Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
People that drive excessively slow in the winter time.

Okay, yes, it's common sense to drive slow when there's a blanket of snow on the road, with drifts, and a chance for black ice, and the snow is falling so fast the plows can't really do anything...

but when it's 33 degrees (celsius, clearly) with flurries and the roads have clearly been salted, what the hell are you doing driving excessively slow for ??? There is NO danger. At this point, the only danger is YOU slowing down TRAFFIC. People will drive 65 in moderate rain...why are you driving 50 in flurries ???

I've got this theory about driving in bad weather: sure, bad weather causes accidents, but I reckon that bad weather has a mental affect on people, so that they drive poorly just because it's "bad weather", not necessarily because the weather itself is actually bad. That they cause the accident by driving in "bad weather" when the weather shouldn't have caused the an effect exceeds cause sort of thing. That's the best way I can explain it.
I hate when certain people close to me start messaging me(from their cell phones, which have internet capabilities) asking me obvious questions or to research something for them. I just got cornered by two people at once right now. One asking me what to do about a missing brake light(replace the brake light), and the other asking me for a weather forecast(weather apps; there are many, and every phone has a default). It's infuriating!

Hey, sis! Put down the facebook or the 3-hour phone call with your buddy and just look up the weather! I guess this would relate directly to your post, @samurai8juice. :lol: She's afraid to drive to New Mexico. In my short time as a truck driver a few years back I had my first encounters with snow driving, and I must admit that first flurry was slightly terrifying. Still, even at full throttle I wouldn't keep up with the rest of traffic. Our trucks were limited to 62mph, and all the other trucks would blow by me doing about 80 still. It was nuts.
This one is solely on the "confusion" side of things.

Why do people turn around at a railroad crossing instead of just waiting for the train? I can certainly understand if they are moving extremely slow or just plain stopped, but if they're going at their normal pace chances are you'll spend more time trying to find another route than just waiting for it to pass.
People that drive excessively slow in the winter time.

Okay, yes, it's common sense to drive slow when there's a blanket of snow on the road, with drifts, and a chance for black ice, and the snow is falling so fast the plows can't really do anything...

but when it's 33 degrees (celsius, clearly) with flurries and the roads have clearly been salted, what the hell are you doing driving excessively slow for ??? There is NO danger. At this point, the only danger is YOU slowing down TRAFFIC. People will drive 65 in moderate rain...why are you driving 50 in flurries ???

I've got this theory about driving in bad weather: sure, bad weather causes accidents, but I reckon that bad weather has a mental affect on people, so that they drive poorly just because it's "bad weather", not necessarily because the weather itself is actually bad. That they cause the accident by driving in "bad weather" when the weather shouldn't have caused the an effect exceeds cause sort of thing. That's the best way I can explain it.
All season tires are not as effective as you'd like to think they are. I learned that one the hard way in wet conditions (totaled my Altima) and in snow conditions (seriously damaged a wheel bearing on my Mazda3 when the tires lost grip). Also, driving school freaking tells you to slow down in conditions that are not safe for normal driving.

Assuming that there are flurries as you've described there could still be moisture from snow coming to rest on the tarmac, and depending on the level of salt, ice forming anyways.
This one is solely on the "confusion" side of things.

Why do people turn around at a railroad crossing instead of just waiting for the train? I can certainly understand if they are moving extremely slow or just plain stopped, but if they're going at their normal pace chances are you'll spend more time trying to find another route than just waiting for it to pass.

Trains in my area have the gates shut way before the train comes and you have to wait for the next train to leave the station.
All season tires are not as effective as you'd like to think they are. I learned that one the hard way in wet conditions (totaled my Altima) and in snow conditions (seriously damaged a wheel bearing on my Mazda3 when the tires lost grip).

Dang. How wet was it?

Also, driving school freaking tells you to slow down in conditions that are not safe for normal driving.

I never did driving school. But, in my opinion light rain and light snow are normal driving conditions.

Assuming that there are flurries as you've described there could still be moisture from snow coming to rest on the tarmac, and depending on the level of salt, ice forming anyways.

Yeah, but if it's, say 32, typically the ground will be warmer than the air. So if it's only flurries most of the time it just melts as soon as it lands
An annoyance of the first degree.

