next to him. We had a lockdown at college not too long ago and one of my classmates, the same one I mentioned earlier who constantly smacks his food, had his legs crossed and was taking up way too much room. I had an electrical socket sticking into my side and which wouldn't have been a problem if he had just sat like everyone else.
People blocking doorways is one of my pet peeves. Especially nowadays with people standing their on their phone ignoring people or having conversations in the doorway rather than on the side.
It's a pet peeve of mine as well that I have been meaning to post about for a while now. Their was a group of girls I knew in middle school who used to stand in doorways and socialize. It was confusing and annoying to me because they were blocking the doorway to my classroom and they have an entire school, why they have to talk in front of my classroom door is beyond me.

My sister is also really bad about doing this at home, she's been doing it for a long time I think and that may be part of the reason I have little patience for people who stand around in the way.
I don't have any problem with people using my chair, thankfully...which is to say it isn't a common occurrence and it's never conflicted with my desire to use it.

If it were an issue, I suppose I'd take a picture of myself doing something unspeakable whilst seated in the chair, and tape said picture to the backrest.