Once again I received a phone call (10' ago) from the so called Microsoft office telling me that my computer was hacked. As always I say to them:

  • I did a clean install of windows 10 (which is mostly true)
  • If you call me again I will give this phone number to the police.
Normally they hang up immediately but not today. The only thing this person said, repeatedly was OMG, OMG. I said bye and hang up.
An annoyance of the first degree.

Once again I received a phone call (10' ago) from the so called Microsoft office telling me that my computer was hacked. As always I say to them:

  • I did a clean install of windows 10 (which is mostly true)
  • If you call me again I will give this phone number to the police.
Normally they hang up immediately but not today. The only thing this person said, repeatedly was OMG, OMG. I said bye and hang up.

A similar scam goes on with your ISP:

"I'm calling from your Internet Service Provider."
"Yeah? Which one is that then?"

Usually stops them.
Here's one scammer that confuses me, the ones that always claim they're the IRS and they are calling to say I need to pay up. Then, they say that I can pay back with gift cards? I'm sorry, but WHAT?! That's so stupid, what kind of moron actually thinks he's fooling anyone claiming to be the IRS asking for giftcards? *facepalm*

The only fun thing about those scammers are when people that pull pranks on them in response.
Here's one scammer that confuses me, the ones that always claim they're the IRS and they are calling to say I need to pay up. Then, they say that I can pay back with gift cards? I'm sorry, but WHAT?! That's so stupid, what kind of moron actually thinks he's fooling anyone claiming to be the IRS asking for giftcards? *facepalm*

The only fun thing about those scammers are when people that pull pranks on them in response.
Most of those go to voicemail (and seem to have the front of the message cut off by the length of my outgoing message, as if they start the second the call transfers instead of waiting for the tone), but they're spoofing area codes and even prefixes now, so I've answered twice having been fooled by that.

I just talk over them about random subjects, pausing occasionally to let them speak and then interrupting them again--believe it or not, they hung up.

Most of those go to voicemail (and seem to have the front of the message cut off by the length of my outgoing message, as if they start the second the call transfers instead of waiting for the tone)
It's more of the same case for me, I ignore most calls at my house unless it's a family member calling. I'm just baffled still at the idea that some actually will claim to be the IRS then go on thinking they can trick someone asking for gift cards. Fricken gift cards!

I know why they're asking for the gift cards, but it's still baffling to me.
I suppose that can segue into one of my annoyances: Brussels sprouts. Or as I like to call them, fart grenades.

We're getting into that time of year where festive dinners are on the menu, and many consider such dinners incomplete without the addition of these small, green spherical methane parcels.

If it's not obvious by this point, I'm not an advocate of this particular vegetable: tried one when I was a kid, didn't like it at all. Tried another one last year. Again, same result.

The taste is bad enough, but if your relatives have them, you're left with a non-refundable present the day (or in some cases hours) after consumption.
I suppose that can segue into one of my annoyances: Brussels sprouts. Or as I like to call them, fart grenades.

We're getting into that time of year where festive dinners are on the menu, and many consider such dinners incomplete without the addition of these small, green spherical methane parcels.

If it's not obvious by this point, I'm not an advocate of this particular vegetable: tried one when I was a kid, didn't like it at all. Tried another one last year. Again, same result.

The taste is bad enough, but if your relatives have them, you're left with a non-refundable present the day (or in some cases hours) after consumption.
That'd be the raffinose sugar present in most cruciferous vegetables. It's a complex sugar that the body often can't digest properly and results in the gas of which you speak.

As for the taste, I'd recommend trying them raw first, as overcooked or improperly cooked brussels sprouts often possess that boiled broccoli funk.

They're exceptionally healthy and I typically roast them or make a vinaigrette-dressed slaw with them, radicchio and green apple.

Edit: know...don't.

Not something I'd consider combining with sprouts, yet it sounds interesting.
It occurred to me to add apple to a slaw to top pulled pork because pork and apples go together, and found it to be wonderful even without the pork. The brussels sprouts in place of cabbage was to incorporate a bit more nutrition, plus they have a mild sweetness when raw.
Re: Scammers -- These days, why even answer any unknown caller? Voicemail exists for anything important enough. If you're not on my contact list and I'm not expecting a call from an unknown number, I'm never going to pick it up. I just quiet the ringtone and leave it.

After my family moved on to cell phones, the landline became basically nothing but unwanted calls, and now my wife and I don't even pay for a landline in our house, we only use it for DSL. Yet now cell phones are just as bad for unwanted calls, plus 🤬 political texts when elections are coming up.

All season tires are not as effective as you'd like to think they are. I learned that one the hard way in wet conditions (totaled my Altima) and in snow conditions (seriously damaged a wheel bearing on my Mazda3 when the tires lost grip).
Tires are paramount, but that also goes for your options between different all-season tires. I pick all-seasons primarily by how well they rate on snow/ice, so the trade-off for the convenience of having only one set of tires is minimized. Compared to the snow tires that came with my current Legacy, I don't miss out on much -- at least for our roads and how they're maintained. Dedicated winter tires are certainly more of a necessity in some places.

I agree with @samurai8juice juice that people can be overcautious to the point of sometimes being a hazard, though it also seems like most people buy cheap crappy tires and don't always replace them when they should.
Re: Scammers -- These days, why even answer any unknown caller? Voicemail exists for anything important enough. If you're not on my contact list and I'm not expecting a call from an unknown number, I'm never going to pick it up. I just quiet the ringtone and leave it.
Absolutely. Most people I know know to text me instead of calling anyway, and those I know well who don't text, well, I have their numbers programmed in. Unfortunately I get enough calls from unknown local numbers that I need to address, that I can't always let it go to voicemail.
People that drive excessively slow in the winter time.

Okay, yes, it's common sense to drive slow when there's a blanket of snow on the road, with drifts, and a chance for black ice, and the snow is falling so fast the plows can't really do anything...

but when it's 33 degrees (celsius, clearly) with flurries and the roads have clearly been salted, what the hell are you doing driving excessively slow for ??? There is NO danger. At this point, the only danger is YOU slowing down TRAFFIC. People will drive 65 in moderate rain...why are you driving 50 in flurries ???

I've got this theory about driving in bad weather: sure, bad weather causes accidents, but I reckon that bad weather has a mental affect on people, so that they drive poorly just because it's "bad weather", not necessarily because the weather itself is actually bad. That they cause the accident by driving in "bad weather" when the weather shouldn't have caused the an effect exceeds cause sort of thing. That's the best way I can explain it.

.. okay then.

I never did driving school

If you can't be respectful of other road users, then perhaps keep off the roads. Erring on the side of caution is the only sensible thing to do when peoples lives, livelihoods, or property is on the line and it's not for you to decide someone elses perception of the road or traffic conditions, their ability or the ability of their vehicle.
A similar scam goes on with your ISP:

"I'm calling from your Internet Service Provider."
"Yeah? Which one is that then?"

Usually stops them.
If I'm bored and have the time I keep them hanging by acting like the dumbest person in the world who doesn't understand computers. I keep them on the phone for 5 minutes or so and then finally put them out of their misery by telling them I know it's a scam and they should treat the wasted time as a life lesson. Most of the time they get very upset and yell abuse at me. I laugh very long and very hard at them. I find it's the little things.
When I go to shopping centres and they have these small pop-up shops selling
Pseudoscience skin care products and they try to get attention from you by saying Hi or something like a catch line and I tell them it's for girls! and they get all shocked and offended.
A car in front of me driving at 20 km/h, stopping when there is no reason to stop, waiting at crossroads/intersection forever.

When I go to shopping centres and they have these small pop-up shops selling
Pseudoscience skin care products and they try to get attention from you by saying Hi or something like a catch line and I tell them it's for girls! and they get all shocked and offended.
I've used those before. :)
This ones a little annoying and a little awkward: multiple people wanting to go to the same spot in a store. I was in Walmart today and went to turn a corner to the men's wear section and theres four other people who all had the same idea to go around that same corner at the same time. What made it more awkward was all of us waved someone else by at the same time. :lol:
Young to middle age people using shopping trolleys I think you should be at least 80 years old to use a shopping trolley and these people seem to dress like they are old when they are not are they pretending to be old?

Young to middle age people using shopping trolleys I think you should be at least 80 years old to use a shopping trolley and these people seem to dress like they are old when they are not are they pretending to be old?


My mum uses one and I said exactly the same thing - “you’re not old enough to qualify for a shopping trolley for another 30 years, take a back pack or a tote bag.”